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Ravage Me (Ravage MC)

Page 10

by Michele, Ryan

  “Princess, you got a package.” One of the B.Boys called from behind the door.

  Taking the large envelope, I thanked him before closing and locking the door to Cruz’s room. I’d been staying here now since that first night. Cooper was playing on the floor with some toys Tug went out and got for him, totally content with the world.

  As I opened the envelope, I began to stare and read all of the papers inside. I’d been waiting for these to arrive since I got out, but it must not have been clear to send them to me until now. Inside was information on Babs, where she lived, worked, her family history, social security numbers, birth certificates, her crew, and recent photos of her and Rabbit parading around town. There was also a detailed description of how she spent the last week from the time she fell asleep to every step she took during the day.

  While inside, I made some friends of my own, ones who have eyes and ears everywhere. While I gave Diamond my word not to get involved with club business, I would get my personal business with Babs taken care of.

  My cell going off made me jump. Seeing it was Liv, I answered right away. “What’s up?”

  “Get over here, now. Some guys are in here tearing the place up. The girls are locked in the backroom, and I’m in the office.” Liv’s hushed voice came through the line. I began stuffing all the contents of the envelope back in and threw it in a drawer, shutting it quickly.

  Hearing gun shots in the background, I scooped up Coop and ran to Ma’s room. “I’m on my way. They say what they want?”

  Banging on Ma’s door, I yell, “Ma take care of Coop, gotta run to X.” Ma nodded.

  I began running down the hall. “They didn’t say anything. Just asked if you were here, and when I said no they started tearing up the place.”

  “Shit. Stay locked up. Be there in a few.” Crashing into Cruz’s room, I grabbed my gun and placed it in the holster on my back, along with my two smaller ones to go in my boots. Rushing out into the clubhouse, I yelled at the B.Boys and Tug to hurry. I had to go. Rocky had left to spend time with his woman, whom I didn’t know he had.

  They didn’t argue, just followed me to the bikes. “What the hell’s going on?” Tug asked.

  “X. There’s gun fire, and my girls are in danger.”

  “Shit,” Tug sent off a quick text; I’m assuming to the brothers, as we raced to X.

  Weaving in and out of traffic on our bikes, we got there in about ten minutes. No cops were in sight, but that was just a matter of time. Parking the bikes, we moved to the back entrance of X. “Get behind us, Princess,” one of the B.Boys said.

  I didn’t have time for this shit. “Don’t treat me with fucking kid gloves. Let’s go!” I barked, opening the door from the side. When no shots rang out immediately, I dipped my head slowly in and nodded for them to pass. I pointed B.Boy one to the left and B.Boy two to the right, then for Tug to follow behind me.

  Gun shots began raining everywhere, and from the sound of it, we were walking right into the line of fire. “Stay down and only shoot when you have a clear shot,” I whispered to Tug. He nodded. With our guns in front of us, we began creeping around the corner staying out of their line of sight. Three men wearing green and black rags were shooting the glass mirrors, destroying the room. Every liquor bottle was shattered with alcohol splashing everywhere.

  Lining up my gun, I had a clear shot of Asshole One. Looking over at Tug, he was lined up, too. We nodded at each other and shot at the same time, each of us hitting our mark. Asshole Three came barreling towards the door blocking us, shooting as he came. Reaching my gun around, I began rapid firing low, not wanting to kill him just yet.

  His grunts and groans as the bullets hit him sent a sense of euphoria through me. No drug could give anyone a high like this, not as good as riding, but up there. Peeking around the corner, Asshole Three was groaning, his gun about two feet away from his hand. Walking slowly towards him, Tug went to the gun, moving it out of his reach.

  I walked over to the asshole bleeding all over my beautiful carpet; good thing it was blood red. Kicking him in the stomach, “Who sent you here?” I barked, pointing the gun at his head.

  “You stupid puta!” I kicked him again. Asshole needed to learn respect, which he obviously didn’t have, shooting up my place.

  “Tug, check it out.” Tug immediately took off.

  “Listen, Fucker. You wanted me. Now you got me. What the fuck do you want here?” I barked, clutching my gun.

  “Boss says you stay away from Babs, or this happens again.” I laughed. It all comes back to that stupid bitch, and yet she hasn’t had the fucking balls to show her damn face.

  “This is because of that bitch?” I smacked his head with the butt of my gun, sending blood flying.

  “Puta!” he yelled, holding his head.

  “Tell me why she thinks I’m coming for her?”

  “Fuck you.”

  Tug walked in the room, “Clear.”

  “Go let the girls out.”

  “My pleasure.” He turned and walked toward the back.

  “Again. Tell me why she thinks I’m coming for her?” Each word I emphasized with a kick. This fucker obviously thought I was a weak little thing. I needed to show him how wrong he was.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, trying to roll to his side.

  “No, I don’t want to fuck, but thanks for offering.” I smiled, pointing my gun at his head. “I don’t need you alive, I could care less if you live or die. That choice is up to you.” The dead calm from my voice was even strange to me, but I’ve used it many times in my life.

  “She put you in… doesn’t want the brothers coming after her.”

  “It’s not the brothers she needs to worry about, now is it? You think coming here and making a fucking mess is gonna get her in our good graces?” I paused, looking at Liv as she walked in the room. “Liv, make sure the girls don’t come in here. Take them out the back.”

  She scurried across the floor to the backroom. “Now. What to do with you? We’ve already killed two of your men. So maybe I’ll let you live to deliver a message.” Taking the gun, I shot him once in each leg. His screams made me smile.

  “Would you like that? Staying alive?” He shook his head like the pussy he was. “Okay, here’s the message. Tell Babs, I love her.”

  He looked at me shocked. “What?”

  “You heard me.” Pausing, I looked at Tug across the room. “You might wanna look the other way.” I smiled smugly, but he didn’t turn away.

  “Pull your dick out,” I ordered to the asshole.

  “No, puta,” he growled at me.

  Hitting him with the butt of my gun again, this time in the nose, sending more blood spattering, I ordered, “Do it. And if you fucking call me puta again, I will blow your fucking dick off.” Looking at the asshole, I felt Tug by my side. “Tug since you’re not looking away. Come hold the gun on him.” He complied. “Wrap his hands with this.” I handed Tug part of the drapery that had fallen to the ground.

  With my gun in my right hand, I slowly grabbed the asshole’s dick. “Now, do you want your dick or your balls?”

  “Wh… at?” He was visibly shaken by the question.

  “Do you want use of your dick or your balls?” When he didn’t answer, I made the decision for him. Wrapping my one hand around his balls, I pulled with all of my strength feeling the ligaments and flesh pulling away from his body. When he yelled, I pulled harder. I heard a small whimper from Tug but didn’t look his way. Rewrapping my hand around him for a better grip, I pulled once more for good measure making sure the only way he’d use these bad boys again was with a lot of surgery. I didn’t need him reproducing.

  “Now you remember what the message is?” I asked, nonchalantly as if I didn’t just rip a guy’s balls off.

  When he didn’t answer, I grabbed his dick as he paused, fear laced in his eyes. “Ye…sss…”

  “What is it?” My words dripping with honey.

  “Tell Babs you love her,” he stammere
d out.

  “Good. Tug get him out of here. Ditch him far away.” Tug nodded, picking up his phone, making the arrangements. “Where are the B.Boys?”

  “Taking care of the girls… hey, Princess?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” I said looking around at the pit Studio X had just become.

  “Remind me never to piss you off.” I turned, smiling at him, not responding.

  The B.Boys moved the bodies quickly, getting them the hell out of there. And by the time the cops came, there was only the mess to deal with. I told them that someone broke in and trashed the place, shooting guns off everywhere. By the time I got there, they were all gone.

  The cops didn’t ask any other questions. We’ve known the chief for years, and he kept our business… well, our business.

  Liv came in, visibly shaken. “Girl, you okay?”

  “Will be,” she replied as her eyes searched the room, taking in all of the destruction.

  “I’ll ask Cruz if the Prospects can help clean up the mess and we’ll get the girls to help. We’ll be up and running soon.” I hugged her, rubbing her back. “We’ll need to be closed for a few days.” She nodded.

  “Princess, phone call.” Tug held out his phone to me. “Cruz.”

  I figured and turned on the charm. “Hey, Baby. How’s the trip?”

  “Don’t, what the fuck happened?” After explaining in detail what happened, he wasn’t very happy with me. “Get your fucking ass to the clubhouse, now.” He yelled loud enough; I had to pull it away from my ear.

  “We’re just about done here.”

  “No. Now.”

  I tried to swallow my frustration, but it was difficult. “I’m fine. Everyone is fine.”

  “You are not fine. You fucking shot two guys and ripped a guy’s balls off. Not to mention the Studio is fucking trashed. Like I said, get your ass to the clubhouse, now. I’m on my way. Be there in two hours.”

  Blowing out a deep breath, I forced out, “Leaving now.”

  “Good. Lock yourself in my damn room with my boy, and don’t fucking move.”

  Rolling my eyes, I responded, “Okay.” I waited for him to hang up.

  “Let’s ride,” I said to Tug, slipped my phone in my pocket, then turned to the boys. “B.Boys get Liv home, please, and lock this place up tight.”

  We had a perfect run, no problems or complications… except for my girl. Dammit. I didn’t get Tug’s text until we pulled off for gas, and after that I drove like a bat out of hell. Hearing Tug replay the entire scene made my fucking blood boil. Not only was someone after Princess, she decided to take matters into her own hands. The two hour drive did nothing to cool me down. Pulling up to the clubhouse, my first stop was Tug.

  “What the fuck happened?” I boomed, crossing my arms across my chest, trying to hold them back from ringing this fucker’s neck. He should have never let her go.

  “Your girl kicked some serious fucking ass,” he replied, mimicking my pose.

  “Why the fuck did you let her go?”

  He laughed. “Have you met your girl? We weren’t gonna change her mind, thought it best to be there to protect her.”

  “Fuck,” I rubbed my hands over my face. This was such a huge cluster-fuck. Nodding in understanding, I headed into the club.

  “Hey, Cruz!” Buzz called from the bar.

  “What?” I said walking by not wanting to hear shit from anyone.

  “You serious about that girl?” His words halted me. Turning to stare at Buzz, my anger peaked.

  “What the fuck do you care?” I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

  Something flickered in his eyes, but he didn’t back down. “Cause I saw what she can do. She’s something.”

  “She’s mine. Stay the fuck away.” He held his hands up and stepped back.

  “Got it.”

  “Don’t you fucking forget it!” Striding towards my room, I couldn’t help the small smirk that played on my lips. Not only does Princess have the adoration of all the ol’ timers here, now she’s got it from the Prospects, too. Damn.

  Turning the handle, I found it was locked. My heart warmed that she actually fucking listened to me. Unlocking the door, I could see Princess’s back stiffen as she was down on the floor playing Legos with Cooper. “Daddy!” Cooper ran into my arms as I knelt down to catch him in a full-out run.

  “Hey, Buddy. How are ya?” I asked kissing the top of his head.

  “Pin… ess pay boks.” His smile was wide, and I could tell that he had fallen under her spell, also.

  “She’s playing blocks with you, huh?” He shook his head.

  “And Ma gives mes cookies!”

  “Sounds yummy. Let’s go find Ma for minute. I gotta talk to Princess.”

  After dropping him off with Ma, I found Princess lying on her back with her arm covering her eyes. “I know you’re there and pissed. I had to go and protect my girls. I’d do it again in a heartbeat,” she said, looking up at the ceiling.

  Kicking the door shut and locking it, I reached the end of the bed climbing between her spread thighs. Laying on top of her and removing her arm, I crashed my lips to hers, needing to feel her, taste her, and know she was alive with me.

  Princess melted into me as I took what I wanted from her. Not wasting a single second, I ripped her shirt over her head, kissing, licking, and nipping her neck and the curve of her beautiful tits. Pulling her bra away from her body, I needed to devour her. I pulled her nipples in between my teeth giving them small bites and sucking hard.

  As her breath caught and the moans became deeper, my dick became painfully hard and needed to be inside her tight pussy. Kissing my way to her jeans, I ripped them quickly away from her body. The scrap of fabric she had on as underwear tore easily in my hands.

  Looking down at this beautiful woman underneath me, I wanted to savor everything about her. Kissing down her body, my mouth latched on to her clit sucking hard. She set off like an explosion in my mouth, coating my tongue with her sweetness. Before she came fully down, I buried myself inside of her pumping and thrusting with everything I had.

  “Condom,” she choked out between pushes.

  “No. You’re mine. This pussy is mine.” She didn’t argue; instead her eyes rolled in the back of her head as her body arched up from the bed. As my dick slid in her wet heat, it took everything I had to wait to come. Screaming, she called out my name over and over again. I didn’t show her any mercy, if anything, I pounded harder.

  As she came a third time, I released deep inside her body. Every part of my body shook as I felt her deep in my soul. Collapsing on top of her, I slowly rolled to the side, taking her with me.

  “So, you’re pretty pissed, huh?” she asked, smiling, trying to catch her breath.

  “Better now.”

  “Good.” She squeezed me tight. I’d missed feeling her, shit; I’ve only been gone a couple of days.

  I hated to break this up, “Diamond wants to see you.”

  “Shit. I swear I didn’t start this shit.” Her voice was laced with concern.

  “He just wants to know what happened and what was said. We gotta get this shit taken care of.”

  Nodding, she rolled out of bed giving me an awesome look at her hot ass and making my dick hard again. We didn’t have time; Diamond was waiting.

  Walking out to the clubhouse, Princess was in front. She gave chin lifts to the guys sitting around the bar. Dagger came up to her, “You okay?”

  “Of course.” She shrugged it off.

  “Good, can’t have your sweet ass getting shot.” I tried to contain the growl that came out of my throat, but it was no use. It only made Dagger laugh. When Princess reached behind her, grabbing my hand, latching our fingers together, I couldn’t help the smug grin.

  “Princess. Get in here!” Diamond called from his office. “You too, Cruz.”

  Princess held my hand into the room. Not gonna lie, it excited me that she was acknowledging us to the club. Finally.

  “Sit,” Pri
ncess and I sat next to each other on the couch while Diamond sat in the chair by his desk.

  “So, quite a shit storm you got going on, girl.”

  “Diamond, I didn’t start this…” Princess began, shaking her head as she squeezed my hand. I reciprocated.

  “I know. We gotta figure out what the fuck is going on. Tell me from the beginning.” As Princess replayed the scene, she released my hand. Hearing step by step what happened and what was said, something was off with this whole situation.

  “Why was the message that you love her?” Diamond stared at her.

  “I promised you I wouldn’t start shit. Figured it was a way of saying what I wanted to say without lying.” She shrugged her shoulders as if it wasn’t a big deal. But I knew it was. She followed Diamond’s orders and damn if that didn’t make my pride swell.

  “You haven’t contacted her at all?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “So why is she coming after you?”

  “Not quite sure. Preemptive strike? She knows I want her; it’s no secret.” Diamond eyed me secretly communicating that he agreed. Something was not right with this. “I did do one thing…” Princess let out a deep breath. “I didn’t contact her, but I did have her looked into.”

  “Like how?” Diamond asked, lacing his fingers and setting them on the table.

  Princess pulled out a folded manila envelope from inside her leather jacket. “A friend from inside, Deara, got this for me.” Diamond opened the envelope, scattering the contents inside as he looked at each of them and pushed them towards me. “I just got them, and I haven’t done anything with them.”

  “This friend, how the hell did she get them?” I asked, wondering how much deeper this shit went.

  “She’s part of the Lambalinis’ group.”

  “You got involved with them?” My temper flared. There was no way I wanted her involved with those assholes. They’d cut her throat out and not think twice about it.

  “It’s fine. I helped Deara out inside; she owed me. It was just payback. There’s no blowback.”

  “You’re sure?” Diamond asked suspiciously.

  “Positive. She even said she’d do whatever I needed to get this bitch taken care of. And I believe her.”


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