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In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1)

Page 8

by Clare Stanley Midgley

  John placed his hand on her shoulder trying to make his point. Jeanie in her anger and her disgust hit him hard and as he fell to the floor blood was pored from his nose and for the third occasion Jeanie walked away. “Flora get the girls we are going.”

  Within minutes her sisters appeared as an upset Iris coaxed them dutifully through the door. Jeanie sat shaking in the car having never hit someone before but knowing it felt good that the first person to do it was him.

  John stood at the side of the car staring at her and hoping she would turn her head. Iris, May, Rosie, Flora and Daisy half drunk and half in disbelief started to load back into the car.

  Daisy immediately recognised John and in her drunken haze couldn’t help but acknowledge him.

  “Johnny how the devils are you!!” she banged on the car window trying to get Jeanie’s attention and completely unaware of the events that had just happened between them.

  “Jeanie, Jeanie look it’s Johnny, lets take him home!”

  Flora still trying to squeeze them into the vehicle saw Jeanie’s pain. “Leave it girls. Come on….Listen Jea just needs to go home.”

  As Iris and Daisy bundled John in to the front of the car Daisy drunk fell into the seat amused at her find.

  “Come on driver we got Johnny lets go now. Who did you fight again she said something about it!!!”

  Jeanie didn’t say a word just swallowed deeply and started to drive the car pulling up to the bingo hall her sisters exploded once again in a sea of drink, shoes and sickness.

  Flora sat in the back of the car snivelling,” I’m sorry Jea….you know what they are like.” Feeling very uncomfortable she got out unable to cut the tension and disappeared in search of her mum and aunt.

  Noticing the blood on John’s jacket she handed him a box of tissues. The blood had started to drip all over the front seat and feeling responsible she felt it was the most civil action. Mopping up his face, John seemed more self assured that he had been able to provoke a response at all.

  “Jea…" John slid close wanting her to listen. Jeanie shuddered unable to hide her discomfort at him being so close.

  “Don’t John I’m telling you now just don’t. I forgot to say before that I’ve met someone he’s asked me to Marry him and I’ve accepted so whatever you have to say just don’t.”

  Sliding closer he bent over her chest to grab some more tissues his. Jeanie closed her eyes knowing he was doing his best to make her feel uncomfortable.

  “Your getting married do I know the lucky fella,”

  “Just move to other side of the car. I don’t want to argue with you…” John bit his lip sliding back to his original position knowing if he pushed it too much any chance may be lost.

  ” So…is it serious or was it no one else could pop your cork.” Jeanie tried to bite her lip knowing he was trying to upset her on purpose

  “Why? Why are you here? I invited you to dad’s funeral and you didn’t even turn up and I know why don’t think I don’t cause you got caught fucking that waitress on the train back to London. Which is strange cause you would fuck anything else but me peculiar that don’t you think.”

  “It wasn’t strange by my standards Jeanie. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. There was something about you that just makes me want to better before I could.

  So now you’ve popped your cherry and your getting married is there anything else for Jeanie Rutherford.” His sarcasm dragged Jeanie back to being a child and how he used to tease her over the fence to make her cry. The way he had made her feel now was something completely different. His tone made her feel useless, ugly and wrong and she could feel herself wanting to hit him again. “What the fuck has it got to do with you anyway you left me you didn’t want me and for everyone to see at St Pancs train station I was a mistake you where never going to repeat. So let me see now who is the snivelling grunt sat in my car asking to have me back. So again who looks the bigger prick now you or me…”

  John pulled the tissues out of the box and spat the blood out of the window every action infuriated Jeanie even more. Raising the tissue back to his now swollen nostril he seemed unrequited by Jeanie’s response.

  “I can’t leave Jeanie and I don’t care who this guy is….I made a mistake and I’ve paid for that mistake. I just want you and I realise that now, I’m not giving you up and I mean that.”

  A gathering had started to appear and her sisters seemed to emerge from the hall in a puff of smoke and as Irene followed he knew the inquisition would be over smoothly. Waddling through the girls and coaxing them with warmth and smiles to the car as she reached the curb Irene’s everything disintegrated.

  “Why is he here?” Jeanie put her head on the steering wheel and with her mum now spitting venom from the curb orders where given again

  “Girls get in this car now and you move!”

  “Mrs Rutherford so charmed to meet your acquaintance again as usual. Jeanie tells me she’s getting married, I bet that shit you up didn’t it?” Irene screwed her face in disgust at his response, whilst John sat smugly in the front seat. Pushing her daughters out of the way she couldn’t hold her tongue any longer.

  “Jeanie drive the car. Listen to me you lack lustre piece of shit leave my daughter alone or you won’t just end up with a broken nose you will be picking your balls and teeth up out of the gutter so why don’t you just fuck off back to that cunt you married.”

  John didn’t reply but instead sat with a coy smile knowing it would annoy everyone. As the group arrived home Irene dragged all but Jeanie out of the car. Jeanie didn’t need to two words however two words were spoken, “Sort it.”

  He didn’t seem to move he wasn’t fazed by any responses they had given. Jeanie slammed the car door and started to walk around the back of the house. John equally followed with a confident swagger placing his head on the glass of the back door he leaned towards Jeanie and spoke. “You could at least let me in for a brew now you’ve splattered my nose.”

  Jeanie opened the door and walked through into the kitchen she didn’t stop walking instead she ran straight upstairs pulling off her clothes in temper. Hunting around the bedroom for pyjamas and throwing her dressing gown on the muttering’s under her breath had increased to full out talking.

  Anger, hatred and disgust had been spitting from her lips as she ran back down the stairs, “Ok fuckwit want a brew well you know where the fucking pot is don’t you!”

  Jeanie slammed the tea pot down onto the kitchen table and stood in front of it with her arms folded seeing her frustrations John didn’t say a word. Instead he took off his jacket and washed his hands before nonchalantly undoing his collar button.

  Jeanie stood feeling the venom pulsating through her body. Knowing how powerless she felt at his responses he filled up the kettle and lit the stove. Taking her actions in his stride he crossed his arms and stood staring at her seemingly unaware of the tensions his visit had caused.

  He treated the kitchen as if it was his own and didn’t care about the torture and turmoil Jeanie felt just being in his presence.

  Taking the kettle off the stove he walked towards Jeanie. Standing nose to nose with her and as he placed the hot kettle on the table he placed his hand on Jeanie’s waist and pulled her close.

  “Remember Jeanie; remember our unique way of making drinks”

  He pressed his body close into Jeanie and held her hand gently behind her back placing the leaves in the pot. Jeanie froze as she felt his breath on her neck and his leg resting between hers. As he moved closer she could feel what was pulsating through his body but no matter how much she tried he had her where he wanted.

  Her sister stood watching his every move wishing they could take her place and as he slid his hand further down Jeanie pushed him out the way and made her way through her sisters.

  He sat on the corner of the table drinking his tea as if it was a normal occurrence. His self assured stance providing a cover for his un-gentlemanly behaviour. “Ladies I bid a fond farew

  As he quietly sipped the liquid he seemed to drift away deep in thought, without a care and as he placed the cup back onto the neatly quaffed cloth he fixed his jacket. Gathering his hat John proceeded to leave through the back door and with that he disappeared out of view.

  Contemplating the evening events he casually walked around the corner and down the pretty garden path. On hearing the front door slam shut he watched as she raced into the night.

  Jeanie’s mutterings expelled there way into the evening air and he had made her so angry and confused it frightened her to think that he could still make her react. Unaware that he had left she jumped back into the car and sped off.

  Seeing how agitated she was John couldn’t help but feel like his efforts had not been in vain.

  Arriving back at work Eric watched from the upstairs office with concern. She seemed like a puppet and someone was pulling her strings. Unable to understand and after seeing her kick the flowerpot over he made his way to the front of the building.

  Jeanie stood talking to herself at the front gate her arms exaggerated by her temper and her patience well and truly worn to the core. Eric stood in the doorway drinking his coffee waiting for the opportune moment to step in.

  “Feel better now do we?”

  “Don’t you ever fucking go home”, again Eric breathed in and asked the question again. “Feel better now?”

  Looking at the courtyard devastation and throwing her head back in disgust she calmed down enough to respond civilly, “No, No I don’t.” Eric smiled back as she had been telling him how to control his temper and now the boot was on the other foot.

  “Ok. What’s up?” Jeanie sighed heavily and put her head in her hands, Dad was gone Eric was the next best thing and feeling no other choice she exhaled his name “John Stanton”

  Her head was facing the floor and her heart felt like it was about to explode.

  “He’s back in town and reared his ugly head and has the nerve to think that all he needs to do is apologise and I will take him back and MARRY HIM!” Eric walked over and sat beside the bedraggled looking Jeanie.

  “So what are you going to do?” Jeanie shook her head and started to cry, “It’s ludicrous. He cheated on me, he hit me he asked me to London and then tells me he’s got married and I’m a stupid little girl. Weeks later he comes back and wants me again and I stood up I told him. You have made you bed, go back and lie in it without me” Eric placed his hand on Jeanie’s back lovingly, “Who do you want Jeanie?”

  Jeanie lifted her head with tears still staining her cheeks, “Not him, the only thing I feel now is regret, regret that I wasted so much time chasing him around. James offers something different, I don’t want him Eric, I don’t want JOHN.”

  As Jeanie finished her sentence John stood at the porch window and for the first time this seemed to hurt. Over the name calling and fighting this seemed to wound him more than any argument. Pale and lonely he stood on the opposite side of the glass waiting for some hope as Jeanie responded again.

  “I don’t want John.” watching him walk away it was like a light bulb switching on. John vanished like a puff of smoke, the blackness provided him an escape and as she looked out into the night he had gone and with it her first love. It was the right time and the right decision to say to Goodbye John Stanton.

  Chapter 7

  As winter turned into spring more troops started to arrive at the base and with increased volume Jeanie’s presence was needed more and more.

  Traffic started to move through both the factory and the garage and the amount of work at both ends had started to become a bigger and more challenging than anyone expected.

  Irene had stuck to her word and as promised she turned up to do her bit Iris and Rose had also followed. Both of them had become a permanent feature within the office and Eric was taking full advantage of their flirtatious natures.

  Jeanie appreciated the all hands on deck nature of her family but as 1942 ended and 1943 began Jeanie was racing towards her 30th year and her time seemed more limited than ever.

  Working at the base had caused an unprecedented amount of problems, one of which had been sleeping at the garage office. Isolating her from the outside world her days circulated around machinery and breakdowns and any quality time she had disintegrated into a barrel of grease and oil.

  American soldiers started to infiltrate every part of the base and even though her sisters saw that as a new hunt Jeanie contemplated the amount of work they brought.

  Every part of her seemed to be covered in grease and oil and Jeanie longed for a relaxing long bath and a good night’s sleep. Rising from her make shift bed she rubbed her face and tried to make a tired effort to become motivated for the day.

  Making her way to the garage door she looked like a coal miner emerging from the rubble and as she squinted at the sun she looked as if she’d found her way out of a hole for the first time in days.

  The ritual good mornings were passed and after contemplating running for the gate she made her way back down the pit and continued to fix another broken axle. After several beatings with a hammer Jeanie sat on the steps as tired and broke as the vehicle which was above.

  Jeanie was usually frequented by the drill sergeant to speak about the mornings updates however, instead of hobnail boots and hairy legs she saw a skirt and some highly shined shoes.

  The lady stood above Jeanie coughing loudly expressing her desire for her attention and as Jeanie poked her head out she had just started to shout out her demands for the second time.

  “J Rutherford. I am looking for a J Rutherford,” knowing the lady hadn’t seen her she prised herself from underneath looking like a hobbit emerging from a mud bath.

  Dragging herself up she raised her body to all fours and with a last effort she rose from the ground.

  “J Rutherford again I am looking for a J Rutherford,” as she moved around the garage she wasn’t expecting a woman as Jeanie replied.

  “Ok keep your knickers on love, that will be me,” Jeanie sounded wounded and forlorn and the lady replied with some confusion, “Your J Rutherford, well then clean yourself up and make your way around to the Generals Office.”

  A piece of paper fell into Jeanie’s hands and before she could reply the smart official looking lady had disappeared around the corner of the garage door.

  Jeanie looked at her overalls and back again at the paper. Just getting out of the pit had been an effort and getting washed and changed as well seemed like a chore.

  “Fuck it take me as I am or not at all that’s what I say.” She wiped her chest with a cloth and threw it down on the oil drum. Seeing the bags under her eyes in the window she wiped the sleep away hoping to improve a small part of her appearance. Concentrating on the task in hand she was surprised by another voice which appeared from around the corner.

  “You know talking to yourself in medical terms is not considered a good thing.” James had appeared at the garage door in his white coat looking a complete contrast to Jeanie’s filthy exterior.

  “Anyway you look tired and you look like you’ve lost weight? Let me have a look at you. Are you ok?” Jeanie tried to present a smile but instead waddled her head from side to side. Taking that as her response James continued with his conversation,” I was told to come and get you since I’m on the way to the General as well.”

  Jeanie felt too tired to respond in the end she was just pleased to see a friendly face. James wiped some of the grease off her cheek smoothing the grime away from her tired skin. Looking into her eyes she seemed distant. Kissing her forehead sweetly he took hold of her hand.

  “Have you missed me?”

  “Umm what if I said no.” Jeanie again tried to force a smile thinking about the turmoil another individual had put her through.

  “So do you know what I am being summonsed for? I mean if I’m in trouble surely still being a civilian I should run for the hills.”

  “I honestly don’t know and don’t care. It’s
given me an excuse to see you and I’m not going to squander it. Besides I’m on leave soon and I’ve been thinking about re-enacting a certain moment from not too long ago.” Laughing timidly Jeanie breathed in his response.

  “We better get going I don’t need anymore cavalry around here. My garage will be filling up with soldiers and I will never get anything done.”

  Smiling sweetly back he led the way to the main building. Jeanie had never been permitted anywhere near the main building before as she was technically a civilian.

  Entering through the huge main door she felt like Alice in wonderland, except without the dress or the bath. The picturesque staircase and a ceiling which seemed to rise forever greeted her. The wood on the staircase was highly polished and beautifully maintained and Jeanie instantly felt guilty at even putting her work boots anywhere near it. The hours someone must have spent cleaning put her instantly to shame.

  Feeling very under dressed and out of place she felt like a naughty school girl going to the head master’s office.

  Following James to the second floor the opulence suddenly gave way to a see of dust noise and chaos. From the large open spaces and grandeur of downstairs it was a complete contrast. The only thing in common was the amount of activity,

  Jeanie stepped back at the noise of typewriters and the hoards of people deafening the air. James coaxed her along the corridor until she met another very large wooden door.

  “I’m further down the corridor. Come and see me after.” Turning around he looked at Jeanie stood nervously contemplating the huge door in front of her. Throwing her a wink she tugged at her sleeves and bit her lip wondering what was on the other side. Taking a deep breath she knocked hard against the door and on hearing a small voice she entered to find the general stood in front of an immense oak table.

  As he looked over his shoulder he saw Jeanie peering from behind the door, “Come through my dear,” he paused as she walked precariously along the rim of the carpet,” I need you to meet a couple of people and there’s some other business we need to take care of as well, Sit down my dear, sit down.”


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