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The Road Back (Limelight Series Book 2)

Page 18

by Piper Davenport

  “Yeah, I think I got one,” Bruce said. “Let me find it and I’ll bring it by.”

  Hatch hung up and slid his phone in his pocket. He closed the hood of the car and turned to Maisie. “Bruce is lookin’ for your part and then we’ll get you on your way.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Despite her obvious politeness and confidence, there was a sadness about her. “You’ve kind of been my knight in shining armor today, I must say. I’ll just give Triple A a ring and cancel.”

  Hatch nodded and she pulled out her cell phone, canceling the truck just as Bruce jogged over, part in hand. Hatch replaced the fuse and Maisie’s car started without issue.

  “You’re all set,” Hatch said.

  “Thank you. How much do I owe you?”

  “Sixt—” Bruce started to say.

  “Nothin’,” Hatch interrupted.

  “You deserve to be paid for your time,” Maisie countered.

  “It’s all good,” he said. “Just drive carefully.”

  “Well, thank you, Mr. Hatch… and, ah, Bruce is it?” she said.

  Bruce’s head bobbed up and down like the douchebag he was, but Maisie didn’t seem to notice, her million-dollar smile back on her face. “Thank you again.”

  She climbed in her car and took off, giving them a sexy little wave as she headed toward the freeway.

  “Fuck me, that woman was fine,” Bruce sang out.

  “Shut the hell up, Bruce,” Hatch ground out.

  “You gonna pay for that part?”

  “Yeah, man, I’ll pay for the fucking part.”

  They headed back to the shop where Hatch grabbed his shit, climbed on his Harley, and headed for the only place he could get the beautiful woman out of his head.

  * * *


  “I’m sorry?” Alison, my best friend and business partner, snapped over the speaker. “She just left you there?”

  “Um, yes,” I said, and guided my car onto the freeway. Alison had called just as I hit I-5 and was now on hands-free.

  “Who does that?” she continued. “It’s woman code, bitch. Never leave your sister behind.”

  “I know! And I gave her a thirty-percent tip!”

  “Did you annihilate her and then tell her you were never coming back?”

  “No,” I admitted. “I was so in shock I lost my words for a period of time.”

  “Your British politeness was a hindrance wasn’t it?”

  I smiled. “You may have a point.”

  “Why didn’t you call me?”

  “Because it would have taken you an hour just to get over the bridge. I figured Triple A would be faster and in the end, the nice but scruffy man who helped me was even faster.”

  “Mmmm, scruffy good or scruffy bad?”

  I thought about that question for a second. Mr. Hatch had long, dark hair, pulled back into a partial ponytail, which was sexy as heck, and his beard was full and slightly peppered with grey, but not out of control. He obviously manscaped, which a woman like me appreciated. “Scruffy good.” I nodded. “Definitely good.”

  Ali giggled. “Only you would meet some hot guy after blowing a fuse.”

  “No doubt.” I smiled. “How’s Poppy?”

  Ali was watching my twelve-year-old daughter while I took some time for me.

  “She’s good.”

  “Hi Mummy,” she called in the background.

  “Hi Poppet.” I smiled. God, I loved that girl. “I should be there in about twenty minutes.”

  “Okay, we’ll see you then,” Ali said.

  Ali hung up and I continued down the freeway. My thoughts turned to Mr. Hatch, then almost as quickly to my very dead husband, Niall. It had been nine years, but I was still quite miffed with him for leaving me. We’d been in the States for about five years when he got cancer and beat it into remission twice.

  Unfortunately, third time was the charm in the form of a nail in his literal coffin, and he was gone. We thought we had more time. We didn’t. If Ali and her cop husband, Ryan, hadn’t been there, not only would I have crumbled, the business Niall and I had built together would have as well. Much to my family’s disappointment, I had no intention of going back to England and had sent my brother home alone despite his pleas for me to join him. Even my sister Kenna, whom I was closest to, couldn’t convince me to go back. I’d needed the distance.

  I could only thank God that Poppy was too young to remember, because truly, I think it would have broken her. It took me a good two years and two visits a week to a therapist to get to the point where I could get out of bed in the morning on my own. Currently, I was down to one visit a month for “maintenance.”

  I was now somewhat in control of my insanity and no one could be happier than me. Or maybe Poppy. Or Ali. I sighed. Now I was even rambling in my head. Maybe I wasn’t in control after all.

  I pulled up to Ali’s home and climbed out of the car, rushing up to the front door and letting myself in. “Mummy’s home,” I called.

  “Kitchen,” Ali returned.

  I headed through the large great room and into the newly renovated kitchen, where my daughter wrapped her arms around my waist and squeezed. “Can I stay a little longer, Mum? Please?”

  “Sure, darling. Fifteen minutes, okay?”

  She let out a little girl squeal and went to find Ali’s daughter, her best friend, Grace. Ryan and Ali also had a twelve-year-old son, Merrick, who was probably lying in wait to torture his sister. I hugged Ali briefly, then pried off my heels and sat at her island.

  “You hungry?” she asked, pulling open the fridge and grabbing me a bottled water.

  “No, I have Chinese waiting in the car. Have you eaten?”

  “No. Kids did, but I’ll wait for Ryan. I did feed Poppy, hope that’s okay.”

  “You can feed my kid anytime,” I said with a chuckle. “She likes your food better than mine anyway… although, tonight it’s takeout. More for me.”

  She grinned. “Did you snap a photo of the hottie mechanic?”

  I shook my head. “I probably should have, eh? God, lovey, the more I think about him…” I sighed. “He was edible. Rollo from Vikings edible.”

  Ali joined me at the island. “So… not your type.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “Bad boy, sexy, edible.”

  “You may have a point.” I sighed. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll never see him again. I’ve had my great love, so he’d only be a dalliance anyway.”

  “Which you would never do. You’re a one-man woman… and only do long-term.”

  I’d met Niall in kindergarten and it was love at first sight. He’d moved from Scotland into my neighborhood and, when we were old enough to walk alone, he started walking with me to and from school. We’d been inseparable ever since. I’d been so blessed to have a best friend who protected me with all of his being and loved me just as much. He was my first, my last, and everything in between.

  “You’re probably right.” I smiled and slid off the stool. “I should get the Poppet home. The bathtub is calling my name.” I stepped to the mouth of the hallway and called, “Poppy, love, we’re going.”

  “Are you still good if I come in late tomorrow?” Ali asked. “Ryan’s taking me to a few doctor appointments I’ve been putting off.”

  “Of course,” I said. “Anytime, you know that. I still have the gremlins this weekend, right?”

  “Yes.” Ali grinned. “Ryan and I need some sexy sexual time.”

  I giggled. “I think that’s a bit too much information, love.”

  “In our business?” she scoffed. “There’s no such thing.”

  “You might be right.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay with staying here?” Ali asked. “The kids can come to you.”

  “No, it’s fine. I love your home.”

  “I know, but I want you to be comfortable.”

  I smiled. “It’ll be less upheaval for your kids and Poppy lov
es staying over, so it’s perfect. As long as I have internet and can get some work done, I don’t mind where I’m at.”

  “This is one of the many reasons I love you,” Ali said, and hugged me again.

  “Ready!” Poppy announced, Gracie on her heels. Grace looked so much like Ali it was like she’d been cloned. They had the same long, dark hair and tall, lanky build. Her big blue eyes were the only difference. Ali’s were more of a periwinkle, whereas Grace’s were darker.

  “Thanks, love,” I said, and Poppy and I headed home.

  I left Poppy to watch a movie while I soaked in my tub, then after our bedtime ritual of reading a chapter from a favorite book (her choice tonight), I fell asleep dreaming of the scruffy Mr. Hatch.



  HATCH WALKED INTO the Dogs of Fire compound and stalled. His sister sat at the makeshift bar by the pool table, her hair falling around her face, and a shot glass in front of her. He did his best to control his irritation, considering they’d agreed she wouldn’t come here without him. “Cricket? Why are you here?”

  She raised her head and he saw red. Her bottom lip was cut and she raised a bloody washcloth to her mouth, and her eye was black and swollen.

  “What the fuck happened to your face?” he bellowed.

  “First, you should see the other guy,” she quipped.

  “Not funny,” he growled.

  One of the Club’s soldiers, Flea, walked out of the kitchen and handed Cricket a bag of ice.

  “Thanks, Flea,” she said, settling the ice against her mouth.

  Flea smiled. “No problem, babe.”

  Hatch growled and stalked to her side. “Cricket.”

  She sighed. “It’s okay, Con.”

  “You’re beaten to shit, Christina, it is not okay!” he snapped. “Now tell me what the fuck happened.”

  “I was walking into work and Matt jumped me… and not in the good way.”

  “Are you shittin’ me?” he growled. “Where the fuck was Pug? Or Mack?”

  She grimaced. “Mack’s off tonight and I hadn’t gotten to Pug yet. I didn’t see Matt as I was walking in—”

  Hatch raised his hand to stop her from giving him some shitty excuse as he pulled out his phone just as it rang. Booker calling.

  “Have you seen my sister’s face?” Hatch demanded.

  “Yeah, brother.” Booker sighed. “I take it she’s at the compound?”

  “Yeah.” Hatch dragged a hand through his hair. “Her ex was layin’ in wait.”

  “We know,” Booker said. “She doin’ okay? Dani’s worried about her… Cricket was pretty freaked when she left here.”

  “Seems to be.”

  “Okay, good.”

  “She’s done, Book,” Hatch continued. “No more workin’ at Blush.”

  Cricket gasped. “You can’t do that!”

  “Yeah, I’m okay with that, brother. I’m gonna have guys tendin’ bar for a while, anyway,” Booker said. “We got the asshole here. You okay with us takin’ care of him for good now, at least until you get here?”

  Hatch had given his sister a long lead to deal with Matt, but now it was the Dogs turn to take care of the problem once and for all. Hatch glared at her. “Yeah, man. Take him the fuck down. I’ll swing by when Cricket’s sorted.”

  “On it.”

  Booker hung up and Hatch slid his phone back into his pocket.

  “You cannot dictate my life like that, Connor,” she snapped. “I moved out for that very reason. I need that job to pay my rent. And since I’m going to school during the day, bartending means I can take care of it all. You also promised you’d let me deal with Matt.”

  His blood boiled. “And he fuckin’ hit you. Again. We’re done, Cricket. It’s our turn to deal with him.”

  “What you failed to ask was what happened to him! I nailed him, Con. Took him to the ground, just the way you taught me! Yes, he got a couple hits in, but I really did make him hurt worse. His balls are probably the size of watermelons right now. You can’t just arbitrarily run my life like that!”

  Hatch shook his head. “Not up for discussion.”

  “You’re worse than having an overprotective father,” she complained.

  Hatch was the oldest of five kids. His mother was dead and his father in jail by the time he was twenty and, since they had no living relatives, he’d taken on the responsibility of raising his siblings, rather than letting them end up in foster care. Cricket was the baby… and the only girl. At twenty-four, she was seventeen years younger than him, but she acted like she ran the family. She’d recently moved into Knight’s old lady’s condo.

  Knight was a soldier in the Dogs of Fire MC, probably Hatch’s closest friend… if he had friends. Knight’s wife, Kim, was loaded and had made Cricket an offer she couldn’t refuse. Hatch hated the idea, but he’d conceded because it was a secure building with a doorman, and Knight had reinforced the security system not so long ago.

  Hatch shook his head. “You can come work at the shop until you find something else.”

  “Hello. School. Daytime,” she snapped.

  “Hello. Summer break. Soon,” he retorted.

  She groaned. “I don’t want to work in a dirty shop, Hatch. I want a real job.”

  “It is a real job. A real payin’ one. And we need the help. You know it helps to have a woman working the front counter. Makes other women feel more comfortable.”

  She sighed. “Well, I guess I don’t really have a choice now that you’ve blown up the one good job I’ve had in a while.”

  “You ever gonna not be fuckin’ drama?”

  “You ever gonna stop messin’ with my life?” she countered, and then smiled. “Not every woman’s drama, Con.”

  “Yeah, ’cause you’re proof a that,” he droned sarcastically.

  “I’m hardly drama,” she countered.

  He raised his eyes to the ceiling and shook his head. He did not want to have this conversation with his sister… again.

  “Jana was a bitch, granted. But you’re too good of a guy—”

  “Time to go,” he said, interrupting her grumbling.

  She sighed. “Katie’s meeting me here to check me over. We can’t leave yet.”

  Katie Jameson was Flea’s sister and a registered nurse. She was also Cricket’s best friend. The two of them were trouble alone, but when they got together, might as well prepare for something to burn down.

  He dropped his head back and stared at the ceiling again. “Fuck me.”

  “Have a drink, big brother,” Cricket ordered with a snarky grin. “I can make you something.”

  “You stay put.” Resigned to the fate of a sexless, shitty night, especially now that he had to deal with Cricket’s ex, Hatch nodded at Flea. “Whiskey’s good.”

  Flea handed him the bottle and a shot glass.

  Hatch ran his knuckles gently down his sister’s face. “Booker said you were freaked.”

  She nodded, leaning into his hand. “I’m okay, Con.”

  “You sure?”

  Cricket smiled. “Why do you think I’m here? My big brother always makes everything okay.”

  He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head and then sat beside her. “Yeah.”

  Two of the club women walked their way, Lila breaking away to sidle up to him. “Hey, honey.”

  “Hey babe.” Hatch took a shot as Cricket slid off the stool and walked over to the pool table.

  “You got some time?” Lila asked.

  “Not tonight.”

  He’d slept with Lila a handful of times. She was good… up for anything, but he could tell she wanted more and he wasn’t interested in that, so he’d backed off in a big way.

  She leaned against the bar. “It’s sweet how you take care of your sister, Hatch.”


  “Yeah. But you’ve been kinda distant with me lately.”

  “Been busy,” he said, and poured another drink.

  “You b
rushin’ me off?” she asked.

  He cocked his head. “Didn’t make promises, Lila.”

  She tapped her fingers on the bar. “Got it.”


  She walked away and Hatch watched as his sister sent him a questioning look before talking to Lila for a minute and then heading back to Hatch and sit back on the stool.

  “What was that all about?” she asked.

  Hatch leaned forward to study his sister’s lip. “Get the ice back on that.”

  “You’re not going to tell me?” She huffed. “Really?”

  “Ice, Cricket.”

  She lifted the baggie to her mouth. “I don’t want to give up my job at Blush, Connor.”

  “I heard you.”

  “Will you at least reconsider?”

  He frowned. “We’ll talk about it on Sunday.”

  The family had made a pact as kids that no matter what, no matter where, Sundays would be their days. They’d never missed a day to debrief about the week and even when they moved up from San Diego, they came as a group. Even though his brothers didn’t agree with his decision to leave, no one chose to stay in Southern California.

  “That’s a no,” she grumbled.

  “It’s a, we’ll talk about it on Sunday.”

  “Why are two of my favorite people glaring at each other?” Katie asked as she breezed into the main room of the compound. Cricket faced her and Katie gasped. “Holy shit. Are you going to finally let the club deal with that shithead?”

  “Yes, she is,” Hatch answered for her, then took another shot of whiskey.

  “I took care of him,” Cricket said.

  “Not fast enough, apparently,” Katie said, as she checked Cricket over and smiled. “Ibuprofen and ice. Nothing feels broken, but if the swelling and pain isn’t better in the next day or two, you’re getting x-rays.”

  “Yes, Mom,” Cricket quipped.

  “Okay, I’m gonna grab a beer. Can I get you anything?” Katie asked.

  Hatch and Cricket shook their heads.

  “Sorry if I cock-blocked you,” Cricket said to her brother, and Hatch groaned.

  “Fuck me, Cricket, I’d rather not talk about my cock with my sister. Or anyone.”

  “Why are you so easy to mess with?”


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