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The Dragon's Den

Page 8

by Katy Katz

  Damn was it dawn? Isabela saw the blush of the sky turning pink. Haley was clearly interested in another round, and apparently so was she, though she'd never stayed an entire night at the estate.

  Before she could ponder it too much her half awareness gave way to Haley's tongue kissing down her body distracting her from leaving. She was just thing about leaving when Haley's tongue flicked across her clit. She caught Haley's short dark mussed hair between her fingers and let out a surprised scream or pleasure.

  She had been distracted, but Haley's tongue lapping on her clit was always a good time. How fast or slow she came. How slow or hard. It really didn't matter; it was a done deal that it was going to be great run.

  She had plans for the toy to surprise Haley, but for now all she could think about was the woman lapping up the slickness in-between her legs. She moaned and looked down as she grabbed Haley more tightly by the hair.

  Haley smiled at what she was doing. It was rare to catch Isabela by surprise so easily. Isabela was in every moment with Haley. She was with her with every stroke of her tongue. She thought about nothing in the future, nothing in the past. Her whole world was Haley and her tongue. Haley considered adding fingers, changing positions, she considered many things, but sometimes simplicity was the best.

  Isabela grasped harder. Haley kept her tongue rounded. "I love the way you feel in my mouth." Haley whispered into Isabela's dripping wetness. There was a mention of love, but again not the direct kind, but it had an instant reaction.

  Isabela instantly caught her breath and time stopped. All she felt was pleasure rush to her. Haley was still there lapping at her, normally she would be sensitive, but she rode through the orgasm into the next, and into the next. Each one intensifying and causing a slight cramp of pain with an explosion of pleasure.

  Isabela didn't stop Haley, Haley stopped herself when she felt Isabela had, had enough, after the fifth orgasm and Isabela began to whimper she knew the cramps would eventually outweigh the orgasms effects.

  Haley cupped her hand to cover Isabela's now too sensitive soaked pussy and Isabela responded by roughly forcing her hand on top of Haley's and riding out the last waves of the orgasm.

  As her breathing returned to normal, she search Haley's face gently smiling at her for something to say, "You make me feel incredible."

  "Good. You are." Haley laughed simply.

  "Now why are you laughing like that?" Isabela asked. "What's the big joke?"

  "You're always afraid you're missing something. You're not. Sometimes it's that simple." Haley said stretching. Isabela liked the way Haley's muscles rippled underneath that simple stretch. She was so yummy. She was either unaware, or she simply didn't care. She never showed it off. She wished she'd do it more often. She ran her hand down Haley's abs. They felt like steel underneath, but soft and warm to the touch. Isabela let her hand wash over them dreamily soaking them in. She was distracted.

  "There is no big cosmic joke, Isabela." Haley said. "You make me laugh, because I feel good. Is there anything wrong with that?"

  "I suppose not. I just don't understand why you're laughing." Isabela started to pout.

  "It's nothing bad. I laugh because I feel so good. I feel so good because I'm with you. I enjoy it. We never talk about it, because you don't like to…but do I really have to apologize for feeling good after great sex?" Haley asked raising an eyebrow. "Or did you not notice we had great sex? Only I thought it was great sex, because I'm just like a man, and only I'm satisfied."

  Isabela thought back to the clit/cock toy and the release she got when she got to fill up Haley.

  "There's no point in being a goose. That was a pretty good go. You were feeling inspired?" Isabela asked running her hands over Haleys breasts and small athletic frame. She hadn't felt this good in a while. What had that toy done to her? It had felt amazing to feel like she was part of Haley.

  Isabela wondered what Haley would think when felt it?

  She'd been trying to tell her, her feelings.

  Their anniversary was coming up.

  What if she could time it during sex?

  Would that be awful or would that is perfect?


  Isabela tripped over nothing on the way back to Kirkwall from Sundermount. The small group had fallen into silence. It was feast or famine when it came to banter across the Free Marches.

  Haley tuned in time for Isabela to trip into her waiting arms. Isabela couldn't have planned it better if she had tried.

  Isabela paused a few seconds and the others moved along ahead. Haley and Isabela were at the back anyway.

  Isabela wasn't one to break the rules on Haleys "No spiders gore" rule, but wanted to give her lover a quick moment to think about the evening to coming.

  Isabela could always find a way to kiss Haley that would instantly pull at her very core and she would throb with excitement. Haley would swear she was a mage, instead of just an incredible lover.

  The deep pull at her core left her feeling as though someone had just stroked her clit. She had been watching Isabela's bizarre behavior talking to herself in the tavern in the last week, and when Isabela spoke, she realized what it was she had been doing. She'd been planning a speech.

  "Haley. Haley. I think…I think, I'm falling for you." Isabela stammered.

  Isabela had bought herself time with the kiss. She knew she could leave Haley off pace with simple desire alone. Though the desire was never simple.

  "I thought you said, love wasn't for you." Haley quipped back.

  "I know what I said; I know why I said it. Just let me know. Let me know if I have a chance with you, Haley."

  "Promise you won't go off breaking me heart."

  "I won't if you don't give me cause to." Isabela turned away across from her feeling very vulnerable the others were our of sight and earshot. Haley pulled Isabela back to her and sealed the agreement with a kiss.

  Could it be that easy? Was Haley serious? Isabela had to know?

  She had plans for that toy tonight.

  What Isabela didn't know is what the Rivani Seer had tried to tell her. It was more than a sex toy. If it was used under passion and true love it bestowed could bestow one of the Makers gifts on the women.

  It was made with magic and amplified by love. If Isabela got what she wanted, she might get more than what she bargained for.

  She never took precautions with a female lover against pregnancy, why would she? It wouldn't make sense. The fertility Talisman she wore only amplified the affect. She would never think of it, because in a normal world two women could never get pregnant together, but in a world of magic, talismans, and warnings she hadn't heeded she wasn't about to get more than just incredible sex on her anniversary.


  Right before Haley came Isabela stopped her midstroke. It was damned near impossible, but Haley managed not to come. She held back though every nerve and fiber in her being begged for release.

  "Please Haley, I have to know something."

  It's obvious that mostly all Haley can concentrate in that moment is not blowing her load. The experience has been amazing. Being able for once what it was like to be inside Isabela, to feel how tight she is, how wet she is, how she pulls invitingly at her. It's intoxicating. How her body ached for Haley responding to her. Wanting her.

  Haley did stop and she is trying to process and listen. She is also trying desperately not to come. Isabela has planned this as some sort of test of mettle of love, no doubt.

  "Do you truly love me Haley?"

  Isabela could feel Haley's response before she said it. Isabela felt Haley get harder inside her Isabela wouldn't have believed that was even possible, and her fake clit/cock pushed up harder into Isabela's g-spot.

  "Yes." Haley manages with a raspy breath. "I love you. I'm not going anywhere."

  Isabela grasped Haley's hand and took her hands in hers reaching up and allowing Haley to finish thrusting one last time.

  Haley made a strangled sound
as she came and she released every tension everything she had into Isabela. Isabela's body responded by trying to suck everything Haley had.

  The egg that was naturally traveling it's way down carrying it's copy of Haley's DNA to be wasted another month is transformed into a hundred thousand messengers that pour out of the end of the toy as Haley chokes coming on her own orgasm. Isabela's satisfaction at hearing and feeling love begins lapping at her own orgasm.

  Magic induced. The toy has a short life span for that couple, for most couples it lasts a lifetime and it's magic is never used. This one is shriveled and disintegrates. The orgasm was something that was something that was never really something to be felt. It was a bit of what both people feel when they connect as one physically and psychologically. There is sweat. Cries of pleasure, dopamine, release, love, chemicals and two bodies looking for a way to procreate through love.

  Haley Pulled Isabela to her completely and utterly spent. She felt boneless and amazing. Finely after an unknown amount of time Isabela pushed Haley to the side so she could snuggle into her shoulder. Haley didn't move.

  Isabela looked down and saw the toy had shrunk down to small size.

  "Guess it's just good for a one-time use." Haley laughed when she saw it had shriveled to a nominal size. "We should check out that seer. That was more fun you paid for it."

  Isabela laughed. "I did get to use it once too."

  "You, what?"

  "Yeah, I stumbled on it by accident. Pretty amazing stuff. I thought we should save it for something special."

  "Yeah." Haley started. "I think I might do another deep road expedition to support my habit."

  Both women laugh having no idea that the magic started anything more than a great orgasm.

  Chapter 8

  Isabela seemed to be a different woman of late, zipping around, laughing Haley could swear she was practically twinkling. She wasn't even interesting in drinking as far as Haley could tell.

  She was plenty interested in Haley, but they'd saved serious coin not going to the brothel or the tavern. Isabela seemed happy, insatiable, and to Haley a bit more than worried with her bizarre behavior, well bizarre for Isabela. The lack of drinking, trash-talking, and friendly three-ways of whatever Isabela felt like bringing home (though she always shopped to Haley's taste to be fair) was strange enough, but she genuinely seemed happy. She usually put herself down, but even that had stopped.

  Every morning Isabela spent puking her guts up, afternoons too, truth be known. Haley would have assumed the obvious, but they hadn't been with any men and Isabela likely to brag about anyone and everything she did.

  She didn't want to go to healer, which was odd because she spent her life going to them. Her insatiable voracious need for sex ended her up seeing Anders on a regular basis. It's not like she was shy about it.

  It wasn't a written rule per se. Even before Isabela left Kirkwall she rarely sought the attention of others unless Haley was around, and then it was just the brothel, but it was always mentioned.

  But this time Haley had actually asked. Isabela had thought for a moment. Though originally she had been bitter about not having a bit of fun with Zevron, she hadn't included a man…well since they'd been back together in Kirkwall. It had sort of shocked her.

  She had only been with Haley; they hadn't even added another woman in the mix. Isabela smiled about having to fix that too.

  "I guess you might be enough for me after all. Who knew that could even be possible?" Isabela laughed.

  "Really Isabela?" Haley let it roll off her tongue equally playful.

  "I don't know. Is this what love is supposed to be?" Isabela asked and actually pondered the though. Isabela never pondered anything.

  That also worried Haley.

  Isabela wasn't the type to think; she was more the type to react.

  Isabela thinking could lead to anything, and not always good things.

  Haley decided to tackled her right there. She was too close to the bed not to take advantage of that opportunity. "I don't know. Love isn't for you, remember." Haley said swiftly pinning her to the bed. Isabela allowed her get away with it for the moment.

  True Haley was raw muscle and power, but Isabela was much more lithe. Haley reached down and bit her lover's neck gently. Nuzzling it until she got the surprised harden nipples, goose bumps, quickened breath, and slightly damp pussy that would have followed. Isabela let out a loud moan. Isabela never cared who heard her outside the Haley estate. More than one passer by had slowed their pace outside the Champion of Kirkwall's estate to listen to the performance over the years. Varric often joked he could sell ring side tickets to just have people listen in the lobby and have an orgy ensue. Haley had never had much of a sense of humor about that sort of thing, but Isabela took it as a compliment. She loved being Haley's lover. She took the fact that Haley never strayed as a complement to her prowess in bed. Holding her complete attention of the years.

  Haley certainly never argued the point.

  It was one of the reasons Isabela always felt they had worked over the years. She never held Haley's leash, unless Haley was feeling in the mood for that sort of thing. Haley could go and do as she pleased, so she never strayed far. Oddly, she supposed the same had become true of her.

  Haley had pinned her many times over the years, she seemed to forget outside of this bed Isabela was an equally worthy combantant.

  It didn't take much to turn the tables on Haley, though she rarely did. She spun and pinned Haley so fast Haley was shocked, impressed, and instantly wet at the prospect. Isabela relied more on speed and less on strength, and it's how she worked her blades to her advantage. In this case how she worked her lover to her advantage. Haley was always quick to snatch off her underwear with her teeth, it was one of her signature moves, one Isabela enjoyed very much, but she wondered how Haley would feel having her world turned on her so quickly.

  Haley had only been in her robe and a favored translucent pair of small clothes Isabela carefully ripped away with her teeth. Haley warm skin was exposed instantly to the cool air but instantly covered by a hot darting tongue. Isabela wasn't one to usually forgo foreplay, but apparently she didn't need foreplay as Haley nearly came the instantly Isabela took her clit in her mouth.

  Isabela hadn't planned on instant sex, but certainly had no hard fast rules against it. Isabela reached up and brushed over Haleys hard nipple with her palm barely touching it. Haley gasped her body on fire. Haley more on instinct moaned and reached for the back of Isabela's hair grasping its soft layers as if checking to see that the moment was real.

  Her soft wet licking sounds consumed her every thought, and she shamelessly spread herself open thrusting her hips forward begging Isabela for more. Haley reached down to touch Isabela; however, Isabela was keeping herself out of Haley's reach. This was meant for her to lay back and enjoy. It was overwhelming for Haley not to have a distraction and Isabela was enjoying every moment of it.

  Normally, Haley was truly the giver in bed. She always made sure Isabela's needs were taken care of. It was rare that Isabela had Haley's attention at her every stroke and lick. Haley wasn't accustomed to being on only receiving end of attention. She didn't quite know what to do with herself. Isabela, definitely had to do this more often, she told herself.

  Haley all out screamed her pleasure.

  Haley was no where near orgasm, she just hadn't been spoiled the way Isabela had.

  Haley pulled at Isabela's hair with both hands watching her. The Rivani had incredible talents with her tongue, but Haley was usually distracted by something else.

  "Oh Maker" Haley started. "Let me touch you."

  "No." Isabela smiled. "I finally have your full attention. Do you think I'm going to let that go?"

  "Bela. I can't hold on like this." She spoke thorough gritted teeth.

  "I know. That's why I'm doing it. I don't think you can last very long at all. I didn't realize how selfish I've been all these years." Haley's Pirate queen slipped her tongu
e across the warrior's wet clit sucking it in her mouth for a second taking in a fresh taste of her of flavor. Haley's body shook as she moaned and braced herself trying not to come. "You've always distracted yourself with me to keep yourself from coming too soon. Really, I've just been cheating you out of being multiorgasmic."

  "I don't think I can. I know you can." Haley was having a difficult time thinking and forming words

  "Yes, well, why don't we spend a little time finding out."

  "I don't know."

  "I know I'm a shit, but after this many years, you think you can trust me in this one thing?" Before Haley could answer Isabela slid her tongue across Haley's clit as she gently pushed a single finger inside her. Haley screamed loudly from the clitoral orgasm she was trying to control, and it had gotten away from her. Her tender bud was pulsating and she though she was spent normally she would have stopped, but Isabela had been pushing though her wetness inside her gently massaging her.

  It was the way she knew Isabela liked to be touched. It felt completely different. The pressure was building more slowly she was starting to cramp from the first orgasm but as Isabela pushed her body on top of her hers and kept pace touching her once overexcited clit with her gspot, massaging her as she slowly lowered her weight on top of her she felt safe for some reason. The build was incredible. She could feel the walls pushing against her simple finger and someone Isabela knew how to milk the feelings out of her. She could taste herself on Isabela and that just spurred her on. Everything felt deeper.

  Isabela's movement's felt more controlled, more calculated than usual. Haley usually didn't like having things inside her; she was trying not to hurt her maybe, or maybe, "Maker, right there." She breathed.

  Whatever was coming it wasn't like it was her normal orgasm; she was still touching her clit. That left good, this felt better. She had added a second finger at some point Haley started to reach up and meet her with every stroke.

  "Please." Haley begged.

  She felt Isabela and wanted her to stroke her much faster and harder, but Isabela kept it slower than she wanted to she started to wonder why then …


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