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Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3)

Page 12

by Renee Harless

  “Oh it wasn’t a secret; we truly didn’t know until the other day. I hadn’t had any symptoms, just tired I guess. The doctor said it was because I was dehydrated. But honestly, I had no clue.”

  “How bizarre? You could have ended up on that show I didn’t know I was Pregnant.”

  “Ugh, don’t remind me. Anyway, we’re all thrilled, especially my mom. You remember how much she loves babies.”

  Bradley speaks up asking, “Have you tossed around any names?”

  I look at Alex prompting him to respond.

  He coughs and says quietly, “We were thinking of the name Anabelle Nicole.”

  Madison narrows her eyes, confused by Alex’s quiet demeanor, then realization dawns and she nods reassuringly.

  “For your brother. That’s really nice, Alex. He’d be honored to know that you loved him so much.”

  I smile and take Alex’s hand in my own, resting it reassuringly on my leg.

  “We haven’t told anyone else and will probably keep it to ourselves until the birth. So you know, Madi, let’s try to keep a secret.”

  “Oh I will!” she assures then turns to Bradley, running her hand through his hair, “I can’t wait to have a family with you. How soon can we get married?”

  “Whenever you want, sweetness.”

  “Mal, you’re here for three weeks right? Why don’t we plan for next weekend?” she asks me and Bradley and we both nod in response as she continues, “Think we can throw something together that quick? It would be small, just our families and close friends, like thirty people or so.”

  “I don’t see why not. Maybe Alex can arrange to use the courtyard at The Braxton. Madison, it’s beautiful and for the reception we can string some lights in the trees. Yea, we can definitely do this in a short amount of time.” Madison claps her hands excitedly and I turn to Alex and Bradley issuing commands and items we need done in the next week. “And tomorrow, Madison, we go find a dress.”

  We end the conversation as we all depart the restaurant in the faint glow of bliss. Madison and I plan on meeting with a group of stylists Alex is going to have sent to the apartment tomorrow afternoon.

  Back at the apartment building Alex guides me into the elevator, Gregory on our heels, and I rest my head against his shoulder. The excitement of the day is taking its toll and I am dead on my feet. The exhaustion is so strong that I can feel myself drifting off into slumber while the car travels towards the upper floors. The hum of the motor soothes my animated mind and lulls me to sleep.

  My eyes open when I feel the elevator stop and Alex scoop me into his arms. He says goodnight to Gregory and carries me into our bedroom where he helps me remove my clothing. He leaves for the restroom and then returns carrying a makeup cleanser, taking great care to gently remove all ounces of the paint.

  “Thank you,” I whisper as I rest back onto the pillow uncaring of my nude state.

  Alex makes quick work of discarding his swatches of clothing and finishing his nightly business in the restroom. He lies in the bed facing me and lovingly runs his fingers through my hair, the feeling ushering me back into the deep slumber I experienced in the elevator.

  “Oh!” I exclaim, eyes wide, heartbeat increasing.

  “What? Is something wrong?”

  “No, I felt the baby. I didn’t realize that’s what it was,” I say as I press my hand to my lower abdomen.

  Alex gazes at me in a stunned expression.

  “The baby…Anabelle…you felt her move?”

  I witness the tears in his eyes and grab his hand, pressing it tight against my small bump that has miraculously appeared in the past few days. The wetness in my eyes escapes out of their corners as I watch the father of my child completely mesmerized by the tiny kicks he’s experiencing from our daughter.

  “I never knew…it’s so real now,” he says as the fluttering subsides, Anabelle finally finding a position where she’s happily content resting.

  Alex continues to gaze at my bare figure, eyeing the small bump at my waist and the heaviness of my breasts.

  “Your body is changing.”

  Insecurities begin to creep in. I hadn’t noticed my body changing much, but it’s obvious that Alex has.

  “Will you still want me when I can’t bend over to touch my shoes or when I can’t see my, ya know? Or when I start waddling everywhere?” I ask as more wetness fills my eyes.

  “What’s this about, Mallory? I can’t wait to see you grow with our child,” Alex replies with a gentle touch to my face, his thumb gently brushing away my tears.”

  “I’m just worried that you won’t find me attractive anymore. That someone else will come along and you’ll start wondering what you’re doing with me.”

  I tug my lower lip between my teeth, nervously anticipating Alex’s reaction to my self-loathing. I’d like to be able to blame this on my changing hormones, but in reality I know that I’ve never understood Alex’s attraction to me.

  “Beautiful, that’s completely absurd. How can you not know how much I love you? Obviously I’m physically attracted to you, but it’s everything else about you that have me spellbound; you’re my soul mate and my better half. I wouldn’t want to have a child with anyone else but you and you’ve never been more beautiful to me than you are now and will be in five more months. I’ll love you just as much when you’re old and gray; that will never change. I trust you to protect our unborn child, trust me to never waiver.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, I just…I love you so much and Anabelle is so important already.”

  “I know, love. Let’s get some sleep you’ve got a big week ahead of you.”

  I nestle closer to Alex, resting my cheek on his chest.

  He whispers, “The book said you should lie on your side, do you need a pillow or anything to keep you from rolling over?”

  “No, babe. I’ll be fine. But if you’re worried you can always tie me to the bed.”

  “Don’t think that thought hasn’t crossed my mind – if nothing more than to keep you both safe,” he replies with a soft chuckle.

  “Promises, promises,” I say between yawns before falling into a dreamless slumber.

  The next day Madison and I spend some time lounging around the apartment before the stylists arrive with a large selection of designer dresses. Alex offered to purchase the dress since it was a last minute decision and after much bucking from Bradley, he finally relented to Alex’s desire.

  I sit back and watch as Madison models dress after dress. The stylist assisting Madison has been pinning the bottoms so we know what a true match would look like. None screamed out to me or Madison that it was the one, but we were still hopeful.

  Finally she steps out in an ivory lace, cap-sleeve, A-line dress; the color showcasing the beauty of her Native-American caramel skin.

  “Oh, wow,” I whisper, tears pooling in my eyes. “That’s the one, Madison. That’s it. You look absolutely stunning.”

  She swipes at the tears falling from her eyes and spins around.

  “It’s so beautiful, I feel like a princess, and it’s a perfect fit. No altering needed.”

  The stylist brings a small bird cage veil and assembles it onto Madison’s hair that had been pulled back into a low chignon. The piece completes the look perfectly.

  “Bradley is going to swallow his tongue when he sees you, Madi. You look perfect, like a dream.”

  “Thank you. I can’t wait to see him in a tuxedo. Hey, can you try on the dress they brought for you? I want to make sure it fits.”

  I comply and walk into the guest room with the stylist. She pulls out a garment bag and unzips the plastic revealing lavender chiffon. The empire-waist, strapless cocktail dress is perfect for my ever growing body.

  The assistant helps me to discard my clothes and slip into the smooth fabric. With a check in the mirror I exit the room and join Madison where she gushes over the dress. She then reveals that she plans to have Mika in the wedding as well and sent a dress to her new

  “Well, would you like to go with me to pick out a small arrangement of flowers? There is a shop down the street and I’m sure Gregory wouldn’t mind escorting us.”

  “Ooo, can we stop by Starbucks too? They have that double chocolate chip drink that is just to die for,” she adds launching into a description of the cool beverage.

  “Absolutely, sounds delicious.”

  We dress quickly and grab Gregory before heading down the street. He offers to grab our drinks while we stop at the florist. We try to keep things simple and keep with the layout of the courtyard. We chose a simple bouquet of white peonies for the three of us; Madison’s adding a few roses for differential substance. The three banquet tablets for the reception will each have a simple vase filled with our bouquets and the boutonnieres will each be a single pale purple rose to match Madison’s bouquet.

  “Ladies, I made an appointment with a baker next door that is able to make a small wedding cake for this weekend. If you’re finished up we can head over there now.”

  “Great; thanks, Gregory. That’s another thing I can check off my list.”

  As we exit the florist, I step back inside when I see Alex and an unfamiliar woman leaving a small office across the street. I narrow my eyes and take in her features. She’s a petite brunette, similar to my stature, and despite Alex’s loving words last night I can’t help but feel those dangerous claws of self-loathing scratching the surface.

  “Mallory, are you coming?” she asks and then noticing my pale and stricken face she continues, “What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  Her eyes follow the exact same path as mine and visibly widen when she takes in Alex laughing with the attractive woman who has her hand resting on his arm as she speaks to him.

  “I’m sure he has an explanation, Mallory. Maybe it’s a coworker?”

  Despair and anger filter through my mind and I take a deep and ragged breath before addressing Gregory, who stands there dumbfounded at the scene playing before us.

  “Do you know who she is, Gregory?”

  “No, miss,” he replies sullenly.

  “Do you know everyone that he works with?”

  Gregory takes a deep breath and presses his fingers to the bridge of his nose before responding.

  “Yes, miss. I run background checks on everyone close to him. And yes, he is supposed to be at the research center right now.” Gregory checks his watch and then turns to face me, sadness gracing his strong features. “I don’t want you to jump to conclusions. I’m sure there is an explanation for his company. You can trust him, Mrs. Stone.”

  “I know, but it’s scary when you of all people doesn’t seem to. It’s written all over your face.”

  “I trust Mr. Stone with my life, I’m just…confused…at his actions, that’s all. He’d never do anything to hurt you.”

  I release a deep sigh and allow both Gregory and Madison to escort me next door to taste cakes while mumbling, “At least not intentionally.”

  On the walk home Madison continuously tries to reassure that Alex isn’t cheating on me, and deep down, I know that what I saw wasn’t a man cheating on his wife. But knowing that I’m pregnant and on a verge of my body doubling in size, I can’t help but think of how happy he looked with another woman.

  Insecurities stink.

  When we return to the apartment Alex stands there waiting, warmly greeting us as we exit the elevator.

  “Beautiful, I missed you,” he announces as he wraps me in his arms and kisses me sweetly.

  I pull back from him and eye him speculatively.

  “You’re home early.”

  “I am. Is something wrong?” he asks glancing at Gregory and then Madison, both of which shake their heads.

  Madison gathers her belongings and hugs me tightly while whispering in my ear to hear him out. Gregory follows her out of the apartment to wait with her for a taxi.

  “What’s going on, Mallory? Is something wrong? Is the baby ok?” he asks, his tone continuing to grow concerned.

  “I’m fine and the baby is fine,” I expel as I head towards the kitchen to grab a cup of apple juice, my newest craving.

  “Can you explain why you’re upset? Did I do something that I’m unaware of?”

  I turn at his innocent questioning and graze my eyes over his body. Collar lipstick free – check. Buttons intact – check. Pants stain free – Check. No signs on his clothing – the same clothing he left in his morning.

  I reach up and rub my forehead with my head, my mind unable to comprehend the man in front of me with the man we saw on the street.

  “Talk to me, beautiful. I’m worried about you. You look paler than normal.”

  I huff the edge of a chuckle at his statement.


  “Yes, love?”

  “We saw you with her today, leaving an office. I trust you, but I need you to explain what was going on. Gregory and I were very confused; you were supposed to be at the research center.”

  Alex expels a puff of air and runs a hand shakily through his hair as he stalks towards me. In his attempt to wrap his arms around my body I use my free hand to keep him at an arm’s reach.

  “Please explain, Alex. I need to know that my trusting you isn’t a mistake.”

  His heavy eyes search my face before he reaches up and runs his fingers through my hair.

  “It was supposed to be a surprise. You weren’t supposed to find out, no one was.”

  I reach up and halt his movements, his combing fingers distracting me from the discussion.

  “What kind of surprise?”

  “I’m going to tell you only because of what you saw, not because I wanted to spoil it. I know that you wanted to go to Disney World, but now that you’re pregnant we have to be a bit more careful about traveling. She is a vacation planner, a specialized Disney vacation planner. I hired her to pretty much plan the entire trip for us, Gregory’s family, and whomever else you’d like to invite. We’re going at such short notice I wanted to make sure that you didn’t have to stress over it. And with the pregnancy I wanted to make sure you still enjoyed yourself. I’m sorry; I was just trying to give you a nice vacation.”

  “You did all that for me?” I ask with a wobbly voice, eyes full of unshed tears.

  “I’d do anything for you, beautiful. We leave the Sunday after the wedding for a week and then come back here for a few days so I can finish up some paperwork. I’d never do something to mess up what we have. You and Anabelle are far too important to me. You’re my life.”

  “Oh, Alex,” I mumble as I rest my face on his muscled chest and wrap my arms around his waist.

  After a few moments of relaxing against my amazing husband I jump from his chest.

  “Oh my goodness, I can’t wait to tell Maria and Anna!”

  “How about we let Gregory tell them when they get here tomorrow,” he says as I narrow my eyes at him knowing he never mentioned they would be here so soon. “Don’t look at me like that. Anna missed her papa and I can’t say no to her.”

  “You’re a big softie. You’re going to be an incredible father.”

  “I can only hope to be everything you hope I can be.”

  “You already are, Alex. You already are my dream come true,” I whisper as I remove my arms from his waist and wind them around his neck, standing on tip-toes, and pressing my lips against his, hoping to convey how much love fills my heart.

  Chapter 13

  I stand beside Mika in front of a beautiful weeping willow tree, whose long branches have been swept to the side like a curtain, the Officiant standing underneath the natural canopy with Bradley.

  The doors to the courtyard open and Madison steps forward as a vision in ivory lace. Even from my distance, I can make out Bradley’s audible gasp and the murmur Jesus Christ.

  I work to hold back my chuckle as I take in Madison’s face, noticing her eyes filled with both love and want. A heck of a lot of want – she looks like she wants
to devour him on the spot.

  Needing to reign in my laughter I search for Alex in the small crowd and find him standing at the back of the congregation with his gaze locked on me, no hint of recognition of the bride and groom.

  Mika and I turn as Madison meets Bradley under the willow awning.

  As we turn she whispers, “He hasn’t taken his eyes off you since you walked out. I’m really happy for you.”

  I try not to distract from the ceremony, but I glance over my shoulder and smile at Mika before bringing my attention back to the couple.

  Twenty minutes later the ceremony ends with an elaborate dip and kiss that I secretly hope the photographer captured.

  Mika and I walk with our escorts back to the edge of the courtyard before joining the rest of the party.

  Anabelle is making her presence known, my stomach growling loudly as the first container of food is brought out by the kitchen staff. Madison and I laugh, filling in everyone about my current “condition” as she calls it and my need to consume everything in sight.

  I turn at the feel of Alex’s presence close by and find him standing about two feet away speaking with Gregory, Maria, and Anna. He claps Gregory on the back and continues his stalk towards me.

  “You look hungry.”

  “I’m always hungry nowadays.”

  “Well let’s get you and Anabelle something to eat and then we’ll sit.”

  Alex loads up two plates of food as I load one full of the delicious concoctions brought forth by the culinary staff. Veal marsala, chicken parmesan, shrimp and grits, roast beef, are loaded up on my plate and I huff when I can’t fit the extra-large baked potato.

  “Don’t worry love, I’ll come back and grab it for you.”

  I smile sweetly at Alex and follow him to our seat, diving into the meal once I sit down.

  “Here you go, love.”

  “Thanks, Alex.”

  We eat in silence, Gregory, Maria, and Anna joining us. We take in the small gathering of my friends and family, my heart growing at the sight of love and support. I watch as Bradley takes Madison in his arms and sways her to the soft music, both entranced by each other’s presence.


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