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Gage, Ronna - Paradise Mine (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 18

by Ronna Gage

  “Thank God for her fully loaded yacht.”

  Landy stood inside the tent and watched her. By the way she sat on the rock, he saw that she was giving all her concentration to something other than fishing, and guessed she thought about the same thing he did—their last, meaningful confrontation the other night. He gazed at the rolled legs of her denim shorts. Tanned, firm, and thin legs stretched out in front of her. After he gave himself a mental shake, his eyes roamed on to her top. A purple tank added to allure of her tan. The woman looked more of a vacationer than a castaway on some unknown island. She stood up and bent over. Cute ass! The thought pulled a smile from him.

  Rae Anne turned suddenly, and Landy stepped back into the tent. She jerked forward, struggled over the fishing pole with some unseen thing, and then screamed for help. He walked to the door to investigate, but when she screamed his name, he ran toward to her, and seconds later, he jumped in front of her and grabbed the pole.

  “Don’t let go, babe.” He pulled on the pole, taking most of the tension. “Let go, babe.”

  “Make up your mind. Don’t let go, let go.”

  “Let me have him now,” Landy instructed her, using a more gentle tone.

  “There is no way I’m going to release my grip.”

  A mild irritation skittered over his fragile nerves. He came to help, not take away from her, but she still fought him. “You’ll lose him. I can help bring him in.”

  “No.” She strained to reel. “It is the only pole I have.”

  Facing the facts that Rae Anne had no intentions of sitting idly by, he didn’t argue with her. “Work with me.”

  In her fight, she tried out and gave him the pole. Landy took the fishing rod firmly in his grip. Several times, she reached out for it, but withdrew. “Do you think it will be big enough to feed the four of us?”

  He tried to disregard the hand on his forearm, but the heat of her touch made it near impossible. He reeled in and tightened the tension of the line, and then a good half minute later, he let the line go lax before he tightened it again. “You have to let the fish tire itself out.” Landy continued the routine of tensing the line and letting it go lax.

  “I know how…” Rae Anne dropped to the sand, giggling.

  What brought this on? “What are you giggling for?”

  “Nothing.” She laughed aloud. “It’s just ironic that the first name I call is yours.”

  He looked down at her, realizing that hearing his name, he acted, and wondered why.

  “As if it was the most natural thing in the world to call out your name in a crisis. God knows I did it in anger for so long.”

  Landy let the comment go, but he tucked it away to dwell on later.

  She watched him work the reel. “Do you remember the time we fished at your grandfather’s fishing tank?”

  Landy smiled. “Which time? He didn’t want to recall good times with her. It served his purpose to keep her at arm’s length.

  “The first time.”

  Her gaze lingered on his. He saw the quickened beat of her pulse. Shifting his vision to the struggling fish, he avoided her expressive eyes. “Yeah, and?” There was a lot of his childhood he remembered and revisited in a drunken stupor when the pain didn’t hurt so much.

  “We just knew we caught the largest catfish in the pond. Turned out, you hooked an old tire swing.” Rae Anne looked up at him. The memory brightened her eyes. “You used the same technique to reel in that damn swing.”

  One of the many memories he had brought up a hundred times before bred a new meaning for him now. Maybe it was sharing with her and not about her that had changed his attitude, or maybe the sobriety of it, but it didn’t hurt too much. “Yeah, but that was a fun summer, wasn’t it?” Landy bobbed his eyebrows, teasing her with implications of something wicked and naughty.

  She shook, and if Landy hadn’t been watching her, he’d have missed it. “We hoisted that old swing onto the branch of the old oak tree and played all summer long.”

  Landy kept at the tedious task of reeling in the large catch. Suddenly, a large head peered above the water, and then with one pull on the taut line came the large body.

  “Do you think it’s a salmon?” Rae Anne wondered in awe.

  “Don’t know. Doubt it.” Landy tried to lift the fighting monster. “Use the bucket next to you and scoop the fish inside.”


  With the fight out of him, the fish went into the box easily.

  “Oh my goodness. That’s big enough to feed all of us isn’t it?”

  “Well, it will feed you and Kip.”

  Rae Anne thought for a second. “Kip does have a hearty appetite.”

  “Yep, and the little son of a bitch weighs no more than a buck sixty-five.”

  “We should just use this guy as an appetizer.”

  Landy inspected the catch. “You could put that one on the hook and use him for bait.” The look he got back wasn’t nice. “What? It worked the last time.”

  “No, I won’t throw him back.” Rae Anne took the bucket.

  “You know you’ll have to clean that yourself, don’t you?” he shouted at her retreating back.

  Rae Anne froze. She looked back at him. “I can’t kill this creature, even for food.” Landy said nothing. “How did the pirates of yore live?”

  “Easy. They were born into a time when you hunted and fished for your meals. Animal slaughter was a way of life.”

  Rae Anne walked back to the water and tilted the bucket.

  Is she going to pour him out? “What are you doing?”

  “I’m setting him free. I can’t kill him.”

  “Say what?”

  “I don’t want to skin him. It’s not one of the skills I’ve developed in my life. It’s all scaly and…ew.”

  Landy narrowed his eyes. “Riiiight. Oh, hell!” He took the bucket from her and then searched deeply into her eyes. “Still so ladylike,” he mumbled under his breath. A quality he still found attractive.

  “Excuse me?”

  He walked past her. “I’ll clean your fish for you.”

  “Okay.” Rae Anne skipped to him. “Oh, by the way”—Rae Anne cocked her head slightly—“you, being the man, you still have to kill the bugs too.” She smiled and left him at the shore.

  * * * *

  Recalling how Landy’s penetrating gaze affected her, Rae Anne thought she would pee her panties. She saw something in his eyes that beckoned her, but it had been a long time since she had seen it: desire. For the first time in two weeks, Rae Anne strode to the camp with giddiness.

  “This is a great catch.” Gina lifted the good-looking mass of fish. “I have great plans for you, fella.” She turned to Landy and Rae. “I’ll have a good—no, greatfish dinner in about forty-five minutes.”

  “Mmm. Sounds good,” Rae Anne said. “Can I help?”

  “No, ma’am. I got it.”

  Gina made the single catch work to feed all four of them, including Kip’s large appetite. She added a batch of homemade hushpuppies and fried up a half a bag of curly fries.

  Rae Anne sat in the stillness of the evening after dinner, drinking the nightly cup of coffee, looking at the stars, and tuning out the many conversations between Landy and Kip.

  “So we set out early in the morning,” Kip said.

  Her attention now focused on the conversation, she listened for details. This could be the adventure I’ve been waited for.

  “Yes, the earlier we leave after sunup, the quicker we can be back, and if all goes well, pack up.”

  “I want to go,” she said, barely containing her enthusiasm. Landy and Kip looked at her. The tension thickened again. Rae Anne faced the onslaught of Landy’s wrath.

  He narrowed his eyes. “No. It’s too dangerous.”

  Landy’s attempt at arguing the point suddenly doused her excitement for a new adventure. “But I can…”

  “It’s too dangerous,” he repeated through gritted teeth.

� Landy’s dominating authority wasn’t sitting well with Rae Anne. She expected answers—valid points of argument. In order for that to happen, she entered the debate with a few issues of her own. “There are no people on this island, nor are there signs of boogeymen or aliens. Why would it be too dangerous?”

  “Don’t you recall your encounter with that snake? And then there are the bugs and, most importantly, the possibility of quicksand.”

  Rae Anne studied him for a moment. Good points, but not good enough. “I wasn’t thinking about snakes the other day. That’s why it caught me off guard. If it strokes your male ego, I already said you have to kill the bugs. As far as quicksand, I’m aware of the potential dangers of the jungle. What is the big deal? Why can’t I go?”

  “Because you’re a girl,” Landy replied.

  Furious at his Neanderthal way of thinking, she stood up from her chair determined to make many valid protests. “Stop treating me as if I’m still a little girl.”

  “I said no!”

  She folded her arms over her chest. “You’re saying that just because I have tits I can’t go on a nature walk?”

  Landy smirked. “Pretty much.”

  He gave her a look he usually bestowed on the two people of his crew—the one that warned them to drop whatever matter they discussed or else. “Well, let me tell you something, Mr. Laurent. Just so we are clear, I have balls too!” Rae Anne grabbed her crotch and pulled up. “They’re two feet up and multifunctional.” She caressed her breasts.

  Landy’s mouth fell open, Kip spit out his coffee, and Gina sputtered in her inept attempt to hold back the laughter that threatened to break free.

  Landy shook his head. “That isn’t very ladylike.”

  “Neither is a blow job, so shut the fuck up.” She glared at him. Kip and Gina both erupted in laughter. Landy inhaled several calming breaths. The simple act of filling his lungs lifted his shoulders to exaggerated heights.

  Rae Anne refused to allow Landy to bully her by his old-fashioned ways. “Look”—she sat down at the table with him, calmed her temper, and restated her point—“I’m not a child. I can take care of myself. You will need me out there. I know vegetation, most land creatures, and the way to the waterfall.”

  Landy countered with, “I won’t be able to watch out for you and every living creature on this island.”

  “Are you deaf? I know what I’m doing. I can take care of myself. Landy, don’t consider my assets only on my person, especially those attached to my chest.”

  Landy clipped a loud bark of a laugh.

  Gina interrupted the standoff “Landy, let her go. She is so ready for an adventure. It will be good for her to go and explore. God knows she loves that shit more than I do, and I work for you.”

  Gina stood behind Rae Anne as a show of support, which Rae Anne deeply appreciated.

  Landy looked at the two women. He looked at Kip. “Can I consider that mutiny?”

  “Nope. Sorry, boss. She’s the one who hired your services. Technically, that makes her your boss.”

  “Thank you, for your undying support.”

  Kip shrugged. “You asked. Besides, I’ll help you all I can.”

  Landy looked at the two of them. “For the record, I don’t like this idea one bit.”

  “Noted,” Rae Anne commented.

  He took a step past Rae Anne, she placed her hand on his bicep to stop him. “Landy, you will need me out there. I can be valuable to you in the jungle.”

  “We’ll see.” Landy gave her a terse nod and walked on past.

  * * * *

  Landy heard the two women giving soft hoots of victory when he walked into the sleeping hut. Looking around, he found that the darkened corner where Rae Anne slept summoned his need for her. Images of her bare arms and legs, long blonde hair spilling down her uncovered back, naked hips, and the milky white skin of her breasts flashed in rapid succession in his mind. He closed his eyes, dodging the recurring display. At least she got one thing right. She is valuable to me. He scooted his bed another inch closer to hers. In the last three weeks, the routine had grown into a ritual. The sound of her breathing lulled him to sleep every night, and tonight he needed to get plenty of rest. Tomorrow is a big day.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  At the first light of dawn, Rae Anne anxiously waited for the exploration of the island to begin. She looked to the tree line and imagined a similar party of yore and the possible actions this early in the morning. Scouts would come in to report the findings just beyond the first five hundred yards to the captain. The buzz of enthusiasm all around her produced goose bumps to break out on her arms. She took a deep breath to calm her excitement and breathed in the scents of jasmine, hibiscus, and fresh morning air. The bouquet of freshness pulled into her lungs soothed her nerves.

  “Let’s go.”

  Rae Anne jumped at the terse voice behind her. No need to gauge his excitement, by the tone of his voice his foul mood came with him.

  “Good morning to you too,” she answered in a cheerful, sugar dripping voice as he passed. Hoping to jar his disposition.

  He grunted his unofficial greeting when he passed her by.

  Speak ass your mouth won’t. Rae Anne blamed his tainted temper on his lack of sleep. “Didn’t sleep well last night I take it.”

  His scowl sent an unspoken warning to let it be.

  The thrill of the day’s event in mind, she ignored Landy’s outlook, even if she did understand his plight. Sleep evaded her as well. Lying awake, she watched Landy toss and turn in his bed. If I didn’t know any better, I’d almost swear his bed looked closer to mine.

  “Gina, we’ll be back as soon as we can.” Landy took out the holstered .357 Magnum, raised the barrel to the air, and checked the barrel.

  Rae Anne’s earlier image of the expedition party of yore flashed in her mind and then blended with the image of Landy’s modern garb. Although there are visual differences in the two captains, their natures were similar. They viewed their roles as the protector and lead with honor. The gun at Landy’s right side replaced the single-shot pistol of the old. Black cargo pants with leg pockets traded the sight of knee britches. He checked the pockets and then stashed a second magazine. A white chambray shirt swapped out the white peasant shirt of the pirate captain and, finally, a bush knife that hung just as dangerously from Landy’s left side replaced the sword of the swashbuckler. The tricorner hat no longer existed, but a ball cap sporting the San Francisco 49ers’ emblem had taken its place. A white neckerchief replaced the cravat that would have been around any self-respecting pirate.

  “I hope to be back within three hours.” Landy filled a backpack with six bottles of water. “Here.” He turned and tossed the pack to Rae Anne. She caught it and let it drop to the ground. “You wanted to go. You get to carry the pack.”

  Rae Anne looked at the pack on the ground at her feet and then at Landy’s smug expression. “Perhaps you would like to girth it around my ass,” she stated to him as he retreated.

  Landy stopped, turned around, and shot her a disproving look. “What?”

  Rae Anne believed that if looks could kill, she’d be badly injured, if not dead. She chose this moment to draw the proverbial line in the sand. No more taking orders. He can ask just like anyone else. Considering herself his partner, not his subject or a member of his crew—past or present, she stood her ground. Standing more erect, shoulders squared, hands resting on her hips, she hoped her stance looked defiant. “I don’t do well at following orders.”

  He stalked to her like a man spoiling for a fight. He glared at her.

  Stay strong. Don’t fall apart now. If you let his glares undermine your intentions, the battle will be lost to him. She tested the new found power she developed. “I am not a member of your crew, nor am I a pack mule to be used for your needs and pleasures.”

  Landy calmed his angry glare. He bent over and picked up the discarded pack. “You are exactly that.”

  His statement stunned h
er, and she could almost bet changed her bold front. “How do you figure?”

  “You are the most stubborn of mules.” He dusted off the pack and then handed it softly to her. He leaned low, which set off warning bells in her head. Back away! He was inches from her ear, and the heat of his breath buzzed around all its sensitive spots.

  “If you want to be used for my needs and pleasures, I think it can be arranged, but don’t compare yourself to a beast of burden.”

  His whisper added to the intimate thoughts that ran through her mind like wild fire. A vast array of desire-stirring, sweet measures clouded her mind; long, unrushed, sensual kisses; his fingers and hands on her flesh, and his urgent need to fulfill the same urges she harbored. The embers sparked in her heated womanhood and ran unbound through her.

  The island’s humidity didn’t help matters, and she blushed at the physical reaction displayed for him. You don’t get the upper hand today, my love. She took the bag he held up to her, wrapped her arms around it, and used it as a barrier to ward off his hot advances. His dark face was bristly with a beard in its third day of growth, and dark sunglasses shielded his eyes, yet Rae Anne knew his gaze was piercing her. She squirmed under his observation, and her thighs tingled. The craving for him heated and wet her pussy. The hunger deep inside her raged out of control. Inhaling to steady her quivering insides did little.

  Landy lowered his head and viewed her busty cleavage rising and falling with her breathing. His leer said he enjoyed the sight. And, of course, that only added to the sexy pirate persona within him. She walked past without a comment or argument—no instigation of recourse. It came down to one of two choices; get away from this mental match of wills with him or lose everything she’d gained at this point.

  Landy passed her. His long, determined strides kept her in the rear, and he didn’t bother to look back. Rae Anne sighed in desperation, one thing clearer now than ever. Fighting with him stirred the passion to have him deeper. I’m in over my head.

  Like a little puppy, she followed him and Kip into the forest. The trail she created a few days ago served as the beginning point for the exploration. The cleared path led the way to a crossed branch, which was the stopping point that day. She looked at the tree limbs and, to her relief, didn’t find the snake coiled around the branch overhead.


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