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Vesta Mansion: Book One - The Power Inside

Page 9

by P. A. Priddey

  * * *

  Alex visited the mansion on the night, and was happy with what he saw. The last time he came here the drive all the way up to the mansion had been dug up by a JCB, with cables and pipes being laid down, and now it was all filled in. They drove up to the mansion, which looked hollow without the windows and front doors.

  Alex shuddered at the sight of the scaffolding. ‘You look naked without your windows.’

  I feel quite fresh when the wind blows through, said House.

  Alex grinned. ‘Your windows were all broken, so didn’t it blow through anyway?’

  No, I stopped it as I did with anything which could damage the mansion.

  I see they’ve swept up.’

  Yes, they have put everything in those skips outside, but decided not to take them away until you say they can.

  ‘Is there anything worth keeping?’

  No, it is useless junk.

  ‘This is quite spooky with the wind blowing through,’ said James, as he entered the mansion.

  ‘Even more so when there’s a huge wolf with red eyes staring at you.’

  James had the sight, too, and his eyes glowed. ‘Anything like mine?’

  Alex shuddered. ‘That’s creepy. Rho doing it is one thing, but it doesn’t look normal when you do it.’

  ‘Tell me about it, I almost crapped myself when I first saw George with red eyes.’

  I think it suits you, said Rho, as he joined them.

  Alex sighed. ‘You’ve been talking to James way too long.’

  James folded his arms. ‘Don’t even go there, our friend here taught me everything I know on the sarcasm front.’

  Life can get a little boring when you’ve been waiting so long, said Rho.

  ‘Don’t let Chi hear you say that,’ said James.

  I’m even more bored than he is, said Chi, who had entered the mansion unseen. We used to run together, but I can’t while I carry our cubs.

  ‘I’m sorry, Chi,’ said Alex, stroking the fur on her back. ‘If there’s anything I can do to help relieve your boredom, let me know.’

  No one can do anything until my little ones are born, and then I will make good on your offer. For now it would be nice if you could go on a run with Rho, as I could do without him pacing around all night.

  Alex liked the idea. ‘I wouldn’t mind, what about you, James?’

  ‘Na, I’ll give it a miss, as I only lasted ten minutes with them last time.’

  ‘You could always try to see if you can get to the eleven minute mark.’

  ‘You’d have to bring me back, as I’d be lost. Eleven minutes of running with the wolves is a great distance. You two carry on, and I’ll sing to Chi while we’re waiting.’

  Do you hate me that much? The wolf sighed.

  James huffed. ‘OK . . . OK, I’ll wait in the car.’

  Alex and Rho stepped out the back door and ran. They soon came to the river which they both jumped with ease. Alex didn’t realise when he ran the night he saved his children how invigorating it was. They passed through fields in seconds, hedges and fences were no problem as they both leapt over them. He thought it was amazing at what he could do, but the animals and trees they ran past didn’t think so and carried on with what they were doing. The air was so fresh he thought he could do it all night.

  ‘Where we going?’

  To a forest, said Rho. It’s one I like visiting with Chi. We have felt something mysterious there, but could never figure out what it was.

  The forest loomed large in front of them. They stopped running as they entered. Alex thought about the night he walked through the woods on his land, but this was different. The forest was huge compared to the woods. The animals on the mansions land would approach him, as they felt safe, but here some watched with caution.

  Can you feel it? Rho asked.

  Alex nodded. ‘Yeah, the whole place is alive, it’s almost like we woke them up.’

  Not we, but you. I come here with Chi as often as we can, and just a few of the animals here approach us.

  ‘Are you really a wolf?’

  Yes, ever since I was born.

  ‘How long ago was that?’

  I don’t know what your years mean, but it was a long time ago, why do you ask?

  ‘You said you’ve been waiting a long time, and the fact other animals aren’t afraid of you.’

  Most other animals know they are safe with us, but here some are wary.

  Alex looked around, he could see many eyes on him, most turned away and decided sleep was more interesting. He could see a rabbit with bright eyes, the colour he couldn’t tell, it backed away when he approached.

  Rho watched as Alex’s expression changed. You see them, too.

  ‘I saw a rabbit.’

  Did you notice anything strange about it?

  ‘Its eyes were bright.’

  Like the owl up there?

  Alex looked and saw what Rho was staring at. ‘Yeah, exactly the same.’

  What are the other animal’s eyes like?

  ‘A lot darker like this one,’ said Alex, as a small deer approached and let him stroke its neck.

  They walked through the forest and many other animals followed them, the ones with the bright eyes kept their distance.

  We have been here many times, but have no idea what they are.

  Alex was getting information, but had no idea where it was coming from. ‘They’re friends of the forest, and all its animals.’

  How do you know that? And what are they?

  ‘I don’t know . . . it’s like I’m being drip fed information with images. I can tell you they’re frightened of us.

  How do you know all this?

  Alex tapped his head. ‘I don’t know, they’re friends but will never reveal themselves to us.’

  You may not need me and Chi much longer, you know more than us now.

  ‘I’ll always need you, so don’t even think of leaving.’

  Our time with you will soon be over, and we will be gone.

  ‘You’re wrong my friend. Your time means your cubs and I see them running around the mansion having fun, while we’ll be having many adventures.’

  You know this, how?

  ‘Something happened when you brought me here. You said the forest came alive when I entered . . . well guess what . . . so did I.’

  Can you see what they are now?

  ‘No, but they have the most beautiful hearts,’ said Alex, and knelt looking at the rabbit with bright eyes, it came closer to him. ‘I will hold you in my arms one day, but not as a rabbit.’

  That’s a strange thing to say.

  ‘Yeah, but it’s true . . . we should go back now.’

  They ran back to the mansion with the wolf wanting to know all the answers this time. Alex had none. He knew the answers would come, but not yet. Rho ran to the shed he shared with Chi, but came out before Alex entered the mansion.

  She’s not in there.

  ‘Maybe she wanted to sleep inside.’

  She never has done before.’

  Chi is in the Car, said House.

  Who said that?

  ‘That was House,’ said Alex.

  How is it you speak to me now?

  I did not want you to worry, said House.

  Thank you, said Rho. Why would she be in the car?

  ‘Maybe she decided to let James sing to her,’ said Alex dryly.

  That’s hard to believe. They approached the car, where Chi was in the back and James in the front, both asleep. How strange!

  ‘We must have been longer than we thought,’ said Alex. ‘You better get in, and we’ll sleep here tonight.’

  You want us to sleep in the car?

  ‘Chi looks comfortable, and I’m not telling her to move.’

  Good point, said the wolf.

  Alex got in the front where he always sat unless anyone else was with them, and fell asleep straight away. His dreams were of the ancient world and of being in space, and it still never
made any sense. His dream took him back to the forest with the rabbit and its bright eyes. It changed and he was looking at a furry creature which was about four-foot tall, with long ears pointing upwards, and yellow eyes. The creature had its hands out pleading to him, but when Alex approached, it screamed in terror. He woke with a start — it was morning.

  Bad dreams? Chi asked.

  ‘More strange than bad.’ Alex looked in the mirror to see the wolf sitting on the back seat. There had been a privacy window but he had it removed.

  Did you dream of the rabbit? Rho asked.

  ‘Yeah, as well as other things, have you seen them in the daytime?’

  A few times.

  ‘What colour were their eyes?’

  Yellow, strange I didn’t notice before.

  Alex climbed out and stretched before he opened the back door. ‘I had a feeling you would say that.’

  I could get used to sleeping in here, said Chi, as she stepped out.

  ‘You sleep well, my lady?’

  Very well, thank you.

  ‘Back to the hotel,’ said James, when they drove off.

  Alex nodded. ‘Yeah, and afterwards I need to go to a furniture store.’

  ‘Isn’t it a little soon to buy furniture?’

  ‘I want to buy the wolves a bed.

  It was two hours later when they returned to the mansion. James drove the car around the side as there was access to the rear, where Ron Stevens was talking to Rho.

  ‘I thought I was special when I first talked to the wolf,’ said Alex.

  ‘Same here, now he talks to anyone.’ James opened the rear doors. They pulled out an expensive looking mattress before carrying it to the outhouse where the wolves slept.

  Rho followed them. What do you have there?

  Alex laid it on the floor. ‘A bed for you and Chi.’

  We are wolves, and don’t require beds to sleep on.

  ‘True, but you’re not sleeping outside on the ground which is softer than this stone floor.’

  Chi tested the mattress with her paws before settling down on it. He does have a point.

  ‘Is it to your satisfaction, my lady?’

  Very much so, thank you, Alex. If wolves could smile she would have the biggest.

  ‘Where would you like it to go?’

  Right here, I don’t want to get up at the moment.

  Alex pushed the mattress into the corner where she usually slept. ‘You don’t have to.’

  ‘I have some blankets,’ said James, and Rho groaned.

  Alex left the outhouse and approached the mansion with Rho. ‘I didn’t upset you by getting the mattress?’

  No, I will enjoy sleeping on it, although I do feel ashamed I didn’t find anything to make her more comfortable sooner.

  ‘Don’t be, it’s easy when you’ve lots of money, and the means.’

  Yes, but you thought of it not me. I wanted to ask why you said you would hold the rabbit one day.

  ‘I don’t know. It came to me when we were in the forest. It had a feeling of innocence, and it’s not a rabbit of course.’

  No, I didn’t think it was, said Rho, and decided to try the mattress out.

  Alex looked at Ron. ‘I didn’t know you could talk to the wolves.’

  ‘George introduced me to them many years ago, but it was a few months before we talked.’

  ‘Why was that?’

  Ron stared at the notepad in his hand. ‘I had to hear them talking first.’

  ‘Didn’t George tell you he could talk to the wolves beforehand?’

  ‘No, he couldn’t. There might have been a risk of me never being able to do it if I knew and tried listening.’

  It confused Alex. ‘Why would it make a difference?’

  ‘It’s a psychic talent to do it. The wolves believe if you try messing with it before you have it, you might never get it. Of course it’s only a theory.’

  ‘Rho must have rushed it through with me.’

  Ron raised an eyebrow. ‘You could do it on the first night of meeting him?’

  ‘A huge wolf approached me in a field. He told me to go with him, so I did.’

  ‘I can imagine . . . he’s a likeable fellow.’

  ‘Indeed he is. I must have been able to communicate that way as I heard my daughters call for me.’

  ‘Does this change anything with me being able to do it?’

  ‘Yeah, it means I don’t have to hide anything from you.’

  Ron nodded before going back to oversee the work. He had many electricians waiting to start on the inside of the mansion, but Alex told him the rooms would be all different, so they had to wait.

  Rho came back out a little disgruntled. You could have warned me I should get on the mattress gently, as Chi wasn’t best pleased when I jumped on it.

  ‘I’m neglectful at times. So how’s it going now you’re talking to House?’

  Most enjoyable, and we have a lot to talk about.

  It is nice to have someone else to talk to, said House.

  ‘Why didn’t you talk to them before?’

  I have been meaning to since we spoke, but I never knew what to say.

  Alex looked up, confused. ‘They were here a long time before I arrived.’

  Yes, but I had to speak to you first.

  ‘I don’t understand . . . why did you need to speak to me first?’

  House was quiet for a few seconds. I don’t know.

  * * *

  Alex spent the next week the same as the previous, with a lot more night running with Rho. He saw Claire when he visited the children, and she was in a happy mood, but wouldn’t say why, however much the others asked. He was back at the mansion on the night when his phone rang. ‘Hey, Adhara, you OK?’

  ‘Yep, Papa,’ she said, sounding excited. ‘We need new dresses.’

  ‘I thought you had lots.’

  ‘We do, but this is for a special occasion.’

  ‘And what’s the special occasion?’

  ‘Claire is getting married and we’re invited.’

  Alex knew she meant the girls were invited, not him. He thought about it for a moment. ‘That’s nice, but we won’t rush into buying the dresses.’

  ‘Why not?’ she said, sounding sad. ‘We want to try them on now.’

  Alex smiled. ‘Is the wedding soon?’

  ‘Not for a few months I think. Claire only just told us as she was waiting for Red to get here.’

  ‘Who’s Red?’

  ‘Her girlfriend, she has hair like mine so she calls me Little Red, and I call her Red.’

  ‘Well, as it is a couple of months away, we’ll wait before buying your dresses, until you decide on the one that’s perfect for you, or we get them made.’

  ‘We can get them made to how we want?’

  ‘Yeah, but it doesn’t stop you looking. If we buy them now you might not like them when the wedding comes around.’

  ‘You’re very clever, Papa, and I love you very much.’

  ‘I love you too, sweetheart,’ said Alex, as an idea came to him.

  Alex stepped outside the back, where he noticed a horse, a large black stallion. ‘Hey, Bronte,’ he said, as the name popped into his head.

  The horse snorted, and nodded.

  Alex stroked its neck. ‘We’ll ride soon, but not just yet — feel free to run anywhere on the land,’ he said, as his phone rang again. ‘Hey, George.’

  ‘Hello, Alex, I have some news for you, it’s about the couple who had taken the twins. They were arrested earlier today.’

  ‘Not for my girls?’

  ‘No, I had a word with a few friends in the police department, and they kept watch on the house, and more importantly on a barred bedroom window. Soon as they saw someone small in the room they went in and found out they had taken another girl.’

  ‘Taken her from where?’

  ‘I don’t have those details yet, but the police believe they just grabbed her off the street and are looking at a long time in priso


  Strange Events

  The following morning, James was driving back to the mansion when Alex heard their voices.

  Papa, help us, we need you.

  ‘TURN AROUND!’ Alex shouted, now panicking. A vision of the girls entered his mind. They were below a bridge with a group of men approaching them.

  James slammed on the brakes and spun the car around. ‘What? Where are we going?’

  ‘Tower Street Bridge, as quick as you can.’

  James was more than a little startled. ‘What’s wrong?’

  Alex gritted his teeth. ‘The girls are in trouble!’

  James put his foot down, and arrived at the bridge twenty minutes later. Alex jumped out, and leapt over the railing without looking down. It was a thirty foot drop, and landed in front of the girls. They were shielded from ten men by a young woman called Sally. She was one of Blaze’s friends training to be a teacher.

  ‘Nice jump,’ said one of the men. ‘But it won’t stop us from taking those girls.’

  Alex approached them, he was angrier now than he had ever been in his life. ‘No one will ever take them from me.’

  ‘You’ll find you’re wrong there,’ said the lead man, he was about Alex’s size and unshaven, but just a normal everyday guy.

  Alex didn’t even think of what he was doing, as he leapt at the man who spoke. He spun in mid-air, and his heel connected with the man’s chin, sending him flying backwards. He turned to see one of the men charge at him and whipped his foot behind the back of the man’s legs, before punching him in the side of the head as he dropped. It happened so quick, he was up before the third man could react, and with another spinning kick to the head he put him down. A fourth was upon him, and he hit the man under the chin with the palm of his hand, flipping him over. A larger man attacked and Alex threw him over his shoulder, smashing him into the ground. When he turned to face the other five, he saw James standing over their unconscious bodies.

  ‘That was fun,’ he said.

  Alex nodded, more in gratitude than agreement, and turned to the girls who ran to him.

  Sarin wrapped her arms around his waist. ‘Papa, we were so frightened.’


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