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Sweet Temptation

Page 41

by Angel Steel

  “Are you all right?”

  “Just a little lightheaded.”

  Placing his arm around her waist, they moved between the crowds towards their table as he helped her to sit. “I’ll go and grab you a drink,” he said, squeezing her hand.

  “Thanks, Jack.” She watched as he moved over to the bar. Skylar was feeling a little dizzy now. Looking around the room she noticed her vision starting to blur. Her skin was tingling; she needed air, cool air. Standing and pulling her phone out, she sent a quick text to Jack saying she would be out on the balcony. She moved slowly, going from chair to chair, for support. She knew she should have stayed at the table, but fresh air would do her good. The dizziness was getting worse. Outside, she leaned against the rail, and took a deep breath in and out several times. Her mouth was dry, her whole body was heating up, and the fresh air wasn’t doing much for her.


  She froze. She didn’t want to be out here alone with him. Turning around and gripping the rail, she faced him, “Nate.”

  They stood there staring at each other. After several minutes, Skylar broke the silence, “I found some more of your stuff. I’ll get Dom to drop it off to you.” She moved to walk back in, but Nate moved in front of the sliding doors, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I see you’re here with Jack.”

  She didn’t want to argue with him, but she could play this game if he wanted to. “Well, you walked in with a date, so what is it to you who I’m with?”

  Nate turned around and waved to his date, pissing her off even more. “Hope you enjoy your date,” she said, moving around him.

  Nate lashed out and grabbed her arm, pulling her away from the door. Ripping her arm out of his hand, she snapped. “You have no right touching me.” She was starting to see two of him and knew it wasn’t good.

  “Have you thought about what I said?” he asked.

  Of all the things he could have picked to talk about, he brought that up. “There’s nothing to think about, Nate. You need to go back to your date, she looks lonely,” Skylar said. She tried to move again, but it didn’t work. She was getting really tired with this back and forth action.

  Rubbing his face, “Skylar, I want to be with you, but I don’t want to raise a child right now.”

  Skylar paled. “Nate, this is your baby, how can you ask me to kill it?” She grabbed his hand and placed it on her belly, loving the feeling of his hand on her body.

  Wrenching his hand back, his anger flared, “I’m not fucking ready to be a father!”

  She really needed that drink now. She pushed him away, “I need to go.”

  Nate wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against his chest. “Please consider what I have said, Skylar.”

  She couldn’t do this anymore; it was killing her inside that he didn’t want this baby.

  Skylar pushed at his chest. Once he let go, she stumbled to the door, grabbing the doorway to steady herself before she fell over.

  Nate noticed her stumbling. “Are you all right?” He cared about her still; he didn’t want anything to happen to her. He just couldn’t do this whole baby thing with her.

  “Leave me alone,” she whispered. Looking up, she needed to get to her table, and away from Nate. Turning around, she noticed Jack and watched as he made his way across the room towards Dom, Alex, and Craig. Pointing to the balcony, all three turned around and noticed her. This wasn’t going to go down well, but she was glad they were coming to her rescue. Skylar needed to sit; she slid down the door and rested her head in her hands.

  “Are you all right?” Craig asked her, kneeling in front of her.

  “I’m not feeling too well.”

  Alex moved to her side, so did Jack. Craig walked over towards Nate. “So I see you brought your latest fuck buddy.”

  Skylar’s head shot up as she quickly gripped Jack’s arms to steady herself. Nate growled at him. “You’re sleeping with her?” Skylar whispered.

  “Yeah, he is. Craig and I walked in on him with her on Christmas Day, after he left you,” Dom said.

  Skylar felt sick; the bile was rising in her throat. She swallowed to keep it down and not embarrass herself in front of everyone out here. She looked at Jack, “I’m going to be sick, I need to go.”

  Nodding, Jack bent down and picked her up and she curled up in his arms.

  “Get your fucking hands off her,” Nate demanded.

  Skylar lifted her head and looked at him, “You don’t get to tell anyone what to do when it concerns me. This baby…” She placed her hand over her belly and continued, “I found out when Natalie came and told you about her son. I’m four months pregnant, Nate.”

  Craig stared at him, “What is wrong with you?”

  “Craig, please. I need to get out of here,” Skylar said.

  Craig moved to her side. “Okay, baby. Let’s go.” Jack moved her to Craig’s arms.

  “Wait,” yelled Nate. All of them froze in place.

  As Nate tapped on Craig’s arm, Skylar turned around to face him. “Nate, go back to your date. You obviously don’t want me anymore if you slept with her hours after you left my place. Don’t worry, I can look after our baby by myself. I don’t need you or anything from you. Just forget that you have a child; you’ll be a lot happier.”

  After that, Craig moved through the crowd, towards the front door with Dom, Alex and Jack following. Dom took out his phone and sent a text message to Chantal to let her know what happened.

  “I’m sorry I ruined your night,” she sobbed into his chest.

  “Baby, nothing is ruined as long as we are all together. That is all that matters, okay?” As she nodded against his chest, they made their way to his truck, placing her in the back with Jack and Dom and Alex sat in front with him. She lay down on Dom’s lap and closed her eyes as she felt the truck move forward. She would be fine with all of them here for her, but felt sad that she ruined their night. Dom stroked her hair as she sobbed. She needed to stop worrying about the party and Nate. Before they even hit the main road, she was out cold.

  Chapter 38

  Nate stood there, going over everything that was said. Slamming his fist against the wall, he decided he needed to get away from this party. Storming inside, he made his way through the crowd towards the main door, pulling out his keys.

  “Hey, where are you going? The party is starting to get really good now.”

  He brushed off Angela’s hand, “Something came up and I need to go.”

  “I could come with you,” she answered with a seductive smile.

  “No, you stay here and enjoy the party.” He walked towards his truck, and climbed in the driver’s seat.

  “Is everything all right?” she asked through the window.

  “Yeah, just family business.”

  “Well, I hope it all works out for you.”

  “So do I,” he replied.

  His clock flashed 10:49 p.m. He started to go over everything in his head; when it all started, how she acted, the small comments… everything. After what Natalie had done to him, telling him it was his child, he was glad that he went through with the DNA test. Maybe he should ask Skylar the same? No, that wouldn’t be good. She would just get angry with him again.

  Pulling in his driveway, he looked over and saw Craig’s truck parked out front. Shaking his head, he walked up his front steps, unlocked his door and walked in. Hitting the button for his answering machine, he listened to a couple of messages from friends wishing him a happy new year, and one from Angela checking if everything turned out okay, and saying that he should come back to the party to have some fun with her. Deleting all messages, he grabbed a beer out of the fridge and went to his room. Sitting down, he saw the bag Skylar was talking about earlier.

  He lifted it up, tipping the contents onto the bed. There were three boxes in total. Grabbing the first and opening it, he pulled out a black satin button up shirt. It felt like a second skin; maybe he could wear it when he saw Skylar ne
xt. The next box was smaller. As he unwrapped it, a jewellery box fell onto the bed. He lifted the lid; inside laid a gold dog-tag necklace that read “Number 1 Dad.”

  Groaning, he took a sip of his beer and reached for the last box, knowing what was in it. Pulling out the test, he saw a small piece of paper in it. Turning it over, he sucked in a breath. It was an ultrasound picture; his hands started to shake. Looking at it closely, he could make out two legs, two arms, a head, and body. The date on the top read, 25/11/2012. Due date estimate, 13/06/2013. Looking again at the picture, she was around three months at the time she got it done.

  As he held the picture, he remembered the times when she started throwing up, not eating much, and then when they went shopping; she wasn’t acting herself that day. She had looked pale when they left the mall, and she didn’t feel well that night. Then she had left to go down south for a couple of days. He had no idea where she was going, and never found why she was down there. She had passed out at the hospital and at the hotel room; he had thought it was just from the arguing and the stress of everything. Then the shit hit the fan, when Lucas took her from the room.

  Looking at the picture again, he remembered that before she had left, Natalie came over and told him that he had a son. Skylar had heard the conversation and asked him if he wanted kids, but he was unsure… Shit. She was pregnant then. Then she left days later.

  Nate paled as he realized where she was heading; she was going to get an abortion. All because he acted like a fool and didn’t make himself clear that he really wanted kids one day. Jesus, he pushed her to go and get it done then. And now he told her to actually go and get rid of it, again, because he wasn’t ready.

  Shaking his head, he stood up and walked into his bath, turned the water on and hopped in. He couldn’t believe he was that stupid; he should have put everything together. It wasn’t like she was really trying to hide the dizziness and sickness. She didn’t eat and was tired all the time, too. It just didn’t register at all. He slammed his fist against the wall in the shower. He fucking told her to get rid of his own child, that he didn’t want it, pushing her away again.

  He turned off the water and got out, drying himself off. She had told him not to worry, that she would raise their child by herself, and that she didn’t need anything from him or want him. God, he fucked it up all over again. He pulled on his jeans and sat on the end of the bed. Skylar had told him to forget everything she had told him, especially about being a father… To just go and be happy and forget bloody everything.

  Even tonight, although she looked sexy as hell, she wasn’t herself. She was pale and shaking; she tried to get away from him, but he wouldn’t let her. He didn’t even help her at all when she slid down the wall at the party. Jesus. How could he not have put everything together then? Easy, his brain wasn’t working like that.

  He pulled on a T-shirt and grabbed the picture. He wanted their child, end of story. He was going to be a part of its life. He needed to sit down and talk to her about why she didn’t tell him earlier, and why she decided to go and get rid of it back then, without talking to him first. He had a right to know about the baby and had a say in whatever she was doing. Then they needed to talk about that night with Lucas and his boys. He wanted to know everything that happened; what they did to her.

  Closing the door behind him, he walked over towards her house. Though the chance was great that she probably wasn’t going to listen to a single word he had to say, he was going to say what he wanted and he needed her to listen to him. Especially after what he already had told her. He wanted this baby; it was his. He was going to be there through it all, whether she bloody liked it or not.

  * * *

  Skylar walked to her room, and laid down on her bed. She wrapped her arms around her pillow. How could he go and sleep with someone else, hours after they broke it off? He obviously didn’t care that much, if he could do that so easily. Why did he have to do it? Although she was upset about what he said about the baby, it had cut really deep in her heart hearing that he slept with that girl. But what did she expect? He did it with that other girl on his couch, too. She thought they were together then, but he thought different. Why did she allow herself to date guys like this? They might be gorgeous and great in bed, but they all seem to manage to break her heart into a million pieces, as many times as they could. But she wasn’t going to do that anymore; she wasn’t going to let some guy walk all over her and her poor heart. She was closing off that part of her.

  She needed to apologize to Craig, Alex and Jack for ruining their night. Skylar staggered to the shower, still feeling dizzy and sick to her stomach. Undoing her dress and removing her underwear, she slid in and sat under the water. How was she really going to do this without him? She knew what it was like with only one parent around, but that was a different circumstance than what it was now with Nate. He was around; he just chose not to want his own child. Who could be that cruel?

  She shook that thought out of her head.

  She needed to ring Dom once she got out, as well. He left after he got a phone call shortly after they had all arrived here. She could hear voices coming from somewhere in the house and knew the boys were still drinking. Maybe they were playing a game, or just talking loud. She smiled to herself; at least they were having fun, although they would still be at the party if it wasn’t for her. She did tell them to go back, but they weren’t having it.

  A loud crash outside her bedroom door made her jump, and then there was yelling. What was going on out there? She couldn’t tell what was being said, but she had a feeling something was going on that shouldn’t be. As she knelt up to stand, the bathroom door flung open and banged against the wall.

  “Skylar,” Nate roared.

  What was he doing here? She slid back down. Of all places to be, she didn’t want to be stuck in this shower. The shower door ripped open and Skylar screamed and crawled into the corner. Her arms shot out to cover herself, knowing it was Nate, Alex or Craig, but she didn’t want Nate to see her naked. The water was running into her eyes and she couldn’t make out who was at the door. Hands reached out to grab her, but she moved away. Reaching up to turn the water off, more hands came in.

  “Don’t touch me,” she screamed. All she wanted was to get out of this bloody shower and see what was going on.

  “Skylar, it’s all right. Let me help you,” Alex said.

  Wiping at her face to get the water out, she confirmed it was Alex and placed her hand in his as he pulled her up. She stood in the doorway of the shower, while Alex held a towel up, and wrapped it around her. “Why are you all in here?” she said, looking at all of them. The only one not actually in her bathroom was Jack, but he was standing at the door. Alex and Craig both looked at Nate. As she placed her hands on her hips, she asked, “Well, is someone going to answer me, or are we going to stand here all night?” She turned to face Nate, “And why are you here? I told you I don’t want anything to do with you.”

  They stood there for what felt like forever. Shaking her head, she walked to the door, frowning at Jack when he didn’t move straight away. She pushed past him, and walked over towards her closet.

  “I told you you’re not welcome here anymore, Nate,” Craig told him.

  “I came to talk to Skylar. Once I’ve said what I came to say, then I’ll leave, if that is what she wants,” he replied.

  Craig started towards him, but stopped when Skylar spoke. “Nate, you can’t keep coming in here whenever you want. You need to leave.” As she turned her back to him, Alex and Craig walked up to him, blocking him from Skylar.

  “Please, can I just say what I came to say, and then I’ll leave, I promise.”

  Looking over at him, she whispered, “Just say what you want, then leave. I’ve had enough for tonight and I’m tired.” Pulling on her robe, she sat down on her bed and waited. Nate walked over and sat in the chair in the corner of the room. He leaned over and rested his head in his hands.

  “Guys, you can leave. I
f you want, you can stand at the door on the other side and listen,” she told them.

  Craig looked at her, like she grew an extra head. “I’ll be fine. You’ll be on the other side of the door.” Jack backed out of the room. Alex walked out next, then Craig. He looked at her over his shoulder, nodded once, and closed the door behind him. Breathing out, she wrapped her arms around her knees and looked over at Nate. He looked up at her. “Talk,” she said.

  “I want to say what I came to say, without you interrupting, okay? Just let me say it.”

  Skylar nodded.

  “I’m so sorry for how I have acted over the last couple of months, and it wasn’t fair how I treated you. I really want to be with you, Skylar. There is nothing more that I want. I get jealous real easy, as you know, and I’m possessive as hell; what’s mine is mine. I hate the fact that you have spent time with Dom and Jack alone. I know that it was my fault, as I left you alone after everything that happened, but I don’t want you spending anymore alone time with either of them, especially Jack.”


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