Book Read Free

Love Untamed

Page 17

by Ra'Chael Ohara

  “I’m sure that won’t be necessary,” the man says, and then he turns around. I get my first look at the scary man’s face.


  I sit up out of a deep sleep, sweaty and out of breath.

  “Jesus, baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying? Is it the baby?” I’m crying? I didn’t realize I was crying.

  “No.” I try to talk, but it feels like someone is squeezing all the oxygen out of my lungs.

  “Baby, you have to calm down. Do you hear me? This isn’t good for the baby. Look at me. Breathe in, breathe out. That’s my girl. Now, tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Pearl killed my mom!” I gasp. I shake my head. “No, that isn’t right. She paid someone to kill my mom.” I’m trying desperately to get it out, but it’s all coming out a jumbled mess.

  “Eva, you’re not making any sense.”

  “Listen, that night at the charity event when I ran from you? I ran into a man. I didn’t recognize him at first, but he gave me creepy feeling. I know who he is now. He’s the man in the sketch, the one Detective Turner sent. He’s the man who ran over my mother and Pearl made him do it.”

  “What makes you think Pearl’s involved?”

  I tell him all about the dream I had. Well, not really a dream, but a memory. I was five years old when I hid behind that couch. I don’t know why I didn’t remember it until now, but it’s all coming back to me, memories I buried beneath the surface. I knew Pearl was evil. I just didn’t know how crazy she really was.

  “Hell, baby. Shit, we have to call Detective Turner,” Brantley says as he gets up and goes to the kitchen. I don’t move from my spot. I just sit on the bed and rub my now five month pregnant belly.

  She’s stolen everything from me. I could have had a completely different life. I could have had a family that loved me, a mother that loved me. She killed her! And for what? So I could be her meal ticket, so she could marry me off to some man I didn’t love so she could be set for the rest of her life. She has to pay for what she did.

  “He didn’t answer, but I left him a message to call us as soon as possible,” Brantley tells me as he walks back into the room. I don’t reply. I’m too busy getting up and crossing the room to get my cell off the dresser.

  “What are you doing?” Brantley asks slowly.

  “I’m calling Pearl,” I mumble distractedly. I’m focusing so hard on getting her number dialed I don’t see Brantley rush across the room until he’s yanking the phone out of my hands.

  “Give it back!” I yell.

  “No.” He shakes his head. “You need to leave this in the hands of the detective.”

  “She has to know. She has to know that I found out, that I hate her! Brantley, I hate her,” I screech through uncontrollable tears. “She took everything from me. Everything! I could have had a real mom who fed me every day, who remembered to get me from school! A mom to read bedtime stories to me and sing me lullabies.” As the last word leaves my mouth, the gravity of the situation brings me to my knees. Brantley sinks to the floor with me.

  “She took everything,” I say once again.

  Brantley cups his hands on my cheeks and forces me to look into his intense gaze. “She did, and she will pay for it, Eva. I swear to fucking God she will pay, but you cannot call her. You will tip her off and it will make it that much harder for the police to get her.

  “Right now, honey, you have got to think about the baby you’re carrying in your belly. Our baby. Because you two are my family and my number one priority. I love you so wildly, so fiercely, so untamed that it would destroy me if anything happened to you. So, look at me right now, right here and you fucking promise me that you will let the police handle this.”

  “I promise, honey. I promise,” I whisper.

  He sags with relief and pulls me to him. “You have a chance here, one I know you’re going to take and be amazing at. You can be the mother you always wanted. You can sing our baby songs and read him books. You’re going to be amazing. Just wait and see,” he whispers as he nuzzles my neck.

  He knew exactly what to say. I pull back and give him a watery smile. “I love you so much, Brantley.”

  “Right back at ya, babe.” His lips crash onto mine. When the kiss ends, Brantley helps me stand and walks me over the bed. I sit on the edge of the bed and look at him. A sneaky smile graces his face.

  “What are you doing?” I ask when he walks over to his dresser and pulls open the drawer. I gasp when I see the small, black velvet box, but I don’t say anything. I mean, how embarrassing would that be if I freaked out and it was just a pair of earrings?

  Brantley walks back over to me, that sneaky smile still on his face, and sinks to the floor in front of me. “You love me?” he asks. I nod, too scared to speak. He opens the lid to the box and reveals the most stunning princess cut diamond ring I’ve ever seen. “I don’t have a lot of money, but if you marry me, I’ll make sure you never go without. I’ll protect you and our children. I’ll make sure you’ll never wake up and wonder if I still love you, even when you’re old and gray. I promise to reenact every romantic movie scene you can think of.” I laugh at that.

  “I’ll never stray and I’ll never lie. Your needs will always come before mine. I’ll give you everything in my power as long as you give me one thing…you. Marry me, Sweet Eva.”

  I don’t even think. “Yes!” I scream and wrap my arms around his neck, squeezing the life out of him. Brantley pulls the ring out of the box and slides it on my finger. It fits perfectly.

  “Beautiful.” Brantley rubs his thumb over it. “But you know what would make it even more beautiful?” he asks. I shiver when I see the heat in his eyes.


  “You wearing nothing but this ring, and spread out on this bed,” he murmurs against my lips before capturing them in a searing kiss. Just as he’s laying me down, the doorbell rings.

  “What the fuck?” Brantley grumbles as he sits up. “Whoever that is is going to die. It’s fucking one in the morning.” I giggle and follow him down to the living room to answer the door.

  He swings the door open and reveals a beaming Charlotte and a scowling James. Char barely spares Brantley a glance before walking past him to stand in front of me. She shoves her hand in my face. There’s a diamond ring on her ring finger.

  “I’m getting married,” she screams.

  I gasp and hold up my left hand. “Me too,” I scream back. Commence the girly squealing. “I’m so happy for you!”

  “I’m so happy for you!” she yells back.

  “Okay, we are all happy. Now, can I have my fiancée back?” James asks before giving Char a look. Ew, bedroom eyes. James doesn’t wait for us to answer. He picks Char up and tosses her on his shoulder. “I’ll call you,” she says from over James’s shoulder.

  They aren’t gone two seconds before Brantley is giving me his own bedroom eyes. “You, upstairs and naked,” he orders. I obey.




  “This is all your fault.” I accuse Brantley again before flopping down on the bed. I’m seven months pregnant and none of my jeans fit. I just spent twenty minutes of my life attempting to button my jeans, but it’s a no-go. I have resorted to always wearing yoga’s.

  “How is this all my fault?” Brantley laughs. He flops down on his back next to me on the bed so we’re both just staring at the ceiling.

  “You’re the one with superman sperm that knocked me up on the first try,” I shriek, causing Brantley to once again burst out in laughter. “It’s not funny! I’m fat. My back hurts, and my feet are swollen. I want him out!”

  I gasp when Brantley rolls onto his side and sits up to look me in the eyes. “You’re not fat.” I snort. “Seriously.” He chuckles and lays a hand on my belly. “You’re not fat. You’re pregnant. I always think you look beautiful, but seeing you carrying my child makes you radiant, baby. If your back hurts, I’ll rub it. If your feet are swollen, I’ll rub
them too. Yeah?”

  I swear I regret every time I ever begged to cry. Since the moment I got pregnant, I’ve been a mess. I cry over everything. Like right now, after Brantley’s sweet speech, I burst into tears. “Th-thank you.”

  He chuckles before he leans in and kisses me softly. “You’re welcome,” he mumbles against my lips before giving me another kiss. “Now, turn on your side.” He grabs my hips to assist me. The second he begins rubbing, I release a loud moan, and his hand immediately stops. “I’m trying to do the gentlemanly thing here, babe, but you keep making those noises, all good intentions will go out the window and you’ll be right back on your back.”

  Having Brantley inside me sounds almost as amazing as him rubbing my back…almost. “I’ll be quiet,” I quickly say, and he laughs again.

  “Okay, baby,” Brantley says after a few minutes, but he doesn’t stop rubbing. “I have to get down to The Tavern. Gilbert’s bringing in a shipment. You wanna meet me there at about noon? I’ll make us some lunch.”

  “That sounds good,” I mumble sleepily.

  “K. I’ll call Charlotte and have her come pick you up.”

  I’m not sleepy anymore. “That’s not necessary, Brant. I will be fine,” I whine for the millionth time.

  “Fuck, not this shit again,” Brantley hisses as he jumps out of bed and walks into the bathroom. “I’m not having this conversation again, Eva. I told you, until Pearl is in custody, your ass always has someone with you. This isn’t up for discussion,” he yells from the bathroom.

  I stand up and waddle—yes, waddle—to the bathroom. I know he’s pissed by the way he’s jerking on his shirt and mumbling. I lean against the door frame and wait for him to look at me. Eventually he does, with a glare. “It’s been a month and nothing has happened to me yet.”

  “That doesn’t mean it won’t.” He stresses while pointing a finger at me. “Just because something hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t. We turned them in for murder. If that was me, I’d want revenge too. So, as long as she is out there, you’re not alone. Got it?”

  If I was accused of murder, I would run to Mexico and say fuck it, but I don’t say this. I say what Brantley needs to hear. “Okay.”

  Brantley releases a relieved breath and walks over to me. He cups my neck and leans in for another kiss. “Thank you. I promise I’m staying on the detectives. They’ll find her soon. See how fast they found Gary? They’re trying. She’ll fuck up eventually, and then we can live out the rest of our lives never having to think about this shit again. But for now, just do this for me?”

  I nod immediately.

  “Okay, babe. Come to The Tavern at noon.” He kisses me. “I love you.”

  “Love you too.” Then Brantley does what he always does before he leaves. He lifts up my shirt, leans down, and kisses my belly. “Love you,” he murmurs. My heart flutters every time.

  One more kiss to my cheek and he’s gone.


  “Hurry up, slow poke,” Charlotte calls over her shoulder as we walk across The Tavern parking lot.

  “I’m going to remember this abuse when you’re knocked up!” I yell. “I don’t even know why you’re in such a hurry. His truck isn’t even here.” I get suspicious when Char gives me a sneaky smile before opening the door.

  I walk in and the first thing I notice is that all the wooden tables are covered with white table cloths. Small bouquets of red roses and candles are in the center of each table. Each table also has three plates and wine glasses.

  The second thing I notice is The Tavern is completely empty aside from Kim, who’s standing by the bar with a beaming smile, holding a white garment bag. I walk cautiously over to her.

  “What is happening?” I’m not sure why I’m whispering, but Kim doesn’t answer me. She just hands me a small notecard with ten words written on it.

  Wear this and meet me at the altar.

  Love, Brantley

  My eyes shoot back up to Kim, who looks like she’s barely holding it together. “What’s happening?” I whisper for the second time. Deep down I know, but my mind is refusing to believe it.

  “Oh good lord. Your man knows you well,” Char says. I track her movements as she walks behind the bar and picks up the remote to the stereo and hits play.

  I can’t hold back the laughter once Jagged Edge, “Let’s Get Married” plays over the speakers. Char walks over to me and smiles.

  I beam at Char and Kim. “I’m getting married!”

  “Yes, you are,” they both say.

  “Come on.” Char grabs my hand and pulls me to the back office. Right now it looks more like a salon. It has anything you could ever need to look beautiful on your wedding day. “Let’s get you married, girl.”


  Three hours of primping later, I find myself standing in front of a full length mirror, admiring Kim and Charlotte’s handiwork. I trace every inch of my body, from my hair to my shoes, and even I have to admit, I feel beautiful.

  Kim and Char excused themselves to go get ready, so I examine myself a little longer. Brantley picked out a striking, floor length, silk wedding dress. The dress has spaghetti straps and the top is embroidered in pearls and diamonds. Starting under my breasts, it’s loose and flowing. I love how it shows off my baby bump.

  I giggle again when I look at my feet. A pair of white flip flops. These also had a note letting me know he picked these out so my feet wouldn’t hurt.

  My hair is down and curled into simple barrel curls. My makeup is natural, with just a little eyeshadow, mascara, and blush. My lips are painted in a nude gloss.

  Kim walks in a few moments later dressed in a light blue, knee length dress. “Eva, you look so gorgeous.” She gasps through tears.

  “Don’t start that or I will cry,” I warn.

  “I won’t.” She laughs and holds up one hand in surrender. I notice she’s holding something in her other hand. “Brantley’s great grandmother wore this hair piece on her wedding day, and then me on mine. I wanted to see if you wanted to as well?” she asks hesitantly as she holds the silver clip up for me to see.

  It has three white roses lined along the clip and diamonds between each rose. “It’s beautiful! I would be honored to,” I say softly. “Could you put it on me?”

  “Of course.” She pushes my hair, which was laying on my left shoulder, behind and clips the piece right behind my ears. Kim takes a step back to admire it. “Beautiful. Your mom would be so happy for you.”

  “You think?” I choke out.

  She leans in to give me a hug. “I know so.”

  “Oh, for Christ’s sake! I leave you alone for ten minutes and you’re a blubbering mess,” Char gripes from the doorway. Kim and I pull away, laughing. I look at Charlotte to see her wearing a knee high, strapless red dress.

  “You look gorgeous, Char.”

  “Yeah? So do you.” She smiles. “So stop crying before you ruin all my hard work.”

  “I can’t help it. I’m so happy.” I cry again.

  “Oh good gosh. I’ll get tissues,” she says, then disappears.

  “I’m going to take my seat. I’ll see you out there, sweetheart.” A kiss to my cheek and Kim is gone.

  I look into the mirror and try to rub some mascara from under my eye when I remember I have some tissues in my purse. I grab it off the counter and dig to the bottom until my hand grabs an envelope.

  “What’s this?” I ask myself when I pull it out. Then I turn it over and remember what the envelope is when I read my name on the front. It’s the letter Grandpa left to his lawyer to give to me.

  Shaking with nerves and anticipation, I sit down in a chair before my knees give out. With a deep breath, I open and begin reading.


  I’m not sure if you even know who I am or if this comes as a complete surprise to you, but if I believe your last letter, which I’m not sure I do, then you already know of me. But, in case you don’t, let me introduce myself. I’m Robert Garcia, your grand

  It hurts to be writing you this letter knowing my days left on this earth are numbered and I have to leave this world never getting to lay eyes on you, but I guess that’s the way it was supposed to be. Just know that, even though we never met, I love you and so did your mom.

  She may have made a lot of mistakes and I won’t make excuses for her, but I know my Maria, and I know she loved you. Everything she did was with the best of intentions.

  You’re probably wondering why a man you never met left you everything he had to his name to you. The answer is simple. I knew if I left you the money and the cabin, you would come to Alaska.

  I don’t know all of what your life was like growing up, but I know you have my blood in you and because of that, I knew you belong here, in this small town that you can’t even find on a map. Or at least that’s my hope.

  When you get to Alaska, you’ll meet Gilbert, my long time best friend. He’s hairy and can be a little intimidating because he’s so large. Just know that he’s got one of the biggest hearts, and if you’re ever in need of anything, he’s your guy.

  Second, you’ll meet Kim. She’s expecting you. Kim is special to me. She’s a second daughter and the sister your mother never had. She’ll take you to my house and show you the lay of the land. She’s wise, Eva. She’s the woman with all the answers to the unasked questions I know you have.

  If you’re lucky, you’ll meet Brantley. He’s a little rough around the edges. He will probably piss you off in the first five seconds of meeting him, but let it roll off your back. He’s a good guy, just a little lost and a little lonely.

  I want to let you know that just because we never met in person doesn’t mean I know nothing about you. I have my ways of finding out things. I’ll leave that secret to myself.

  I know how much you loved reading fairytales as a little girl. I know you had a doll that you carried everywhere and you named her Sally. When you got older, your love of fairytales turned into a love of classic romantic movies. You didn’t go to prom because you didn’t have a date. Your first car was an old beat up van that you loved because you paid for it yourself.


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