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Cum For Bigfoot 15

Page 6

by Virginia Wade

  Oh, my God! This can’t be happening!

  While he manipulated the throbbing mass of my clit, he slid into me from behind, the slippery fluid of his pre-come offering ample lubrication, even under the water. We were joined like this, while he drove repeatedly, his finger rubbing me to bliss. I rested my head on his shoulder, not even trying to fight him.


  “Ggggrrrr…gggrrrrrr…” He purred deep in his chest, which was a sign of Sasquatch affection.

  We moved as one, while he thrust a seductive rhythm that left me breathless, tense, and on the brink of a devastating orgasm. He seemed to know I was close, because he kissed me then, his soft tongue toying with my mouth. I shuddered, moaning against his lips, while a hundred mini convulsions ripped through my system. He groaned too then, stiffening, releasing his pleasure. Replete, I collapsed against him, his arms going around me. We remained like this in the pool, listening to the birds chirping from the branches above. It was so peaceful in this beautiful, secluded place. It was a shame when his cock finally softened, sliding free.

  At camp, I was a confused jumble of nerves and thoughts. I managed to eat breakfast, having coffee and then feeding Maggy and Daisy, but my mind was elsewhere. Once everyone was settled, I went through my bag, finding the birth control pills. I set off towards the river, which was hidden on the other side of the trees. There were Sasquatches in the woods, as I heard stomping and talking. The fast flowing water washed over enormous rocks, meandering to the right and disappearing further down stream. There was an ape in the distance, fishing. He stood in the rushing current, reaching down and pulling out salmon. In a moment of carelessness, I tossed the pills into the water, the pink packages floating away.

  “What was that?”

  I turned to see Shelly. “Um…nothing.”

  “You threw something in the water.”

  I sighed. “Those were my birth control pills.”

  “I thought you didn’t want anymore babies.”

  My gaze rested on the ground, eyeing a patch of grass. “I don't know.”

  “Did you change your mind?”


  “That’s not a state secret,” she laughed. “You can have as many babies as you want.”

  “I thought Maggy would be it. I thought I was through. I can’t even believe I did that.”

  “So you want more kids.”

  What I couldn’t say was that I wanted to have Brutus’s babies. The guilt I felt was horrible. This was a secret I would have to keep to myself. A piercing, shattering sound filled the air.

  “What was that?” asked Shelly.

  “Oh, my God! That sounds like Daisy!”

  Chapter Ten

  We raced to camp, tearing through the woods, as branches smacked my face. Shelly and I burst out of the foliage, finding a bustling campsite. The fire had been stoked, and someone had taken the furs out, draping them over rocks. The source of the noise was on the blanket, as Brutus held Daisy, his mouth connecting with her belly. She shrieked with laughter, while he blew noisily on her flesh. It was always shocking to see a baby in the hands of a Bigfoot; the difference in size was astonishing. His fingers overlapped her tummy; they were so big.

  Shelly laughed, “They’re playing. God! Gimme a heart attack.”

  Maggy’s cries caught my attention. “She needs to be fed.” I found her in a hut, rolling from side to side, wailing. “Shush now. I got you.” The tiny, ape-like creature, grunted then, her lips working. “Oh, my goodness.” I joined Brutus and Daisy on the blanket, while feeding Maggy. He pulled me onto his lap, as I rested against him, using him like a chair. Wolfie appeared then, his face looking sticky. “What did you get into?” I spoke in Sasquatch.

  “Honey,” he rasped. “Yummy honey.” To illustrate this point, there were several dead bees stuck to his fur.

  He sat next to Daisy, who played with a Barbie doll. We were a strange, mixed-raced family, but, by some miracle, the combination worked. I experienced a moment of sheer bliss then, feeling as if I was where I truly belonged, with the people who meant the most to me. Leonard and Pooky stomped from the trees, carrying several salmons, which they had gutted by the river. While they placed the fish on a metal grate, they talked amongst themselves, and I understood their conversation. They were thrilled by the quantity of fish in these waters, and they planned to kill a deer for supper. Lori, who had been in the hut most of the morning emerged. She sat nearby, eyeing the fire.

  I glanced at Brutus. “You should let her go.”

  His black, gleaming eyes roamed over my face. “You stay with me, and I’ll let her go.”

  “I belong to Leonard.” Leonard, who had overheard that, glanced in our direction. “I don’t know how long we’ll be here.”

  “You be with me forever.”

  I met Leonard’s gaze. “What are we going to do?” I knew he had overhead everything he had said.

  Leonard got to his feet, brushing dirt from his hairy knees. He ambled over, kneeling before me. “This girl’s not fit for camp life,” he rasped. He pointed at Lori. “She’s weak. It’s no good. Let this one go.”

  “Then we trade,” said Brutus. “I take Porsche.”

  Leonard’s face twisted then, his expression filled with rage. “No.”

  The muscles in Brutus’s chest tightened, his body preparing to attack. “Stop this!” I held Maggy, who had fallen asleep. “Don't fight over me!”

  Leonard stared, his eyes darting back and forth. It seemed like the entire camp had stopped what they were doing to watch. “You like this ape.”

  “Oh, Leonard.” How could I deny that statement? I had to be diplomatic. “I like you both. I don’t want you to fight. We have to let Lori go. I can call Dr. Haynes, and they can come get her.”

  He nodded. “But you want him.” He pointed at Brutus.

  “We’re here for a while. Can’t…we just enjoy one another?”

  He grunted, but his look was unhappy. I was about to say something, when he turned from me, resuming his work by the fire. I scrambled out of Brutus’s lap, holding Maggy to my chest. For that moment, as I glanced around the camp, I felt lost. Leslie and Shelly stared at me, as did Zelda, who had her hand in a bucket of water. The apes were busy with the fish, as others were out hunting. All seemed well, everyone had a job to do, but I sensed tension and disharmony. Trouble was brewing.

  The day was spent in an uneasy truce; the only bright spot had been the call I had placed to Dr. Haynes. They would send a helicopter for Lori, who had finally smiled at the news, tears falling down her face. Harry and Pooky had taken her to a grassy field several miles away where they would pick her up. She had chosen to leave her baby, the tiny ape would be cared for, and I would have to feed it with my milk. At camp, we heard the sound of the rotor blades, the noise echoing through the gorge. Perhaps, Lori could have acclimated to this life given enough time, but I hated to see anyone suffer in this manner. We had the means of calling for help, and, if I could save someone from an existence they didn't want, then I would do so.

  Brutus didn’t seem to mind her absence, as he stayed by my side most of the day, much to Leonard’s irritation. My lover hadn’t said another word to me, but his unhappy glares spoke volumes. It was unfair that he would treat me with such disdain when I knew full well that he had developed a crush on my sister Lena when she had been with the tribe. I’d felt tenderness for more than one ape myself over the years. Archie had been sweet, and Dale and Pooky held places in my heart. Why was he so bent out of shape by Brutus?

  Zelda brewed a strong dandelion tea for the Sasquatches, as some of our guys had tummy problems and constipation. They drank it, grimacing at the taste. The vibe around the fire that evening was subdued, but festive, the aroma of venison mouthwatering. Daisy and Wolfie had played together most of the day, and they were sprawled out on a pelt, staring at the stars. Dr. Haynes had left marshmallows, and the youngsters had grilled them over the fire on the end of sticks
. The sweet scent lingered along with grilling deer steaks.

  I was with Leonard. “Are you still mad at me?” He gazed at the fire, a pipe hanging out of his mouth. I pushed his leg. “Leonard!”

  “Ggggrrr…” he grumbled.

  “You enjoyed Lena. Don’t even deny it. You seduced her something silly.”

  “You like him.”

  “I do, but I like you too. Come on.” I tilted my head, staring at him. “Don't be jealous.”

  “He take you from me.”

  “No. I’m with you.”

  A plume of smoke drifted from his nostrils. His mind was working, digesting my words. I’d never expected to feel affection towards another Sasquatch, but I knew where my place was in my tribe. I was the leader’s woman, and I would remain with him in all matters. We shared children, memories, and an enduring love that had seen us through the years. Even a brain injury hadn’t separated us, or my love for Mike. He was being silly.

  He seemed to read my mind. “Mike doesn’t worry me.” His eyes darted across the camp. “He worries me.”

  “Everybody shares everybody. That’s the motto.”

  Zelda approached. “I’ll put her down. She’s out.” She picked up Maggy, who looked like a limp stuffed animal.


  “No problem.” I glanced at Leonard, seeing a stoic, yet grumpy ape. “Stop it now. Stop looking like that.”

  He chewed his lip; his eyes were on me. “When’s Lena coming back?”

  “Oh, you little shit!”

  I pushed against the firm expanse of his chest. He grinned, flashing slightly yellow teeth. I knew we were good then. Whatever anger he’d felt had dissipated. I settled into his lap, staring at Brutus. He was right; I had a crush on the leader of the other tribe, but it didn’t mean I would ruin my family over this emotion. With any luck, I’d be in bed with both of my lovers tonight, safe and secure in their hairy arms, while the tribe slept. Why couldn't I be a happy and well-loved girl?

  Witnessing our reconciliation had lifted the drab mood of the tribe, as the occupants ate and chatted, any remaining tension easing. The dandelion tea had worked its magic, as the Bigfoots disappeared into the forest to relieve themselves. Someone had brought out rustic-looking drums. The beat was repetitive and fast enough to tap your foot to. Zelda got up dancing around singing, “In the jungle, the mighty jungle…”

  Brutus’s tribe watched in amusement, the apes laughing at the spectacle. Shelly and Leslie joined in the festivities, dancing seductively. This reminded me of so many crazy, sexy nights spent by the campfire. I had been hormonal when I had thought I would never have another Sasquatch baby. Of course I would have more. I hoped we would be able to stay here for a while. This was a lovely camp with plenty of hot and cold water and privacy.

  Things took a naughty turn when Lendal and Bubba Jr. disappeared into a hut with the other youngsters. I put Loris’s baby down with Maggy; the infants looked almost identical. When I returned, Brutus was seated next to Leonard, which gave me a thrill. I tingled from the look in his eye. I sat between them.

  “You’re a good mother. You take care of two babies now,” rasped Brutus.

  The apes admired this trait, as childrearing was important to them and the survival of their species. “Thanks.”

  Leonard puffed on a pipe, eyeing Shelly, who danced around topless. Her breasts were firm and perky, not having been ravaged by multiple pregnancies. She winked at us, flinging long brown hair over her shoulder. Zelda had a cock in her mouth and another in her hand. Leslie sat on Harry; his face was in her neck. The other Sasquatches loitered, watching, their eyes flashing with anticipation. All the boys would be satisfied tonight…repeatedly.

  I detected the feel of Harry’s hand on my back, massaging gently. I glanced at Leonard. “You’re not mad anymore, are you?”

  He puffed from the pipe, the smoke escaping his nostrils. “No.”

  Shelly ambled over, swaying her hips seductively. “Hey, big boy. You wanna play?”

  Leonard eyed her, his black gaze heated. “Ggggrrrr…”

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” She dropped her shorts, revealing a pink thong. Her supply of razors was extensive, and we had shaved earlier, leaving our skin soft and hair free. Not shy about sex, she leaned over Leonard, a brazen smile on her face. “This sure is like old times.”

  “Nothing ever changes; you know that.”

  “No, thank God.”

  Brutus took that opportunity to snatch me, drawing me onto his lap. As Shelly wrapped her lips around Leonard’s cock, I found my mouth violated by an insistent tongue, which swirled and seduced, leaving me tingly and weak. He was, by far, the best Sasquatch kisser…ever. I twisted in his embrace, snaking my arms around his neck. The sounds of sex drifted our way, the moans, the sighs, while the others partook in carnal delights. Shelly and I administered to our boys, kissing, biting, and sucking engorged flesh.

  We shared Leonard, sucking and licking his cock, while Brutus prodded me from behind, running a finger over the sensitive lips of my labia. I struggled to concentrate on what I was doing, especially after a long, twirling finger entered me. He knew exactly where my G-spot was, finding the erogenous zone easily.

  “Ooommmm…” I groaned with my mouth full.

  “Pretty woman,” he rasped.

  Shelly grasped Leonard’s balls, lifting the heavy sacs and licking them. A stream of clear fluid dribbled down his shaft. “I’m gonna ride this bad boy.” She straddled his tummy. “Oh, yeah!”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I witnessed Zelda in Pooky’s arms, his cock filling her, while one of Brutus’s apes utilized her back hole. The three of them grunted and groaned their way to pleasure.

  Brutus snatched me, bringing me with him, lifting me over his belly and directly onto a stiff, throbbing cock. “Oh!”

  While I moved upon him, thrusting my hips back and forth, our eyes locked. His hands spanned my tummy, fingers digging into the soft flesh. His eyelids were partially closed, a slight smile lingering around the edges of his lips.

  “Oh, God, fuck me, you dirty ape!” Shelly flung her head back, her breasts bouncing over her rib cage.

  I was dangerously close to release myself. What sent me over the edge was the feel of Brutus’s finger grazing my clit, intensifying the pleasure. I grasped his face, feeling the soft, matted fur of his makeup. We stared into each other’s eyes, while the orgasm hit, sending waves of tingles through me. My sex clenched around him, while he groaned, jetting heated cream deep inside of me. Leonard had done the same to Shelly; a salty tang lingered in the air.

  “Oh…God!” I fell against his chest, his arms going around me.

  “My good, white girl,” he whispered.

  “You naughty boys.” I sounded exhausted, but the night had only just begun. My thighs were soaked, my sex filled to the brim with cock and semen, the excess escaping to the blanket.

  This was the life I had chosen all those years ago. These were my partners, my lovers, and my friends. I couldn’t imagine being without them, and I hoped I never had to.

  The End

  Books by Virginia Wade

  Cum For The Viking

  Cum For The Viking 2-6

  Cum For Bigfoot

  Cum For Bigfoot 2-15

  Sense And Sexuality

  Pride And Penetration

  Naughty Emma

  Siren Island: Shipwrecked

  Siren Island: Lust For Gold

  Siren Island: Kidnapped

  Jane’s Playmates

  Sarah’s Playmates

  Taken By Pirates

  In The Garden Of Snakes

  Ann of the Apocalypse

  Conquest of the Gladiator

  Bred By The Dark Lord

  The Virgins of Castle Bliss

  Total Nympho: The Stacy Collection

  Total Nympho 2: The Stacy Collection

  Lily (A Novel)

  Cave Girl (Primitive Lust)

  Breeding the Lusty Baby

  Bred By Pastor Green

  Bred at Bible Camp

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