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Forever Your Concierge

Page 3

by Jessica Ingro

  A shooting star cut across the sky above us and I pointed at it. "Did you see that?"

  "I did. You know the saying goes if you see a shooting star with someone, you're meant to be with them."

  "What if it's someone of the same sex?" I asked as a joke. My stomach dipped with the thought that we could be meant to be. I was allowing myself to get too many hopes up after only one date. I didn't want to fall into the same starry-eyed pattern that had burned me too many times.

  "That could be a problem," he said with a smirk.

  "I thought this place closed early during the winter." The fact that there were no other people around had me suspicious that this was another perk of being with Travis.

  "It usually does. I'm a big donator to the High Line," he explained in a roundabout way.

  "So you paid for them to let you in the park after closing," I deduced.

  "Pretty much."

  I laughed at that. "You really have more money than sense don't you?" My elbow nudged his ribs good-naturedly.

  "When there's a pretty girl to impress? Guilty as charged." He laughed with me.

  "This is perfect. Thank you," I whispered once I sobered and kissed his cheek.

  "I should be thanking you," he replied. "You've been excellent company tonight. I haven't enjoyed a date this much in a really long time."

  Several minutes later a chill shook my body. Travis ran his hand up and down my arm. "We should get going. I don't want you to catch a cold."

  "I don't mind," I protested. I didn't want to leave on my account. I was thoroughly enjoying myself regardless that it was growing colder by the minute.

  "I insist."

  We brought the basket back to a bakery and he led me to the now waiting car. I didn't even see him call for it. Man, he was good.

  Inside the car, I snuggled up to him in an effort to get warm faster. The whole way to my apartment, I found myself soaking up his warmth, his masculine scent, and his hard body.

  When the car pulled up to my building, Travis helped me out and followed me in and up to my third floor apartment. At the door, I extricated my keys from my purse and turned to face him. His eyes blazed as he looked down on me, making my palms sweat and my heart race in anticipation of our first official kiss.

  When his head dipped, my breath caught. When his mouth touched mine, I instantly opened for him. When his tongue swept inside, I completely lost myself to the feel of it brushing mine as he explored me in the most sensual kiss I had ever had.

  His hands came up to frame my face. His head tilted and he deepened the kiss. My toes curled as heat swept through my body with a blinding fierceness.

  He broke the kiss far too soon and rested his forehead on mine. "Who knew a kiss could feel like this?"

  "I know," I whispered. My eyes finally opening to take in his gorgeous face so close to mine.

  "Let me stay tonight, Maya."

  The idea was oh so intriguing, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. We barely knew each other, and I didn't want to move too fast.

  "Let's take it slow, Travis," I whispered, afraid he would get mad and that would be the end of what promised to be something completely amazing.

  "No longer the happiest man in the city, Maya," he informed me and my stomach dipped at the rough and raspy sound of his voice. "Happiest man in the world."


  "Goodnight, sweetheart. I'll call you tomorrow." He kissed my forehead and took a step back.

  "Goodnight, Travis."

  I opened my door and turned back to look at him in front of the stairwell. He had the most endearing expression on his face, and I was pretty sure I fell in love with him right then.

  * * *

  "I swear you're lucky that every time Travis opens his mouth he makes you swoon. Eric couldn't be bothered to do more than grunt at me half the time," Barb complained about her husband of six years. I didn't worry though, they had been together for ten years before that, so I knew their relationship was solid regardless of her bitching.

  "Grant is the same way. Between his prowess in between the sheets and the smooth and often naughty words that come from his mouth, I can never get enough," Elizabeth chimed in, talking about her husband of almost two years.

  "My Ralphy is the same way," my mom added and I spit out my champagne. "What? Just because he's your father doesn't mean we don't burn it up between the sheets or that he doesn't know the right things to say to get my blood pumping."

  "TMI!" Kayla said at the same time I said, "Eww."

  "At least you guys didn't catch them going at it on the couch," Barb added.

  This time we both said, "Eww."

  "Your father was feeling frisky and we thought you girls were sleeping," mom explained making all three of us sisters gag.

  "I think we need a subject change," I recommended.

  "Are you nervous?" Elizabeth asked from behind her glass of champagne, and I could have kissed her for saving me from having to hear any more about my parents' sex life.

  "Not really." I shrugged. "Travis and I are like the moon and the stars. We just are. There was never any question in my mind that we should be together."

  "Not true," Elizabeth argued.

  "What are you talking about?" I asked not following her line of reasoning.

  "You hid your relationship with him for over a year, Maya. You can't tell me you didn't have second thoughts about him with that being the case."

  "I knew about him," Kayla chirped, far too proud of herself, while I cringed at her words. Elizabeth didn't realize she was the only person in my inner circle I hadn't told until there was no other choice but to tell her since she caught us having sex. I still have no idea how I had let Travis convince me that we should do the deed while Elizabeth was out that night. Looking back on it, I think he wanted us to get caught.

  "You did?" Elizabeth turned shrewd eyes on my sister.

  "Yes." I watched Kayla gulp when she realized she walked right into a land mine.

  "And what about you?" Elizabeth's head whipped to the side to look at Barb.


  "Wow. So it was just me that you hid it from?" The hurt in her voice made me suck in a harsh breath.


  "No. I don't want to go there. Not today. We'll talk about it later. Just know that my feelings are hurt to hear that you didn't trust me enough to share such a huge part of your life with me."

  I could feel everyone's judgmental gazes on me—even the spa ladies working on us—and knew I needed to institute damage control. And fast. "It wasn't like that. My family knew but that was it. I hadn't even met his parents when you discovered that we were a couple. And trust me when I say that Travis was beyond over the cloak and dagger routine we had going on. For months and months he tried to convince me that it was time to be out in the open. He would have rented a damn skywriter if he could have. I wasn't lying before, he really does have more money than sense." I shook my head at the thought and reached over and grabbed E's hand. "I was just afraid that you were going to be upset and disappointed with me for going behind your back. In the beginning, it seemed like a good idea, but the longer it went on, the harder it was to tell you."

  My fear of her reaction wasn't the only reason why I fought Travis in those days. The reasoning behind it had a lot to do with the fact that Travis is over the top on a good day. Give him enough reason and he goes crazy. He flew in coffee from France for me for heaven's sake. Who does that? The last man I had been with that had money was over the top too and that relationship ended very poorly. It was one of the reasons why I turned my back on my lifelong dream of acting. I had been afraid to make the same mistake a second time.

  Elizabeth sniffed and tears welled in her eyes. Guilt suffused her face when she spoke. "I'm so sorry for making you feel like you had to hide your relationship with Travis. My rule about dating clients wasn't very smart. Look at me and Grant, and now you and Travis. It's a testament to how stupid I was to think that way. It doesn't matt
er where you find love, just that you find it."

  "So you aren't mad?" I asked her.

  "No. I understand. I just wish you had told me sooner." She gave me an awkward hug over the arms of our chairs.

  "Now let's finish getting pampered so we can get dolled up for the rehearsal dinner tonight," my mom got us back on track.

  "Yes. I can't wait," I agreed.

  Chapter Three

  "Thank you so much for coming," I said to my aunt Collette as she was leaving the rehearsal dinner and heading off to her room for the night. Collette was a petite and fashionable woman in her late fifties, but you'd think she was forty if you didn't know any better. Between her and my mother, I had high hopes that my excellent genes wouldn't fail me as I continued to age.

  "It was my pleasure, dear. I look forward to the big event tomorrow. Your mother assures me that you're going to be the most beautiful bride. I have no doubt that what she says is true." She winked before kissing my cheek. She then turned to Travis and enveloped his tall frame into a hug.

  Once she was through the doors, I turned to Travis and let him take me in his arms. My hands rested on his shoulders as he drew our bodies tight against one another.

  "In case I haven't told you yet tonight, you look stunning," he said.

  I smiled at him and leaned in conspiratorially. "I might have heard that a time or two."

  It had been the first thing he told me after he took in my white, lace covered sundress when I walked out of the bathroom in the suite tonight. It was also the first thing he said to me after he proceeded to lift the dress and take me from behind, effectively showing me his appreciation for the dress. And that isn't even counting the times that he's told me it when we've been pulled apart throughout dinner. His ability to make me feel beautiful and special to him was one of the things I loved most about Travis.

  "Just making sure you're aware." He gifted me with a gorgeous smile, which echoed on my face. In that moment, it was just the two of us. The rest of the room melted away.

  "Seems like things are dying down," I noted as I took in the rustic lodge at the resort that we had rented for the event. Our wedding was to be held outside down by the lake tomorrow, and I couldn't wait.

  It was never a question of whether or not Travis and I would marry, only a matter of when. I might have made him wait far longer than he wanted in an attempt to prove we had staying power, and that this relationship was different than my last. However, now I couldn't wait to start our life together. Speaking of which, I had something important to share with my hubby-to-be. "I didn't renew my birth control this month."

  "You didn't?" He asked with excitement dancing in his eyes.

  "Nope. I decided it was definitely time for us to start the baby making process." I smoothed my hands down the lapels of his suit coat, trying to hide my nervousness behind this decision. I didn't want Travis to think that he had pushed me into it or that I was having doubts.

  "Mmm... I'm definitely looking forward to that process. You sure we have to spend the night in separate rooms? It wouldn't hurt for us to try again tonight." He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  "Positive. It's just for one night and then we'll get to spend every other night together."

  "Forever," he added. It had to be his favorite word when it came to describing us. It was rather cute actually. I loved knowing he felt the same way about me as I did about him.

  "Yes, forever."

  Out of the corner of my eye, I spied Kayla and her date, Ashton Moore, cozied up together. His hand appeared to be under her skirt and his tongue in her mouth. Thankfully, they were partially hidden by a large planter. A poisonous venom spread through my veins as I watched them together. Until that moment, I had almost forgotten about what I needed to do tonight. Almost.

  "Travis." I heard his mother call out to him from the bar across the room. He gave me a kiss on my forehead and made his way to her where she was talking with some of their family and friends.

  Saved by the bell, I thought as I steeled myself to what I was about to do.

  Walking towards the happy couple in a tight clinch, I felt the anxiety building inside me. I wasn't the greatest at confrontations. Especially when they brought me face to face with a part of my past I'd rather forget.

  I cleared my throat and Kayla broke away guilty from her date. She smoothed her dress down as her cheeks turned red.

  "Do you think I could have a moment alone with my sister?" I asked through gritted teeth.

  "By all means," he said right before he gave me a scathing look that communicated the fact that he expected me to keep my mouth shut. I didn't care about any of that at the moment though.

  I grabbed Kayla's arm and dragged her into the coat closet, shutting the door behind us.

  "I'm really sorry," she started, but I cut her off with a swipe of my hand through the air.

  "I don't want to hear it." I paced for a moment trying to figure out the best way to break the news to her now that we were here. Even though I had practiced it since the moment my sister told me who she was bringing as her plus one, I still wasn't prepared. "You need to know something about Ashton."

  "Is this about the fact that the two of you worked together on some play and didn't get along? Because he already told me about that."

  I let out a humorless laugh as her words sank in. "That's what he told you?"


  "Well, he lied. We got along great. So great in fact that I was practically living with him. Whatever Ashton wanted me to do, I did. Whatever Ashton wanted me to wear, I wore. Whatever Ashton wanted, he got. Including my understudy." My voice began to rise as the words tumbled from my mouth.

  "I don't understand." Kayla shook her head trying to make sense of my rant.

  "We dated, Kayla. I repeatedly fucked the very man who just had his hand up your dress. I loved him and he screwed me over. He doesn't love you, Kayla. He's using you like he does every other young girl that's dumb enough to fall for his lies."

  "I don't believe you," she shouted at me.

  "Well, believe it. He even got me—"

  The door opened and in walked Travis followed by none other than Ashton. My mouth snapped shut, and I stared daggers at the one person I hated more than anything in this world.

  "And you! How dare you date my sister. How dare you show up at my rehearsal dinner. How dare you think you're welcome at my wedding or anything to do with me! You ruined my life and I will not let you ruin Kayla's." My chest heaved as the words were torn from me. Everything I had wanted to say to him finally breaking free.

  "What's going on here?" Travis asked. He stood next to me in a protective stance. His body was vibrating with tension on my behalf and his face showed confusion.

  "It would appear that my sister has a history with my boyfriend," Kayla said with hurt in her voice. She turned to Ashton then. "Is it true? Did you two live together?"

  "I wouldn't say that," he hedged.

  I scoffed at that. "My clothes were at your place, asshole. I slept in your bed every night, even on the nights when you didn't come home. That is until I walked in on you and Stephanie going at it on that very bed."

  "That was a long time ago," he said to Kayla, completely ignoring me.

  "Why didn't you tell me? You said you guys didn't get along when you worked together. Why would you lie to me?" Her mouth turned into a sad pout. God, I didn't want her pouting. I wanted her to be livid with him and to leave him. He was a snake, and I didn't want her getting bit like I did.

  "I'm sorry, honey. I was afraid you'd say no to me if you knew. I love you and don't want to lose you. Your sister meant nothing to me."

  "You son of a bitch!" I shouted right before I lunged at him with my fists in the air.

  "Enough," Travis barked. His arms caught me around my waist and pulled me back. "I think it's best you leave," he told Ashton.

  "But—" Kayla started. Travis cut her off when he said, "No Kayla. This is our wedding and he isn't welcome. I c
an't tell you what to do in your personal life, but I sure as hell am not going to sit back and let him upset Maya. If she doesn't want him here, then he isn't here."

  Tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked at him, not believing that he would tell her no, since Travis very rarely did that. With a huff, she grabbed Ashton's hand and stormed out. It was then I realized the door had been left open when Travis and Ashton entered and we had an audience.

  "Travis—" I said when he shut the door to end our public display.

  "That guy?" He asked in disbelief. "You were seriously in love with that guy?"

  "Yes." I squared my shoulders, ready for the fight that was sure to come. I had kept my past with Ashton a secret from Travis. I knew he wouldn't look at that favorably. His motto was full disclosure.

  "Why didn't you tell me?"

  "I couldn't."

  "Why not?"

  "I signed a nondisclosure agreement. I'm not supposed to talk about our time together."

  "Why the fuck not, Maya?" I knew his anger was rising, but there was no way in hell I was going to tell him the night before our wedding just how damaged I was thanks to Ashton Moore. He might have been one of the best directors in the business today, but he was the worst kind of man.

  "I can't tell you. Please don't make me," I pleaded with him.

  "Fuck!" He exploded. This was not typical Travis behavior. "One look at that guy and I knew he was scum. I can't believe you would get wrapped up with someone like him. I don't have a good feeling at all about this considering you can't even tell me what happened when you were together. Do you understand how this looks?"

  "Yes," I whimpered, finally breaking down and letting the tears that had been plaguing me for weeks finally break free. "I promise I've told you everything else about me except what happened with him."

  "I have to get out of here. I don't even know what to think right now. I feel like I barely know you." His words sounded dejected, and my heart seized in my chest.


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