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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

Page 9

by Minky St Anne

  No further encouragement is required and he quickly positions himself between my thighs. I think briefly about the condoms sitting in the back pocket of my jeans but I doubt anything that flimsy would last five minutes with the copper hardware he’s been nailed with. He’s closing in when an arc shoots between the barbell that pierces the end of his cock and the cover on my clit, both of us gasp.

  “This is going to be fucking staggering,” he says, before slowly inching his way into me. That all of his adornments are fizzing like mine, make the sensations incredible. Even when he’s deep inside of me, it feels as though every piece of copper on the both of us is somehow connected by thin streams of electricity. Certainly it’s the first time I’ve experienced my nipples pulsing in time to a guy pumping into me. It’s fucking outstanding. It’s outstanding fucking.

  I chuckle to myself at the old joke before locking my ankles together behind Ben’s back. I curl up off the bed as I try to draw him in deeper and deeper. This encouragement is enough to have him scooping me up off the bed, grabbing the hard-backed chair that’s been doing duty as a bedside table and then sitting down on it abruptly. I doubt he could go deeper if he tried and I love it.

  I grind myself into him, which has the curved barbell at the base of his penis zapping my coppered pearl from both sides. Meantime the arcing taking place between his nipples and mine has resulted in both my breasts now humming. The pleasure is incredible and I see by the glazed look on Ben’s face that he’s in the zone, too.

  I know I’m gonna blow, I only hope it happens soon because the white cloud that surrounds the pair is getting thicker all the time, a sure sign that one or the other of us is going to disappear.

  I’m about to crest when the buzzing from my breasts rises up my body leaving them feeling strangely bereft. On feeling the hum settle deep inside my brain, I shake my head violently and manage to dislodge it. This buys me another minute of the glory of pumping repeatedly up and down on Ben’s hard length. I’m screaming my release when the buzzing finally fills my head.

  Chapter Five

  I continue screaming when I comprehend I’m draped backwards over a large copper barrel that’s slung end-on between two posts. My legs are spread enough that my hips are feeling it but when I try to pull my knees together it becomes apparent I’m being held in place. There’s a dark cloud hovering above me and, Ciprus, who’s glowering at me, is definitely on the wrong side of annoyed.

  Perhaps asking him if he knows where Ben is isn’t the brightest move on my part and if ever I’d wanted to know if Gods ground their teeth, the answer is standing right in front of me.

  “You used my gift on another,” he spits out.

  It takes me a second to realize he’s talking about all those copper do-das.

  “Gift! Gift! Why you, you.”

  I’m still trying for an appropriate adjective when he throws his hands up in the air, fingers spread wide towards the storm cloud brewing above us. The cloud changes from threatening to electrified in a matter of seconds. Oh, shit.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I yell at him over the clashing thunder.

  He looks down at me briefly before going back to his jazz hands.

  I struggle against my restraints but it does nothing more than hurt my wrists and ankles. Eventually I lie back and wait patiently to be electrocuted.

  What happens next is probably just as shocking.

  Two bolts of lightning explode out of the flashing cloud and directly into Ciprus’s hands. That the drum get some of the residual electricity he doesn’t absorb, has me pulling away from it as far as I’m able to. This makes it incredibly easy for Ciprus to roll the drum, and me along with it, towards him so he can spear me with his cock.

  The sex I’d just experienced with Ben was mind-blowing, but this is out of this world. I can feel every hair on my body sizzling with static and every nerve ending is bursting. Wherever Ciprus runs his hands sizzles and hums and he runs his hands everywhere. Starting at my shoulders, down over my breasts and then circling my sex, all the while slowly fucking me stupid with the drum rolling backwards and forwards as if of its own free will.

  Then, when I’m thinking it can’t get any more surreal, I feel the copper of the drum undulating underneath me. My cheeks are spread and a buzzing presence soon makes itself known in my back passage. That this is humming in time to Ciprus’s copper-clad member and the sensations rippling through my body is awe-inspiring.

  “Faster,” I gasp out desperately. “Faster.”

  While the pulsing speeds up, Ciprus doesn’t, maintaining his rhythm, although he seems to be going deeper with each slow thrust.

  To hell with this. I squeeze the muscles of my vagina tight and it’s enough to send me over the edge. The sound of Ciprus roaring “no” is still ringing in my ears when I pop back into the cabin.

  I’m alone.

  I must have come back around the same time as I popped out because the cabin remains toasty and warm. The wind roaring around the cabin also lets me know that the storm is still in full force. There’s nothing for me to do but wait for Ben to return.

  If his Goddess is as ticked off as Ciprus was, then he could be in for some serious payback if she’s the jealous type.

  Pulling the blankets back I’m pleased to see fluffy sheets on the bed. If they’d been good quality cotton, I’d have had to put my clothes back on. As it is, I slide in still naked, pull the covers up and am soon asleep.

  It’s dark when I stir, and there’s still no sign of Ben. There’s a faint glow from downstairs, letting me know the candles continue to burn but the fire must be dying down as the cabin is noticeably cooler. After a quick few pants, I throw the covers back, pull on the barest requirement of thermals and clamber down the ladder. Boy, am I glad Ben brought all those logs in earlier, if he hadn’t, I’d be faced with heading outside to find more wood. Not a pleasant thought if the howling of the wind is anything to go by.

  I’m getting close to running out of firewood before Ben pops back into the here and now, sitting on the wooden chair as he had been when I’d been zapped away by Ciprus. He looks tired but is smiling so he mustn’t have gotten too much grief. He’s still sporting all of his copper adornments, making we realize I am too.

  Throwing the covers back, I pat the bed beside me.

  Ben is next to me soon after, snuggling up against me and letting us both know that the arcing we’d experienced before is even crazier than it had been before. We pull away from each promptly other to avoid setting fire to the bed.

  “So when were you first taken?” I’m lying on my side looking at Ben over the pillows we’ve jammed between us. The storm outside is too bad for us to risk burning the cabin down.

  “A couple of years back now. I was out hunting and, bam, next thing I know this crazy redhead has me strapped to a board and my cock’s bristling with copper hardware.”

  “Best sex ever?”

  “By far, although she didn’t seem that moved by it. I thought she was just interested in making sure I had a good time.”

  The ‘but’ hangs heavy in the air above the bed.

  “Go on.”

  “I know this sounds weird, but have you ever seen them eat?”

  “No. I haven’t now that I think about it. I always seem to eat my meals at different times to them.”

  “Meals? Cuprum usually just fucks my brains out and then sends me home.”

  I don’t bother correcting Ben in his assumption that my only experience has been with Ciprus. Even I’m feeling a bit like a skanky ho with all the action I’ve seen in the past five months. Both human and godly.

  “So, what’s your theory,” I say, gently steering him back on course.

  “Oh, right. Well, I’m thinking that maybe they recharge themselves somehow when we come. Cuprum is always fizzing at the end of one of our sessions even though she never comes herself. I think she can even syphon my energy if she stimulates my copper barbells remotely.”

  “Do you feel drained after?”

  “Fucked!” is Ben’s bald reply.

  It takes only a second before the pair of us crack-up at his response.

  “Actually, that theory of yours makes sense.” I stay quiet on my experience with Seolfer and him nearly killing me. For sure, I’d felt like my battery was being drained with that damn silver lining in my vagina fucking me stupid around the clock. Apart from that, when I think back on it, it had taken me a couple of days to get over being energy fucked by all five brothers not long after being with Vyran when he achieved Nysa.

  “When I saw your red hair, I wondered if you were in touch with them too,” says Ben, reaching over the pillow barrier so he can twirl a length around his fingers.

  “Can’t say I’m a fan of the color.”

  “I’m used to it now.”

  I look at the hair he’s playing with, my disgust surely showing on my face. “So, I’m stuck with this for life?”

  “Hey, it’s not all bad. That sex earlier was pretty fucking staggering.”

  “Shame the cabin’s cooling so much. There’s no way I’m getting out of bed to use the chair again.”

  Just thinking about it how amazing that had been has me shivering with remembered delight and thoughts of how cold it would be if we were to partake again.

  I know Ben’s recovered from his session with Cuprum by the amount of energy he expends jumping out of bed and dragging on his clothes. “Get some rest. You’re going to need it.”

  “Hah, as if I can after you’ve said something like that.”

  Ben sees my hands snaking down under the blankets so I can deal to my sudden horniness and smacks the covers to stop me.

  “Oh, no you don’t. The hornier you are, the better it’ll be.”

  “Hurry, then.”

  “On it!”

  I have to give him credit he doesn’t waste any time because I hear the front door being unlocked not much later. Even under a mountain of blankets up in the loft I can feel the gust of frigid air that blasts its way into the cabin. I don’t hear him come back in for what seems like ages, certainly to the point I’m starting to think about getting dressed and going in search of him.

  This time the blast of cold air is accompanied by Ben swearing and cursing about how arctic it is outside. A half hour later and I’m aware of heat from the re-stoked fire swirling up into the loft in waves. It’s not long before I’m pushing the covers back because the place is stifling. Eventually all the banging and crashing downstairs gets the better of me and on hearing furniture being moved, I’m unable to just lie there any longer.

  Chapter Six

  “What on earth are you doing?” I look down at him from my spot at the top of the ladder.

  “I want to fuck you so badly and this looks like the only way I can do so without incinerating us.”

  Hearing him state this so baldly, has my sex squirming for release, and makes my trip down the angled ladder a risky endeavor. I’m about half way down when Ben grabs me from behind, holding me in place.

  “Aaarrgh, your hands are freezing!”

  “Turn around,” he says, before playfully nipping me on the bum.

  True to form, my girly bits are chanting “Turn, turn, turn.”

  I do so with difficulty and it’s only because of Ben keeping a firm hold on my hips that I don’t slip. Now I’m leaning back against the steps of the ladder with my mons level with his mouth. It’s something Ben takes immediate advantage of with his hands swooping in from the sides. His fingers feel like icicles as they peel me open to his questing tongue, but I no longer care when I feel the zing of electricity from that tongue stud of his.

  “Oh, my god, oh my god, oh my god.” After that I become incoherent as he runs his scorching hot tongue up and down my cleft, its barbell flicking backwards and forwards on my clit for good measure. Suddenly the rungs of the ladder, digging into the back of me, fade into oblivion and all I can concentrate on is his tongue driving me closer and closer to the edge.

  I’m shuddering and near to release when he pulls his mouth away and slams the palm of an ice-cold hand down over my sex, stopping me in my tracks. My eyes fly open and I’m about to give him grief for being so mean but the look on his face stops me.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” he eventually grits out, “but when you come I want to be so deep inside of you that I touch your heart.”

  It’s only after he’s helped me to the ground that I realize there hadn’t been any arcing during our session on the ladder. A quick look down lets me know I’m no longer copper-clad, and yet the head Ben had given me was right up there with Vyran and his alien tongue. While I might be free of adornment, Ben’s definitely still sporting all those barbells of his.

  “Hurry, I can’t wait much longer.” He leads me over to the set up in front of the wood fire. Two kitchen chairs with a plank between them, forming a make-shift bench sit directly in front. The whole set up is covered with a silver space blanket.

  “We probably don’t need to bother.”

  He stops in the middle of straddling the plank and gives me a questioning look. I point at my breasts and see when comprehension make itself at home in his gaze.

  “Don’t know about that, I feel like I’ve got enough of a charge for the both of us.” On saying this, he lies back on the bench a leg over each side. “Ride me baby.”

  I straddle him, grab that beautifully adorned cock of his and slowly lower myself onto it, and then grinding and sliding backwards and forwards until he’s as deep as possible. If I lean forwards slightly, this brings my already swollen pearl directly in contact with the curved barbell at the base of his cock.

  “Oh, good god.” It’s as though a small bolt of lightning has just pierced my clit, but rather than be painful, the sensation has my nub humming with pleasure. As good as it is I want to feel Ben’s hard length with all its adornments pumping into me again and again, so I straighten my legs, pulling myself slowly off him, only to slam back down again, sheathing him fully. Again, I’m rewarded with another zap of electricity under the hood.

  I hope my legs are up to the challenge I’m about to set them.

  They hold up admirably but eventually give out, but by them I’m so close to coming I no longer care. Realizing I’m spent, Ben sits up and holds my ass drawing me closer to him and thrusting in as deep as he can. The barbells that pierce his nipples zap both of mine with the electricity then snaking its way down through my body to where me join. The feeling of my whole sex vibrating and Ben grinding himself into me is more than I can hold out against. Maybe the gods haven’t ruined men for me after all.

  We’re snow-bound for three more days, by which time we’re close to running out of food and have fucked each other in ever more inventive ways. My favorite is definitely me leaning over the fire-protected arm of the couch and having Ben take me from behind. I love him filling me completely, of plunging into me so deeply that I really can feel him in my heart. That he can reach everything in front while he pumps away is simply a bonus.

  On waking on the fourth day, the silence is deafening. All I can hear is Ben’s quiet breathing. The storm has passed. A snuffled breath out, heralds Ben waking up, too.

  “Morning,” I whisper so as not to blast him.

  “Morning back,” he mumbles. “Sounds like we’ll be okay to get out of here today. I hope you like shoveling.”

  “Done a bit in my time.”

  “Once we’ve backed the truck out, I can attach the snow plough.”

  It takes the best part of the day before we make it out to the road. It hasn’t been graded, but neither is it covered in heaps of snow.

  “Now that’s just plain weird,” says Ben, looking at it.

  The trip home is one of easy comradery, with both of us at ease in each other’s company. Fucking another person’s brains out for three days will do that for you.

  I call my parents as soon as I get a signal on my phone but rather than be in a
lather about me having been missing for four days, my Mom simply asks me if I’m having a nice day.

  “That’s strange.”

  “What is?” says Ben.

  “We haven’t lost any time. My mom asked me if I was having a nice day.”

  “I’m starting to think that storm was ours alone.”

  I twist in my seat so I can look at Ben. “Where exactly were you when you first got taken?”

  I can see him thinking back. “Out the back of the cabin.”

  “Boy, are we in for some long weekends!” I find it hard to contain my glee at day trips that last four days. “More food next trip.”

  “And maybe some toys to pass the time,” says Ben, when swinging his truck through the gates at my folk’s house.

  “Don’t say that when I’m about to face my mom and dad.” I give him a playful punch in the arm.

  “See you at work on Monday,” says Ben, after a chaste kiss on my cheek.

  Not wanting to sit around and chat with my folks when I’m conscious I reek of sex, I feign a headache and am soon in the safety of the shower. Certainly I’m going to be able to take longer than the glorified bird baths that were on offer at the cabin if we didn’t want to run out of water.

  Soaping myself up, I’m fully aroused, long before I’m ready to rinse. Running my hands all over my body, I think of Ben and the days we’ve just spent together. It takes a second for me to realize that the shower of water is moving up and down my body; keeping pace with my hands. The shower head then switches to the massage setting without any help from me and small balls of water are soon bombarding my body.

  I open my eyes to find the shower head snaking around in the shower cubicle like a cobra, dropping ever lower until the pulses of water are pounding away at my cherry.

  Any eroticism falls away and my blood runs cold when I see that the fixtures and fittings have changed from stainless steel to a bright, shining gold.


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