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Gage, Ronna - Paradise Mine (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 19

by Ronna Gage

  The liana vines hung low from the trees. The upward growth brought a smile to her face. Let’s see Tarzan swing from these. She guessed the creeping plant reached the height of the tree. The epiphyte in the canopy thrived on the sunlight it absorbed, and Spanish moss hung from the branches. “By the growth patterns of this vegetation, I can only determine we’re somewhere between Spain and Hawaii.”

  Landy stopped, looked down at her over the rim of his sunglasses, and heaved a breath of what she fathomed to be disturbance. “That’s a lot of water there, Dr. Jamison.”

  There’s that sarcastic tone again. She hated it when he referred to her as “Dr. Jamison” that way. He should at least show some consideration that she knew what she talked about. But instead of addressing this statement, she kept quiet, thinking it best to keep her opinions to herself and walk.

  The roaring sounds she heard on the first excursion got louder, and Landy seemed to be following it now. Maybe his assessment agreed with hers. Waterfall. He looked down at her and smiled. She returned the gesture, but didn’t gloat—too much. The point proven, she relaxed. The expedition did need her.

  The impact of the waterfall on the ground vibrated up into Rae Anne’s knees. The loud, continuous noise rumbled in her ears, and exhilaration consumed her with each step, as she knew that she would see it any moment. Just beyond the sudden break of the forest, Rae Anne stopped and gaped at the most beautiful scene she had ever witnessed. Three waterfalls spilled over a natural wall of stone, emptied into a river below, and headed out to sea. The glistening pool reflected the sun, and the blue-green colors melded into the loveliest watercolor picture nature had to offer. The rock and plants broke the waves as they came to rest on the shore. Well into the middle, she saw the river’s clean and undisturbed bottom.

  “I just want to dive in and swim,” she gushed.

  “Why don’t you?” Kip asked.

  “It’s too beautiful.” Its beauty astounded her. “Almost breathtaking.”

  The sky formed a blue canopy over the backdrop of trees and tropical bushes with pink and purple blooms dotting the plant life.

  “Rae Anne, tell us what you really think?” Kip teased as he eased the backpack off his shoulders.

  “It’s paradise,” she elaborated and continued looking around. “I could live here forever, I think.”

  “You just may at that,” Landy whispered when he stood beside her.

  “Well, aren’t you the voice of reason?” She followed him to the shore. The beauty of nature took over and allowed her to forget for one second the predicament they faced.

  But not Mr. Pessimism.

  After untying her hiking boots, she yanked them off and then peeled off her socks. She dipped one foot into the water and cooled the heat on the soles and pads. Rae Anne stuck the other foot in the cool water and basked in the delight of relief.

  Landy filled the empty water bottles from the fresh water source. “I could go skinny-dipping.” He looked at Rae Anne. “Wanna come?”

  The sultry invitation rattled her nerves. She licked her lips, hoping to stall the forthcoming image that faded in and out of her mind, and counted. One…two…three…

  Landy tightened the cap on the bottle. “Perhaps you would like to watch?”

  She gasped at the remark and almost coughed out the number ten. Daring a glance at him, she found his satisfied sneer got on her nerves. To make matters tenser, she heard the grunt of laughter that he didn’t bother to stifle. He tapped her lightly on the arm.

  “Just let me know one way or the other.” Heading to the clearing by the river he didn’t bother to look back.

  Rae Anne closed her eyes and counted again—faster this time—six, seven, eight, nine, ten. She could deal with innuendo, fighting with him, and even steering clear of his moodiness, but an overt invitation to see him naked was a little harder to dismiss. The thought brought another blush to her burning cheeks. You aren’t some virgin schoolgirl—get into it with him, and don’t let that kind of banter stop you. Inexperienced at verbal sexual foreplay or not, Landy would have to realize that the young girl he knew and the woman she was today weren’t of the same mind frame. Mourning, heartache, and erecting walls had changed that in her.

  * * * *

  Rested and ready to continue the exploration, Landy, Kip, and Rae Anne followed the shoreline to the clearing. The sounds of the waterfalls, beetles, birds, and the trees softly blowing in the winds surrounded them in surreal beauty. The ferns, orchids, and bromeliads trailing the shoreline and the forest added to the visual tropical splendor. And then, the occasional oohs and ahhs at each of Rae Anne’s discoveries offset the picturesque view. She ran from one bush to the next inspecting leaves, algae, and bugs. Landy looked around the immediate area while Kip sat on a rock by the shade trees watching and laughing at her. He walked to the bush Rae Anne was inspecting. “I think this meadow is a good spot to set up a more permanent base camp.”

  She stood up and dusted the dirt off her hands. “I agree.”

  “The area will provide fresh water to drink, safety in the forest, and possibly a food source when the food provisions are reduced to nothing.”

  “I think so too.” Rae Anne picked a flower from the bush, inspected its delicate petals, and then set it in her hair.

  Landy’s cock reacted. A flower in a woman’s hair always held a sexy attraction to him. She smiled at him, peeled off her overshirt, tied it around her waist, and walked to the next bush. His rigid cock strained against the zipper of his shorts. Relief won’t be coming anytime soon. Keeping his distance, he mentally fixed his internal radar on her and viewed her as the woman before him. The white tank top formed to her body. Did her boobs get bigger? All his memories of their past favored her with small endowments. She definitely grew into a sexy woman. Her hips flared more, and her waist had grown smaller. It’s almost a sin to be that beautiful.

  Rae Anne dug in the backpack, pulled out a bottle of water, and then took a sip. The sunlight caught a small dribble as it fell down her chin to rest on her bared cleavage, only to disappear in the crevice of her full breasts. Her previous comment returned and screamed in his head. “I have balls too. They’re two feet up and multifunctional.” He smiled at the multiple uses of her…um, balls.

  Landy turned away before his eyes revealed his secret want. Covertly, he set the eyeglasses back into place. Rae Anne stood by Kip now.

  “I like it too,” Kip said. “It has a good view, plus the valley we’re in will provide good shelter from storms and possible hurricanes.”

  Rae Anne pulled a finger full of moss from tree trunk. “I think we’re closer to Spain than we are Hawaii.”

  “What makes you say that?” Kip asked as he looked at the green goo on her fingers.

  “The way the moss hangs from the trees is indicative of Spanish moss, but Spanish moss seems to grow in any humid climate. I can’t really know for sure until I do some more exploring inside the jungle.”

  Rae Anne walked past Landy and Kip to a banana brush. She used one of its large leaves to wipe the moss from her hand. Her delighted smile indicated that she found another discovery.

  Landy followed, wondering what influenced his actions. Did he really care about her opinions or what her degree could give him? Not really! More to the point, he wanted to be with her, near her. Her enthusiasm spread over him like a contagious sneeze. He loved the look of adventure in her eyes. The smell of sweat and natural woman mixed and added to his pleasure. The two looked over the cliff. Down below the gentle slope set the existing camp. They were just a half hour away from Gina.

  So close, and yet so far! He peered at Rae Anne. So much like our relationship.

  In the distance, the abandoned yacht sat on the barrier that grounded her. “The yacht still holds on,” he whispered.

  She exhaled on a smile. “Strange, this side of the yacht is so beautiful, sitting majestically on the reef, but it’s the other side that has the hole.” She heaved a sigh. “I love this pla

  Rae Anne’s breathy comment echoed in his ears, almost voicing his very thought. Looking at her, Landy caught her watching him. This paradise would have been perfect a few years ago. Just a few measly ten years. A lot had changed since then, and they weren’t the same kids now. She held his gaze, and emotions burned with unspoken words. Almost in a trancelike state, Landy approached her. She stood still. His heart filled with keenness to the unbreakable spell she cast over him, and he let it pull at his unseen shield. His eyes did what he wouldn’t allow his arms to do—hold her. His gaze caressed her face. Kissable lips shone with the lip balm she wore. His brain processed three shades of blonde streaking her hair the color of straw, caramel, and honey. His stare settled on the swells of her breasts, and her nipples budded under his scrutiny.

  They stood face-to-face, neither taking the lead to reach out and touch. Who would be first? Who would break the chains that held them back? The wind blew in off the water and caught Rae Anne’s hair. The gentle breeze exposed her throat to his liking. A catch of her breath sounded past her lips to his ears. He smiled in response. So close! Rae Anne leaned toward him, his arm twitched in expectation of the first contact. Just one step. Just one and the pain would be…

  “Hey, you guys! Let’s go. Gina is going to love this place.”

  Kip’s eagerness to see Gina matched Landy’s to have Rae Anne, but the urgency dissipated. The dissatisfaction of a botched effort tore him to the core and brought tears to her eyes. This emotional roller coaster ride has taken its toll on both of us. Landy didn’t rush off. Instead, he watched a tear fall down her cheek. He took easy care to lift it away with his thumb. The tumultuous reaction in her eyes increased when he placed it on his top lip and rubbed it in. He skimmed his tongue over the moisture. Tasting her salty tear was the most erotic thing he’d ever done. Even if only for one second, he relished in tasting her on his lips.

  “Time to go,” he whispered.

  Rae Anne nodded but didn’t utter a word. Landy broke the encompassing stare, turned, and left her standing at the cliff’s edge.


  The constraint in her voice called him back. He faced her and took the one step to close the gap between them. He cupped her face. Unvoiced words communicated in a soft and gentle kiss stoked the fires hotter. Pressing his forehead to hers, he took huge gulps of air to fight the desire. He didn’t dare give in completely. He pulled her close, and their bodies melded as one. He wrapped his hands tightly in her hair, and the physical pain of his need agonized his hard, throbbing cock. I don’t think I can walk right now. His heart felt like it would burst if he didn’t have her this second. He took in a sharp breath… the pain.

  “Ow!” she cried out.

  Landy snapped back to reality. He had pulled her hair, causing her physical pain as well. He closed his eyes at the fear and desire that filled her eyes and his heart. Softly, he stroked her hair until he found the power to think rationally. Setting her back, she looked up at him. Big emerald eyes reflected her confusion and need. His gaze fixed on her eyes, her lips, and then the pulse point in her neck. Fearing he’d lose all control, he walked away leaving them both wanting, needing, and further unsatisfied.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Rae Anne felt ashamed for her reaction to him, and sad for his. The tropical paradise had gotten the better of her again and had dissolved her vow to keep Landy at arm’s length. I’ve lost him for good this time. She blamed his anger and pride for keeping them apart. What happened in the past was her father’s doing. What happened now, was theirs.

  Gina greeted them with a smile. “Hey, how did it go?”

  “Not too bad,” Rae Anne answered. “Well, it was a productive nature walk.”

  “Good. I know it isn’t much, but I figured a sandwich and a glass of tea would hit the spot.”

  Rae Anne took the paper towel wrapped sandwich and a glass of tea from the table. “This is great, Gina. Thank you for taking care of us.” She used manners and graciousness to distract her from the emptiness.

  “That’s what I do best.” Gina winked. “We all have our strengths, some more prominent to others.”

  “We should start packing right away,” Landy advised without a smile or pleasantry for the meal.

  Although it didn’t take much effort, a thank-you would have been nice, but then again, Rae Anne understood his testiness.

  “I’m guessing you found a new place to make a permanent base.” Gina stated.

  “Yes, and I think you’ll like it, honey. It overlooks the ocean and it is within a valley.”

  “It will block the wind and still keep us safe,” Gina finished for him. She upturned the top box of her ready-built pantry and closed it up.

  “Yep, and if we hurry, we may even have camp set up this evening.” Landy added.

  “Let’s stop standing around,” Gina teased, using one of Landy’s favorite sayings. “That box is ready.”

  “I’ll start inside the tent. Fold up the bedsheets, comforters, and get the sleeping quarters ready to move,” Rae Anne said.

  “Kip and I will make a travois, or something, to help to make the move easier. Remember, all the things we need for the night should be top priority. Such as the food, the tent, and clothes for two days. If need be, we will come back tomorrow for the rest.”

  Unofficial assignments split between them, the camp was packed and ready to move within an hour’s time.

  “I don’t think our ancestors could’ve done any better,” Kip stated of the work. The tarp, now fastened around three bamboo poles fashioned in a triangular shape, held the lighter items to be moved; bedsheets, pillows, comforters, clothes, and other lightweight objects. “Rae Anne, you pull this one.”

  Landy loaded the bed frames and mattresses onto a long bed of bamboo rails pulled by a rope. “We can use this to help move the heavier items,” Landy explained. “Gina, can you get this one?”

  “Yes.” She fitted the rope around her waist.

  Rae Anne looked at the dinghy tied to a tree in the lagoon. “Can we use the dinghy for anything?”

  Everyone looked at the empty boat. “We can load the generator, refrigerator, and a part of Gina’s stove.”

  With everything loaded, they started their trek to the new site in a matter of two hours. The hike seemed like a breeze so far. She, Landy, and Gina pulled a travois loaded with the things they needed for the night. Thinking of the wonderful pool of water under the falls pacified her mind of the physical labor she was enduring. She couldn’t wait for the first time she could skinny-dip and bath at her new home. Her gaze landed on Landy’s back, and now her swim fantasy included him—his large hands cupping her breasts, his hot lips sucking and nipping her flesh, and words of endearment whispered in her ear as they made love.

  “Let’s set up best we can,” Landy ordered.

  Her erotic thoughts halted with his gruff order. “Gina and I will set up the stove and pantry while you two rebuild the tent.”

  “Sounds good.” Landy sauntered over to the crumpled tent, studied it for a moment, and looked over his shoulder at the group. “Kip.” He waited for him to stand next to him. “I think we should reinforce it somehow.”

  “We can use bamboo poles.”

  “Yes, and more tie-downs.” Landy looked across the meadow. The boat bobbed in the water, filled with the fridge and generator. “Let’s unload the boat first, and then we’ll start on this next.”

  “Yes, those are items I couldn’t unload myself.”

  * * * *

  With the boat unloaded, Kip and Landy placed their efforts in rebuilding the tent. Now, with the last pole in place and secured, the two men stepped back and admired the efforts. “Dinner’s ready!” Gina called to them.

  “The tent looks great!” Rae Anne gushed, looking at the sturdy outer frame. “It even has a door.”

  “That was the easy part.” Kip laughed. “The frame was the hardest, but it turned out all right.”

  “After the
rainstorm, we’ll go up and reinforce the roof with poles, but for now, it will keep us dry.”

  Rae Anne looked toward the sky. “What storm? I only see white puffy clouds. No rain clouds.”

  “Did you feel the spike in humidity?” Landy’s sarcastic question added a new tension in the atmosphere.

  “All right, Mr. Laurent, you win this round.” Rae Anne hated to give in and claim defeat, but tonight wasn’t the night to have another bout of wills with Landy, nor was any other night.

  * * * *

  The rainstorm announced its arrival with a crash of thunder. The little tent shook on its timbers. Rae Anne jerked up out of a restful sleep. “Boy, that’s close,” she whispered, her hand over her fast beating heart. She looked around the darkened tent. In the dim light of a single candle and the intermittent flashes of lightning, Landy stood at the foot of their beds, looking toward the door.

  “Good thing we covered the remaining items with the tarp,” he said before she stood before him and the two watched the storm as a silent moment grew between them.

  Rae Anne looked toward the other end of the sleeping room. Gina and Kip lay sound asleep in their bed. “At least someone can sleep.”

  Landy looked in their direction. “Like a couple of babes. A life at sea does that to some people.”

  She folded her arms under her breasts. “How long do you think this storm will last, oh wise one?”

  Landy laughed at the sarcastic remark, which further irritated her. He turned to her, and the second he gazed into her eyes the small amount of distance between them sparked with currents of desire.

  Her mind kick-started into an inward prayer. Kiss me! It demanded. Love me! It willed him silently. His hands smoothed back the hair from her face, and in slow, calculated movements, their lips touched, and then boom! A large clap of thunder roared, separating them before the kiss had time to develop. Shaken and confused, Rae Anne licked the spot where his lips touched. The hunger inside gave way to heartache. “Will we ever get a break?”


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