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Naughty 3: It's Juicy, No Matter How You Slice It

Page 30

by Brenda Hampton

  After my encounter with Scorpio the other night, I lost it. I’d been fucked up ever since then, and didn’t know where to turn. I’d known having sex with her wasn’t going to work out, even though I tried like hell to keep my mind off Stephon. Scorpio looked so beautiful that day, and I thought that after I saw her, maybe there was still a chance for us. It turned out, though, that the feelings I had for her were no longer there. That fire burning inside of me that I used to get when I went inside of her was gone. I hated like hell that she allowed Stephon to take that from me, and there was no way for me to forgive her.

  To this day, I still ached like hell because I loved her as best as I could. To lose her and Mackenzie over a cousin who betrayed me was like dying a slow death for me.

  The least I could say was I was still proud of Scorpio for pursuing her dreams. I hoped more than anything that she and Mackenzie had a happy and wonderful life together. I, of course, made sure of that. Whether it was Nanny B’s money or my money that Scorpio refused to accept, Mackenzie and her were well off. What she didn’t know was that Nanny B and me were in this together. We both wanted the best for them, and with the half million–dollar deposit Nanny B gave, the best they would forever have.

  I felt somewhat the same way about Nokea. Although she’d stopped calling, I knew it was because of Collins. He was threatened by me, and the more I stayed out of their lives, the better off they all would be. I wished her well, and had no intentions to beg her again to be with me.

  In my condition, I didn’t want LJ being around me anyway. I knew I’d take off with him in a heartbeat, and would probably wind up in jail for kidnapping. I left everybody alone and chilled out in my house with my dedicated, loving nanny.

  Nanny B had been away for several days, and I was quite lonely. She called to check on me, insisting she and her sister would be back from vacation in a few days. How much vacation did somebody need? If anything, I knew she was upset with me because of the way I’d been acting, and she needed a break. I wanted to get myself together, but when I thought about Collins making love to Nokea, I couldn’t do anything but take a drink. I thought about how happy they were with my son, and couldn’t stop tearing up over the bullshit.

  Trying to avoid my crazy thoughts of killing somebody, I poured a few shots of Tequila and sat up in bed, feeling sorry for myself. The house was quiet. No Mackenzie’s curious questions, no LJ’s cries, no Nokea’s squeaky li’l voice, and the best pussy I’d ever had was taken away from me by my cousin. If there was anybody I’d kill, he’d be the one.

  I tightly closed my eyes and rubbed my chest as I thought about all that Stephon had done to me. Why he hated me so much, I would never understand. At this point, though, I didn’t give a shit. I hoped like hell that he suffered for what he put me through.

  I picked up the phone to call Ebony and Alisha. Mercedes, Yo-Yo, and even Felicia had been sweating me about coming to see them, but today, I was in the mood for a li’l something different. I chatted with Ebony for at least an hour, and after I gave her directions to my crib, she said she and Alisha would be there by seven o’clock that night. It was only two o’clock in the afternoon, so I finished up my drinking and passed out again.

  The loud ringing of the phone awakened me, and I was pissed at the caller for interrupting my dream. Nokea and I were in the midst of making love, and that punk Collins had just walked in on us. When I looked at the caller ID, I saw that it was Shane. I hit the intercom button.

  “What is it?” I yelled.

  “What a fucking greeting,” he said. “You can’t respond no better than that?”

  I sat my naked body up in bed, rubbing my eyes. “Okay, what’s up?”

  “I heard you’re having company tonight.”

  “Damn, good news travels fast, don’t it?”

  Shane laughed. “Yeah, it does. But that’s not the purpose for my call. I kind of wanted to talk to you about Stephon.”

  “Shane, man, how many times am I gonna have to tell you I don’t want to talk about that fool?”

  “I know, but he really needs you, Jay. I talked to the brotha moments ago and he’s sorry for everything that’s happened. He admitted that those drugs made him do crazy things, and said what happened between y’all confirmed he needed help.”

  “You damn right he needs help, but what in the hell do you want me to do? I no longer want anything to do with him and that’s final. I have been backstabbed by him too many times, and I’m not going to subject myself to it anymore.”

  “I understand, but this is difficult for me because I’m caught in the middle. I understand what he’s going through, and I understand your position as well. I just hope he doesn’t disappoint me like he’s disappointed you.”

  “Well, prepare yourself; it’s bound to happen. Stephon needs to learn how to stop being a hater. Since I’m not there for him, he’s going to lean on you a lot. I appreciate you being a friend to him, because he’s definitely going to need one. If he starts depending on you for money, let me know. I’ll give it to you, but not to support his habit. Make sure the brotha gets the help he needs, and do not allow his barbershop to close. I invested too much money in that place, and I’d hate to see it go under. If you got to run it yourself, please do it.”

  “I don’t care what anybody say about you, Jay, but you’re all right with me. There’s not many brothas who would do that, and again, I’m grateful to have your friendship.”

  “Then be grateful enough to let me take my ass back to sleep. I’m trying to get rid of this hangover before the ladies come over.”

  “So you kicking down a threesome tonight, huh?”

  “I haven’t decided yet. Believe it or not, I haven’t gotten down like that since college. I’m not sure if I still have it in me.”

  “Negro, please. Whatever you do, though, make sure you’re strapped. Vicki and Toni were wild. I’m sure those other two are just as creative.”

  “I hope so. I guess I’d better prepare myself for a long night, huh?”

  “I’m afraid so. We kicked it that night, but you know I’m a man who likes to stick and move if the feeling ain’t there. Ever since that night, they’ve been calling me every day and it’s driving me crazy. I ain’t looking for no relationships, and pussy is not my priority over here. I got other shit I’m working on, and I gotta stay focused on my business.”

  “I feel ya. And trust me when I say pussy should not be the priority. It’ll mess you up like me, and you don’t want to feel how I’m feeling right now.”

  “You’ll be all right, Jay. We all have setbacks, but you know how to bounce back and stand tall. That’s why I admire your punk ass so much.”

  “I’m glad you see it that way, but listen; if I don’t get a chance to holla back at you tonight, I’ll give you a holla tomorrow.”

  “Peace,” Shane said, and then hung up.

  When the doorbell rang, I was still in bed naked. I’d gotten a new security system on the doors because of my breakup with Scorpio, so I picked up the remote. I turned the TV to the outside cameras and saw Ebony and Alisha on the porch. I buzzed them in and directed them to my bedroom through the intercom.

  “Hello, ladies,” I said as they came through my bedroom doors.

  They spoke back, and I asked them to have a seat on the chaise in my sitting room. I got up to pour us some drinks and handed the glasses to them.

  “Thanks, Jaylin. And if you don’t mind me saying this, you have one of the nicest butts I’ve ever seen,” Ebony said, touching it.

  “No, it’s the front that’s got my vote.” Alisha laughed and clinked her glass with Ebony’s. “And what’s up with your crib, Jaylin? You didn’t tell us you had it going on like this. Are you a baller?”

  “No, but what difference does it make? We still gon’ get down tonight, right?”

  Alisha and Ebony looked at each other. “What do you mean by getting down?” Ebony asked.

  I dimmed the lights, and then set my glass of Moët on
the fireplace mantle. I gave both of them a serious look and touched their prize for the night.

  “Don’t ask any question you already know the answer to. Y’all know what’s on my mind, and I’m not in the mood for a bunch of chit-chatting. So drink up and decide quickly where we go from here.”

  Ebony placed her drink on the table and stood up. She put her hand on her hip. “Well, don’t hold back, Jaylin. And don’t talk to us like we’re amateurs, because we’re not.” She reached inside her purse and tossed a condom to me. “Strap up, my brotha. You’ll soon be in the mood.”

  I caught the condom, looked at the package, and then tossed it back to her. “Too small. I got that part all taken care of.”

  I went to my closet to get a condom, and watched as the ladies got naked. I then sat on the bed and contemplated how I was going to invite them into Jaylin’s World. Ebony’s well-shaped, light-skinned ass kind of reminded me of Scorpio, so tagging that was the first option on my mind. Alisha, though, her meaty breasts were dying to get sucked, and I couldn’t wait to get inside of her pussy that was trimmed so well. Without a doubt, both of them were some badass women, so I couldn’t go wrong either way.

  I decided to lay back and let them have at it—and that, they did. They sucked me well, and before I let my explosion go to waste, I rose up and gave them a healthy taste of me. The excitement kept me hard as ever, and when I put my goods in Ebony while fingering Alisha, they cut up. I slid on another condom and reversed my actions so they both could be fulfilled.

  They were both going crazy and allowed me to have my way with them. We wound up in the shower together, washing each other from head to toe. Again, the pleasure was all mine as I watched Alisha lick me from the front and Ebony lick me from the back.

  I closed my eyes and thought about Stephon, wondering if his threesomes had been this successful. Nokea being with Collins was fresh in my mind, and when I thought about not being able to perform with Scorpio that day, my dick finally calmed down. When the thought of LJ and Mackenzie crossed my mind, I hurried to wrap it up.

  My bedroom was a mess, so I pulled the stained sheets off my bed. Ebony and Alisha helped me put on some new ones and climbed in the bed with me. I used the remote to turn on the TV, and kicked up some music that played throughout the house.

  “Can we stay the night?” Ebony asked while rubbing her feet against my leg underneath the sheets.

  “Maybe . . . just one night. After that, don’t y’all be bugging the shit out of me.”

  They laughed. “You know you had a good time too,” Alisha said. “So stop frontin’ like you didn’t.”

  “I never said I didn’t. Actually, I had a superb time. How about y’all?’

  “It was off the hook! I can tell you do this all the time by the way you just manhandled both of us.”

  “Any man would love to do this all the time; however, I don’t. Reason being, I like to take my time with pussy. With both of y’all, I was worried about somebody getting neglected.”

  Alisha looked at Ebony. “Girl, are you feeling neglected? ’Cause I’m not.”

  “Hell no. This time, no, I’m not.”

  “So, y’all the ones who get down all the time like this, not me.”

  They laughed again. “Believe it or not, it only happened once. And the brotha we did get down with had nothing on you,” Alisha said.

  “Sorry to hear that, but what made it so different with me?”

  “The difference was how your strength played a major part to that going down like it did. How did you balance yourself like that and keep on stroking? That takes talent. And,”—Alisha cleared her throat and sized up my dick with her hand—“the thickness and length of your dick was a major plus. You know how to work it. I’m still feeling you inside me. That’s when you know a dick was good to you.”

  They laughed and reached over me to high five each other. Ebony added her two cents. “In addition to that, how does your tongue and mouth vibrate like that? That was wild. I couldn’t keep myself from coming after being worked like that.”

  “It’s my ancient Chinese secret and can never be revealed. And I’m glad you ladies enjoyed yourself. I aim to please, and I’m always delighted to hear when I do.”

  They snickered.

  “Where’s your woman at, Jaylin? I know you have one,” Ebony asked.

  “I got plenty in my world, but nothing on a regular basis. Now, if y’all gon’ stay, don’t start asking me any questions about my personal life.”

  “Hey, no questions asked,” Ebony said, reaching for her purse. She pulled out a small bag of cocaine, and after passing it to Alisha, she offered it to me.

  As stressed as I was, I thought about it. Then I thought about how Stephon must have gotten hooked on the shit. That prompted me to give Ebony one of the hardest looks she’d probably ever seen. “Don’t do that shit in my house. Your drugs are not welcome, and I will throw your ass out of here with that—”

  “It’s just—”

  “Did you hear what the fuck I said? I don’t want no excuses. If you don’t like my rules then get the fuck out!”

  “Sorry. Damn.” She reached over and laid the bag on my nightstand. “Do you mind if I go get some water, though? I’m kind of thirsty.”

  “The kitchen is downstairs. Don’t be wandering around my house. I can see you on my cameras.”

  She put her hand on her hip. “All I want is some water. Would you like for me to get you some too?”

  “Yes, and thank you.”

  Alisha yelled for Ebony to bring her some too as she left the room.

  “Why didn’t you go with her?” I asked. Giving me a hint, she pulled back the sheets and displayed another condom. I made my way on top of her and rubbed her messed-up ponytail back with my hands. I stared into her light brown eyes and she stared back.

  “You are so damn fine, Jaylin,” she said. “I bet you can have just about any woman you want. Is there anything I can do to make you mine?”

  “Nothing. But when you think about me for the next few days, other than my dick being inside of you, I want you to think about how much damage you’re doing to yourself by doing drugs. You’re too beautiful, baby, and I know a woman who has potential when I see one. You understand what I’m saying?”

  She nodded.

  I opened Alisha’s legs and inched my way back inside of her. Her legs were high on my shoulders, and she complained about the pain. I backed out a li’l bit and she gave me the go-ahead to continue. I could tell she wasn’t as experienced as she claimed to be because her rhythm wasn’t right and her pussy was too tight. The thing that I did like about hers, better than Ebony’s, was the juiciness of it. Not only that, but it was tasty, and the minimal hair that covered it was smooth against my lips. By all means, Ebony’s wasn’t bad, but I preferred Alisha’s. Hands down, though, Ebony was the best at giving a head job.

  Since Ebony took all day with the water, I had time to focus on Alisha like I wanted to. She squirmed around and tightly held my hips.

  “You’re too tense. Just relax, and when I put you on top of me, take your time,” I whispered in her ear.

  Alisha got on top of me and refused to take in all of me. I widened her ass cheeks with my hands and pumped myself into her. Ebony had finally came back into the room, and I’ll be damned if Nanny B didn’t come in behind her. My eyes widened and my motion stopped.

  Alisha quickly turned her head, and not knowing who Nanny B was, she eased off me. Ebony got in bed too and pulled the sheets over her. We were all embarrassed. The look of disgust was written all over Nanny B’s face.

  She looked at the cocaine on the nightstand, gave me a hard stare, and rolled her eyes. “I came home early to check on you because you didn’t sound too well over the phone. If I could, I would throw you out of your own damn house, but finish up, and we’ll talk in the morning.” She walked out and closed the door behind her.

  “Who was that?” Ebony asked.

  “Don’t worry a
bout it.”

  “Do we have to leave?”

  “No, and I said don’t worry about it.” I looked over at Alisha. “Would you like to finish?”

  “Of course,” she said, and then eased on top of me.

  Alisha and me picked up where we left off, and shortly after, Ebony joined in again. We damn near kicked down an all-nighter, and by morning, I was beat. Ebony and Alisha woke me to tell me they were leaving. I was so tired that I could barely keep my eyes open or walk them to the door.

  Later that day, I felt someone looking over me in my sleep. When I opened my eyes, Nanny B startled me. She had something in her hand. I looked at it and saw that it was a broom and some Lysol. I quickly sat up, advising her that it wouldn’t be wise to hit me with a broom. She looked at me like I was the worst thing she’d ever seen and spoke sternly.

  “I don’t believe in abuse, and the broom is to sweep the bathroom floor. The Lysol is to kill the germs in this house. and I’m sure there are plenty of them in this room.” She sprayed a dash of Lysol on me. “Now, get your butt up, and after I sweep the floor, we’re leaving.”

  “Leaving? I ain’t going nowhere.”

  “Yes, you are, so come on.” She tried to pull me off the bed.

  I struggled to get up, but couldn’t. “Damn. Where are we going? I’m still tired.”

  “Just put on some clothes and look nice.”

  “Don’t I always look nice?”

  “Not when you got two naked women in bed with you, you don’t. It’s the most inappropriate and disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. And I hope like hell you aren’t doing drugs.”

  “No, I’m not doing drugs. They brought that mess over here and I asked them to put it away. The only thing I’m guilty of is having fun. You want me to have fun, don’t you?”

  She pointed her finger at me. “Don’t make me disrespect you. That kind of fun will get you in trouble. Now, go trim your beard because it looks a bit fuzzy. I’ve never seen it look like that.”

  I slowly walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My beard was a little scruffy, so after I took a shower, I shaved and put on a sweat suit.


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