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Naughty 3: It's Juicy, No Matter How You Slice It

Page 29

by Brenda Hampton

  I looked at Shane as he opened the car door for Toni to get in. “Man, get me out of here before I get myself in trouble,” I said.

  “How I’m gon’ save you and I’m trying to save my damn self?”

  The ladies gave their good-byes, and after we agreed to hook up later, they jetted.

  I hopped back on my bike and so did Shane.

  “So, where to now?” I asked.

  “Man, I’m going home so I can get ready to delve into some pussy. It’s been a while, and I told them I’d call them within the hour.”

  I lowered my helmet, a bit frustrated that we were done with riding. “Are you serious?”

  “Negro, I ain’t joking. I haven’t had sex in about two months. I be having these dry spells and then bam! Women like that come along and my mind goes astray.”

  I laughed. “You are serious, aren’t you?”

  “Hell yeah! And don’t tell me you’re not going to have the pleasure of knocking off those other two. I know damn well the thought crossed your mind.”

  “It did, but—”

  “But what?”

  “I already got plans tonight.”

  “With who?”

  Trying to figure out what I was in the mood for, I pulled out my cell phone and called my new gal, Yo-Yo, to tell her I was on my way. Quickly changing my mind when I thought about one of Mercedes’ back rubs, I called to see if she was at home. She answered.

  “Mercedes,” I said.

  “Who is this?” she asked.

  “It’s the Cherry Popper, baby.”

  “Oooooh, what do you want, Mr. Cherry Popper?”

  “A nice warm set of hands rubbing all over my back, maybe even occasionally stroking my dick.”

  “Is that it?”

  “Some pussy would be nice, too, and a li’l oral sex. Maybe up against the wall, in the shower, on the floor, from the back, in the kitchen, on the steps . . .”

  “Whew, it sounds as if I have an eventful night ahead of me. And just when I was getting bored.”

  “Thanks to my call, things are starting to look up. I’ll be there in about an hour. If you’d gather some things for me to take a shower, I promise I’ll throw in a li’l something extra tonight.”

  “Damn, can’t wait.”

  I hung up and looked at Shane. He shook his head from side to side.

  “What’s with the Cherry Popper bullshit, man? You know you be killing me.”

  “Always hate the playa, Knight Rider, and while you’re at it, hate the game. So many do, so let’s get the hell out of here and go take care of business.”

  Shane agreed and we jetted.

  I rode back to his place with him, and before I left, I gave him a check for $50,000 to help out with his new business with Felicia. He thanked me repeatedly and said he’d repay the money as soon as things popped off. I wasn’t worried about it, because I knew he was the kind of brotha who stood behind his words, just like me. I also told him to relay a message to the ladies about me not making it tonight, and that I’d make every effort to call them soon.

  I took care of business at Mercedes’ crib, and when I got home, the house was clean and quiet. Nanny B left a note and said she’d be back in a couple of days. Having nothing to do, I did what I knew best—got blissfully drunk.

  I was fucked up as I lay on the floor in the theater room watching Scarface again. My mind wandered about Nokea, LJ, Scorpio, and Mackenzie. While I was at Mercedes’ place, Nokea left a message about my plans to pick up LJ. She sounded as if she had to whisper to say that, so I was in no mood to return her call. Besides, if she wasn’t talking what I wanted to hear, then fuck her. Scorpio and Mackenzie, I hadn’t heard from them at all. I, of course, wasn’t going to call Mackenzie, because I didn’t want to listen to her cry about me not being there. Deep down, I was miserable and couldn’t figure out a way to make it end. All the pussy in the world couldn’t save me now—but it did have a way of helping me forget about some memories I wanted so desperately to forget.



  Finally, I was on a roll and wasn’t leaving any grass underneath my feet. When it came to handling my business, my I’s had been dotted and my T’s had been crossed.

  When Nanny B dropped Mackenzie off that Friday evening, she also gave me some money to help me get things going. The rest she said she’d have deposited into my account, and the day after, it was surely there.

  On Saturday, I went to purchase a car. Splurging just a little, I paid cash for a black Thunderbird, and then I drove around all day looking for a place to stay. When I found a beautiful split level condominium in Lake St. Louis, I couldn’t help but go for it. I completed the application right then and there, and made arrangements to move in the following weekend. I was dying to get out of Leslie’s house because there was so much chaos going on that Mackenzie and I were about to go crazy.

  I thought about calling Jaylin many nights, but I couldn’t. Calling him would put me right back where I started, and I wasn’t prepared to do that. I was so much better off not knowing what he was doing and who he was doing it with. I’d talked to my girlfriend, Traniece, and she told me Jaylin and Mercedes had been seeing each other again. I was beyond devastated, and lost many hours of sleep that night, thinking about the promise he made me about never seeing her again. At this point, though, there wasn’t anything that I could say or do about it.

  Mr. Betts and I put the finishing touches on the play I’d written. Finally, I had something to be proud of. I couldn’t wait for everyone to come out and see it. I still had a while to go before graduating, but for me, I felt as if I’d overcome a huge obstacle in my life. I’d sent Nanny B and Jaylin an invitation to come, and when I talked to her, she said she’d be there no matter what. When I asked about Jaylin, she said that he wasn’t in his right state of mind to see Mackenzie, and the further he stayed away from her, the better. I agreed because I knew how much drama it would bring about if she knew he was back from his so-called “business trip” and didn’t call her. She’d been asking me almost every day about him, and when we finally moved into our new place, I guess she kind of knew that we were there to stay.

  The day of the play, I was a nervous wreck. I wanted everything to be perfect, and I definitely had to be the sharpest sista there. I’d shopped for hours, and when I picked out an eggshell white Jones of New York pantsuit, I knew it was the one for me.

  Before the play started, I was on cloud nine, as everything seemed to be going perfect. I looked at Leslie and Mackenzie as they sat close by, waving at me. When I saw Nanny B come in, it finally hit me that somebody was missing. That, of course, was Jaylin. He’d been the one who encouraged me to do this to begin with. He’d given me the money to further my education, even when I fucked it up and failed miserably in my classes. I thought about how none of this would have been possible without him, and he wasn’t even there to share my success with me.

  I smiled at Nanny B as she made her way over to Mackenzie and Leslie. When I read Mackenzie’s lips as she asked Nanny B where Jaylin was, I felt sad. I dropped my head, held my hands tightly together, and prayed for him to come.

  Occasionally throughout the play I turned around, glancing at the auditorium doors in hopes that Jaylin would come through them. He never did, and when Mr. Betts called my name to introduce me as the writer of the play, I stood and nearly lost it. The audience gave their approval with thunderous applause and whistles, but still, there was no Jaylin. I didn’t know if my tears were because he didn’t show, or because I was happy about my accomplishment. I do know, however, that having him there with me would have made every bit of the difference.

  Afterward, I exchanged hugs with Mr. Betts, the cast, and many people from the audience who were overwhelmingly pleased. For the first time, I think Mackenzie was kind of proud of me. Even Nanny B’s tight hug and tears in her eyes showed that she was, but when Leslie said it, I was surprised. When I reached over to give her a hug, I looked over her shoul
der and saw Jaylin standing far back near the double doors. Our eyes connected, and it seemed as if all of the pressure had been lifted off me. He opened his arms as if to ask where was his hug, so I let go of Leslie. I asked Nanny B to take Mackenzie outside so she wouldn’t see him, and made my way up to him.

  He had to be the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen. His suit was dark blue and he wore a baby blue shirt underneath. A few buttons were undone, showing his chest that I admired so much. Never leaving home without them, his tinted blue sunglasses covered his to-die-for eyes. All I could think of was why did we ever mess up things between us?

  Anxious to feel him in my arms again, I walked up and wrapped my arms around his waist. He squeezed me tightly, tenderly kissing my forehead.

  “Congratulations,” he said.

  I leaned back and looked up at him. “Thank you so much for coming. How long have you been here?”

  “Long enough to know that you have talent. I must say, the play was awesome and I’m really proud of you. I sat in the far back because I didn’t want Mackenzie to see me. As I watched you, though, you didn’t seem too happy.”

  “I wasn’t, but I’m happy now that you’re here.”

  “You should have been happy before. Never let me steal your joy, okay?” he said.

  I nodded.

  “So, are you going to let me take you to dinner tonight?” he asked.

  “Of course.”

  “Where would you like to go?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll have to think of one of my favorite restaurants.”

  “Then Morton’s it is.”

  “That’s your favorite restaurant.”


  “So I’ll meet you there around eight?”

  “I’ll see ya then.”

  We let go of each other, and happier than I’d been in a long time, I turned to walk away. Since I wore off-white pants, I had a thong on, and was sure Jaylin could see right through my pants. I worked my hips from side to side to make sure he watched. When I stopped and turned my head slightly to the side, I saw that he was all into it. He winked at me and I turned around, continuing to strut my stuff.

  I ran behind schedule because Leslie was late picking up Mackenzie. I was anxious to see Jaylin, so I hurried to make it to Morton’s by eight. When I arrived, he appeared to be patient as he talked to one of the waiters by the door.

  One waiter escorted us to a table, and right after we sat down, he showed us the steak display so we could later choose which one we wanted. Jaylin already knew what he wanted, and I sat for a moment trying to decide.

  “I . . . I’m really not in the mood for a steak,” I admitted.

  “Well, they got other things you can order.” He looked at the waiter. “Would you mind?”

  “No, I don’t think you understand.” I looked at the waiter with tears in my eyes and touched the diamond engagement ring on my finger. “I . . . I want my man back. If there’s any chance you can serve me at least three orgasms in one hour, touch me where it sends chills throughout my entire body, lick my insides until I can’t take it anymore, and give me a baby that I so desperately want, then I’ll allow you to serve me. No offense, but I don’t think you can.” I looked at Jaylin. “There’s only one man who serves me like that, and I hope he’s willing to do it tonight. Please, baby, can we go somewhere for you to serve me?”

  The waiter looked at Jaylin and smiled. He hesitated for a minute and then stood up. He shook the waiter’s hand and laid a hundred-dollar bill on the table. “Until next time,” he said.

  I took a deep breath, stood up, and followed behind him as we made our way to the exit. We walked outside and he turned to face me. “I don’t want to go back to—”

  “We won’t,” I rushed to say. “I will not call you, I will not force you to be with me, and I will never come to your house unless you ask me to. Just make love to me tonight. I need to feel you, please.”

  Jaylin stalled. “Scorpio, it’s not that simp—”

  I quickly pulled his face to mine and kissed him. I hadn’t touched his soft lips in a while, and it didn’t surprise me how good they felt against mine. He welcomed my kiss, then backed away.

  “Listen,” he said. “If we do this I don’t want no questions asked, I don’t want no crying, nor do I want any talk about us getting back together. Basically, all I want is silence.”

  “Anything . . . anything you want.”

  Jaylin took my hand and walked with me to my car. He said that riding together would only bring on a deep conversation between us, and he wasn’t up for it. He asked me to follow him to the Four Seasons hotel, so I did.

  Jaylin paid for a room, and dying to get him out of his suit, I damn near ripped it off at the door. We were barely inside as he reached for my clothes to take them off as well. By the time we made it to the bed, the moment was tense and our clothes were history.

  I lay back, and noticing a little hesitation on his part, I opened my legs, rubbing between them. I then dropped my head back and moaned his name. Clearly seeing my juices starting to flow, he got on the bed and put his face between my legs. He worked my slit better than he had ever done before, and I came fast. As he wiped my juices from his lips, he stared deeply at me without saying a word. His dick entered me and instantly hit another home run. I trembled all over, watching as he kept his eyes closed. I massaged his ass, and as his strokes felt amazingly good to me, I kept sucking in my bottom lip.

  Jaylin’s eyes had been closed the entire time. I wanted to know what was on his mind, so I held his face in my hands and asked him.

  “Shhh,” he whispered. “Don’t ask me any questions right now.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t like it when you’re this quiet. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  He opened his eyes, gazed at me, and then closed his eyes again. He continued to work me, but surprisingly, not at his best. My body still tingled all over, and I was about to come again. I talked nasty to him and stressed how much I still wanted to have his baby. He did not respond, and on the verge of my next explosion, he dropped his head on my chest.

  “I can’t do this,” he said, slamming his fist into the pillow. “Damn! I can’t do this.”

  “Baby, please don’t stop. We can do this. We’re going to do this together.”

  He gave me a few more strokes before stopping again, a look of hurt on his face. “I’m sorry, baby, but I can’t. The thought of you giving yourself to him is killing me.”

  “Then don’t think about it,” I said in a soft voice. “Think about us . . . me, being inside of me.” I made my way on top of him. Knowing how much he admired my ass, I straddled him backwards and used the floor for leverage to ride him. I gave him everything I had, as he massaged my ass tightly with his hands. I kept him occupied for a short while. He momentarily talked about how turned on he was by watching my juices ooze out on his dick. When he stopped talking and rolled me over, that’s when I got worried.

  He seemed to get frustrated and roughly slammed into me from behind. My insides couldn’t handle this pain, and I stopped my motion.

  “Baby, you’re hurting me,” I said.

  “I can’t help it.” His strokes came to a halt and his head moved from side to side. “You just don’t understand.”

  “If being with me is that painful for you, then don’t do it. I can’t make you love me anymore.”

  Jaylin closed his eyes. It wasn’t until that moment that I realized how much damage I’d done to him by having sex with Stephon. When I felt him deflate inside of me without coming, I remained on my stomach and let him rest his head against my back. Sadly, I had a feeling this was the last time he would ever come my way again.

  I turned around, attempting to talk to him about his feelings, but when he said that he didn’t want to talk about anything, he meant it. When I brought up him being with Mercedes again, he put his clothes back on and pecked me on the cheek.

  “Jaylin,” I said with a huge lump in my throat.
r />   “What?”

  I nervously pulled the ring off my finger and reached out to give it to him. “I guess I should face the fact that this is really over, huh?”

  He took a hard swallow and stood motionless as he stared at me. His eyes watered, and not wanting me to see his emotion, he turned his head and walked toward the door. He hesitated to open it and dropped his head. “Keep it. I never wanted anyone else to have it but you.”

  He opened the door, and as soon as I heard it close, I immediately burst into tears. I held back the entire time he was there, but I knew the only man I had ever loved had just walked out of my life for good.

  I stayed at the Four Seasons for three days, trying to cope with my pain. I finally got up enough strength to get out of bed and go home. I wanted to call Jaylin, but I didn’t want him to know how badly I was doing without him. Every time I started to feel better, Mackenzie would bring up his name, or talk about our time together, and then I’d be right back where I started. I prayed many nights for God to remove the feelings I had, but I knew there was no way for my feelings to vanish overnight. With Him being in control, I at least looked forward to the day my hurt would all be over. There was no doubt that my prayers would someday be answered. I just hoped it would be soon.



  What a mess, I thought, while slumped over on the couch in the bonus room. Nanny B was so furious with me that she couldn’t even stand to be around me. I’d seen her roll her eyes at me several times, and I guess after she cleaned up my vomit, that was enough for her. I told her she didn’t have to do it, but she accused me of being lazy. Now, that was a new word for me. A playa? Yes. A ho? Maybe. A womanizer? Maybe that too. But lazy? I don’t think so.


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