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Forever Your Concierge

Page 2

by Jessica Ingro

  "I did. I'm an only child so there was never any doubt in my parents' minds that I was going to go into the family business."

  "Are you happy about that?" I asked him.

  "Most days. I could technically retire and live off my trust fund, but I do enjoy what I do so for now it's enough."

  "A trust fund baby, huh?" I teased.

  "Brat," he murmured but smiled just the same.

  "And your mom?"

  "Housewife," he stated.


  We spent the next hour asking each other questions and learning each of our likes and dislikes.

  My time with Travis effectively served to wash away my disappointment from earlier in the evening. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy and I respected that. Now that didn't mean I wasn't still having X-rated visions of Travis. He was definitely giving me plenty of inspiration for when I went home and took that bath I mentioned earlier. It was just that I felt more than just lust with him. I felt comfortability.

  Travis hailed a cab for me when we stepped outside the bar. Standing next to the car, he gave me what I thought would be a quick hug. He had something else in mind, however, when he pulled me tight against his body and whispered in my ear, "Make me the luckiest bastard and agree to have dinner with me tomorrow night."

  A shiver worked through my body as his hot breath fanned against my cheek. I pulled back and looked into his eyes. A heated look mixed with curiosity swirled in their depths.

  "I'm not supposed to date clients," I informed him while reminding myself at the same time.

  "But I'm not a client of yours," he quickly came back with.

  He had a point there. But could I really go behind E's back and date a client knowing her rule? She had made a concession when I asked her to take over Paul's needs so that I could date him. Because that turned out epically bad, I didn't want to ask for yet another favor when I didn't know if anything would come of it. For all I knew, we'd go to dinner, have amazing sex and be done with it. I could always tell her later on if things worked out between us. It wasn't as if I was hot to trot to dive into a serious relationship anyways. He ruined me for any future relationships that required a deep trust.

  "Okay, but I don't want Elizabeth to know about it. This has to be our secret."

  Travis crossed his fingers over his heart and gifted me with the most gorgeous smile I had seen on him so far. I quickly put my number into his phone. He placed a light kiss on my lips and opened the door to the car. As I slid into the seat, I gave him one last look. "See you tomorrow."

  "You've made me the happiest guy in this city. And I promise you won't regret giving me a chance."

  He was right... I didn't regret it.

  Chapter Two

  "Oh my God, Maya." Kayla bounced in her seat, causing her manicurist to narrow her eyes and huff out an irritated breath. At twenty-two she was a ball of energy that made me tired just watching her. "You so have to tell them the story of your first date. If you guys thought Travis was adorable when they first met, you have to hear how awesome he was that night. Now that was just like a fairytale."

  I fought the roll of my eyes at her over enthusiasm, choosing instead to smile what I only assumed was the smile of a woman in love with her Prince Charming.

  "She's right." Elizabeth emitted a dreamy sigh. "You should definitely tell it again."

  "Fine." I sighed even though I really had no problem going back to that story. It was a magical night. The most magical by far. "So it was a cold night in the beginning of February and he took me to... the Meatpacking District..." I laughed, remembering how odd I thought that was and how unromantic it sounded.

  * * *

  "What are we doing here?" I asked with incredulity. We were in a black town car, driving west from Greenwich Village into the Meatpacking District of the city.

  The Meatpacking District wasn't exactly what I considered romantic. Unless you considered images of slabs of meat hanging from the rafters and bloodied aprons on butchers romantic. Not what that part of the city was, I know, but what your mind conjured up just the same.

  If anyone had asked me what I expected out of a date with a high roller like Travis Hamilton, it would have been an exclusive five star restaurant in upper Manhattan, the most expensive bottle of champagne he could get, or any other equally extravagant way for him to spend his money in order to dazzle me. This definitely wasn't it.

  "This area is up and coming. A good friend of mine owns Catch. It's an amazing seafood restaurant." At my sidelong glance, he cursed. "Shit. I should have asked, do you like seafood?"

  "I'm allergic," I joked and had to bite the inside of my mouth not to laugh at how crestfallen his face looked at the idea.

  "Fuck," he whispered.

  "I'm kidding." I reached across the backseat of the car and rested my hand on his knee. He wasted no time wrapping it in his. His touch was strong, warm and oddly comforting. I shook that off for the moment. "So this restaurant is good?"

  "The best." He gave me a cocky smile that made my heart lurch excitedly. I imagined him grinning at me like that while he moved inside me. I couldn't wait.

  When the car rolled to a stop in front of a Sephora, I looked at him with a bemused expression on my face. "Trust me," he said.

  The entrance to the restaurant was around the corner. It was a bland door that led to a nearly pitch-black hallway and unmarked elevators. It spoke nothing of the grandness that we would encounter upstairs.

  "Trust me," he reiterated after catching the unsure look on my face. The elevator doors opened and a few couples walked out.

  We took the elevator up to the third floor. As Travis ushered me through the room, I noted it was a nightclub/restaurant of sorts. A very elegant one if the decor was anything to go by.

  On our way past a lounge and bar, he nodded at a few bored looking wait staff. He ushered us past a partition and into a room with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city skyline. I walked right over to the windows and peered out onto the city I loved so much. The lights were on in all the different buildings providing a most picturesque scene. It was a breathtaking sight to see and it never ceased to amaze me.

  "This is the East Terrace," he spoke lowly right by my ear, and I fought a shiver at how rough and sexy his voice sounded. His hands rested on my hips, and his touch felt like a hot brand even through my dress. I could barely focus on anything other than the way it felt. The scene in front of me didn't even register anymore.

  When it dawned on me what he had done, I turned and took the room in, noting it was empty except for one lone table in the center of it with candles burning.

  "Oh my God! You rented out the whole East Terrace? This room is large enough to sit at least eighty people."

  "I know."

  "We're only two people," I informed him. Even though I found the idea absurd and slightly crazy, it made my heart go pitter pat.

  "I know that too."

  "Are you crazy?" I breathed.

  "Maybe." He shrugged and looked as if he could care less. "I wanted us to have privacy."

  I guess that explained that.

  "I'm sensing it bothers you that I spent this much money on you," he observed. His eyes intently ran over my face as he waited for my confirmation. He didn't have to wait long.

  "I don't need you to spend money on me. I'm a simple girl with simple tastes. I don't need all the trappings that a life with money offers. I've seen the slime that comes from that sort of life. And to be honest, I don't want to be with a man who feels like he needs to impress me with the lure of money and extravagance."

  Travis looked offended for a moment before he closed the distance between us and took both my hands in his. "I'm not trying to impress you." I gave him a skeptical look that made him smirk. "Okay, I am, but contrary to what you might think, I don't want a woman that’s easily impressed by money. I did this tonight so that we could have a nice meal in a nice place without the interruptions sure to come from me running into people
I know. Besides, I'd like to think I'm good at the woo that women like so much."

  I giggled at his use of the word woo. I didn't know many men who would ever say such a word, let alone strive to conquer it. And he did have a point. We would enjoy ourselves more not being in such a public setting with other noisy patrons causing distractions. Besides, my heart was still going pitter pat like some giddy school girl with her first crush. Apparently my sensibility wasn't all that sensible if I liked the idea of him wooing me like this.

  "I'll give you that play, just promise me that you aren't doing anything crazy like taking me on a helicopter ride over the city."

  He scoffed and flicked the end of my nose with his index finger. "That is second date territory so no worries there. We'll have to see if you earn that." He winked to let me know he was playing around and then guided me to the table with my hands still in his.

  Holding out my chair for me, he gave me an irresistible smile when I settled in the seat. Once he rounded the table and sat across from me, he gestured for a waiter whom I hadn't realized was hanging in the corner waiting for his cue.

  Travis ordered a bottle of wine and oysters. The waiter scurried off to put our order in, obviously wanting to impress us knowing he'd get a good tip from such a big spender like Travis. When he quickly returned with our wine, we both ordered Catonese Lobsters. I chose the same entree as Travis figuring I might as well go big or go home.

  "Let's play twenty questions," I suggested.

  "A bit juvenile, but I'll bite. You go first." He gave me a smile to alleviate his description of my game.

  "Let's see..." I tapped my finger on my chin as I thought of my first question. "What's your favorite band?"

  "Can I pass?" He asked with an uneasy look on his face.

  "No." I took a sip of my wine to hide my grin. "The point of the game is to get to know each other."

  "Fine. I like Michael Bublé."

  My jaw dropped and I bit back a laugh. "You're serious?"

  He nodded and squirmed in his seat.

  "Okay. Can I ask why?"

  "I like jazz and soul music. The rat pack. Stuff like that." He shrugged and sipped his wine. "Your turn."

  "Favorite artist? Adele. What's your favorite book?"

  "A Raisin in the Sun. You?"

  "Gone with the Wind. Favorite color?"


  "Red. Favorite dessert?"


  "Anything chocolate. Best memory as a child?"

  "Going to a Giants game with my grandfather."

  "Watching the sun set with my dad. Biggest fear?"


  "Wait? What?" I stammered, completely taken aback by his answer.

  "They're larger than you think."

  "Okay..." I drew the word out. "We'll go back to that another time. Mine would be being wrongfully accused of a crime."

  "That's a good one. Maybe I'll have to change mine next time someone asks me."

  I laughed and agreed with him. "Biggest regret?"

  "Wasting so much time with my ex. I thought we were going somewhere until she decided to move to Milan for work. Turns out we didn't want the same things after all."

  "And what was it that you wanted?"

  "I want a woman to come home to at night that I can't get enough of, both physically and emotionally. I want a family." He shrugged like it was no big deal, when it was in fact a very big deal. Men did not say things like that. They didn't freely admit to wanting to be domesticated. Most argued against monogamy and being tied down. "What about you? What's your biggest regret?"

  I mentally berated myself for asking that question since I couldn't admit to what mine was. Thankfully, I was saved by the waiter who came in and set our dishes down.

  Conversation throughout the rest of dinner was light and breezy. I couldn't believe how at ease I felt with him. For all intents and purposes, he was a stranger to me, yet I felt as if we had known each other for years. There was nothing I didn't feel comfortable telling him. I was compelled to confide thoughts and beliefs in him I had previously hidden from lovers for fear of rejection. It's easy to find yourself hiding when the last person you opened up to made you regret ever doing it. That wasn't how it was with Travis, though. It was refreshing.

  "So where are we off to now?" I asked as I set my napkin down on my plate.

  "Who said I had anything else planned?" He replied with a straight face making my own face flame with embarrassment for assuming.

  "I didn't realize. I just assumed," I babbled on making him chuckle.

  "Don't worry, I'm just teasing."

  Relief flooded me. I had felt like a real fool for presuming. I smiled a grateful smile and my hands rested on my bloated belly. "The food was delicious. I'm so stuffed. Thank you."

  "Told you it would be good." He winked and stood, holding his hand out to me to help me from the table. "I have just the thing for your full belly."

  I tucked my hand in the crook of his arm and let him lead me out towards the elevators.

  "Are you going to give me a hint as to what you have planned next?"

  He leaned against the wall next to the elevator, the picture of a debonair gentleman. It was intriguingly arousing to witness it.

  "What fun would it be if I told you all my secrets? Besides, I figure we have a lifetime to uncover those."

  Was he serious? This was only our first date and he was talking about spending a lifetime together? Even though it was ridiculous, his words were making my heart thud hard and fast inside my chest. Was this his game? Promising a girl the world right off the bat to make her think there was a future, only to have her leap headfirst into bed before finding out he was full of shit? I couldn't be sure.

  "It's awfully soon to be talking that way, don't you think?" I decided to call him out on his bullshit lines.

  "Only if you don't know what you're looking for." He straightened from the wall and led us into the elevator car when the doors opened. As soon as the doors closed, he immediately encroached on my personal space, making me lean against the back wall. His body brushed mine and our mouths were mere inches from each other. "I knew from the moment I looked in your green eyes that I found what I had been searching for. It was confirmed by how well we clicked upstairs. I've never felt like this before. My plan is to spend forever feeling this way."

  "Let's just take this one day at a time," I said with a shaky voice.

  "Deal." He leaned forward so his mouth brushed mine. My eyes fluttered closed, expecting more, but then they slowly opened when nothing else happened. The doors to the elevator slid open and we walked out into the hallway.

  "Are you going to be comfortable walking in those boots?" He gestured towards my knee high boots with a thin heel. They were more for style than function, which was often the case when a girl was looking to impress a guy on their first date. I shrugged and said, "As long as we aren't going too far, I'm sure it will be fine."

  He looked thoughtful for a moment before opening the door and allowing me to precede him out onto the street. The town car was nowhere to be found as Travis grabbed my hand and led me across the street. Once on the other side, we started walking down the block. The air was crisp as we walked. Each breath produced a haze of steamy air from your mouth.

  "What are you doing?" I screeched when I found myself suddenly in Travis' arms as he carried me down the street bridal style. My arms reflexively wrapped around his neck.

  "Sweeping you off your feet," he replied and gave me a wicked grin. "Is it working?"

  "More than you know," I murmured and laid my head on his shoulder like we did this every day. Several people walking by gave us amused or rude glances, but I didn't care. I was completely taken with this show of charming behavior. What girl didn't want a Prince Charming to sweep her off her feet?

  "Is this the High Line?" I asked when we arrived at our destination—a park that had been built on an abandon railway track that ran through that part of the city. "I've heard
there is a great view of the city from here but never took the time to check it out."

  Travis set me on my feet and grabbed my hand, dragging me down the path excitedly. Even though it seemed odd to go to a park in the dead of winter, I had to admit I was intrigued to get a glimpse of what I heard was modeled after the Promenade Plantée of Paris. As we walked along, we passed a series of gardens and lounge areas that seem to float above the noise and congestion below. Occasionally, we caught a glimpse of a fragment of track covered with a dusting of snow. It was beyond intriguing to explore.

  "This is amazing," I breathed when we stopped along the black railing and looked out over the Hudson River. The lights from New Jersey twinkling in the distance. The night was clear and a million stars were overhead, giving off such a romantic feeling.

  "It is," he concurred, but when I turned my head to look at him, he was looking at me. "Come this way." He took my hand and we meandered down the walkway taking in the scenery until we came upon the best view of the city, three-stories above the hustle and bustle.

  There were four large heaters arranged in the lounge area to warm us up. A woman came hustling towards us with a small basket on her arm and a large thermos in her hands.

  "Mr. Hamilton," she greeted us with a smile. "Here is everything you need, sir."

  "Thank you, Elise. We'll bring this back before we leave," he replied, taking the goods from her hands.

  "Very well. Enjoy." And with that she was gone as quickly as she came.

  I watched in awe as Travis opened the basket and pulled out two thermal cups before filling them with whatever liquid was in the thermos. "Hot chocolate?"

  "Thank you." I took the proffered cup from him and sat on the wooden bench that had been cleared of any snow and had a blanket resting over it.

  "Do you want a pastry? I have a few different kinds in here for dessert," he said as he poured his own drink.

  "Not right now. I'm still full from dinner."

  He came and sat next to me, pulling me tight to his body. The heaters surrounding us provided ample heat to take away the chill of the evening, without making us too warm in our coats. I rested my head on his shoulder as we sat in companionable silence watching the city below.


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