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Ravage Me (Ravage MC)

Page 11

by Michele, Ryan

  “I’m taking you at your word.”

  She smiled. “Yes, Sir. What’s the plan with Babs?”

  “Club business,” Diamond answered.

  “With all due respect, the bitch had her boy toy goons shoot up my studio. It’s my business, too.”

  Diamond stared at her, his eyes deadpanned. “You’ll know what you need to know.”

  “What do you want me to do?” she asked sheepishly as she backed down from Diamond. I knew it was killing her not to be let into the loop of shit.

  “Right now, clean up the studio and take care of the girls. You let us handle Rabbit’s crew, and if that includes Babs, then so be it.”

  “When the time comes, do I get Babs?”

  “She will pay for putting you in.” When he didn’t give her a definite answer, she sighed in defeat.

  The door banged as it flew open. All of our eyes shot to Ma. “Get out here. Mel’s here for Cooper.”

  “Oh, hell no!” Princess said, jumping up faster than both Diamond and I. Walking into the main room of the clubhouse, Mel stood with her hand on her hip, glaring at Princess as she got closer. “What the fuck are you doing here?” Princess’s voice was cold as ice.

  “I want my boy,” Mel said, dismissing her and looking at me, which was the wrong move. Princess moved in front of her, going toe-to-toe.

  “You want him. Get through me first,” she growled.

  “You’re not keeping my son, Bitch.” Mel didn’t see the punch coming as Princess’s fist landed right in her jaw, causing her to hold her face in agony. “You bitch!” Mel started to go after Princess, but I knew this shit had to be over.

  “Enough!” I yelled causing Princess to flinch, but she brought herself in check as she came and stood behind me. I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to contain the rage flowing through me and the urge to wrap my hands back around this bitch’s throat again. “Mel, you need to leave. Cooper’s not going anywhere. The lawyers already drawn up the papers, and you are not to be on club property.”

  Mel’s face dropped, turning white as a sheet. “What papers?”

  “Custody. You’ll get them tomorrow and sign them. Otherwise, I’ll give the police all the pictures, and documentation I have regarding your drug use, and the bruises found on my boy.”

  Princess grabbed my arm, squeezing it tight, “She hit him…” she whispered. Putting my hand on hers, I gave it a gentle squeeze. Mel’s eyes grew wide.

  “If you think this bitch is a better mom to my boy than me, you are sadly mistaken.”

  “You call her a bitch again and I’ll move the fuck out of her way and let her take care of you. Get out. Sign the damn papers or go to jail… you choose.” I could see in her eyes that Mel wanted to fight. Mel turned and walked out the door. When the door shut, Princess let go of my arm turned and walked down the hallway without a word.

  “Cruz, in here, now.” Pops’ voice came from behind me pointing to chapel.

  Following Pops and Diamond to the table, they shut the door behind us, sitting in our respective places. “You serious about my daughter or you playing?”

  I was actually surprised it took Pops this long to ask. “Serious.”

  “So she’s your ol’ lady?”


  “She agree with that?” he asked, smirking.

  “Working on it.” Both Pops and Diamond full out laughed, causing me to do the same. “Pops, she’s tough, but I’m not giving her up.”

  “Good. You got that bitch, Mel, under control?” Diamond asked.

  “Burnzies drew up the paperwork. She should be gone for good in a couple of days. And if, for some reason that doesn’t work, I’ll make her gone.”

  “Good. Shit’s gonna get deep.” I eyed Pops as he spoke. “Insider says that Babs is feeding Rabbit a bunch of shit about Princess threatening her.”

  “Shit,” I groaned while lighting up a smoke.

  “That’s why the shit storm. I called for a meeting, but he hasn’t responded. But there’s more.” He paused to look at Diamond. “There are whispers of another set-up going down to put Princess back inside.”

  Anger surged. “What the fuck?”

  “And if Princess kills her, there will be a million dollar bounty on her head.”

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Babs’s pussy that good to get Rabbit to fall for this shit?”

  “Apparently.” Diamond stretched back in his chair placing his hands behind his head as he eyed me.

  “So, what’s the plan?” I asked, rubbing my hands over my head.

  “We’re gonna go through all the info that Princess got, see what we can find and what clues we can come up with for this supposed set up. You need to keep a short leash on her. Which I know will be easy.” Pops chuckled. “We wait to hear back from Rabbit and see if he’s got any sense left. And you go find that bitch who came in here with Danny and get what you can out of her.”

  “What about her?” I asked, wanting to make sure that when I opened my mouth to her it wouldn’t be the end of me.

  “She knows what she needs to for now.” Nodding my head, Diamond gave me the chin lift, which meant I was dismissed.

  Princess was curled up on my corner recliner holding Cooper in her arms as he slept. As she brushed away the silent tears, our eyes met. The pain inside of them made my heart ache. Kneeling in front of them, I placed one hand on Coop and the other on her knee. “You okay, Baby?”

  “No. I’m not,” she whispered.

  “Talk to me.” Princess looked down at Cooper in her arms taking one hand and brushing the hair out of his face as she placed a kiss on his forehead.

  “She can’t have him. I won’t allow it.” Princess’s tone went from gentle to fierce in seconds. “Cooper’s mine. I won’t allow him to be hurt. I’ll kill her before she touches him again.” A grin covered my face. “I’m not kidding, Cruz. I will end her if she touches him.”

  “I know Baby. It’s not gonna happen. She’ll be gone soon.” My hand began rubbing up and down on her thigh trying to calm her, but damn if her fierce protectiveness for my boy didn’t make me want to fuck her right here and now. Not to mention it filled my heart with more love, than I ever thought possible.

  “Good. She shows her face here again it won’t end well.” She squeezed Cooper tightly. “I’m going to hold him while he sleeps for a bit.”

  “I got shit to do. I’ll be back in a bit. Don’t go anywhere.” She didn’t argue; she just nodded, pulling a blanket over the top of herself and Coop. I thought she was beautiful before, but seeing her with Coop did me in even more.

  Kissing both her and Coop, I left, knowing that I needed to get shit handled.

  Finding Mindy wasn’t hard. Heading to the Clayton chapter, Tug, Rocky and I rode fast. I had this urgent feeling that I needed to get back to Princess and my boy.

  “Danny!” I barked as I took my lid off, and we parked at their clubhouse. “Guys, stay here.” With our chapter being the mother, all the sub-chapters didn’t say a word as I walked directly into their clubhouse. “Danny!” I barked again looking around their club, set up similar to ours.

  “What’s up brother?” Danny called from the hallway.

  “I need to talk to Mindy.”


  “None of your fucking business. Get her out here, now,” I clipped. Fuck him if he thought for one second about protecting her ass. Sighing, he left and came back with a very scared Mindy.

  “Tell me what you know.” I stood crossing my arms and standing to my full six foot two inch height. I knew my presence was menacing, and I didn’t give a fuck.

  “I… I don’t know anything,” she stammered out.

  Moving closer to her, Danny stepped in front of Mindy, which pissed me off more. “Get the fuck out of my way,” I said, my nose touching his.

  “You’re not gonna hurt her,” he demanded, which sent my rage in fury.

  “Get the fuck out of my goddamned way before I put a fuck
ing bullet in your head.”

  “You’d shoot a brother in his own clubhouse?” he asked, puzzled.

  “If the fucker keeps me from protecting my family, then he’s not mine in the first place.” My eyes stared him down. After a few beats, he moved out of the way of Mindy, as she shuddered.

  “You will answer my questions and tell me what you know about Babs. Now.”

  “I… really don’t know anything.”

  “Sit and talk,” I said motioning to the couches to the side of us. I really didn’t want to hurt the bitch, but if she didn’t open her fucking trap soon, shit would fly.

  Mindy looked at Danny for reassurance, and when he nodded his head she began talking. “Two years ago, Babs was pissed that Princess was, well, Princess. She had everything that Babs ever wanted. Princess had the club and all the guys at her beck and call. She’s a badass on a bike, and she knew how to shoot and not miss. She also had power. Princess never flaunted it; that just wasn’t who she was. But Babs didn’t like it. She wanted it, and it was something she could never have.” Mindy paused to think. “Babs wanted to get rid of her once and for all, but didn’t think things through the way she should have.”

  “What do you mean the way she should have?” Tapping down my anger was getting harder and harder with this bitch.

  Blowing out a deep breath, she said, “She thought that if she got rid of Princess, she could move in on the guys at the club and take her spot. But when that didn’t happen, her anger turned to fury, and it took over. She wanted to destroy Princess. It was stupid of her to think that the club would welcome her after sending their prized woman to jail.”

  “Yeah. Pretty stupid. What was your role?” Mindy’s hand started to shake with nerves as she reached over to Danny. He didn’t tell her or me to stop; he just squeezed it.

  “The only thing I was asked to do was get Princess to Studio X. All I did was put in a phone call to her. I swear. I didn’t have anything to do with the rest of it. I wouldn’t say that Babs and Princess were ever friends, just respectful acquaintances. Babs did a little work for her regarding Studio X, but I would never say they were friends.”

  When Princess got locked up, they wanted to make an example of her like all the rest of us when we get locked up. She was convicted of blackmailing and cooking the books at Studio X. We all knew it was bullshit, but somehow that bitch Babs got into Princess’s office and switched all her books. She even had pictures that looked like Princess was taking money from our very own prominent mayor, Stan Mason. He went up on the stand and lied through his teeth about Princess blackmailing him because he spent time at Studio X. When Pops shook him down, he stuck to his story. But the mayor didn’t live to tell anything. Babs did a hell of a job with the proof she had, because our lawyer didn’t see a way out of it. The kicker was that we didn’t find any of this shit out till about a year after Princess was inside. I got all this information secondhand from Pops when I started prospecting for the club.

  “So what’s the deal now?”

  “What do you mean?” she asked, puzzled.

  “What’s Babs up to now?”

  “I… I don’t know. I got away from her after that happened. I saw what she could do, and I didn’t want any part of it.” Mindy’s voice cracked and stammered.

  “So with what you know, she just let you leave?” Something here sounded rotten.

  “No. I stayed about a year. Then when she hooked up with Rabbit and his crew, we just kinda fizzled out. She didn’t come around much. I guess she got Princess’s spot, just in a different club.”

  “Let me tell you what you’re gonna do.” Her eyes widened as I stared her dead in the eyes. “You’re gonna call Babs and make nicey-nice with her. Get the low down on what she’s doing to Princess right now and why.”

  “I don’t want anything to do with Babs,” she clipped, which pissed me off. Why the fuck she thought she had a say so in the matter was beyond me.

  “I don’t give a shit. You wanna be Danny’s ol’ lady and make this shit right?” She nodded. “Then you’re gonna help us out. I want all information on Babs’s plans and thoughts. You’re going inside.”

  Her hands began to tremble uncontrollably. “But she’ll kill me.”

  “It’s a risk I’m willing to take,” I said leaning back in the chair. “You get in there. Find everything out you can, and after this shit is done, you get out.”

  “It won’t be that easy, and you damn well know it,” Danny barked.

  Cutting him off briskly. “If I wanted your opinion on the fucking thing, I’d ask.”

  “This shit is fucked up. You wouldn’t ask anyone else’s ol’ lady to do this shit.” Danny’s anger spewed through his words.

  “I’d move the fucking earth to protect Princess. Get that through your fucking head right now.” I leveled my eyes at him, making him see inside of them. Then turning to Mindy, I demanded, “You have two days. Get in there and find something out.”

  “Two days. How the hell is she gonna get anything in two days?” Danny asked.

  I cracked my knuckles as I stood from the couch. “Don’t fucking care. Just get it.”

  Driving away from their clubhouse, I knew I needed to figure out how the hell this was all gonna work.

  Playing with Cooper has been the highlight of my day. I needed to go to Studio X, but I waited for Cruz. Lord knows what he had to do.

  When the door opened, and Cruz walked through, he looked absolutely edible, his hair a mess from his lid as he ran his hands through it fiercely. His leather rag hung off of him with his black long sleeved t-shirt under it. His jeans hung low, and I knew that if I took his shirt off, I’d see the hottest V that led me down to his thick dick, along with his many gorgeous tats that lined his magnificent body. He was to die for. Smiling up at him from the floor, I turned Coop around so he could see his daddy. “Daddy!” he yelled, running into his arms.

  “Hey, Buddy.” Watching Cruz hold his little boy tightly in his arms made my heart flutter. Seeing him be such a great father to Coop was my undoing. This was my man. I loved him. Even though it’s all been a whirlwind, there was no denying it. He was mine.

  “Daddy, me’s colorin’.”

  “I see that, Buddy. I need to talk to Princess for a bit, lets head to your room.”

  I sat in the recliner waiting for him to get Coop settled. “What’s going on?”

  “Coop’s on lockdown here. He’s not to leave for any reason. He’ll be safe.” His words were reassuring, but I needed to know what could happen.

  “What if she doesn’t sign the papers?”

  “She will.” I didn’t know why he thought this was going to go so smoothly. If anything, these past couple weeks have proven that nothing goes smoothly in this world. “I know you can protect yourself, but until we get this shit sorted out, you gotta be extra careful.”

  I knew he was right, but having restrictions just reminded me of prison. But I knew I’d listen, because he’s my man.

  “What do you mean she’s fucking gone?” Cruz’s rough voice bellowed through the clubhouse. Sitting on a barstool with Cooper letting him play with all the paper coasters as he lined them up repeatedly, I tried to distract him from his dad’s yelling.

  “She couldn’t have just fucking disappeared, Danny!” I assumed he was talking about Mindy. I shook my head listening to the one-sided conversation Cruz was having on the phone, knowing I shouldn’t be, but it didn’t stop me.

  “You know where she fucking is. Tell me!” Cooper didn’t pay any attention to his dad, as he was too busy stacking the coasters just right.

  “I will come over there and make you fucking tell me. You have twenty-four hours for her to show up. Then shit’s gonna get real serious.” Cruz hit end on his phone, slipping it inside his rag anger pouring off of him.

  “What’s going on?” Pops asked before I could.

  Cruz stepped up to Pops saying something quietly in his ear, and Pops nodded.

  Pops turne
d to me. “You okay?”

  “I’m good.”

  “I need you to do something for me,” Pops said, almost nervously, which wasn’t his style.

  “Sure, anything.”

  “I need you to contact that Deara and get any and all information on Mindy and Babs recently. You think you can get it quickly?”

  “Yeah, I have an outside contact that can get to her. I’ll see what I can do.” I couldn’t help the happiness that fell through my body knowing they trusted me to get the information.

  Lying in bed, I couldn’t sleep for shit. My mind kept thinking of all the shit I’ve dealt with the past two weeks and two years. It was all because one bitch was jealous. She was flat out jealous of my life. I tried to shy away from this life and be manlier, like the guys, just to fit in with them. She was so jealous of a life in which I had to try relentlessly to escape from being called Princess, even though it grew on me. I loved this life. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to it. There had to be.

  Who the hell could hate me so fucking much that would work with her and help her destroy me… ‘cause I knew there had to be more to this.

  Thinking back two and a half years ago, my life was simple. I had my studio, the club, the brothers, and my family. We didn’t want for anything. We were pretty well set. If I wanted to get laid, I’d find some unsuspecting fool at the bar, get my kicks, and never call again.

  There wasn’t anyone that I personally had any beefs with, at least any known beefs. I knew the club had tons of haters. That was a given, but I didn’t stir up trouble. I just dealt with the trouble when it came.

  I had to throw out a few guys from the studio because they got too rough with the girls, but nothing stood out. I just couldn’t shake the feeling that Babs was working with someone, because considering Babs and I were not even classified as friends in my eyes, it had to be more. My mind kept reeling trying to come up with some rhyme or reason to this madness, but came up blank.

  Cruz left on club business a while ago leaving Coop and me to hang out. I really loved my time with him.


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