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The Road Back (Limelight Series Book 2)

Page 17

by Piper Davenport

  “I’m here.”

  It took a minute, but she met my eyes. “I know.”

  “Love you, baby.”

  “Love you too.” She kissed me gently. “Can I curl up on the sofa and watch a movie? If I promise not to move from there. We can snuggle. I don’t want to be in this bed all night.”

  I sighed. “I’ll allow it.”

  She chuckled. “Thank you, oh benevolent one.”

  I helped her to the sofa and grabbed the comforter from the bed laying it over her. As I snagged a pillow to set behind her, a knock at the door came. I opened it to find Sully. “Hey, man.”

  “Mr. Henry.” He nodded. “I just wanted to check on Hadley.”

  “Come in.” I stepped back and Sully made his way to Hadley.

  “It’s the Sullynator,” she joked.

  He chuckled. “You doing okay, Miss Simon?”

  “I’m doing great. You, Jack and Rex are my heroes,” she said. “What happened with the crazy lady?”

  “She’s with the authorities. I’ve reached out to some contacts and she won’t be a problem again.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “I’m going to let you rest now, but I’ll be driving you and Mr. Henry home tomorrow.”

  “What about Lucy?”

  “She requested I stay with you.”

  Hadley met my eyes and I nodded. I’d approved Sully’s guard for the next couple of days, but I liked that she wanted to make sure I was okay with it.

  “Thanks, Sully,” she said.

  “My pleasure, Miss Simon.” He grinned. “I’ll be back.”

  Hadley giggled, and fuck me, I loved that sound.

  Sully left the room and I settled in for a quiet night with my girl… even if we did have to watch the Notebook.



  Well, we were at Rex and Roxie’s guest house and I was trying to unpack, but my hand hurt like a mofo. The drugs the doctor gave me helped… sort of. At least enough so I could sleep, but unpacking was tough to do one-handed.

  I also couldn’t play drums and I had been dying to play Jack’s kit during the entire tour. We were either trying to keep a low profile, broken up, or dodging sleazy promoters and homicidal maniacs, so could never quite make that happen.

  Tonight was the last night of the tour, and now it looked like I’d miss my chance once again.

  “Baby, I’ll do that,” Jack said, wrapping an arm around my waist and tugging me away from my bag.

  I sighed, facing him and dropping my head to his chest. “I think I’m going to have to let you.”

  “Why is your lip sticking out like that?”

  “I’m pouting.”

  He stroked my back. “And why are you pouting?”

  “Because I want to play your drums at sound check and I can’t.”

  “I’m sorry, baby. There will be other tours I’m sure.”


  “A few small conversations have taken place. We’ll see what happens.”

  She sighed. “I love the idea of being on the road with you again.”

  “What about Roses for Anna?”

  “I’ll just need to book their tours on different dates than yours.”

  I chuckled. “I like where your head’s at.”

  She kissed me gently. “Can’t wait to watch you tonight.”

  “We should probably head out, huh?”

  “Yes, but you have to promise me you’ll take care of me after the show… no assing out from final night adrenaline fall.”

  “When have I ever assed out of taking care of you.”

  She grinned. “This is the correct answer, fiancé.”

  I laughed and helped her with her hair so we could head to the venue.

  * * *

  I’d always hated the last night of the tour. Mostly because I hated goodbyes, but also because for some reason, I was afraid that if I got off the road, I’d never be able to get back on. For these reasons, I had spent my entire adult life in motion; moving from one adventure to the next.

  Tonight was different. My next adventure revolved around Hadley and our child, and I wouldn’t even have to leave home to experience that.

  “Are you ready?” Hadley asked squeezing my hand.

  “For tonight? Yes. For every day after that...?”

  She smiled and we entered the final venue of the tour together. We were ending in our hometown of Seattle, and after the great reviews throughout the tours, the critical and public success of the new EP and the added tabloid notoriety of the “crazy stalker lady,” we were the absolute talk of the town.

  After we’d finished sound check and Hadley was done with her usual administration work, I texted her meet me near the stage. I wouldn’t tell her why and I was quickly learning that surprises drove her crazy.

  “What is it?” she begged for information as I blindfolded her and led her up the side stairs.

  “Would you just trust me?” I said.

  I walked her over to the drum riser, sat her down at my throne, and removed her blindfold.

  She squealed in delight, but then stopped. Looking down at her hand she said, “But what about my hand?”

  Just as the words left her mouth, I cued our sound man, and Pour Some Sugar on Me came pumping through the massive sound system.

  “They’re playing our song, baby, and Rick Allen only needed one arm, so go for it!”

  I watched as Hadley literally single handedly rocked the fuck out with everything she had. It was glorious and I couldn’t have loved her more at that moment.

  As I watched her play (amazingly well, despite her injury), I glanced over at Rex who was also enjoying the show. I gave him a nod, then focused back on Hadley. My future wife, my now family, and I wondered at all I’d been given in such a short amount of time.

  I’d traveled a dark, dark path, but Hadley Simon had shown me the road back.


  Three years later…

  “PUSH, BABY!” JACK encouraged. “You can do it.”

  I was currently giving birth to our second child and I honestly wanted to smack my husband upside the head. He’d been the consummate cheerleader, but right now, I just wanted to stick his hands inside my body and pull the baby moose out. “She’s too big.”

  “You’re doing great, Hadley,” Doctor Milstad said. “I see the head.”

  Another four pushes and our little girl came into the world screaming like the future rock star she was destined to be. I’d been in labor for over twenty hours, and I was pretty wiped out, but the face of my big, strong husband sobbing at the sight of our baby as the nurse settled her in my arms was worth it all.

  “Hi, there, sweet pea. Happy birthday.” I kissed her little forehead. “I’m your Mama, and right there is the daddy who’s already bought a couple of guns for when the boys come around.”

  Jack chuckled, leaning down to kiss her. “Three guns. I bought three.”

  Ryan Pamela Gornitzka looked up at her daddy and blinked.

  “You have a big brother waiting to meet you,” I continued.

  Samuel Rex was two-years-old, the greatest kid on the planet, and a pretty damn good drummer, which wasn’t a surprise, considering who his father was. Uncle Rex and Roxie were spoiling him rotten while we were welcoming his baby sister into the world.

  “I love you,” Jack whispered, kissing us both. “You’ve given me everything, baby.”

  I stroked his cheek. “Right there with you, honey.”

  Ryan wrapped her fingers around one of his and Jack grinned. “She’s perfect.”

  “Yes, she is.”

  We spent the next two hours ogling our daughter before Roxie walked in with Sammy and then it was all about him snuggling the new baby, which was the cutest damn thing on the planet.

  As our family filed into visit, I thought about the whirlwind our life had been over the last three years. We’d been married a week after the final show in Seattle at Rex and Roxie
’s home, then Jack took me back to Mobile to pack up my apartment and give notice. We’d lived at the guest house for six months while we looked for a house, nothing seemed right, so we ended up building not far from Rex and Roxie. Samuel had arrived early, so even though the house was done on time, Jack refused to move in until I was up to it. This suited me fine, because it meant I could order furniture and we moved in as soon as it arrived.

  Lucy and I had swapped positions. She was now managing Roses for Anna and I was managing RatHound. It made more sense, especially considering Bam and Lucy moved to Alabama. Rex lost his mind for a few weeks, but once Samuel arrived, we made sure Rex was distracted by the new addition to the family, and Samuel was able to sooth Rex’s ache of missing Lucy.

  A summer tour was planned to start in six months, so with two babies and a band to manage, my life was hectic… deliciously so. Roses for Anna would be double-billing for a few dates, so it would be an incredible family reunion.

  When Bam and Lucy walked into the hospital room, I burst into tears and hugged them. “What are you guys doing here?”

  Lucy grinned, kissing Ryan. “Sully flew us in as soon as Mom called to say you were in labor. We couldn’t miss the birth of our niece.”

  I nodded to her expanding belly. “Are you allowed to fly?”

  She chuckled. “Stop it, Beau junior. I have three months left, it’s perfectly safe.”

  I marveled at the family I’d been blessed with. We might not all be related, but I loved them more than I could love anyone, and as my husband showed off his children proudly, I beamed at the beautiful man before me.

  I was loved, I was honored, and I was the luckiest woman alive.

  2016 Trixie Publishing, Inc.

  Copyright © 2016 by Piper Davenport

  Widowed young, Maisie Mann was left to raise her daughter alone. Now, nine years later, she thinks she might have life as a single mom mastered… until her car breaks down on the wrong side of town. All she requires is a little roadside assistance and she’ll be on her way. But when her help comes in the form of a gruff but alluring biker, it sparks emotions she hasn’t experienced since her husband died.

  Connor ‘Hatch’ Wallace is nobody’s hero. The Sergeant-at-Arms for the Dogs of Fire MC has a bitter past and has sworn off anyone threatening his independence. But fate has other ideas.

  Maisie has no intention of getting involved with a man like Hatch and, despite her overwhelming attraction to him, pushes him away… until her life, and that of her child, are threatened.

  Is Maisie’s only chance of survival in the hands of a badass biker?

  Will Hatch be able to put aside his past and protect a woman and her daughter at the risk of losing everything?



  I WALKED OUT of Lonnie’s salon and into the blaring heat of an unusually hot Pacific Northwest April. Squinting against the brightness, I slid my sunglasses on and headed to the Chinese restaurant next door for some takeout. Ten minutes later, order in hand, I was ready to go home and soak in the tub. It had been a long day and I needed a little down time. Only, when I climbed into my car, slid the key in the ignition, and turned… nothing happened.

  “What the—?” I tried again, but still nothing, so I climbed out and looked around. Lonnie’s lights were off, the closed sign hung on the door, and the parking lot was all but empty. “Just great,” I said, and groaned.

  I considered going back into the Chinese restaurant for help, but I’d had to repeat my order three times, so I had little faith they’d be able to understand my request for a jump. I grabbed my cell and called Triple A.

  “Roadside Assistance, how may I help you?”

  “Well, I’m in Orchards and I have a dead battery,” I said.

  “No problem, we can send someone out. What’s the address?”

  I rattled off my location, gave her my card number and other pertinent information.

  “We can have someone out to you in about an hour.”

  “Really? Nothing sooner?”

  “No, sorry. We’re really busy today.”

  “Okay,” I said. “Thanks.”

  I sighed and hung up, turning to find Lonnie walking out of her shop. “Hey, Maisie. You’re still here?”

  “I have a dead battery. I called Triple A, but if you have a minute, would you mind giving me a jump, please?”

  “No, sorry, I actually have to be somewhere.”

  I stared at her, so shocked by her unwillingness to help me I couldn’t even form a response. It would take maybe five minutes to jump my battery. I’d been loyal to her for more than ten years, even following her to this crappy part of town, and she couldn’t take five minutes to help me? I think my mouth was still slightly agape as I watched her climb into her car and drive off, smiling (and waving) at me as she passed.

  God! I’d just given her a thirty-percent tip. Not to mention, I always sent her a Christmas card (even though she never reciprocated) and even sent her a gift on her birthday. Not cool!

  I sighed and leaned against my car, scanning the area. I lived and worked in downtown Portland and only ever came up here for my hair needs. But there had to be someone around who could help me so I wouldn’t be stuck here for another hour.

  I walked a few feet away from my car and looked around. Bingo. A little hole-in-the wall mechanic’s garage was across the busy street and three doors down. Concerned they wouldn’t be open, or would be manned by grease monkeys who liked to take advantage of women in need of automotive services, I shuddered, but trudged toward the shop anyway. If they were open, I figured they’d probably be able to help me, but if they weren’t willing, then I’d give them a nasty Yelp review. I should probably do that to Lonnie, but wasn’t entirely sure I was quite that brave. It took me years to find her.

  * * *


  Connor ‘Hatch’ Wallace dumped an armload of parts onto the front counter of Bruce’s Specialty Auto Services, and pulled out his clipboard to check them off. His buddy’s shop was one of several he’d made deliveries to today, but luckily it was the last and the least amount… it meant he’d been able to carry everything in his saddlebags of his Harley Fat Boy. The day was too nice to be locked in a cage. He’d needed to ride. And now he wanted beer and pussy, not necessarily in that order, but he had to wait ’til he got back to the compound to enjoy either.


  “Yeah?” he called back, still scribbling on the order sheet.

  “Hot one comin’.”

  Hatch glanced up to see a woman navigating the intersection and heading toward them. She wore a fitted light-blue blouse, tight, white jeans that hugged her shapely legs, and heels that looked like they cost more than his bike. Her long, blonde hair hung in straight sheets, but as a gust of wind caught her locks, she had to fight to keep the strands out of her face. She slid her sunglasses on top of her head, pulling her hair away from her face and Hatch’s breath left his body. She was like the first ray of sunshine after the rain. Damn, she was a knockout.

  She walked into the tiny customer area and gave him a tentative smile. “Hi,” she breathed out. “My battery’s dead and Triple A’s going to be a while. Is there someone here who’d be willing to give me a jump?”

  Hatch’s dick took notice of her sweet, British accent.

  “Yeah, sweetheart, I’ll jump you. Anytime, anyplace,” Bruce said, and Hatch watched her step back slightly, her face a little paler than before. For whatever reason, Bruce’s dirty innuendo made Hatch want to beat the shit out of his old friend.

  “Piss off, Bruce,” Hatch ordered quietly, then turned to face her. He was shocked by a sudden need to protect her, but he planned to help her and get her the hell out of his space. He needed a woman to protect as much as he needed a hole in the head, but he did have a sister and he’d never leave a woman stranded. “I’ll get you goin’ again. Where are you parked?”

  She pointed to the parking lot across the street. “Just over the

  “Bruce, where’s your portable jump pack?”

  Bruce grabbed it from the back room and handed it to Hatch.

  Hatch smiled at the woman and nodded. “I’ll follow you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Be back, Bruce.” Hatch nodded to the clipboard on the desk. “Sign off on the delivery so I can get out of here, yeah?”

  “No problem, Hatch.”

  Hatch followed the woman to her car and she popped the hood, sliding inside the car to start it. After hooking up the jumper cables, he called out, “Okay, turn the key.”

  After several tries, they were still unable to get the Lexus going. She joined him at the front of the car with a sigh. “It’s not the battery, is it?”

  “Nope.” He dipped his head further inside and checked all the cables before facing her. “Do you mind if I check your fuse?”

  “I don’t know where that is, but sure.”

  He opened the front door, pried open the fuse panel and pulled out the troublesome little buggar. “Your ignition fuse is blown.”

  “Crap,” she said. “Please tell me you have one in the shop.”

  “It’s my buddy’s shop, so I’m not sure, but give me a minute and I’ll find out.”

  She nodded and Hatch called Bruce. “Hey man, you bang her yet?”

  Hatch turned away from the woman with a scowl. “Shut the fuck up, asshole. She’s got a blown fuse. You got one over there or not?”

  “Depends on what car.”

  “Ma’am?” Hatch asked. “Your car’s a 2015, right?”



  She smiled. “My name’s Maisie. I’d rather that than ‘ma’am,’ and yes, my car is a 2015.”

  Hatch forced himself not to react to the fuckin’ sexy ass name attached to the fuckin’ sexy ass woman as he rattled off the information to Bruce. But hell if he wouldn’t be conjurin’ up her image as he fucked some other pussy later on that night, wishin’ her sexy-ass voice was callin’ his name as she came.


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