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Vesta Mansion: Book One - The Power Inside

Page 8

by P. A. Priddey

  Alex put his seat belt on. ‘Good, did it take much to get Blaze to accept one?’

  James started up the engine. ‘Na, not really, she’s more worried about losing the girls.’

  ‘I like her, she’s a good woman, but it won’t be for a while with all the work at the mansion.’

  ‘That might be harder on her, the longer it takes.’

  Alex considered it. ‘Yeah, I guess it would be, but I’d like to have her around the girls when we move.’

  ‘I suggested as much, but she has a circle of friends who always visit her, and would make it hard for her to leave them.’

  ‘How many friends are there?’

  ‘About twenty, all ages. She’s like a mother or sister to them, and sorts out all their problems.’

  ‘And they’re all women so George said.’

  James gave him a sideways glance. ‘Yeah, and gay, does it matter?’

  ‘No, of course not, I just wonder if Blaze is going to make this easier or harder.’

  ‘I can’t see how she would make it harder. She might not trust many people, but you won’t find anyone more honest or caring than her.’

  ‘That’s the problem. The girls are already fond of Blaze and her friends.’

  ‘You gonna take them out of the house?’

  ‘No, not until the mansion is ready, as I need to do a lot of thinking.’

  ‘Where we off to?’

  ‘The mansion, as I need to tell House what’s happening, then my flat as we’re shopping in the morning. It should be my last night there as I asked George to find us somewhere closer, that’s if you don’t mind moving closer.’

  ‘Sounds good to me, and I reckon my aunt would love to have the spare room back.’

  Alex raised an eyebrow. ‘You live with your aunt?’

  ‘Yeah, my job has had me away for weeks on end so it was a practical solution.’

  James pulled up outside the flat an hour after they had visited the mansion.

  ‘You want to stop here the night?’ Alex offered.

  ‘Na, I best go pack my stuff, and give my aunt the good news.’

  Alex walked inside and decided to pack all his personal belongings. He thought about what happened, and if this was some sort of game. He wondered if giving up his flat was a good idea, but the pro’s outweighed the cons. The girls were real, and his love for them was real. He could walk properly again, and had no craving to smoke or drink. What surprised him the most was Asima, and how her people knew where the girls would be on that night. He phoned his landlord, and told him he was leaving. The landlord wasn’t happy at first, but when he knew he could keep the deposit and all the furniture including the television, washing machine, and dryer, he became quite happy, as he could rent it out as a furnished flat for more money. His phone rang. ‘Adhara’ came up on the screen, and he answered it.

  ‘Hi, Papa,’ she said.

  ‘Hey, sweetheart, you OK?’

  ‘Yep, are we still going tomorrow?’

  ‘Of course we are, and I’m looking forward to it.’ His phoned buzzed, it was Sarin also calling him, he answered and they had a three-way phone call. It lasted almost an hour, and he learned of many ways he could use the phone, as their friend Michelle had taught them.

  He fell asleep around ten o’clock, his dreams were of the girls and of the mansion. They were living there now, and he saw many people going about doing various jobs. The mansion had changed on the inside, and he was sitting on a sofa in front of the fire with the girls. His dream changed and he was somewhere else, he could see the girls, but it was like watching them through a window. They were crying and collapsed to the floor.

  Alex woke at seven in the morning, shivering. He showered and dressed. He put his clothes and belongings into a case, and had one last look around before leaving. He posted the keys through the letterbox and carried his belongings to the car. James got out and opened the boot for him.

  ‘Have you been waiting long?’ said Alex.

  ‘About forty minutes, I’ve been trying to work out how to use this phone.’

  Alex sat in the front of the limo. ‘You should have talked to my girls . . . they told me everything about it.’

  ‘They know how to use them already?’

  ‘Yeah, one of their new friends is good with all that stuff.’

  James put his phone down in disgust. ‘I’m such a dinosaur when it comes to gadgets.’

  ‘Same here, so are you looking forward to our day out?’

  ‘Clothes shopping and the pink princess isn’t what I call a day out,’ said James, somewhat unimpressed.

  ‘Didn’t you check the listings on your app? There’s a good action film on.’

  ‘I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, apart from action film that is.’

  They arrived at nine to pick the girls up, and they were at the car before he opened the door. Alex saw no sign of Blaze or Asima, so he walked down to the house where the door was still open. He stepped inside and saw them sitting on a sofa. ‘Are you two coming with us?’

  ‘I thought you were taking the girls shopping first,’ said Blaze.

  ‘If I take the twins shopping without an intelligent woman alongside me, you’re going to need a bigger house to put everything.’

  Blaze pursed her lips. ‘I see your point, and as long as you’re not going to buy me anything else I’ll come.’

  ‘I wouldn’t dream of it. I’m sure you have plenty of clothes, unlike the girls and at a guess Asima.’

  ‘I don’t need anything,’ said Asima, and Alex looked at Blaze for help, who whispered something to her. ‘OK, I do need a few things, but I don’t like accepting your charity.’

  It surprised Alex. ‘It’s not charity. You do intend to keep watching over the girls?’

  ‘Of course,’ Asima insisted.

  ‘You’ll need clothes and money, and I should buy you anything you want for saving my life.’

  Asima smiled. ‘OK, I accept, and you can buy me everything.’

  ‘Well if it’s all sorted let’s be on our way,’ said Alex, also smiling.

  They got into the car as the girls were showing James how to use his phone. Sarin asked if she could do something on Alex’s phone so he passed it to her. When she passed it back it had a screen saver, which was a picture of the girls smiling. Pleased with it he showed the women, who in turn showed him their phones with the same picture. They arrived at a shopping centre, where Blaze led them to a large store which had both men’s and women’s clothes.

  ‘Now girls, get whatever you want,’ said Alex. ‘You’ll probably need something for everyday of the week and a lot more things, too. Do encourage Asima to buy stuff, oh and if you want to buy your auntie anything just do it,’ he added, and winked at Blaze before going off to the men’s department.

  Twenty minutes later, Alex and James returned. The twins had two full trolleys and were still looking at more clothes.

  Alex added clothes to the already over laden trolleys. ‘How have they chosen so much stuff in such a short time?’

  Blaze stood watching them. ‘It was you who told them to get whatever they wanted.’

  Alex stared at the twins. ‘I’m not complaining, just surprised at how quick.’

  ‘Well, they don’t even try anything on. They just show each other something, and when the other nods it goes in the trolley.’

  ‘Have they chosen anything for you yet?’

  Blaze gave him a hard stare. ‘Yes, a few things, you knew I wouldn’t say no to them.’

  ‘I had a feeling,’ said Alex. ‘What about Asima? Has she chosen much?’

  ‘Yeah, she’s enjoying herself.’

  ‘Good, I like her.’

  ‘Are you going to take her away, too?’

  ‘I think we both know Asima will go where ever the girls go.’

  ‘Yes, I know, and I believe you’re going to break my heart.’

  ‘No, my dear lady, I won’t. You’re a part of their life as mu
ch as I am now.’

  The bill had come to over four thousand pounds, and the only comments were about the Hawaiian shirt James had chosen. The numerous bags just about fitted inside the large boot of the car.

  They arrived at the cinema before eleven and Alex paid for the tickets. James and Asima decided on an action film, which was from one until four. As they had an hour before the first film, they decided to spend the time in the arcade next door. Alex watched the girls enjoying themselves, and noticed James and Asima were competitive in their games. Blaze, however, liked to play a horse racing game, but for the most part she also liked to watch the girls have fun.

  Choosing the food to watch the films was a problem for the girls, as they were going to watch two, and deciding what they should have for each confused them. Alex suggested hot dogs and nachos for the first film, ice cream for the second, and popcorn for both. The first film Alex didn’t watch. He was happy the girls loved it, but his mind was on Blaze, and his promise he wouldn’t hurt her. The second film he noticed was the dog, Cedric, could talk, and it was he who chose his name. The film, however, was flawed, as the dog could speak with its jaws and not its mind.

  After the films had finished James dropped the women off, and the girls hugged Alex for their lovely day. He even felt Blaze was beginning to like him, but knew of her concerns for the twins. George had booked a couple of hotel rooms for Alex and James closer to the girls and the mansion.


  Forest Creatures

  Alex spent his first night in the hotel having a drink with James before going to his room to make a phone call. He sat on the bed with his phone in hand and tapped in the only number he knew off by heart.

  ‘Hello,’ said a woman.

  ‘Hey, Mom,’ said Alex, as he pictured the face of his mother. He was eight years old when he first saw her. She looked like an angel. He remembered her face that night, almost thirty-two years ago, and she didn’t look a day older now. Love of your mother has that effect, he thought.

  ‘Alex, where have you been? You were supposed to take Thomas out last week,’ she said, she might be his foster-mother, but his mother all the same.

  ‘I’m sorry, I was ill in bed for a few days.’ He regretted it soon as he said it.

  ‘Why didn’t you call me? You know I’d have been straight over.’ His mother’s voice was hard with a worrying feel to it.

  ‘There was no need, as I’m fine now.’

  ‘I’ve been trying to call you, but kept getting your answer phone.’

  ‘My phone was about to pack up and had to buy a new one.’

  ‘Sweetheart, I’ll put my plans on hold and come to see you.’

  ‘I’m coming to see you tomorrow anyway, what’re your plans?’

  ‘I’m taking Thomas on holiday, like I took you all those years ago, and was hoping you would come with us.’

  It took Alex by surprise, he remembered the holiday which lasted around ten months. They spent a couple of weeks somewhere else in England, Scotland, and Ireland before seeing the rest of the world. He had the most amazing time with the most amazing woman. ‘I can’t come, but please don’t change your plans, I want Thomas to experience what I did.’ Thomas was his little brother, now eight years old. Alex was in London when he was born. He never knew his mother was pregnant, he had never known her to have a partner.

  ‘What’s going on, Alex? I know you’d like to get away from that job.’

  ‘They fired me for not turning up, and now I’m working on a house.’

  ‘How can you work on a house with that leg of yours?’

  ‘My leg is fine, I can walk without my stick and even run,’ said Alex, and there was a long silence on the other end of the line.

  ‘How can that be . . . ? I watched over you for a long time in hospital, and at home, your leg could never heal again.’

  ‘I’m coming over tomorrow, so you can see for yourself.’

  ‘We’re leaving in the morning.’

  Alex felt a pang of disappointment. ‘So soon?’

  ‘I’ll cancel it.’

  ‘No, let Thomas have the holiday, you can ring me anytime.’

  ‘I’m worried about you.’

  ‘Don’t be, I’ve so much to tell you, and it’ll be better to show you when the work at the house is finished.’

  ‘Whose house is it?’

  ‘Mine, it was given to me.’

  ‘People don’t just give houses away,’ she said accusingly.

  ‘It’s old and needs loads of work.’

  ‘You need money for that, and you lost your job.’

  ‘I have friends, and no rent to pay.’

  ‘What about the drinking?’

  ‘I don’t need it any more. I have the odd social drink, but that’s it, oh and I quit smoking.’

  ‘You quit both just like that?’

  ‘Yeah,’ said Alex. ‘I did have a beer earlier with a friend, but just the one. I’m quite happy, and have stopped hiding from the world.’

  ‘I can hear it in your voice you’re happy.’

  ‘I am, but will be a lot happier when the house is finished.’ He avoided saying mansion on purpose.

  ‘It sounds strange to me, but if you’re happy I can go on holiday without worrying too much.’

  ‘You’ll always worry about me, whatever I do.’

  ‘Of course, you’ll always be my little boy.’

  ‘You have Thomas for that now.’

  ‘You’re both my little boys. He would love to have chatted with you but he’s asleep.’

  ‘Call me on this number in the morning before you leave.’

  ‘OK, I’m going to bed now.’

  ‘Goodnight, Mother.’

  ‘Goodnight, my sweet Alex, I love you,’ she said, and ended the call.

  Alex slept, his dreams were all scattered like before. There were new images this time, little black shadows grabbing at him. He saw strange-looking furry creatures, and grey-skinned men with sharp teeth. He had a long weapon in his hand as he hunted something in a forest. He woke and took a shower. His phone rang and he chatted to his mother and an excited little brother for twenty minutes before joining James for breakfast.

  ‘What’s the plan for today?’ said James.

  Alex sipped on his tea. ‘We best go to the mansion first, I’ve a feeling it might not be easy to get up the drive soon.’

  ‘What makes you think that?’

  ‘They’ll have to dig it up, as there’s no other way with the woods all around.’

  ‘Are they going to do it today?’

  ‘Probably not, as Ron will want the windows out first.’

  They arrived at the mansion, where skips were already in place to take the windows away. Alex walked up to the front door and took his key out, but put his hand over the lock instead, and said. ‘Open.’ He heard a clunk as it unlocked.

  You don’t have to say it, just think it, said Rho.

  ‘Please forgive me, but I’m new to this.’

  Sarcasm is a human trait.

  Alex looked at the wolf with both eyebrows raised. ‘You introduced me to James and he’s a good teacher, but we could always talk about the curtains that fell on me.’

  That was funny though. I take it the work is about to start.

  Alex nodded. ‘Will you be OK here?’

  We will be fine, said the wolf, and walked through the back of the mansion as the doors opened for him.

  ‘How come you thought it strange I talked to House, but it’s OK for the doors to open on their own?’

  It was when you told me about him that I put two and two together, said Rho, as he stepped outside.

  Hello, Alex, said another voice.

  ‘Hey, House, they’ll be starting soon if that’s OK?’

  We have not moved the walls yet.

  ‘The workers will be putting the scaffolding up first so they can take the windows out.’

  It feels strange, but I am looking forward to the work.

  ‘What are the items you can go into?’

  There’s a plaque by the fireplace, and a few others in the study, why do you need them?

  Alex picked up the plaque and walked into the study. ‘You can come with us if you like, but if not, I’ll put them somewhere safe.’

  I would like to come, but it will be best if I stay here to watch what is happening.

  ‘I’ll put them with the wolves before someone puts them in a skip.’

  * * *

  Alex spent the next two weeks visiting the children. He took them wherever they wanted to go, and the zoo was their favourite after the cinema. He met a few of the women the twins now called friends, as they were having a coffee when Alex arrived. A few of them smiled, but most of those he met didn’t trust him, and he didn’t blame them. Alex would have felt the same in their situation, watching some rich guy coming in throwing his money around.

  One of them was Claire Matheson, a tall slim woman, with a nose piercing and she didn’t look happy to see him. ‘Why did you bring the girls here?’

  ‘It was George who brought them here.’

  ‘Oh right, so if it was up to you they would be somewhere else?’

  Alex didn’t like her tone. ‘Probably, but only because I’d never heard of Blaze.’

  She pushed the fringe of her short blonde hair to one side. ‘Yeah, and she tells me you’re paying her.’

  ‘I am, is that wrong?’

  ‘No, I just thought she was saying you were so I wouldn’t have a go at her.’

  ‘How could anyone have a go at Blaze?’ said Alex, but Claire didn’t reply, she turned her back on him and walked off.

  Alex decided he wanted the mansion finished as soon as possible. Blaze and her friends might be the nicest people in the world, but he would never be accepted. He needed answers to his problem of making his home with the children servant free. The only answer he had was to spend money, lots of it.

  He left the house, and James drove him to where he used to live — when he had friends. Alex knocked on the door where Paige lived, he didn’t know what to expect from her after he left only leaving a letter. The woman who answered wasn’t Paige, the woman told him she moved out over four years ago.


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