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In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1)

Page 9

by Clare Stanley Midgley

  As Jeanie sat down on the very expensive looking chair she became very self conscious again. Not over her appearance but over the fact she was leaving stains on the carpet and furniture. The only alternative was to sit on her hands and hope not too much grease was being transferred.

  Two men entered the huge room and on hearing the conversation she could make out that one was definitely American and the other definitely British.

  Feeling there footsteps getting closer the General signalled for Jeanie to arise from her seat.

  “Jeanie I need to introduce you to a couple of people first our new LC John please meet my godsend Jeanie Rutherford,” Jeanie felt her heart sink as she turned to face the man she had just been introduced too. “John,” John responded like a gentleman, “Jeanie pleased to meet you.” He kissed her hand and found it very difficult to let go.

  “Jeanie this is Lieutenant Frank Signthorpe.”

  “Please to meet you my dear, I have heard lot’s of good things about you.” His hand was cold and clammy and his stare intense and something about him gave a familiar air.

  Jeanie still silenced at the diplomacy John had shown and stunned by how civil everything had become tried to keep the façade going. The puzzled look on her face said it all.

  Jeanie always knew he had high ambitions John had told her on many occasions that he needed to succeed for them to be together. She didn’t understand his reasons why and it always was a source of conflict for them both. However he was now an LC she did not quite understand how far up the rankings went but she was secretly proud to know he had made it.

  The General continued to talk but Jeanie only heard the noise and found it difficult to concentrate and as he put a piece of paper in front of her he indicated where her signature was needed she did it blindly.

  As the General left hastily John continued the briefing. “Thank you for your cooperation today Jeanie I know this must seem rushed but we have some serious business we need to attend too.

  I also know you’re very busy with what we are giving you at the moment so I will keep it brief. As you know the war has stepped up a little recently and our American counterparts are now on board. We have some of my co Lieutenants equipment and vehicles being shipped in and I need you up to bring his men up to speed on how to work, operate and maintain these vehicles.” Lieutenant Signthorpe’s stare weighted heavily on Jeanie and his manor intense. His behaviour fed his thoughts and every muscle seemed to scream repulsion at the thought of her going any where near his precious vehicles.

  “John your not considering a woman to do this are you? This is highly irregular and I don’t know how you people work it around here but this is not something which sits comfortable with me.” The Lieutenant snarled at Jeanie as his comment aired into the room.

  Jeanie had already experienced this reaction on a number of occasions especially when she had to deal with the business at the plant. He reminded her so much of the men that used to frequent the board room offering her dad money and expensive gifts to off load the business. She also knew her job seemed highly irregular for most men to comprehend.

  John gazed at her willing her speak and knowing it wouldn’t be long for Jeanie to take up her usual speech.

  Taking another deep breath as to hide her frustrations Jeanie sat up in her chair contemplating her response. “Lieutenant thank you for your insightful comments, however I have seen some of the carrying vehicles already. It came in a few days ago with the first of the American influx.

  If you look at the bearings on all the right axles they have been put on wrong and have split these all need to be stripped down and replaced, now I know I can’t do this on my own but I assure you that if you suggest someone to help oversee my work you will be happy with the results.”

  Sitting back in her chair she felt her response was more eloquent and dignified than usual however underneath Jeanie wanted a reaction.

  Astonished by her display she was just as defiant as he remembered and her reaction had reminded him of their youth and short romance.

  John stepped closer and sat on the corner of the desk propping his leg up at the side of Jeanie’s chair he seemed to have taken sides and chosen his team mate when he spoke.

  “I assure you and trust me Lieutenant I do assure that this decision has not been taken lightly. Jeanie happens to be one of the best Engineers on the base and to not consider her for this delicate task would be ridiculous because of her being of course a woman. I rest assure with your finest Engineer Lieutenant I consider this matter taken care of.

  Jeanie we have a sight walk around arranged, please this way. Again thank you for you time Lieutenant.”

  Offering out his hand Jeanie felt like she was lady of the manor and the irony and expression of John’s actions and speech made the Jeanie puzzled to who and where this person had come from.

  Taking his hand he lead her to the big mahogany door which now seemed smaller walking away from it. Making their way past the rows of make shift typing desks Jeanie looked around at the opulence of the old house with a wondering of how it used to be before the war.

  John had not spoken a word since exiting the office and the deafening noise from the typist restricted conversation. Jeanie still felt underdressed and self conscious as the smartly dressed uniform personnel graced every corner and somehow the oil and grease didn’t feel thick enough.

  As they proceeded out of the manor house Jeanie squinted in the sun and turned to say her goodbye’s however before a word slipped from her lips John again interrupted.

  “Jeanie, let me apologise for my behaviour the other night it was impertinent and rude and I truly am sorry. The thing is when I saw you bent over a car the other day to be fair it felt as if I had never left. It was a lovely feeling knowing that you where still here. I made it the first thing on my agenda to find you. I’m babbling,” Jeanie looked at him with wide eyes as if to hang on every word.

  “Let’s just say I have made huge mistakes in my life and I’m sorry.”

  Looking up at the sky the sun began to warm up the day and Jeanie breathed in the paleness of the blue which had started to drift over. The overwhelming feeling of nostalgia appealed to her and in his eloquence John did seem appealing.

  “John, you said something about a tour.” Grappling with his hat, and trying to look official he stuttered at Jeanie’s answer and as the awkward Lieutenant began to regain his control Jeanie wasn’t going to tell him that she had walked around the base a thousand times. She knew she wasn’t supposed to but natural curiosity always got the better of her.

  Jeanie forever polite looked on with intent as John described the different buildings and as they entered the medical block John was still describing architecture and dates. Stepping out into the medical bay he started to discuss when the ward had been built when he noticed Jeanie’s expression. Spotting her rolling her eye’s in between the piece of benign information John finished his sentence knowing she would have to pay attention.

  “And this is where I get the piss taken out of me by a contemptuous little shit!” Jeanie smirked and started to laugh knowing he would have to loose all of his graces to finish his sentence.

  “You’re a fucking witch sometimes how many times….. don’t tell me I really don’t want to know,” John saw the funny side to Jeanie’s amusement and as he took her by the arm he pulled her closer to him Jeanie still laughing obliged unquestionably.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t help it you got so carried away.” John dropped his hat on the floor loosing his cool composure.

  “Well you can find your own way back then!” as he turned to walk the other way he fixed his jacket and hat again and pulled on his tie. Jeanie playfully smiled back saluted and turned in the opposite direction.

  Making her way back to the garage Jeanie remembered all the fun as kids fixated on the fact that all those memories contained John and as the day closed and night opened the sky was ablaze. The fire red sunset made a dramatic background to the rolli
ng hills that surrounded the base.

  Jeanie sat on a chair taking in the energy of the fiery sky leaning her head on her hands she realised this was the most relaxed she had felt in a while. Not knowing whether it had been down to John.

  Gazing at the stars used to be there favourite hobby and John couldn’t stop himself from interrupting her stare. She used to get lost for ours pretending she could walk within the atmosphere leap frogging from one to the next.

  John walked towards the garage he could see the smile which had crept into Jeanie’s thoughts and feeling her may have had an influence he couldn’t wait to find out.

  “Penny for them”

  “John you scared me to death.” She had spilt the coffee all over her covering her in hot milky liquid, “For fuck sake John, don’t creep up to people like that!”

  Dabbing her overall’s she made her way to the small office. John noticed the garage office had been turned into her studio. He knew the increased of commitment to the base had to have been a struggle. However looking deeper he could see how it had become her living and sleeping space. Jeanie had used the two sets of lockers to provide her with food, clothing and reading material. She had made herself a bed which she folded away into the cupboard.

  Throwing the soggy jumper into the corner of the room John stood at the door amazed at the small flat she had created. She was always resourceful and this could certainly be said by the hand made furniture now spread all over the garage.

  “Turn around.” Jeanie aware of his presence started to undress quickly. John’s back was turned but he couldn’t help but watch her reflection in the window pain at the side of the door. His eyes fixated on her smooth pale skin and perfect shoulders made his body immediately react. He had given her up years ago and the chance to take her even though she was older intrigued him more.

  As she folded the bed back into the cupboard Jeanie straightened herself out ready for round two.

  “Right ready, what can I do you for anyway?”

  “I have a surprise, come on.” Still contrite to his previous attempts she hovered in the office,” You are always up to no good John Stanton. I know that look……” Taking her by the hand he pushed her into the car. “Where are we going?” John winked and continued to drive out of the gate.

  Stopping the car on the dirt track at the back of Jeanie’s factory, no questions where needed. The big oak tree at the back spread over into the field and its prominence nearly as large as the factory.

  Jeanie had built her hideaway space in its branches. A tree house to most but it had been modified over the years creating more of a cabin or lodge rather than a play space. Building the foundations in her teens it was a place to escape and a chance to relax to read and contemplate her future.

  As they rose into the tree Jeanie saw that the log burner had been lit and a plad blanket had been placed on the roof. Reaching up to take John’s hand she negotiated the steps and proceeded to sit on the neatly placed blanket.

  “Well lie down!”

  “John I know what you’re doing. I have played these games before remember.” Patting the blank she knew her protests where falling on deaf ears and as she lay next to him she looked up and through the trees she could see thousands and thousands of stars.

  This was her favourite place in the world she used to lay there for hours and sometimes stayed over when her dad had been working. Since her dad had passed the visits to the tree subsided. It was only when she really missed him she would venture up for time to think. Jeanie imagined her dad as one of the stars looking down on her helping with the question or problem she couldn’t answer.

  John lay motionless looking at the stars. Jeanie knew what he was up to but couldn’t help but play along, he’d been the best and worst of Jeanie’s past and somehow even though she wanted to let go she was pulled back. “I never told you this before.” he moved closer his breath creating smoke signals in the frosty night air.

  “When you were sixteen do you remember that long hot summer? We chased the girls into the field at the back of your house. It was so simple back then.

  You asked me a question that day and I kept silent and I should have screamed aloud. You asked me something and I didn’t respond and I just wanted you to know that I wanted too more than you could imagine. I felt powerless. I loved you so much you have to understand that.

  Standing at the window that night I saw you running around Mrs Morias back garden after that stupid pig in nothing but a pair of shorts and a camisole.

  I’d never seen you in the moonlight you where mesmerising. I saw how the sweat beads made you glisten and how your clothes showed off every curve you were always beautiful Jeanie.” Jeanie sat up and curled her legs into her body resting her chin on her knees for comfort.

  “John, we settled this the other night, I don’t want anything more it’s not right. We are not right for each other and it just doesn’t work. I can’t make it work.” Jeanie took hold of the ladder placed at the side of the house her strength had grown with age and responsibility and now it was easy to finish what she needed to say.

  “I saw you watching me John that night. I knew you had seen everything and I don’t regret what I said but its different now and it’s just not the same.

  We live in a different world and I’ve made my choice. I just want you to know that I loved you more than anything you just didn’t love me back in the way I needed. Goodnight John.”

  “Jeanie please just hear me out.” Jeanie bowed her head feeling that if she was going to work at the base she at least needed to know they could be civil.

  “I was a stupid scared boy. I made decisions which I thought would change my life and make it better for us. Instead I hurt you and caused you more pain. I didn’t feel…I can’t defend what I have done. I married a woman I didn’t love and ended up creating a monster. I just want you to know that I have never loved anyone the way I love you and I regret every stupid mistake and all I want to do is spend the rest of my life making it up to you because I’m in love with you.”

  “Thank you for being honest John but it’s too late.”

  Jumping off the last two runs she looked up at the house as he stood unable to admit defeat. Jeanie held her head high proud to know that she had done the right thing and this time she didn’t have to argue, scream or shout to get her point across. As she looked back she felt her past as she turned to go back to the base it was time to leave it well and truly behind.

  Watching her walk away hurt and he was now experiencing something he had done to Jeanie several times. The emptiness he felt was hard to swallow and the strength of her conviction even harder to take. As she walked up the road she didn’t look back and he knew he had to fight for her there was no other way to prove that he had learnt his lesson. Knowing he was in competition with another man meant the first work he had to do was find him.

  Walking back onto the base her hands had slumped in her pocket and she felt exhausted from the drama which had unfolded. She couldn’t wait to occupy her mind with the nights work ahead.

  Jeanie rubbed her face with her hands and stretched as she reached for the office door. Yawning she gasped aloud, “Well another night!”

  Gaining her bearings she saw a figure stood in the corner of the room watching every movement.

  “Hello, can I help you?” the figure moved again. Jeanie froze not knowing whether to jump into the pit or lock herself in the office.

  Moving around the garage the shadow seemed to leave through the back door. Thinking it was a figment of her imagination she continued to rummage around for the rest of her tools.

  Hearing another noise Jeanie jumped to attention her senses now heightened at the intrusion. “Hello! Hello! HELLO!”

  Moving gingerly back up the steps Jeanie noticed a man was sat on her stool. Cautiously she moved towards him. Noticing it was James she relaxed a little but something was different.

  “Hello I’ve just got back. Are you ok? Has something happened?” James
lifted his head and took another sip from the brown bag which sat on his lap.

  ” I don’t know. Why don’t you ask your new friend?” Jeanie looked at him and stepped back confused at his answer. James staggered towards her breathing heavily in her face.

  “Well like I said why you don’t ask your new friend or should I just call him John. Well are you going to deny it?” Jeanie was surprised by his outburst however she had nothing to be ashamed for.

  “No I’m not. Yes I have spent the last couple of hours reminiscing but at the end of the night I walked back to base on my own so why do you have a problem.” James staggered and laid against the wall his dishevelled appearance a complete contrast to his usual impeccable exterior.

  “You’re not denying it so nothing happened. All good friendly banter because the way I saw it in the hospital ward this afternoon and in the courtyard earlier looked more than a friendly let’s talk gesture.”

  James fell to the floor and doing so smashed the bottle he had been drinking from. Jeanie sighed and shook her head understanding how the events could have been misconstrued.

  “James. I don’t want him I want you. He’s our superior officer please don’t do this things have been going so well.” Jeanie placed a hand on his chest trying to reassure him and assess how drunk he actually was.

  “Listen to me I meant what I said the other night. Please don’t worry this afternoon may have looked different but it wasn’t I can assure you.” James made his way back up the wall and towards Jeanie, as he reached for her he grabbed her arms and pulled her towards him.

  “Do you know what my problem is it’s the fact that I fell for a fucking useless engineer’s daughter and her fucking seven slut sisters and do you know the worst thing the one I got is only a half fucking sister to all of them because her slut mother couldn’t keep her legs fucking closed either.” Jeanie tried to move away thinking back to her arguments with John she had realised this lesson. Wriggling out of his hold James fell forward and as James hit the floor the realisation of what he had done sobered his thoughts.


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