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Amy's Redemption

Page 12

by B J Wane

  As she carried breakfast in to her hungry boys, Amy glanced over at RJ. His face was more rugged than pretty, his words more confident and assertive than those of Jedidiah. But, the one thing the two had in common, the one thing that worried her the most, was that they both wanted to control her, take her over. In the past month she had found herself contemplating RJ’s reaction if she were to tell him what he kept pestering her for. What would he do, what would he say, if she were to tell him how she fled a foster home at the age of sixteen to avoid being sexually abused, only to find herself on her knees in an alley six months later, sucking off a complete stranger to avoid being evicted from the small motel room she rented by the week. She didn’t doubt he’d waste no time finding a way to get her off his ranch, out of his employ and out of his life. If there was one thing she had learned about men, what was good for the gander wasn’t necessarily good for the goose.

  “Once again, Amy, that smells awesome and looks even better,” Rory complimented her as she set the large pan in the middle of the table.

  They wasted no time filling their plates as she took a seat next to JR and joined them. Looking around the table at the eight hands that she was coming to know so well and becoming attached to, she vowed once again to keep her heart and her past closed off.

  “I’ll be back for lunch,” RJ told her as he grabbed some of the empty plates and followed her to the kitchen. “Want to go riding with me this afternoon?”

  Amy turned surprised eyes up to his, grinning widely. “I can? I’m good enough now?” He had kept his word and gotten her up on Daisy, a very pretty tan gelding, everyday for the past two weeks, but they had only spent about thirty minutes each time in one of the corrals.

  RJ returned her smile, relieved that he had managed to erase that sad, vulnerable look from her expressive eyes. He often wondered if she knew how much showed in those large eyes with their striking color. “You’re good enough if we take it slow. I have some free time now that all the herds have been shifted. I’d like to show you more of my ranch.”

  “Okay. I’ll be ready.”

  RJ kissed her and turned to leave before turning back around and eyeing her with a lustful look in his green eyes. “And Amy? Leave the plug out.”

  Amy’s buttocks clenched around the plug, her heart tripping with excitement as she took his meaning. She didn’t know where he planned to deflower her virgin anus, nor did she much care. Two weeks of anal stimulation left her more than ready to submit to that final act. She was also excited about being able to ride around the ranch, being able to explore and enjoy the warm summer days more fully before winter. She had already been warned about Wyoming’s winters, how long and cold they were, and that she had best enjoy their short summer as much as possible.

  She remembered her thoughts when she had first turned onto JR’s property, wondering what on earth people did out here with nothing but wide open spaces. In the past month, she had come to appreciate the openness of the country, the lack of crowds and noise, but she had been able to escape boredom and ennui by taking her afternoon strolls and finding pleasure in making friends with all of RJ’s animals. All the horses knew her by now, and greeted her with enthusiasm every afternoon when she arrived with their apples and sugar cubes. The dogs dogged her heels when they weren’t in the pastures working, and loved performing tricks for their treats. Bessie, her cow, had become quite attached to her and her carrots and had always greeted her by lowing when she entered the barn until a few days ago when she had been returned to the herd. Now that RJ is allowing her to ride outside of the corrals, she would question the hands and find out where Bessie was so she could keep tabs on her.

  As she made lunch preparations and tried to keep her mind off RJ and what he had planned for her this afternoon, she wondered if she would feel as complacent this winter, stuck out here in three feet of snow, and unable to get out. Then again, she thought with her usual pessimism, she wondered if she would even still be here this winter. She had taken to driving the compact crossover RJ had gotten for her, but her car was repaired and running well. Her finances were improving rapidly as all her earnings went into an account she had opened in Cheyenne and she had few expenses living here at the house.

  If she had to, she would be able to start over again, far away from the ranch, the boys and RJ. Just the thought threatened to ruin her excitement over the afternoon agenda, so she firmly shoved it aside and quickly finished her chores.

  While RJ grabbed a few sandwiches at noon, Amy quickly changed into jeans for their ride, then joined him on the front porch where he had both Daisy and Domino saddled and ready. Amy grinned at the difference in sizes of the two horses, more noticeable now with them side by side. Domino was taller and more muscular than her petite, small boned mare.

  “He’s as big as you,” she commented, gesturing towards his horse.

  “Which part of our anatomies are you comparing, sweetheart?”

  Amy loved the way he called her ‘sweetheart’ in that slow, sexy drawl. Bending over, she made a show of peeking under Domino before popping back up and grinning impishly at him. “That too.”

  Taking a huge bite of his sandwich, he pointed towards Daisy. “Mount up, brat. Now that Daisy’s breeding, I’m going to look for another small mare for you,” he said as he mounted Domino.

  “You let one of your big stallions stick it to my girl?” With practiced ease, Amy swung up onto Daisy, glaring at RJ.

  Her outrage made RJ laugh. “Breeding is a big part of my operation, Amy. It takes a lot of income to maintain a ranch this size. And,” he added, grinning over at her, “we call it mating, not ‘stick’n it to em’.”

  “Same thing if you ask me,” she grumbled, patting Daisy soothingly on the neck. “So how big is your ranch?”

  “About twenty thousand acres, give or take a few. This land’s been in my family for generations. Even though I’m the only one working it since my parents retired to Arizona and Mitch, my brother, went into law, it belongs to all of us and will one day pass down to our children.”

  RJ had mentioned his brother with obvious love several times, something she couldn’t relate to growing up in foster care. Wanting to get off the subject of family, she asked, “Where’re we going?”

  RJ noticed she once again avoided any talk of family, but let it go. He didn’t want anything to ruin the afternoon. “North, about ten miles. There’s a pretty lake up past that ridge where we hold a big Fourth of July bash. Other ranchers and some of the town folk join us for an all day event of grilling food and outdoor games.”

  “Fireworks?” she asked hopefully. She had only witnessed one fireworks display, and that had been in Cincinnati with Brian last year. She had loved it.

  “Over the lake, but only the relatively quiet ones. The loud boomers tend to spook the cattle.”

  Amy listened attentively as RJ took the time to point out wildlife and landscape to her, while eyeing the easy way he sat his horse. His large, muscular thighs gripped the steed’s flanks tightly, keeping the large animal under control. His arms were strong, his biceps bulging even though he held the reins loosely. When she lay against him at night, their naked bodies held close, his strength always amazed her, and the way he controlled it set her at ease. Instead of fearing his size, and what he was capable of, he always made her feel protected and safe. Two things she had never felt from any man.

  With his hat pulled low, his rugged face was in profile, his jaw sporting a dark shadow already even though he had shaved that morning. Her pussy dampened almost instantly when her eyes wandered down to his hands, recalling how they felt against her skin in stimulating caresses or in equally stimulating swats to the tender flesh of her buttocks. As they rode over the rise he had originally pointed out to her and the scenic lake came into view, all she could think about was feeling those hands on her again.

  “What do you think?” RJ asked, waving his hand out over the stunning vista.

  “It’s beautiful,” she replied, pu
lling her mind away from her fantasies. Nestled in between small hills, decorated with an abundance of trees, the lake was indeed an idyllic spot. They stopped the horses near one of the picnic tables and RJ dismounted and was at her side in seconds, those hands she was fantasizing about clasped tightly around her waist.

  “You seemed pretty preoccupied on our ride,” he said as he slid her slowly down and held her to him. His mouth swooped down on hers, his lips taking her lips, his tongue mating with her tongue, before he pulled slowly back. “What were you thinking about?”

  “You. Us. Sex. Need I say anything else?”

  “Nope, that does it for me. But, first things first.” Pulling her to the picnic table, he sat on the bench and pushed his Stetson back. “Pull down your pants,” he instructed with calm authority.

  Unadulterated need curled in her stomach and spread to her cunt as her hands went to her jeans and slowly undid them. She could see cattle and several hands riding the fences and the fact that they were close enough to see what they were doing only added to her excitement. Pushing her jeans and panties down to mid thigh, she willingly draped herself across his lap, her bare ass on display for both him and his cow hands. She loved how having nothing exposed except her vulnerable buttocks turned her on, how the anticipation of that first swat, that first bite of pain, made her ache for more.

  “That’s my girl.” RJ ran his hand over her cheeks, the sun warming them before his hand took over. It had been a battle seducing her back into his bed, but one worth waging. Once she succumbed, she embraced his demands with open enthusiasm and growing need. She was perfect for him, in so many ways, and he couldn’t wait to introduce her to more pleasures of sex, his brand of no holds barred sex.

  He squeezed her buttocks, fondled her soft flesh and ran his fingers over her orifices all in an attempt to soothe her before he tormented her. When she moaned softly and her hips started shifting restlessly, he drew back and landed the first swat, the vivid red mark he raised spurring him on. She cried out as he smacked her again, the sound music to his ears, the way she lifted her hips for his next swat a pleasurable sight. He covered her entire ass, preparing her for the sting of his belt, her plump soft flesh heating rapidly beneath his hand.

  “You’re beautiful, Amy. Your ass so red, lifting for me, telling me without words what you want, what you need.”

  His harsh voice and hard hands stimulated her simultaneously as Amy let the pain encompass her, lead her into the pleasure. When he smacked the under curve of first her right cheek, then the left, she whimpered in torment. When he shoved her jeans to her ankles and ordered her to spread her knees, she obeyed instantly in eager anticipation, bending her knees and lifting her ass, silently begging for more. Dimly she heard the lowing of the cattle, the voices of the hands as they called to one another, the soft lap of the lake’s shore and the trill of birds. All of it played like an erotic symphony on her senses just as his tormenting hand aroused her flesh like a maestro.

  “That’s it, sweetheart, lift that ass for me. There now, a few more here,” he said as he swatted her thighs a few times, “and a couple here.” His hand landed between her thighs, slapping her folds and coming away damp.

  Amy cried out even louder when he slapped her pussy. The sound of flesh meeting flesh echoing loudly. “Again. Oh, God, RJ, please.”

  Pleased with her response, he landed another hard smack between her legs, her soft folds warming beneath his palm just as her ass did. Her buttocks were spread enticingly, revealing her tight, puckered hole, reminding him of his ultimate goal.

  Lifting her up, he stood next to her, his hands going to his belt. “Strip,” he ordered.

  Amy was still reeling from her intense response to his pussy smacking, but as he slowly pulled his belt from his jeans, she quickly kicked off her shoes and shed her clothes. Standing outdoors, completely nude, she marveled at how wonderful it felt. A couple of the hands had stopped their mounts and were looking their way, but they were too far away to see any minute details. Her buttocks were warm and pulsing from his hand, yet all she could think about was that belt he now held doubled over in his hand, her pulse speeding up in anticipation and an iota of fear.

  Those expressive eyes of hers gave her away and RJ lifted her chin with a gentle hand. “You know I would never hurt you, don’t you?”

  “Of course,” she lied bravely. Truth was, she wanted to experience the feel of that leather against her tender skin, but there was a small part of her that remembered a hand lifted to her in anger and misplaced retribution.

  RJ sighed inwardly, realizing he would just have to prove it to her. “Kneel on the bench and lean over the table.”

  Amy did as he instructed, kneeling on the bench and leaning on her elbows on the table. Lowering her head, she spread her knees and stuck her ass out further, awaiting the first taste of his belt with baited breath.

  “Perfect,” he breathed softly, his gaze glued to ass. The bench put her at the perfect height for his hips as he moved behind her. “Remember all those times I warned you about saying fuck?”

  Amy turned her head enough to give him a mocking look. “You say it all the time.”

  “I’m a guy, I’m supposed to talk that way.”

  She sputtered at the ridiculousness of that statement, then gasped loudly as he brought the belt down across her buttocks. The sting was sharp, immediate and highly arousing. Lowering her head again, she accepted the next blow with a shudder and a moan. The belted landed again and again, covering her buttocks thoroughly, the pain more stimulating than hurtful, making her realize he was tempering his blows, going easy, proving to her his only intention was to heighten her pleasure, not cause her harm. And she loved it. The sting raised from the leather connecting with her flesh sped directly to her weeping cunt, her copious juices running down her thighs, a blatant display of her arousal.

  RJ’s cock swelled with aching need as he eyed the growing bright hue he was raising on her ass and the obvious pleasure she was getting from it. Her bare folds were swollen, slightly pink from his slaps, and decidedly wet from her growing excitement. But it was her back hole that enticed him now and had him aching to possess.

  Tossing the belt aside, he grabbed a tube of lube from his pocket before lowering his jeans and releasing his raging hard on. Moving behind her, he liberally greased two fingers, spread her cheeks further with his other hand, and invaded her rectum with an easy insertion of his digits.

  “There, sweetheart. Doesn’t that feel good?” He watched as he buried his fingers in her tight hole, smiled when she shoved back against him in acceptance, and grabbed his cock in readiness when she whispered, “Yes, God, yes.”

  “I can’t wait, Amy. I’ve got to have your ass.” Greasing his cock, he poised it at her entrance, his hands gripping her warm, red buttocks, spreading them widely. “Amy?”

  “Yes, RJ, take me. I want it, I want you.” Amy couldn’t deny her need, didn’t even think about denying it. He had teased her anus for weeks, giving her small tastes of that ultimate pleasure when what she really wanted was the full feast. She whimpered when he breached her tight hole, gasped as he filled her rectum slowly, and moaned when he was finally embedded deeply inside her. Her pussy pulsed with pleasure, her clit aching for stimulation as he slowly pulled back out. When he entered her again, the pain was less and the pleasure was more, a scenario that kept up with each slow withdrawal and each determined thrust until he was taking her ass with smooth, long, deep strokes that stimulated sensitive nerve endings in both her rectum and her pussy.

  Being in Amy’s ass was everything he had thought it would be, RJ thought as he watched his cock moving with ease in and out of her tight, little hole. He released her buttocks and ran his right hand underneath her to stroke her sensitive folds and plunged into her wet depths while his left hand grabbed a small breast and squeezed that soft flesh. His hips pumped repeatedly into her ass, his cock hard and strong as he reamed her back hole and milked all the sweet juice from her
cunt. She flooded his fingers as she spasmed around them. He could feel her contractions in her rectum as she clutched around his cock.

  He held off his own release as he continued to pump steadily into her, his fingers and cock wringing every ounce of pleasure out of her before he moved back, grabbed her hips again and proceeded to fuck her asshole with harder, stronger strokes. Sweat dripped down his forehead as his balls tightened, preparing for his imminent release. Amy’s cries of pleasure, her small shuddering body glistening damply as she moved in tandem with his thrusting hips, brought him to a feverish pitch. With a shout, he erupted into her depths, spilling his seed deep into her rectum.

  Amy took his come and gloried in his pleasure. This was the most erotic, stimulating experience of her life and she had him to thank for it. As he lifted her from the table and held her in his arms, murmuring his pleasure to her, for the first time in over a month, she didn’t regret walking into that bar and giving in to her attraction to this man.

  Chapter Twelve

  Amy braced her hands on RJ’s shoulders as he grabbed her about the waist and lifted her into his truck. She vaguely wondered if she would ever tire of the feel of his strong muscles bulging under her fingers. Somehow, she doubted it.

  “Buckle up, sweetheart. I need a word with Gary before we leave.”

  “Yes dad,” she drawled sarcastically.


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