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The Dragon's Den

Page 7

by Katy Katz

  Anders had always been a hot mess, and that was on a good day and the best/kindest description she could come up with. His rugged good looks were fading into hallowed out eyes that lived in nightmares.

  Aveline had married Donnic, which was wonderful for both of them. Normally Haley would have loved every moment of it for her friend except most recently Isabela howled at the idea of the big girl having sex and liked to speculate on it and what it might be like a bit too much for Haley's taste. Haley found her fascination with it a tad bit strange from time to time. There wasn't much they had left to the imagination at one time or another when it came to the bedroom and various partners or situations, but even Haley would draw the line there, though Isabela had never proposed sleeping with any of their companions, she hoped Isabela would never suggest it.

  Aveline would be going a bit too far.

  Merrill she would consider as long as she wasn't too fragile and she was still with Maren. Merrill's curiosity about Isabela and Haley's behavior in the bedroom (well fucking anywhere really) bordered on a bit obsessive sometimes. At times Haley thought it might do them good to spend a weekend together and just get it over with. Haley swore sometimes she would take down notes after one of Isabela's many stories to try on Maren no doubt.

  She imagined Aveline would turn the color of her hair if Isabela proposed anything, but she'd always felt they (Aveline and Isabela) had a strange attraction to each other, but it was not an attraction Haley shared, and she didn't think Donnic was the type to share or she would suggest the two of them go kill something together some weekend. Haley knew where Isabela's heart lies even if her back had laid al over Ferleden.

  It had been hard at first to think of her more than just a tryst. She had discovered she had feelings for her years before Isabela discovered she also had feelings for Haley. Isabela once she figured it out was 100 percent willing to make a commitment in her own way.

  Haley had been struggling. It wasn't intentional. When Isabela had run off…Haley didn't know she could hurt so much, not after all she had lost. What was one lover? She could have taken 100 lovers. It's not that there weren't others that were interested. Plenty were even proficient in bed…

  Haley had never taken a serious lover before Isabela. Those always bemused amber eyes. She was always up for fun with a side of danger and crazy. Truly there was no one like Isabela. She was one of a kind.

  Underneath that slutty rogue beat the heart of a weasel, but a weasel with a heart of gold. No matter how she tried not to, she loved her. She didn't ever want to be hurt again, but she knew what love felt like. She didn't know if she could ever trust her, but she was going to have to trust her…

  She had to find a way to trust her, or she was going to have to walk away…

  There could be no 50/50 anymore.

  Fenris cleaved the nearest attacker to Haley in half, which was fortunate, because her own blade was still stuck the corpse's ribcage in front of her. It was annoyingly attached. Zevron gave a quick blade to an assassin fighting at close quarters near Merrill.

  "The Crow's have grown fat and slow." Zevron teased and laughed.

  How did Isabela know this guy? Haley stopped at the thought. How did her pirate queen know any guy? Haley sighed kicked the corpse and freeing her blade.

  Haley's blade found a new home and pushed through the back of a man with her blade bring him up short of slicing Isabella's throat from behind. Isabela had already begun to dance away from harmlessly from his eager blade and used her counter blade to slit his throat, but she always loved it when Haley managed to find a reason to sidle a way up next to her during battle. Whether Haley or Isabela killed the man first was hard to tell, but Isabela loved it when Haley was a tad over protective of her favorite rogue.

  The gesture was unnecessary, but it was the thought that counted and Isabela always loved the extra attention. Besides watching Haley's muscles work tirelessly on the battlefield up close and personal always managed to make it to flashes of moments in the bedroom. She loved to watch those muscles working for her. Whether beheading an ogre or gently stroking a clit she loved to watch them work.

  They'd been together for years, and Haley was no less sexy now than she had been years ago. She had a flawless since of grace as she across the battlefield tirelessly moving in and out of slavers and assassins slaying them as efficiently and painlessly as possible.

  She was working with a shield today. Perhaps she was bored or hiding an injury. It was unusual. Haley usually worked exclusively with two-handed weapons in the time Isabela had known her. The shield blocked some of her view. There was nothing wrong with shield fighting, it was an art form of it's own, she had just rarely seem Haley take up the board and sword usually leaving that to Aveline. Perhaps, it was because of the mixed group with them today.

  Soon only Haley and her friends were left standing. Slightly winded. Nothing more. A high ranking member of the Crows tried to approach Haley about turning over Zevron, she let him get about half way through his introduction before sidling up to Isabela under a romantic overtone of a quick kiss, before borrowing her blade and tossing the hilt in her hand feeling it's balance. She then threw it a good distance across the field into the man's talking skull.

  "…If you would be willing to give up Zevron we of the Crow's would be quite pleased. You would like to bask in our appreciation." Thwack.

  The knife hit the man in the face. His assistant started to run. Stopped. Haley had picked up a second blade and tossed the hilt in her hand feeling it's weigh and balance. Then he picked up the paper his boss had been reading from.

  He cleared his throat, "We will show our appreciation by paying a sun of 100 sovereigns and also…"

  "You notice how reading that note got the last guy killed?" Haley started.

  "Yes, well, I…"

  "So why was that that the smartest thing you could think of to do? There is precisely one of you. We killed the rest. If you have 100 gold, we'll just take it of your corpse. If you wanted to negotiate you should have done that 20 men ago. Reading off that piece of paper, is just going to piss me off, just that special extra little bit." Haley said showing her fingers about an inch apart.

  "You shouldn't throw those you could bend the blade." Isabela sighed at her.

  "He was being really annoying." Haley pulled Isabela toward her. Haley was feeling amorous, "Besides, I sleep with the owner. She let's me get away with murder. Literally. All the time."

  "Is that so?" Isabela asked. "Don't break my new blades as throwing knives on some thugs skull." Beating on Haley's bare upper arm that wasn't covered by her new armor. Haley lifted her easily off the ground laughing.

  "So if I stop reading this will you not kill me?" The crow asked.

  "No." Fenris started. "She will not kill you." He swung his blade hard cleaving him completely in half. "She won't have time to-because I will."

  "Very nice." Zevron said applauding.

  "If you say so." Fenris said. "He annoyed me. Slightly more than you do."

  "Is he always this broody? It is quite sexy, yes?" Zevron looked around.

  Merrill said, "He's always like that. No, sometimes when he gets really mad he pulls your heart out of your chest."

  "Really?" Zevron asked.

  "The only one left to demonstrate it on would be you." Fenris said.

  "Perhaps another time…Isabela," Zevron belly laughed in a mirthful way. Truly no more diametrically opposed elves existed than Zevron, Fenris and Merrill.

  "Well since there will be no handing me over to the Crows is there anything I can do for you before I depart?" Zevron asked with a bow.

  "How do you know this man?" Haley asked not sure if she really wanted to know the answer.

  "He was the assassin sent to kill my husband." I believe I remember I told you thanked him profusely. Though he needs ne more thanks he is quite proficient, for a man. He has great stamina. He's just your taste if you're in the mood."

  "Why, thank you." Zevron said bow

  "Really, Isabela?" Haley sighed.

  "What? It's Zevron. He's always in the mood, and quite good, at just about everything on the menu."

  "Thank you. And she is quite right, about the mood. I remember having quite a good time myself though it's been years. I'm sure experience has given way from youthful exuberance, both have their place; however, I would be pleased to serve you both in any capacity together or separately…I don't like to impose in anyway." Zevron bowed at the waist and waited as he paused after a flourish with his hands.

  Haley was annoyed at the timing. She really didn't care about the public display of their sex lives. Isabela made sure that was on display for anyone to see when ever anyone was curious. Haley was shocked Isabela hadn't commissioned a book on the topic with explicit pictures, mostly because she had never thought of it, and Haley wasn't going to give her any ideas. Plus, Merrill was enamored enough.

  Honestly, it was about the spider guts.

  "We're covered in gore, not just from people but from all those damned Sundermount spiders." Haley began to grumble.

  Isabela had forgotten about the spiders and knew Zevron was unlikely to wait even for amazing sex. She sighed. What a waste. It would have been a great anniversary present. "I expect make up sex." She pouted.

  "Have you ever gone without?" Haley asked.

  "Well no. But I was in the mood for something special. Something fun in particular."

  "Aren't you always?" Haley again, there was no disparaging sound, just an honest question.

  "Ah well ladies, then I must bid you, adieu. Another time then." Zevron bounded off.

  "After a good scrubbing, I promise you all the attention and imagination you can handle." Haley sheathed her weapon and set slightly faster pace than normal for home. Isabela smiled.


  Isabela had just thought of the toy she had been saving. Normally, Haley wasn't into toys as much as she was into people, situations or positions, but this toy had been made special from a seer from Rivani. Normally, she wouldn't buy into such tripe, but she tasted its pleasures.

  When Isabela had tried it on Haley it had been fairly mind blowing, but she managed to keep to it to herself. The sex was pretty fantastic that night anyway.

  It was rare when Haley was interested in using a toy though she never denied Isabela anything. The toy had quite a bit of build up by the sales person, but it lived up to its sales pitch.

  Isabela had been shocked, and only used it once. She decided she wanted to save it for a special occasion. It was their anniversary of sorts. If they had an agreed upon date it would be today.

  It was never discussed, but Haley went out of her way every year to have some sort of thoughtful gift followed by mind-blowing sex. Isabela was practically craving her abs, but Haley didn't know about the play toy Isabela had procured, nor what it did.

  What it did-was pretty amazing.

  Sure any dildo could be fun from time to time, but this one was probably a Tevinter special or something. Haley exclusively slept with women. There might be a man or two brought along here or there at Isabela's behest, but they were for her enjoyment.

  As far as Isabela knew, Haley had never been with a man, at least she had never been with one when Isabela had been around nor had she ever mentioned one.

  In bed Haley was easily the wettest woman Isabela had ever been with and the tightest. Given their experimentation and proclivities Haley, if she had a hymen, had given it up to Isabela long ago. This was a point that was not lost on Isabela in her many games. Still any toys she used were relatively small.

  She had gotten this very small strap-on from this seer very into love and passion. Ironically it was the same woman who had sold Haley the Rivani fertility necklace she had given to Isabela the year before.

  It seemed small and standard, but the woman insisted that it was meant for "true love" and it would act on it if the "love were true". She couldn't explain it, but for 10 sovereign two women in the throw of passion could experience a different kind of physical pleasure. If it were "true love", the Maker we give them the greatest gift of all.

  Isabela didn't see how you could get a ship out of a dildo, but it was really well constructed, and it seemed as though it could almost vibrate against where your clit would ago in while she held it in her hand. It felt, like an extension instead of just like a lifeless toy.

  When she had pulled it out at Haley's estate about a month ago during a third or fourth round of lovemaking Haley seemed to like the idea and helped Isabela put it on.

  Since Isabela had come back to Kirkwall she had really let herself get thrown into sex with abandon. When she and Haley had been with Haley before she had left Kirkwall it had just been great sex. Haley had always been a bit amorous toward her, and even though it was only vaguest form of clingy, Isabela hadn't liked it, but she had always loved the sex.

  Haley was a wiz in the sack. Tireless and imaginative, she was certainly never a bore or a drag. She was rarely jealous, oh Isabela had tried over the years, but the fact that Isabela stayed seemed enough for the Champion, and the Champion's never-ending affections and attentions seemed enough for Isabela. Until Isabela left Kirkwall she honestly felt Haley was great but completely replaceable.

  Isabela had been terribly wrong.

  Isabela had paid a very high price.

  So had the Champion.

  Since they had returned to their strange enough normal all had been fine, or seemingly enough.

  Something deeper was going on and Isabela knew it. She could feel it. It bothered her, but she couldn't help herself.

  She knew she had fallen for Haley, but couldn't bring herself to say it. She hoped she didn't have to say it, though she knew she would have to put her pride aside and tell her at one point.

  It would have to be an all or nothing moment. She had considered talking to her about it on their anniversary. The toy might heighten everything, if she played her cards right.

  The seer had tried to explain, but you couldn't really explain it.

  She and Haley and been rutting for years. She and Haley had both come several times, but it was one of those nights you just couldn't seem to get enough of one another.

  Isabela felt her body quiver as Haley ran her hands over Isabela's body that was slick with a nights worth of hard won sweat. The air was cool and she sat up pulling her own body against Isabela's to warm hers. The toy was only 6 inches long and only two fingers thick, but more than enough to get the job done if used correctly.

  When Haley went to touch the tip of the toy, Isabela felt like she was touching her. She gasped, it felt incredible. The head of the toy was moist like a drop of dew and Haley had no way of knowing, but when she brushed her thumb across it, it was like was touching Isabela's slick hooded clit. Isabela cried out in shock and pleasure.

  Haley positioned herself over her sexy pirate ladies cock that seemed slightly slick on the head, when Haley pushed herself down on Isabela she could feel how tight, hot and wet Haley was. Isabela dug into the back of Haley's arms crying out shaking begging her to be still for a moment.

  Haley was accustomed to Isabela's need to role-play. Still Isabela held her close against her body.

  "Wait. Please." She begged in a throaty voice. She was gasping trying not to come. Nothing had prepared her to feel that. Her clit basically got to feel like what she imagined a cock would feel like.

  She certainly didn't want to instantly come if this was her one magic induced chance to be inside her lover. Isabela was usually anything but gentle, but that night she was. She could feel everything. As she pulled out and slowly pushed back in she felt Haley lips quiver and moan as she pushed her backwards kissing her and felt her pussy tighten around her clit or cock or whatever it was. She felt herself growing harder inside Haley. The last thing she wanted to do was come, and it was everything she wanted to do.

  Isabela set a very slow pace and Haley clung to her every movement. She felt what it was like to be inside her
. Isabela could fill her up. It was beyond words.

  "It's like I can feel you."

  "What?" Haley whispered.

  "This, it's supposed to be magic. It is like magic." Isabela started then stopped. " I just want to be with you, as if ever bit of this was real. Please."

  Isabela set a slow pace pushing inside her and pulling out gently guiding her overly excited cock with her hand.

  Having never experienced anything like it before it was a little overwhelming, but Haley seemed to be enjoying it and milking her with each beck and call. Isabel hung on as best she could.

  Haley could swear she heard Isabela mutter something dangerously close to something about love as she thrust into her one last time before losing control and taking Haley with her with her words and the vague idea of admitting love. The darkness swirled with passion the sweat. Muscles she wasn't quite sure she had clenched and released.

  Oddly the toy seemed less firm but Isabela left it inside of her and for once she didn't mind she just held her close in a swirl of darkness and color and lost a sense of time. It might have been the only time Haley could every remember Isabela falling asleep in her arms and Haley being the first to wake near dawn.

  The two women were mostly naked. There always seemed something that got left on in their hastiness that never got quite taken off; no matter how many rounds they went. It had just become endearing. Isabela was still asleep. Haley enjoyed looking at her lover and tracing the edge of her body with a light thumb and finger.

  The toy was still on and Haley went about starting to unfasten it's many buckles, she Isabela moaned she swore she thought it rose in reaction a bit.

  Isabela woke up to Haley gently unstrapping her and she'd be damned if the thing wasn't still reactive. She'd be ready to go in about two seconds. She unbuckled the main buckled that was hidden from view before it was a dead give away, and got rock hard.

  This was a piece of magic, that should definitely serve man…well woman…well she and Haley…when the time arose.


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