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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

Page 10

by Minky St Anne

  I’m not sure if my shivering is because I’ve run out of hot water before Aurum the Nyphrazi God of Gold had finished playing with me courtesy of the possessed shower head, or because there’s another orgasm waiting in the wings.

  With a towel still wrapped around my head, I stumble into bed and wait to warm up or climax, whichever happens first. I don’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed when rather than climax, I fall asleep.

  The following morning, I feel like I’ve been put through the wringer. I didn’t sleep well with Aurum constantly strutting through my dreams, his golden fettyr tugging against the gold chain that held it around his waist. This telling me more than words that he was ready to plunge himself into me.

  As if to prove a point, he’d unhooked the chain, something I knew he shouldn’t be able to do without a saw, before lying back on what looked like a golden altar. There he’d struck a Cosmo pose that had his cock jutting upwards with it leaping each time he jerked his hips as though I was already skewered on its hard luxurious length.

  God, the guy is such a poser. Even in my dreams

  Rolling onto my side, it takes a second to comprehend that it’s already after eleven. I never sleep this late. The towel is no longer wrapped around my head and a quick explore with my hands, let’s me know my hair is sticking out at all angles. I’d wash it again, but don’t think my legs are up to another going over with the shower head. Certainly they feel shaky when I eventually stand.

  Picking the still-damp towel up off the floor, I’m shocked to see it’s covered in what appears to be blood. This has me spinning towards the mirror on the wardrobe door expecting to see a head gash or something and I’m relieved to find nothing that requires stitches. I’m also excited to see my hair is back to its usual dirty blonde. I wonder what Ben is going to think about the change. He quite likes my copper locks because they match his own.

  A quick glance down and I see that my pubes are no longer red either. Possibly worse is that they’re missing completely. Fuck it, I look like a porn star.

  God of Gold

  Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi

  Part 4

  Chapter One

  It doesn’t matter how many times I check, my pubes don’t miraculously reappear. Aurum, God of Gold had removed them completely because being bright orange, they were a reminder of his brother, Ciprus, God of Copper, having already nailed me sideways.

  This has left me balder than a bald thing down below and looking more like a porn star than I’m happy with. I’d rather have my pubes back even if they were green or purple or whatever, because my girly bits are feeling decidedly chilly. On the plus side my shoulder-length hair is no longer a blinding tangerine and back to its natural dirty blonde.

  It’s my first day back at work in the mine’s cafeteria since my hair returned to normal and I know I’m going to get grief from the miners, even with it dragged up in a no-nonsense bun. While my carroty locks had put a lot of them off, I know from past experience that my natural color acts like a magnet. I’m still surprised Aurum didn’t change it to a bright shining gold so it would be more in keeping with his own. Perhaps he didn’t like the idea of the competition?

  My fears about the miners are well founded. It’s not even six o’clock and I’ve already been hit on four times. I’d forgotten how oversexed they were and so on hearing someone grabbing a tray at the counter behind me; I wait for the next round of innuendo or straight out suggestion that has my back stiffening in readiness.

  “What happened to your hair?”

  I know without turning from the pot of brown stuff I’m stirring with a glorified oar that it’s Ben and I feel the tension seep out of me. His tone is neutral so I can’t tell whether or not he’s keen on my natural color.

  Looking at him over my shoulder, I’m none the wiser.

  “Can we talk about it later?” I say, raising an eyebrow for emphasis.

  I can tell by his expression when he twigs the change in my hair color might be courtesy of the Nyphrazi.

  “Oh, sure. What time do you finish today?”

  “Four. I’m on earlies for the next couple of days.”

  “Damn, other way for me. What about heading up to the cabin at the weekend?”

  “Sounds good,” I say, failing miserably to keep the excitement out of my voice because if the coming trip is anything like the last one, it’ll end up feeling like three days and ‘coming’ is all I’ll be doing. “I’ve got Sunday off,”

  It’s only after Ben’s finished his lunch and disappeared with his co-workers, that I receive a good-natured ribbing from my fellow kitchen crew. When Glory, my septuagenarian boss, starts reminiscing about past lovers of her own, the chat grinds to a nauseated halt with everyone returning to their stations to work studiously in hopes of blocking out her more lurid memories.

  The rest of the week drags and I only see Ben when he’s in the cafeteria for lunch. By the time I clock-off late on Saturday evening, I’m shattered and so keen on going to bed that I pass on dinner, opting instead for an extra-long shower.

  Of some relief is that the shower at home is no longer being possessed by Aurum and I haven’t seen any other signs of him either. Unless you count the super erotic dreams that crowd my head each night and have me twisting and turning enough to tie my sheets in knots.

  I only turn the shower off when the water starts to cool even though I’ve got the dial around to full-on hot. My brother won’t be happy, but I’ve needed the time to think.

  Safely tucked up in bed, I continue mulling things over. It’s now very obvious that all of Vyran’s five brothers are going to try for orgasm or Nysa as they call it. Just as they’d promised; the power-hungry pricks. I still find it weird that such sexual beings have an issue achieving orgasm. Not that they have any problems handing them out.

  Vyran is still my favorite of all the brothers, although Ciprus had had his moments. The only brother I hope never to see again is Seolfer. If I did see him, the only reason I’d go near him would be to smash the asshole’s nuts to a paste with one of my knees.

  By the looks of things so far, Aurum isn’t going to cause me too much grief, striking me as too self-centered to be interested in making my life hell like Seolfer had. Axel, God of Nickel also looks like he’ll be easy to deal with, but I’m nervous about Marlo. That fettyr of his is made of iron and hardly likely to give pleasure. On the other hand, I’ve already savored the delights of having that thick tongue of his slurping away at me and I definitely wouldn’t mind enjoying it again.

  Thinking back on when he’d used that glorious organ of his, with its miraculous enzymes, to heal the nerve damage done by Seolfer, has a small frisson of pleasure bursting to life in my stomach and for once it’s not at an inconvenient time. I yield to the feelings and am rewarded with my sex starting to warm nicely. I’m thinking about giving myself a bit of light relief when I hear Aurum’s voice clearly inside my head.

  “No. You shall not. You shall only achieve Nysa with me.”

  I’m wondering what the hell he can do about it when it feels like I’ve had hot liquid poured over my mons. Whatever it is then seeps down between my legs and by the time I get my hand under the covers, it’s set hard. I know without getting out of bed what color it’ll be.

  Not that this stops me flicking the covers back to check out my latest adornment courtesy of the Gods of Nyphrazi. The only god who hasn’t saddled me with any unwanted hardware is Vyran. I wouldn’t have minded a souvenir from him.

  There’s nothing matt finish about the glittering gold that covers my whole pubic mound like a bad wax job. Not that I’m going to need one of those in a long time, thank you very much Aurum.

  A quick rummage around also lets me know I’m not getting any sex this weekend. That bastard Aurum has even covered my asshole with the whole set-up not dissimilar to one of those stupid C-String Bikini bottoms. I only hope the stuff disappears when I need to wash or answer the call of nature. Certainly that had been the
case with the fascinum that Seolfer had lumbered me with.

  I pick at the edge of the gold to see if I can slide my finger underneath it, but it’s as though it’s been glued to my skin. I can’t even get my fingernail in there.

  “Do not remove the mantle, Jasmine. To do so would be foolish.” I hear Aurum’s caution as clearly as if he’s in the room with me.

  Mantle? It’s a fucking chastity belt is what it is.

  Lying back down, I pull the covers up and wait. If Aurum is anything like Ciprus and Seolfer, his metallically-inclined brothers, he’s now going to play fast and loose with my body.

  But, I wait in vain and eventually my arousal drops off enough that I fall asleep.

  My bedside lamp is still burning bright the next morning and a quick grope lets me know it wasn’t all a bad dream. How the hell am I supposed to explain this to Ben when he picks me up in an hour?

  After a quick shower, in which the gold covering shucks to the side momentarily, allowing me to wash myself properly, I’m none the wiser. I’m glad it’s Sunday and everyone else is still in bed because it wouldn’t take Freud to see I’m struggling with something. I’m still struggling with it, when I walk out to Ben’s truck.

  Inside the cab, it’s warm and intimate and the kiss I get from Ben has my toes momentarily curling. Pulling back, I find him holding onto one of my plaits.

  “Does this mean you’re free of Ciprus?”

  “I guess it does,” I say, not wanting to update him on developments just yet.

  “So,” says Ben, tugging gently on the plait, “do the curtains and carpets match?” His gaze drops pointedly to my lap.

  “Ah, yeah, about that,” I say, shrugging out of my jacket.

  “I won’t mind either way.”

  I try several times to spit it out, but each time my throat closes on me and all I manage is a pathetic squeak. This is so not like me.

  “Never mind, I’ll be able to check for myself, soon enough,” says Ben, his tone full of promise, as he puts the truck into gear and drives out onto the road.

  My own lust quickly overpowers any worries I might have about how this is going to play out and I soon feel the gold mantle warming nicely. I’m settling in to enjoy the ride when I again hear Aurum clearly inside my head.

  “No. You shall not. You shall only achieve Nysa with me.”

  Doubtless contrary to his intent, this psychic reminder about some of the mind-blowing Nysa I’ve received courtesy of the lips, tongues and cocks of the Nyphrazi only has me getting hotter.

  “Pull over.”

  “What? Why?” Despite his questions, Ben thankfully does as I ask.

  Luckily we’re away from any houses and so there’s no one around to witness me undo my seatbelt, shimmy forward on the bench seat and then undo my jeans so I can push them down around my thighs. I haven’t bothered with underwear as there didn’t seem to be any point and so the sparkling gold is immediately visible.

  “Wow.” Ben taps it with his finger nail. “Is that gold?”


  Ben runs his hand down between my legs and, while I can feel him against my inner thighs, that’s it.

  “God of Gold?” says Ben, his brows raised in query.

  I nod in response. “I’ll understand if you want to drop me home,” I say, dragging my jeans back up.

  “I don’t give in that easily. I’ll need to call into my office at the mine first, though.”

  “You have an office.”

  “Did you think I was there because of my muscles?” says Ben, striking as good a body builder’s pose as he can in the confines of the cab.

  “Ah, well, yeah, I did.”

  “Nope. I’m a fully qualified metallurgist and I have an idea how we might be able to get rid of that.

  “I’m game.”

  Calling into the mine only delays the start of our trip half an hour but I’m happy for the delay after I see the bag of tricks Ben drops on the seat between us. There are some loud metallic clunks that don’t inspire confidence and have me thinking of him going at me with an industrial-sized can opener.

  “Not long before we’ve rid you of that maidenhead of yours,” says Ben, before laughing at his own joke.

  We’re creeping up the drive to the cabin when the snow on either side of the truck explodes creating an instant white-out. By the time Ben reacts and slams on the brakes, we’re already through it and into clear air again. Not that Ben can move the truck forwards, because the driveway is no longer there.

  The cabin is though, but rather than being surrounded by mounds of snow as it was seconds ago, it now sits in the middle of a field of flowers. The weather’s completely different too. No longer is the sky a solid leaden grey, but rather an endless expanse of brilliant blue.

  “What the fuck?” I can’t think of anything more intelligent to say.

  “What you said,” stammers out Ben.

  You’d think both of us would be used to being ferried around by the Nyphrazi by now, but two of us together. And a truck!

  We sit in stunned silence for a moment until we see someone walk out of the cabin.

  “Cuprum,” says Ben, obviously recognizing the voluptuous redhead who sways down the stairs before threading her way through the flowers towards us.

  The Goddess of Copper is sex incarnate. Dressed in a skimpy onesie made of articulated copper discs, she doesn’t so much walk as undulate her way over to Ben’s side of the truck. Her nipples are poking through strategically placed holes and are pierced with large rings from which hang small lengths of copper chain. These sway from side to side in a hypnotic manner and I know Ben and I probably resemble a couple of dogs watching a tennis match.

  Chapter Two

  The closer Cuprum gets, the faster Ben’s breathing becomes. No surprise with her sex glistening in readiness, and all on display due to her outfit’s design. Certainly the chains that run through her cleft are very effective at pulling her open to the world.

  That can’t be comfortable.

  But isn’t it typical, while the gods get to essentially cover their organs with those fettyrs of theirs, this goddess has all her parts on show. Still, if Ben’s hyperventilating is anything to go on, rather than be a weakness, Cuprum is working the outfit to her advantage.

  Spotting movement behind her, I swing my gaze back up to the cabin. “Aurum!”

  My outburst breaks in on the trance-like state Ben’s achieved from simply looking at the Goddess. He turns drunkenly in my direction and asks, “Who is it?”

  I know I’m not imagining it that his words are slurred.

  Before I have a chance to respond, he swings back around to continue his visual groping of Cuprum.

  “I’ll tell you later,” I say, although I doubt he can actually hear me over the roar of the blood rushing to his cock.

  As if by an unspoken command, both of us open our doors at the same time and climb out. It’s only when I’m outside that I realize how hot it is but I guess the Nyphrazi aren’t going to enjoy standing around in the snow without any clothes on. Hell, if I could change the weather like they obviously can, I’d be living in a permanent summer, too. As it is, the jump in temperature is overwhelming and I’m glad my puffer jacket is in the truck rather than on me.

  Cuprum is now right beside the truck and wastes no time on pleasantries before placing her hand on top of Ben’s head. They disappear a second later.

  I’ve been so focused on them that I get a fright when my breasts are fondled through my hoodie. I instinctively smash my elbow backwards into a set of very hard abs, but there isn’t even the smallest of grunts to show I’ve done any damage. Damn it, these gods are tough bastards.

  As though I haven’t just assaulted him, Aurum takes my hand and given I haven’t a notion as to ‘when’ I am, I allow him to pull me towards the cabin. But rather than walking up the front steps, he veers off to the right and down the side of the building before leading me along a path that disappears into the nearby w
oods. I tug my hand free of his so I can ditch my hoodie before tying it around my waist; the last thing I need is to pass out from heat stroke. I catch up with him, just as he disappears into the trees.

  The darkness formed by the dense canopy soon forces me to push my sunglasses up onto my head to avoid tripping over the tree roots that litter the pathway. This also means that when we break into a glade, I’m momentarily blinded by the bright sunshine.

  Something else that is blinding is the golden altar that sits smack-bang in the middle of the clearing. It’s the one that has featured in my recurring erotic dreams of Aurum.

  “I’m going to fuck you and you will love it!” says Aurum, striking a pose that has the end of his fettyr-sheathed cock pulling hard against the restraining chain around his waist.

  I’m close to drawling out “Oh, will you?” in as bored a tone as I can, when I realize he’s actually given me an instruction rather than stated a fact. So that’s how it’s going to be, is it?

  Aurum removes my sunglasses before tossing them on the ground. I’m itching to retrieve them because they cost me an arm and a leg but he’s now got me backed up against the end of the altar and is methodically removing my clothes. I think about fighting it but let’s see what’s on offer first. Maybe he’s got reason to brag?

  It doesn’t take long before I’m naked apart from the golden mantle that guards my sex and he takes the opportunity to bend down so he can run his tongue over my nipples. Backwards and forwards, over and over, until they’ve scrunched up into hard little buds. I might not need to fake it after all.

  Grabbing me around the waist he lifts me up to sit on the altar. Rather than be comfortably warmed by the sun as I’ve expected, it’s bordering on being unpleasantly hot and consequently it rapidly heats not only my ass, but also the mantle and the very core of me, in turn.


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