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Cum For Bigfoot 15

Page 5

by Virginia Wade

  “When did they take you?” asked Leslie.

  “My car broke down on the highway. They kidnapped me then.”

  “I got taken hitchhiking,” said Zelda. “They love snatching girls off the road.”

  “I would really like to go home.”

  Zelda nodded. “I hear you. Maybe they can be reasoned with.”

  “I don’t understand them at all. They just…” she glanced at her fingernails, “fuck me and stuff. Now I’m stuck taking care of this baby. I thought I was gonna die giving birth to him.”

  “You had to go through that alone?” I asked.

  “The guys helped, but, yeah, I was alone.”

  Leslie hugged her. “You poor thing.”

  Tears were in her eyes. “I’m so happy to see other people.”

  I glanced over at Leonard, who sat with an older-looking ape. I assumed he was the leader of this tribe. They were about to share a pipe. Handing Maggy to Zelda, I got to my feet. All eyes seemed to be on me, as I made my way across camp.


  He glanced at me. “What?”

  “That poor girl wants to go home.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Come sit.” He patted the spot next to him.

  My attention was on the strange ape, who stared at me. “Who’s he?”

  “Leader of this tribe. His name is Brutus.”

  “Oh, that’s perfect,” I laughed. My outburst had surprised him, as his gaze grew attentive. I sat on Leonard’s lap, his arm going around me. I whispered in his ear, “That poor girl was kidnapped. She hasn’t seen her family in a long time.”

  “Not my tribe. Not my problem.”

  I glared at Brutus. “Great.”

  The other apes loitered, talking amongst themselves; some sat on rocks, while others were on blankets. Lendal and Bubba Jr. had taken off with the other youngsters. I could hear them crashing around in the forest, grunting and growling. Wolfie had disappeared into a hut, emerging with a hat, which he placed on his head. The display was comical, the apes chuckling at the silly toddler, who stumbled over their feet. One of them snatched him up, playfully hitting him on the butt. Wolfie shrieked with laughter. Leonard grunted his disapproval, the noise having irritated him. This reminded me of our former tribal leader, Bubba. He frequently chastised the youngsters for playing and making noise.

  Harry sat with Leslie, watching the proceedings, his eyes glinting with humor. Wolfie had ingratiated himself into the good-graces of each member of the other tribe. He now sat amongst them, chewing on a stick, as if he had known them his entire life. Pooky and several other Sasquatches left then. I assumed they were hunting our dinner.

  I could understand what Leonard and Brutus were saying.

  Brutus: “She’s very pretty.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re a lucky ape. She’s given you several children. Who’s the father of the white baby?”

  “That’s Mike. He’s a friend of the tribe.”

  “You let men in?”

  “Yes. We have human friends.”

  This took Brutus back, his gaze resting on me. “I’ve never heard of this.”

  “My woman is no prisoner. She comes and goes as she pleases.”

  “How did you do that?”

  “I trust her.”

  “A human?”

  “Yes, you fool. I trust my woman.”

  He seemed to mull this over, his eyes never leaving me. I said, “Don’t look so surprised.”

  His eyes widened. “You understand me?”

  I’d spoken in Sasquatch. “Every damn word.” This had gotten the attention of every ape in the camp. Leonard threw his head back, laughing. “I’ve been in the woods for years. Of course I can speak your language.” Zelda and Leslie were well versed in Sasquatch as well. We sometimes spoke it together for fun. It seemed Brutus had nothing else to say, although he continued to stare at me. “You treat Lori well, don’t you?”

  He nodded.

  “You don’t hurt her?”


  “Good.” I felt sorry for Lori, as there were five horny beasts nearby, who more than likely used her nightly. This tribe seemed peaceful, their demeanors relaxed, their expressions open. I’d rarely encountered hostile tribes, but I knew they existed. “Is there anything to drink?”

  Zelda got to her feet. “Let’s unpack and get the supplies out. I’m starving.”

  Leslie joined her, as the Bigfoots watched, mildly interested in the women. They worked to set up the grill, placing the metal plate on top of burning embers. Water boiled in a pot. The efficiency of my friends was not to be underestimated. Lendal and Bubba Jr. returned with their playmates, who had picked berries, holding bunches in their hands. The Bigfoots returned with fish, and, while Zelda and Leslie prepared the meal, I listened to Brutus, who spoke about having two other women that had run off. They had made a strange tea, which had produced a hallucinogenic effect, knocking the tribe out.

  “That’d be mugwort,” said Zelda. “It does that.”

  This bit of information was interesting. “Why didn’t Lori run away?”

  “I hurt my ankle, and they left me,” she replied bitterly.

  “Oh, that sucks.” I got up to stretch my legs, but strong hands suddenly gripped me, and I found myself in Brutus’s lap. I was so stunned, I gasped. Leonard glared at him, but remained unmoved, the pipe hanging out of the corner of his mouth. “Uh…hello.” A cold, wet nose was on my neck. He sniffed, but the exploration didn’t stop there, as he pulled me even closer, his cock pressing into my bottom. His nose was on the back of my neck, my hair in his face.

  “Looks like you made a new friend, Porsche.” Leslie placed a log in the fire. “Yep. That’s darn right friendly of you.”

  “God, way to manhandle me, buddy.” I pushed against him, trying to free myself, but he was determined to paw me, his hips shifting, lifting the hardened length of his phallus.

  This annoyed Leonard, who grunted. “We eat first, then fuck. Not the other way around. Let my woman go!”

  “I smell milk,” he rasped. “It’s sweet, like honey.”

  Knowing the Sasquatches like I did, the inquisitiveness of this newcomer wasn’t fear producing. I found his interest amusing; his reaction was entirely predictable. A hand closed around a breast, although I wore a bra and shirt. The harsh, deepening staccato of his breathing dampened my neck.

  “May I take her now?”

  To my consternation, Leonard seemed to be mulling this question over. It was commonplace to share women. It was also a sign of goodwill as well to other tribes, but we normally did not engage in sex until after the little ones had gone to bed. It was thrilling to be lusted after in such a manner. The feeling of Brutus’s cock pressing into my pussy was distracting.

  “Take her to a hut.”

  My mouth fell open. “Leonard!”

  He shrugged, grinning crookedly. “He’ll pleasure you.”

  Before I could say another word, I found myself being lifted into the air and carried across the camp, while the tribe watched. “Leonard! You little shit!” I’d been hiking all day, and I was tired and starving. I had hoped to eat first before…having sex. “Ugh!”

  The hut was surprisingly tidy, with bedding made out of thick animal pelts. It smelled like Sasquatch, musky and slightly rank. Each Sasquatch was a unique entity, and some did not care if the woman found pleasure. I braced myself for how Brutus would be, and, as he drew me to him, his lips covered mine, igniting a surprisingly sweet kiss. This told me all I needed to know, easing my mind substantially.

  He’d grasped my shorts, yanking them down my thighs, while his tongue swept the inside of my mouth. I clung to him, nearly nude now, the ape being adept at removing clothing. My bra fell from my shoulders, releasing the abundance of my breasts. His hands grasped the mounds, discharging a flow of milk. He grabbed me, pressing his face into the flesh, while his lips captured a nipple. Groaning, he suckled both nipples at once, indulging in
a spray of milk, which wetted his matted fur.

  “Oh, you boys are all the same.”

  There was something in the timber of my voice that produced a primal groan from him. We shifted, and I found myself on the fur, the eyes of a lusty Sasquatch staring at me. “You pretty girl,” he rasped.

  “Thanks.” Something flared in his eyes, which produced a maelstrom of tingles that shot straight into my pussy. “What are you going to do to me?”

  He grinned slightly. “Make you my woman.”

  That sent a shiver up my spine.

  Chapter Nine

  “Can you hurry, because I’m starving.” He grasped my thighs, his expression heated, and then he dove between my legs, spearing me with a surprisingly hard tongue. I flung my head back. “Oh…my God!” Being as tired as I was, I relaxed fully, my body welcoming the luxury of the pelt and the feel of his talented tongue. He plunged while prodding my clit with his nose. This ape knew exactly what he was doing. I gasped, panting, surprised by how quickly the orgasm had begun to gather, the storm clouds of lust nearly upon me. “Omigod!” He growled low in his throat. Then his hands were on my hips. I was suddenly on all fours, bracing for dear life, as my animal lover sought entrance with a shockingly large cock. He slid deep with one push, opening me to impossible breadths. “Jesus! Wow!”

  Strong fingers gripped my hips, while Brutus began to thrust, although he was mindful not to hurt me. His ministrations were slow and deep, letting me feel every inch of him. I rested my forehead on the fur, closing my eyes, while I tingled with sensation—the feeling was extraordinary. He was so slow, so agonizingly seductive, wetting me with copious amounts of pre-come; the fluid trickled down my inner thighs. I was a hairsbreadth away from release, every muscle in my body tensing for a momentous event. He grunted, while continuing to stroke, deliciously, and mind-blowingly seductive.

  I couldn’t hold it back another second, biting my lip and moaning. “Oooohh…no…OH-MY-God!” I shuddered, bearing down upon the object that had taken me to such amazing heights.

  A strangled gasp escaped him, and he drove sharply, yet carefully, stiffening then and groaning. “Gggrrraaaoorrr…” A torrent of semen filled me to the brim, gushing out of my pussy, drenching the fur beneath my knees.

  Collapsing to the pelt, I sighed in exhaustion. “Oh, man…” He scooted near, placing an arm around me, bringing me to his hairy chest. “This must be a new record. Seduced five minutes after meeting an outcast tribe.” I’d spoken in Sasquatch.

  “You’re a good woman,” he murmured. “I should steal you for my own.”

  I nudged him with an elbow. “Not a chance, buddy.”

  The flap of the hut flung open, revealing the angry face of a Bigfoot I knew well. “You’ve had her long enough now.” Leonard held out his hand. “Porsche, you come eat.”

  I sat up, searching for my clothes. “I’m starving.” Surprisingly, Brutus handed me the bra. “Thanks.” His gaze drifted to Leonard and then me. I could only wonder what was going through his mind. The hut stank of sex, the heavy, musky odor lingering.

  A short while later, I found myself seated with Leonard and Brutus, although I detected the feel of Brutus’s fingers on me. He touched me whenever possible, either rubbing an arm or a thigh, or prodding my neck with his nose. If I didn’t know better, I’d say I had an admirer. From the look on Leonard’s face, these movements were carefully monitored, and they increasingly irritated the stalwart ape. After I had fed Maggy and put her down with Daisy and Wolfie, I returned to a scene of debauchery already in progress. Lendal and Bubba Jr. were in a hut with the other youngsters, but they had yet to sleep. Their talking drifted our way.

  Leslie, Shelly, and Zelda were naked, and they sat with Harry and Pooky, although the other apes were near. Lori remained dressed, with her arms over her chest. She seemed less than inclined to partake in the fun. I sat next to Leonard, but the moment my bottom hit the fur, Brutus snatched me, dragging me onto his lap. Leonard gave him the stink eye.

  “You’re not gonna fight over me, are you?”

  My hair was in Brutus’s hands, as he gazed at the flaxen strands. “Pretty color.”


  “Your pussy hair is the same.”

  I grinned. “Yes it is.” My stomach was satisfied for the moment. We had eaten fish and rabbit, which had been grilled with seasoning. The berries had been delicious, and Zelda had made campfire biscuits. A fed tribe was a happy tribe, and now the evening’s entertainment was about to kick into high gear. Harry didn’t seem to mind sharing his girl, as Leslie sucked on an ape’s cock, while another drove into her from behind. Zelda rode Pooky, while one of Brutus’s Sasquatches used her bottom. As depraved and horny as these creatures were, this nightly ritual was as normal to us as someone enjoying an evening’s worth of television.

  The air was filled with the moans and groans of humans and beasts alike, the aroma of sticky, sweet Sasquatch semen lingering, mixing with the smell of campfire. I found myself well attended to by two enthusiastic lovers, who laved and seduced me, bringing me to several amazing orgasms. As the fire died down and the apes had satiated themselves on the humans, we disappeared into our respective huts. I was with Leonard and Brutus, sleeping between them. A soft finger touched my cheek, and I turned to gaze at Brutus. The sound of Leonard’s snoring resonated.

  The dark, glistening eyes of the other tribe’s leader bore into me, leaving me tingling and euphoric. It was a strange sensation, and I had to wonder how in only the space of a few hours I had developed such a connection. My pussy was sticky with his semen; the pungent aroma teased me, reminding me that he had spent himself not that long ago, finding pleasure inside of me. I wasn’t sure how long we stared at one another, but I fell asleep in his arms, my body and mind surrendering to exhaustion.

  I woke alone in the morning; the sounds of a camp stirring had brought me out of a deep slumber. There were Sasquatches talking, branches snapping, and the laughter of Lendal and Bubba Jr. drifting into the distance. I rolled over on my side, gazing at the hut. I was eager to face the day, but slightly worried. My thoughts were in turmoil, with confusion rising to the forefront, but I needed to use the bathroom and find fresh water to bathe with. This brought me to my feet, as I left the shelter.

  “Good morning, sunshine,” said Zelda.

  “Is Maggy awake?”

  “She fussed a minute ago and went back to sleep.”

  “She must’ve slept all night then. That’s amazing. First time it’s happened.”

  “She’s turning a corner.”

  “I gotta wash up.”

  “There’s hot water that way. Ask one of the guys to show you.”

  “I will.” I approached an ape. “Hey,” I said in Sasquatch. “Where is the hot water?” He grunted, getting to his feet. I saw Lori then, peeking at us from a hut. “Do you want to come with me?” She shook her head. “Are you gonna hide in there all day?”

  “I’m fine,” she said softly.

  Zelda glanced at me. We communicated silently, guessing each other’s thoughts. The poor girl was struggling with this new life, just as I had. I knew now that is was best to give in and accept the tribe; fighting was useless. These apes were horny, but they took care of their own. It was possible to have feelings for the beasts—to love them even. They were capable of these emotions as well. I had never met a more lovable, exciting, pleasurable…intoxicating group of individuals.

  I followed the Bigfoot through the woods, nearing what sounded like running water. This forest was thick with bigleaf maples and red alders. There were bunches of rhododendrons and wildflowers. The denseness of the canopy let tiny streams of sunlight in, sprinkling the path here and there. The water source was bordered on all sides by foliage, creating a hidden, private pool. There was a Sasquatch in the water, and I recognized him immediately, which sent my pulses racing. Brutus.

  He grinned when he saw me, watching my every move, as I stepped out of my shorts. I left my bra an
d shirt on the ground, eyeing the ape that had brought me to the pool.

  Brutus spoke to him. “You can go now. Leave us.” The Bigfoot bowed deferentially, slinking into the woods. I crouched by the edge, sliding into the water, finding a rocky bottom. I wasn’t submerged for more than a minute when I was taken into strong arms. “You beautiful, white girl.”

  This endearment was a surprise. “Th-thanks.” Water dripped from his furry face, as his eyes flashed a dark heat. His hand drifted down my back, sliding between my buttcheeks and lower. The intimacy of the caress sent a torrent of tingles into my pussy.

  “I have to go back soon. Maggy will wake.”

  “You’re a good mother.”

  We were speaking in Sasquatch. “Thank you.”

  “You’re the best white woman I’ve ever seen.”

  I didn’t know how to respond to that.

  “That other girl is…there’s something wrong with her.”

  “She’s scared. She wants to go home. Some people aren’t meant to live out here.”

  “You are.”

  “I had to get used to it for years. It was hard at first.”

  “Now you live with your tribe.”

  “I also live in the human world. I have a husband. His name is Mike. I go home in the winter.” He didn’t seem to like this, as his brows drew together. “I come and go as I please. I’m not a prisoner.” The apes enjoyed having control over all situations, but I had earned my freedom over the years, and I wasn’t about to give it away.

  “Why don’t you stay with me? I can do all those things for you and more.”

  In that moment, as our eyes locked, something flipped over in my belly. I didn’t think it was possible, but I had found an ape that could rival Leonard. What worried me was the strength of the attraction I felt. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I slid from his arms, going under. When I submerged, I swam to the other side, but I hadn’t gone far when he grabbed me, dragging me to him. His cock pressed into my bottom.


  As if this wasn’t enough, his fingers slid over my nub, inflaming me instantly. His face was in my neck. “My white angel,” he rasped in English. “You stay with me.”


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