Measureless Peril
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FDR’s meetings with, 120–27, 133
on importance of Atlantic battle, 4
on Pearl Harbor attack, 145–46
U.S. destroyers desired and used by, 85, 94, 96, 100, 227
U.S. visit of, 146, 149
“We shall fight...” speech of, 90–91
City of Flint, 57, 58–67, 68–69, 73–78, 178
City of New York, 156
Clough, Arthur Hugh, 211
Clyde, River, 61, 62
Coale, Griffith Baily, 121–22, 140
Coastal Picket Patrol, 171–73, 174
Coast Guard, U.S., 67, 171
Coast Guard Auxiliary Act, 170
Cochrane, Edward L., 229
Cockrill, 303, 308
Code and Cipher School, 272
Coimbra, 155–56
Columbia College, 221
Columbia School of Architecture, 8
Columbus, Christopher, 285
Commander in Chief (Larrabee), 4
commerce raiding, 21, 22, 24
Common Sense (Paine), 21
Company K (March), 81
condoms, VD warnings and, 18
Coney Island, 155, 282
Congress, U.S., 170
Consolidated PBY Catalina, 214
Consolidated Steel Corporation, 232–37, 238, 240–49, 250
convoy escorts, 123, 128, 143, 170, 174, 212
convoys, 130–31, 132, 142, 144–45, 169, 174, 266, 289
Doenitz’s order of attacks on, 256
makeup of, 133
as offensive weapon, 131
protection of, 131, 133
see also HX 150
Convoy SC 48, 137–39
Cook, James, 51, 52, 54, 55
Cook (sailor), 191
Cook Book of the United States Navy, The, 247–48
Coolidge, Calvin, 167
Coral Sea, Battle of the, 239
Core, 301, 308
Corsair Fleet, 170–71
Coughlin, Charles, 80
Cree, George, 66
Cremer, Peter “Ali,” 42, 45, 46, 157–59, 171–72, 212–13, 259–60, 322
Croatan, 301, 303
Cronk, George, 187–88, 190, 191–92
Crosby, J. R., 305
Cruel Sea, The (Monsarrat), 135
cruisers, 4, 23
Cruising Club of America, 170
Cuban missile crisis, 195
Curcio, Mr., 1–2
Curtis, Luther, 138
Customs Authority, United States, 199
Cyclops, 154, 160
Czechoslovakia, 86
Daily News, 106
Dallas, 133
Das Boot, 104
David, Albert, 294, 295
D-day, 287–88, 296
DE 150, 237, 238–39, 241, 304
Decatur, 143
Dempsey, Jack, 64n
Denmark, 84, 120
Denver, Colo., 231
destroyer escorts (DEs), 5, 6, 277, 279, 283–84
building of, 228–33, 236, 239–49, 250–51
naming of, 238
destroyers, 10, 11–12, 25, 28, 29, 32, 227–33
in Anglo-U.S. deal, 86–100, 101, 106, 116
convoys protected by, 133–34
U-boats sunk by, 99, 130
Deutschland, 74–75, 256n
Devoe, Bill, 231
Deyo, Morton L., 133–34
disarmament agreements, 22–23
Dixie Arrow, 156
Dobnikar, Louis, 138
Doenitz, Karl, 26, 27, 28, 29–35, 48, 49, 210, 214, 217, 229, 270, 274, 287, 295
Athenia sinking and, 71
attacks on convoys ordered by, 256
Biscay Bay toured by, 102–3
destroyers avoided by, 203
Hitler’s relationship with, 31–32, 259
made commander in chief of navy, 258–59
in offensive against U.S. coast, 149, 150–52, 157, 162, 299, 301
put in charge of Germany, 314
radar and, 266, 287
radio used by, 43
tactical theory of, 105–6
on trial at Nuremberg, 321, 322
U-boats built by, 32–33, 36
Doenitz, Peter, 266
Donaldson Line, 67
Doolittle air raid, 268n
Dorling, Taprell, 95
Duncan, David Bradley, 289, 290–91
Dunkirk, 90, 92, 145
duPont, Mrs. Jesse Ball, 207
Durban, 185, 189
Eagle, 178
Eagle boats, 161
Eberle, 133, 134
Eden, Anthony, 146
Edwards, Tex, 140
“eels,” 45
elections, U.S., of 1940, 89, 92, 106, 108, 113
Ellis, 133
Emden, 31
Enemy, The (Wirt), 252
Enemy Below, The, 326
English Channel, 90, 131–32
Enigma machine, 44, 270–75, 322
Epstein, Bill, 310
Ericsson, 133
escort carriers (CVE), 5, 291–93, 295
Evelyn, 175–78
Executive Order 8984, 166
Fanad Head, 71
Farago, Ladislas, 268, 269–70
Faroe Islands, 48
Farrell, John J., 199–200
FBI, 298
Finland, 24
Firestone Library, 325
Fisher, Mrs., 52–53
Flaherty, 302, 303, 306, 307
Florence, Aunt, 235
“flower show,” 10–12
Focal Foods Building, 9
Focke-Wulf planes, 203
Ford, Henry, 207
Ford Motor Company, 161
Foreign Office, German, 101
Forrestal, James, 107
Forstmann, Walter, 27
Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 119
Fourth Half-Flotilla, 30
“foxer” (FXR), 277
Fraatz, George-Werner, 137
army of, 89, 106
fall of, 85, 87, 92, 102, 106, 145, 261
Germany as threatened by, 20, 24
navy of, 110
in “Phony War,” 83–84
reduction of navy of, 23
treaty with Germany signed by, 102
Frankfurter, Felix, 127
Frederick C. Davis, 2, 5, 8, 288, 302, 303, 304, 305–7, 308, 310–11, 312–13
Frederick Douglass, 201
Freer, Joe, 60, 65, 73
Frenchman’s Bay, Maine, 298
frigates, 169
Frost, Lawrence H., 136–37
Fulmar, 207
Funker (radio man), 43–44, 45–46
FXR, 277
Gainard, Joseph A., 58–65, 66, 67, 69, 72, 74–75, 77–78, 79
Navy Cross awarded to, 78
Q ship run by, 178
Gallery, Daniel V., 121, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 322–23
Gallipoli campaign, 86
Gallup poll, 89
Gaseyk, Waldmar, 312
Gateway, Herman, 138
Gdynia, 182
Gelogotes, George, 191
Gemstone, 183
George VI, King of England, 124–25
Gerlach, Horst, 182–84, 186, 192–93
German Naval Intelligence, 274
alliance with Italy and Japan signed by, 101–2, 148
Britain accused of Athenia sinking by, 70
Britain’s declaration of war against, 35, 72, 81, 320
military intelligence of, 31
Poland invaded by, 35, 48
Soviet Union invaded by, 122, 147, 148, 195, 259
Soviet Union’s nonaggression pact with, 35, 77
submarines forbidden to, 23–24, 30
surrender of, 314, 315
threat to Britain by, 91, 93, 112, 260, 261
treaty with France signed by, 102
and U.S. occupation of Iceland, 120–21
war declared on U.S. by, 148–49
, Virgil, 244–45, 247, 249, 302, 312
Gimpel, Erich, 298
Godt, Eberhardt, 274
Goebbels, Joseph, 148
Goering, Hermann, 90
Grand Coulee Dam, 197
Great Britain, 25
in destroyers-for-bases deal, 86–100, 101, 106, 116
German naval code broken by, 270
Iceland occupied by, 120
1940 U.S. election and, 106
in “Phony War,” 83–84
radar developed and used by, 260–62
threat of Nazi invasion of, 91, 93, 112
U.S. sympathy for, 93
war declared by, 35, 72, 81, 320
wartime grain of, 129
Great Depression, 14, 15, 19, 82, 221, 247–48, 249
Great White Fleet, 221
Greenbacker, John, 239–40, 241, 243, 245, 254, 255, 256, 279, 302
Greenland, 76, 118, 120
Greer, 136–37
Gregor, Eberhardt, 215
Groener, 153
Guadalcanal, 288, 292, 294, 295
Guiana, 94
Gulf Dawn, 178
Gulf Stream, 120
Guthrie, Woody, 141
Halifax, 3, 95, 100, 154
Halsey, 158
Hampton Roads, Va., 178
Hansen, 208, 209
Hardegan, Reinhard, 152, 154–55, 158, 177, 212–13, 282
Harding, Warren G., 23
Hartford, Huntingon, 207
Hatteras, 209, 212, 215
Hayter, 303, 305, 306, 308, 312
Hayworth, Jacqueline, 52, 53
Hayworth, Margaret, 52, 53, 64–65, 66–67
Hayworth, Mrs., 52, 53, 66
Heinkel planes, 203
Hemingway, Ernest, 114, 170–71
Heyman, Harry, 216
Hickham, Homer, 217
Hilary P. Jones, 140–41
Hingham, Mass., 232
Hipper, 256–57
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 102
Hitler, Adolf, 50, 80, 326
alliance with Italy and Japan signed by, 102
Athenia sinking and, 71–72
attempted assassination of, 31
Denmark attack launched by, 84
Doenitz’s relationship with, 31–32, 259
marriage of, 314
naval matters disdained by, 20, 21, 257–58
Norway attack launched by, 84
occupation of Iceland planned by, 120
and Pearl Harbor attack, 147–48
Soviet invasion launched by, 122
Stalin’s pact with, 35, 77
suicide of, 314
on Todt, 103
U.S. ships seen as off-limits to, 137, 150–51
war declared on U.S. by, 148–49
in World War I, 20
Z plan approved by, 25
Hoffmann, Rudolf, 153
Hog Island, 58–59, 66, 78
Holzer, Rudolf, 177, 178
Hood, Bismarck’s destruction of, 124
Hoover, Herbert, 106
Hoover Dam, 103
Hopkins, Harry, 114, 125, 160, 290
House Naval Affairs Committee, 109
Howe, Hamilton W., 215–16
Hubbard, 303, 307, 308, 309
Huff Duff (HF/DF), 270
Hughes, Blake, 203–4
Hughes, Howard, 56
Hull, Cordell, 118
Hvalfjordhur, Iceland, 121, 144
HX 150, 133–34
HX 156, 139, 144
Hyde Park, N.Y., 79
Iceland, 120–22, 134, 136
Influence of Sea Power upon History, The (Mahan), 21–22
Ingersoll, Royal R., 167, 268
Ingram, Jonas, 298–99, 301, 315
Interlocking Convoy System, 212
Italy, 23, 80, 279–80, 281–82
alliance with Germany and Japan signed by, 101, 148
war declared on France by, 92
Jackson, Robert, 94
James, Domillie, 201
Janeway, Eliot, 197–98
Janssen, 303, 307
Japan, 3, 10, 212
alliance with Germany and Italy signed by, 101–2, 148
Doolittle raid against, 268n
Manchuria invaded by, 80
Pearl Harbor attacked by, 135, 144, 145–47, 151, 161, 163, 166, 168
reduction of navy of, 23
Russia defeated by, 21
surrender of, 319–20
U.S. declaration of war against, 145
Java Arrow, 158, 160, 172
Jellicoe, John, 129–30
Jenkins, R. L., 62, 69
Jernigan, Emory J., 13, 14–16, 17, 18, 122, 144, 253
memoir of, 14
Johnson, Alfred W., 82
Johnson, Clarence “Kit,” 172–73
Johnson, Rody, 173
Johnson, Samuel, 268, 286
Johnson, Sis, 172–73
Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 268
Jones, Floyd, 179–80
Jones, Jesse, 196
Jones, John Paul, 200
Jubb, B. L., 60, 61–62, 65–66, 67–68, 69, 73
Julius Caesar, 130
Jurgens, Curt, 326
Just, Paul, 300, 303–4, 307, 308, 310, 311
Jutland, Battle of, 20, 21, 26
Kaiser, Henry, 196–98, 231, 290
Kearny, 138–39, 140
Keitel, Wilhelm, 257, 258
Keith, 303
Kelley, Douglas, 321
Kemper, Helen, 65
Kennedy, Joseph, 60, 90
Ketchum, Richard M., 206
Key Largo, Fla., 223–24
Kiel, 29, 33, 206, 300, 301
Kiel Canal, 182
Killer Dillers, 67, 73
King, Ernest J., 160–68, 217, 227, 230, 295
antisubmarine command set up by, 268–69
Atlantic Fleet Confidential Memorandum of, 164–66
command of Atlantic Squadron offered to, 164
made COMINCH, 166–67
Project LQ and, 174, 178
radar and, 264–65, 267
submarine menace of, 205–6
King George V, 253
King’s Peg, 163
Kitsis, 172–73
Knight’s Modern Seamanship, 223
Knowles, Kenneth, 269n
Knox, Frank, 106, 107, 111, 112, 113, 228
King and, 166
Knute Nelson, 54, 55, 56, 57
Kofoed, Jack, 213
Koroman, 183
Kriegsmarine, 25, 72n
Hitler’s views on, 257–58
in offensive against U.S. coast, 149, 150–57, 160–61, 162, 298–313
U.S. Navy’s first battle with, 136–37
Kripsel, A. L., 294
Krupp works, 206
Land, Emory Scott, 195–96
La Pallice, 103, 104
Larrabee, Eric, 4
Larraviere, Sidney, 138
Lash, Joseph P., 125
Lea, 142–43
LeHand, Marguerite, 118
Lehman, Arthur, 207
Leitender Ingenieur (chief engineer), 41–42, 43
Lemp, Fritz-Julius, 48, 51, 70, 72, 273
Lend-Lease, 114–18, 119, 136, 214, 229, 315
Lexington, 163
Liberty ships, 194–204, 229, 231
welding failures in, 202
see also Stephen Hopkins
Libya, 146
Lincoln, Abraham, 5
“lipstick welding,” 231
Lisbon, 298
Little Creek, Va., 179–80
Liverpool, 51, 135
Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, 214
Lockheed Hudson, 214
London Naval Conference, 23, 48, 106
Long Island, 289–91
Lorient, 103, 104, 294n
Lothian, Lord, 113
Louisiana, oil shipments from, 150
Lovett, Robert A., 107
Low, Francis “Frog,” 265, 267–70, 295
Ludlow, 97, 98
Luftwaffe, 20, 39, 90, 259
Britain attacked by, 93
Lusitania, 128
Lutzow, 256, 257
Luxembourg, 85
McAllister, Mr., 59
McCagg, Caroline, 318
McCagg, Louis, 221, 222, 325
McCagg, Martha Love, 221–22, 318, 325
McCloy, John, 107
McDaniel, Eugene F., 218, 219, 223
McDaniels (sailor), 191
Maginot Line, 84
Magoon, Alta, 79
Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 21–22
Manchuria, 80
Manners, Rear Admiral, 134
March, William, 81
Marea, 281
Mare Island, Calif., 230–31, 232
Marhsall, George, 79, 111, 112, 264
Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Society, 199
Maritime Commission, 60, 68–69, 194, 195, 199, 291
Mark 6 depth charge, 252–53
Mark 9 depth charge, 253–54
Martens, Erhard, 274–75
Mason, Donald Francis, 214, 215
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 168, 262
Masters, Mates, and Pilots Association, 199
Matsuoka, Yosuke, 147
Mencken, H. L., 92
Mengelberg, Paul, 41–42
Merchant Marine Academy, 185
merchant ships, 130
arming of, 142, 179–80, 185
Mettick, Chief Turret Captain, 15, 16, 18
Miami Daily News, 213
Microwave Laboratory, 262
“Middle East,” coining of term, 21n
Midway, Battle of, 3, 167n, 212, 239
Milchkühe, 273
Miller, Lewis R., 97, 98
Minerd, Robert, 305, 311
Mission Bay, 301
Mitchum, Robert, 326
“mixers,” 45
Moczkowski, Richard, 186, 188, 190
Molotovsk, 202
Mona Passage, 114
Monsarrat, Nicholas, 135, 139
Montauk Point, N.Y., 154
Moore, Eddie, 60
Morgan, House of, 80
Morgenthau, Henry, 108, 113
Morison, Elting, 161, 263
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 218, 268n
Munich settlement (1938), 86
munitions, cash-and-carry sales of, 82, 88–89, 113, 114
Murmansk, 77, 202, 256
Museum of Science and Industry, 323
Mussolini, Benito, 88
Napoleonic wars, 130
Narragansett Bay, R.I., 277
National Cemetery, 217
National Defense Research Committee, 262, 292
National Maritime Day, 195–96
National Maritime Union, 199
Naval Academy, U.S., 108, 244
Naval Affairs Committee, 110
Naval Air Station, 289
Naval Armed Guard, 179, 180, 184, 185, 201, 202, 203, 205, 215
Naval High Command, 151
Naval Operations Base, 15
Naval Reserve, U.S., 121, 222, 244
Navy, British, see Royal Navy
Navy, Canadian, see Royal Canadian Navy
Navy, Germany, in Battle of Jutland, 20, 21, 26
Navy, U.S., 5
airplanes of, 213–14
boot camp of, 15–18
in destroyers-for-bases deal, 94–95