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Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3)

Page 13

by Renee Harless

I feel the movement beside me and I turn to find Alex standing with his hand extended, silently asking me to dance. I place my hand gently in his, butterflies whirling in my stomach, my heart praying that I never lose this reaction to him.

  He kisses my knuckles and then draws me into the small crowd twirling on the makeshift dance floor. He laces his fingers with my hand already resting in his and then rests his free hand around my waist, pulling me in tight to his body. I snake my other hand up his arm and wrap it around his shoulder, letting my fingers tease his unruly hair at the base of his neck.

  As the melodic tune of Eric Clapton’s You Look Wonderful Tonight wafts through the air Alex tightens his grip on my waist even more.

  He leans down and whispers in my ear, “Have I told you how breathtaking you look tonight?”

  I shake my head in response, words clogged in my throat. When Alex turns his head to gaze in my direction, all of my emotions are reflected back at me through his eyes. I instantly feel all of his love pouring out to me; this man that felt that he was incapable of such feelings is proudly showing our friends and family how important our daughter and I are to him. It’s an overwhelming feeling.

  I stumble a bit when the song changes and Alex twirls me away from him body and pulls me back again. We laugh as I practically fall into his chest, my hands splayed against his taut pectorals.

  “Let’s not do that again, it made me dizzy,” I say with a chuckle.

  We dance a few more songs, Gregory joining us with both of his girls. As Madison and Bradley cut their cake I release a hefty yawn, the stretch expanding from all my limbs. Knowing I’ve reached my limit of excitement for the day Alex helps me to wish the couple well and say goodbye to our friends before escorting us back to the apartment.

  “I’m sorry that I’m so tired. All the work and preparations must have finally hit me.”

  “That’s fine, get some sleep. We don’t leave until tomorrow morning. Have you already packed your bag?”

  “Yes, I just need to add the toiletries in the morning. Thank you, Alex. You know you can go back down and enjoy yourself. I’m sure Gregory would like the company.”

  Leaning down, he brushes his soft lips against my forehead.

  “Darling, there is nowhere else I would rather be than here with you and the baby. Now sleep, I’ll be back in a few minutes. I just need to toss a few items in my bag.”

  I nod my head and slip out of the dress Madison chose for me as her maid of honor. I grab one of Alex’s undershirts from his dresser and pull it over my head. A quick trip to the restroom to wash my face and relieve the pressure this baby is placing on my bladder I tuck myself deep into the covers of the large bed.

  Alex struts into the bedroom moments later in a pair of black boxer briefs and nothing else. Unable to take my eyes off him I watch as he moves into the bathroom to brush his teeth. I’m finding even the task of brushing his teeth is sexy; the way the muscles in his back move as his arm rocks back and forth. I lick my lips envisioning the way his muscles bunch along his arm and back when he’s gliding his fingers around the folds of my pussy.

  He leans over to spit, something completely opposite of sexy, but all I can seem to focus on at that point is the view of his tight ass.

  “See something you like?” He asks with a chuckle before he gargles with a swish of water.

  I groan at the fact that he caught me ogling his magnificent body and I cover my face with his pillow.

  Pulling the pillow from my face, Alex moves onto the bed, he bends over me, each leg straddling my hips.

  “I like it when you look at me like that. Don’t ever be embarrassed for taking in your fill. I work hard to look like this for and only you.”

  “God, you’re just so fucking sexy and I want you all the time – freaking pregnancy hormones.”

  He laughs loudly, the noise coming from deep in his diaphragm, the action shaking the bed. He moves from his position over me and tucks himself under the covers, snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me to his chest.

  “You wanted me all the time before you were pregnant, I don’t think your new hormones can be to blame this time, beautiful,” he adds before kissing my neck gently. “Now get some rest, we have a busy morning.”

  “Yes, sir,” I reply, earning a smack on my ass.

  I wiggle back into Alex’s growing hard-on and hear him groan before he halts my movements with a strong hand on my hip.

  “Settle. Sleep.”

  I nod and shut my eyes, wasting no time falling into an erotic fantasy of Alex, me, and a resort pool shaped like a certain mouse.


  We line up to load the private plane, Alex’s insistence. He also failed to mention that he invited my entire family and our friends. Mika even joins us with her new boyfriend, someone I would never have paired with her. He is tall and thin, with a runners build, and sports a thick pair of black-rimmed glasses. He is far from her typical type, usually going for the overly muscled beef-cakes, but every time she looks at him it’s as if he hung her the moon in the sky.

  Madison and Bradley are using this as their honeymoon, both anxiously waiting to get to a hotel room.

  Therefore, our trip of five has turned into a trip of fifteen; apparently, Abi and Kyle are meeting us in Florida.

  The flight is uneventful, two hours gone like the snap of a finger. Waiting for us at the terminal is an extra-large super stretch SUV. When I give Alex an exasperated look he simply shrugs his shoulders and tells me that he wanted to make sure we all rode together.

  True to his word, Alex spared no expense at giving me the vacation of my dreams. The limo pulls up to the elegant Grand Floridian resort, the resort I’ve always dreamed of staying in since I saw that Disney episode of Full House years ago.

  “Wow. This is where we’re staying? I can’t believe you knew this was where I wanted to stay.”

  “I know everything about you, beautiful. Plus, only the best for my family.”

  Alex steps from the car first and takes my hand, guiding me towards the check in counter, leaving the limousine to take care of the rest of the passengers and their bags.

  We stand in line for check in anxiously awaiting our turn. A young man assists us, handing Alex five room keys, specifically showing which ones are for the three, two-bedroom villas.

  Alex opens the door to our suite and my breath hitches at the sight. It’s beautiful and traditional and far beyond my expectations. It’s only when I venture into the un-necessary second bedroom in our villa that I find the massage tables and two masseuses from the spa.

  “What’s this?” I ask to no one in particular.

  The masseuses patiently wait until Alex joins me in the room.

  “I figured we couldn’t do a large amount of things today, so I scheduled for us to have a couples massage, well a prenatal massage for you. I know you’ve been saying your back was hurting. I’m hoping this helps before you do all the expected walking this week.”

  I rush over to his side and wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him urgently.

  “Thank you so much. This is already more than I ever imagined.”

  “You’re welcome, beautiful. We also have dinner reservations tonight so I need you relaxed.”

  The massage is two hours of pure bliss. The surprisingly strong masseuse worked all the knots from my lower back and shoulders. Then Alex gives me an internal personal massage that lasts almost as long as the one previously, but taking place on the balcony, shower, bed, and couch.

  To say I’m relaxed and sated would be a complete understatement. Dressing in a fitted blue cocktail dress, one that I doubt I’ll be able to fit into tomorrow with the rate my hips are expanding, I inspect myself in the full length mirror, satisfied with my image.

  Alex steps from the second bedroom where he opted to change, knowing full well we wouldn’t have been able to keep our hands to ourselves if we dressed in the same room. And I was not missing this dinner. I had heard stories about the exquisite
food at Victoria and Albert’s and when I found out that that was where we were dining this evening, with our friends no less, I couldn’t hold back my enthusiasm, jumping onto Alex and showing him with my mouth my graciousness.

  I let my eyes roam up and down Alex’s suit-clad form. He is dressed in a dark suit with tie, an ensemble I’ve seen on him numerous times, but this suit, a dark navy get-up, skims his body like second skin and the shadowy blue color brings out the amber in his eyes , making them look like melted caramel.

  “Damn,” I whisper to no one. I run a shaky hand through my wavy hair, trying to control the reaction my body is having at the sight of him.

  He holds his arms out, allowing me to inspect his suit, and its then that I notice how thin the linen is that makes up his button-down shirt; the natural fibers doing nothing to hide Alex’s six-pack abdominals or hard pectorals.

  “Does it pass? I used a new tailor for this one; I think he did a remarkable job.”

  No words slip through my lips, my mouth drier than the Arabian Desert, so I innocently nod in response.

  Pleased with the desire Alex finds in my eyes and stance he shuffles back into the room to grab his brown oxfords. He bends down to slip the shoes onto his feet and I groan at the view of his tight ass directly in my line of sight. I force myself to turn towards the kitchenette and grab a glass of water. As I stalk away, Alex chuckles knowing that he would get this particular reaction.

  I swallow one cupful of water and then pour myself another, an urgent need to keep my hands occupied taking over. If left to their own devices my hands would pry Alex out of the expensive suit and cover his body with themselves instead.

  I startle when Alex’s hands rest on my hips, the jump knocking water over the small counter.

  “Didn’t mean to startle you, love. You look remarkable in this dress,” he whispers as he pushes my hair to the side and latches onto my neck.


  As he nibbles and sucks on my neck, I can’t help but to grind my ass against his growing erection. His hands slide down my sides down to where my skirt meets bare skin. He inches the tight skirt higher up my thighs, exposing my panty-less center.

  Alex groans loudly and begins to move his hand towards the prize, but a knock on the door interrupts his movements.

  “Damn,” he grumbles as he pulls back from my body, adjusting my dress to its previous location.

  “I’m sorry, babe. I’ll get the door while you take care of…that,” I say as I point to the tent in his suit pants.

  He nods his head and moves back towards the bathroom while I greet our friends.

  “Be ready for me after dinner. We’re going to finish what we started.”

  Dinner is amazing and the company even more so. My husband and the staff, making our first night of vacation a memorable one, carefully planned our fifteen person dining experience.

  We all depart for the night agreeing to meet up in the morning. Alex takes my hand and leads me away from the crowd, telling them we will take the next elevator.

  He leads me into the lift, shoving my body against the cold stainless steel wall as he hungrily kisses the sensitive skin where my neck meets my shoulder. I moan loudly in the empty box as it makes its ascent.


  No reply sounds, but his quick hand snakes up my skirt, lifting it up to my waist, exposing my wet, underwear free center to his gaze. Hiding my exposure from any prying cameras by pressing himself as close as possible to my body, he reaches between my legs and strokes the slick folds.

  “God, I love how turned on you get when I touch you. And the sounds you make could make me come like school boy in my fucking pants.”

  “Alex,” I groan again, slamming my head back against the wall.

  Before I get a chance to release the pleasuring build up, Alex removes his hand and tugs down my skirt. At the precise moment that he steps back from my position against the wall the doors to the elevator open.

  “That was a close one,” Alex mutters to himself as he steps from the car and reaches out a hand to help steady me as we walk to our hotel room.

  “I forgot where we were for a moment.”

  He grins down at me and winks, “I always do when I’m with you, love. Now let’s go to bed and finish what we started.”


  As we wait for the flight crew to complete their necessary maintenance checks, I sit back in the luxurious leather seat and reminisce about the week-long vacation. Alex and the travel agent planned such a perfect Disney trip for me that I actually cried as I packed up my belongings last night.

  Alex was sweet and blamed my hormones being out-of-whack from the pregnancy, but I knew it was because I was sad to end the spectacular escape.

  The flight crew enters the cabin and I get a weary feeling as a new member enters behind the pilot. Her eyes look strained, scared, and she jerks her vision across the spacious cabin.


  “Alex,” I whisper to the seat beside me, my voice betraying me as it trembles.

  “Are you ok?”

  “Do you know that flight attendant? The female?”

  He looks up at the new arrivals as I ask and shakes his head.

  “No, I haven’t had met either of them, but the company we use sends the background checks to Gregory. Is something the matter?”

  “No, I just…I just have a funny feeling that’s all,” I reply as I turn back to face forward in my seat, mentally telling myself to calm down.

  “Don’t get too worked up. If you need to, once we reach altitude you can go rest in the sleeping cabin.”

  “Ok, yeah, I may do that.”

  Just as I finish securing my seatbelt the intercom announces our departures and I grip Alex’s hand tightly in my grasp, stealing glances at the anxious woman securing herself to a seat in the front.

  As we reach altitude, I relax in my seat and turn my attention to a book I grabbed from the hotel gift shop. I settle further into my seat, tucking my feet under my legs and rest my head on Alex’s shoulder as I delve into the crisp pages.

  The attendants offer us food and drink, but we all decline, still full from the breakfast at the hotel restaurant. The male and female stay up near the front of the cabin, near the cockpit, and secure the separation curtain close.

  An hour into the flight, everyone rests comfortably in their seats. Suddenly, I watch as Gregory’s head pops up in alarm. I glance around the cabin, but find nothing out of the ordinary. I watch as he stands and moves towards the front of the vessel. Alex sits up straighter and then turns his gaze to me.

  The plane hits a small patch of turbulence and we jostle up and down a bit, nothing that would normally alarm me, but my weary feeling surmounts and I grip Alex’s hand tightly.

  “I’m sure everything is fine, love,” Alex says as he plants a sweet kiss to my forehead.

  Just as Alex’s lips leave my skin, Gregory comes rushing out of the cockpit, panic evident on his face.

  And then the plane nose-dives.

  Chapter 14

  As if in slow motion, I turn to watch Alex jump over the seats in front of us, rushing alongside Gregory to the cockpit. I turn my head to find Bradley guiding all the passengers, our dearest friends and family, towards the back bedroom, where a second escape door situates.

  Frozen to my seat in complete terror I turn my attention back to the front of the plane where the curtain haphazardly hangs from the rod, the door of the cockpit swinging open as the plane twists and turns, dives and rises.

  The pungent smell of blood assaults my senses just as Bradley comes to stand in front of me.

  "We need to head towards the back of the plane, just to be safe. Alex and Gregory seem to have everything under control."

  I nod, but make no move to stand. I haven't seen Alex yet and I know that my inability to shift is due to the unknown of his whereabouts.

  The cockpit door swings open again as the plane rises quickly to gain more altitude. I squint,
searching hard in the dark space, and release a deep breath when I spot Alex in the pilot seat, hands on the yoke, pulling it close to his body.

  Inspecting the cockpit more, even from a distance I see the male flight attendant lying on the ground in a pool of blood. Across from him sits the female with Gregory tightening a set of zip ties around her ankles, her arms already resting behind her back and I suspect that they are zip-tied as well.

  I finally stand from my seat and brush past Bradley, making my way up to the front of the plane. He takes a hold of my arm and gazes at me momentarily, questioning without words if I'm ok. I nod in response and he walks me towards my destination.

  "Just to be safe," he says when give him a perplexed look.

  "I'll take her from here. Thanks for jumping in. Would you mind heading towards the back to make sure everyone else is ok?"


  Gregory looks me over, making sure I've received no harm, which is silly since I'm only now leaving the comfort of my seat.

  "How are you, Mrs. Stone?"

  "How am I? How are you? How is Alex? What the hell happened? Is he dead?"

  Gregory chuckles and I glare at him, not understanding the hilarity of the moment.

  "I'm sorry. It was just a lot of questions at one time. I'm fine, you're fine, and your husband is fine and flying the plane, something he hasn't done in years but is doing excellent. And we can talk about what we think happened when we land."

  "You mean, we don't know. She won't talk?" I ask glaring daggers at the female propped up against the wall as tears stream down her face and she sniffles incessantly.

  "She's told us that she couldn't do it, that's all. I'll try to get more when we land, but right now I need to help your husband fly and then land the plane. Please go lie down, you're looking much paler than normal and that can't be good for the baby."

  I shake my head and whisper, "Can I see him, please? I just need to see for myself that he's alright."

  "Sure. Go ahead, I'll wait out here."

  I scoot past the mess at the entrance of the cockpit and move to stand beside Alex. I don't even take the chance to glimpse at the view out the front of the plane.


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