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Sweet Temptation

Page 42

by Angel Steel

  “You can’t ask me not to see someone, Nate. They are both my friends, as well as yours. I’d never ask you to do that, so don’t ask me, because I’m not stopping seeing either of them,” she said.

  “It’s hard not knowing what you guys have done together.”

  “We haven’t done anything, besides them being here for me when you weren’t,” she whispered.

  “I know, and I’m truly sorry for not being here. I love you, baby, I’d do anything for you, and I want this baby that you’re carrying.”

  Skylar felt the tears running down her cheeks. She wiped them away, “Why all of a sudden do you want your own child now?”

  Standing up, he walked over and sat in front of her, careful not to touch her. “I know I fucked up on everything I said about the baby, Skylar. I shouldn’t have said any of it. But why didn’t you tell me when you found out?”

  “I was going to tell you that night, when Natalie was there. But you said you weren’t ready for kids, back then and now. That’s what you told her. How was I going to tell you after that, Nate?” she whispered.

  “You still should have told me.”

  Skylar shook her head, “How could I after hearing you didn’t want any kids? We never spoke about having kids at all.” As he placed his hand on her knee, Skylar flinched, and he pulled away.

  “Why did you leave that time, to go down south?” he asked. He knew what she was going to say, but hoped that he was wrong.

  “After you said you didn’t want kids, I decided to have an abortion. But I couldn’t go through with it; it was a part of you and me together, and I couldn’t kill that,” she sobbed.

  “Well, I’m glad I stopped you then,” he said. “I’ve never found the one I wanted to be the mother of my children, until now.”

  “How can I trust you now, after everything that has happened?” she sobbed.

  “I promise you, with all my heart, that I will do everything I can for you to trust me again. I love you, baby.” He sat down beside her.

  Skylar stood from the bed, getting as far away from him as possible. “I can’t Nate, I don’t trust you. You broke my heart, too many times. And you know how hard it is for me to trust anyone. And how could you go and sleep with that girl, after I told you I was pregnant?” she yelled. She knew Craig would come barging in at any moment now.

  “I’m sorry for that, Sky. I didn’t mean for it to happen. After you told me you were pregnant, I didn’t take it that well, and then you said it was over. I went and got drunk at Joey’s and it happened. I want to be here with you and the baby. I want to go through everything with you.” Nate moved towards her, but Skylar backed away from him again.

  “That’s not an excuse, Nate. What happens if we have another fight? Are you going to do the same thing again?” she whispered.

  “No, I’m not. I’ll stay and sort out whatever the problem is.”

  Skylar opened the door to walk out, and Craig, Alex, and Jack were all standing there against the wall. She turned back to face Nate, “I can’t keep doing this. We’re good one minute, then the next we’re fighting and you go and do something stupid. You don’t stay and talk to me about anything. I’m sorry,” she said, and moved out the door.

  Nate followed, reaching for her arm, but Craig stopped him. “Skylar, please.”

  She turned around to face him, and noticed he was crying. Seeing that broke her heart even more. She walked up closer to him, but stopped several steps before reaching him. She wanted to wrap her arms around him, and tell him everything would work out, but she didn’t know if it would. “I love you, Nate. But I can’t be with you. You need to move on, but I’ll let you know about everything having to do with the baby, if you want to know. I just can’t trust you anymore,” she whispered.

  “I do want to know about the baby. And I’m sorry that I hurt you like this, but I give you my word, I’ll prove it to you that you can trust me again,” he said.

  Craig walked over towards her, and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, “I think you better leave now. Skylar’s had enough for tonight.” Skylar turned her head into his chest, sobbing. As Nate moved towards the front door, he stopped beside her and whispered, “I do love you, and our baby.” He leaned over and kissed her on top of her head. “Happy New Year, Skylar.” He placed something in Craig’s hand, and then left her house.

  Skylar didn’t ask Craig what he gave him. She didn’t want to know right now. Craig walked her into the lounge and sat her down on the couch. Alex came in and sat beside her, pulling her into his arms, while Craig went to the kitchen by Jack.

  “How you feeling, darling?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, Alex. Too much has happened tonight to even think about it.”

  “Yeah, I agree with you there.” Skylar lay on his shoulder; she didn’t want to think anymore; if she did, it would hurt even more than it already did. Craig and Jack walked back into the room, handing her a cup, and sat down.

  She didn’t know what to do, she wanted to be with him, but she didn’t know if she could trust him. She didn’t know if she would ever be able to do it again. “I think you need to go to bed, Sky. You’ve had a rough day.”

  “Can you stay with me, please?” she asked Craig.

  “Anything you want.”

  Skylar stood, and so did Alex and Jack. She hugged Jack and kissed him lightly on the cheek, “Thank you for everything. Happy New Year.”

  “You’re welcome and Happy New Year to you too.”

  She turned and faced Alex. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight. She sobbed a little. “Thank you for being here, and sorry I ruined your night.”

  “You didn’t ruin anything, babe.”

  “I love you, you know that, right?”

  “I know you do, Sky,” he answered her with a smile.

  Letting go, she walked towards Craig, “Happy New Year, Skylar. The New Year will be much better, you’ll see.”

  Alex winked at her, and moved into the kitchen. They both walked into her room, Craig pulled the blankets back, and Skylar crawled in. Leaving the lamp on, Craig hopped in on the other side, and pulled her closer to him. “I love you, Craig.”

  “I love you too, Sky. Get some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  Skylar snuggled closer to him, closed her eyes, and drifted off, hoping the following day will be better than today.


  Nate sat on his sofa, replaying the conversation he had with Skylar in her room. He hadn’t said all he wanted to, but he would eventually. He was staying and helping with his child. He wanted to be there for her through everything, but that was going to be hard. He wanted to watch as her belly got rounder, feel the first movement of his child, and go to all appointments – especially the ultrasounds – so he could see the baby on the monitor.

  He wanted to go on the midnight runs for snacks for her when she had cravings, give her massages, and be there when she wanted sex, which would be at any time. He wanted to go shopping for everything, too, and now he wouldn’t be able to do any of that stuff with her. She was only going to tell him about things that were related to the baby. God, he knew about the whole sex thing while being pregnant, with hormones spiking all over the place. And now he couldn’t satisfy her when she wanted it. She didn’t want anything to do with him, and he understood why. He fucked up big time, and maybe for the last time.

  He needed to prove to her that he wanted to be together, with her, and not with someone else; that he could stand by her through good and bad. Proving his feelings to the one person he loved more than anything in this world would be the hardest thing he had ever done in his life. Standing up, he went to the kitchen, grabbed a beer, and stood near the back door looking over at Skylar’s place.

  He needed to plan out how he was going to do this the right way. First thing, he needed to change several things around the house, then his work hours, and how he spent his time when he wasn’t working. He would ask Dom to do more hours, so if by any c
hance she asked him to go to any appointments, or do anything, he’d be free to do so. He’d drop everything just for her. And that was proving a lot, since he never did it with any other girlfriend he had before.

  Maybe he could set up his third bedroom as a baby room; that would make her happy, he thought. Swallowing the last of his beer, he locked the door and walked to his room and climbed into bed. Nothing was going to fuck this up for him. Nate needed her, more than she knew. He had to be patient, even though it killed him to be away from her. He’ll respect her wishes, for now. He wasn’t going anywhere; he was staying right here, for her and the baby. Closing his eyes, he smiled. He couldn’t wait for tomorrow. A new year and new beginnings. Skylar was the one that held his heart, and he would prove it.


  After receiving a text from Dom saying they were taking Skylar home, Chantal jumped at the opportunity to spend some alone time with Dom. There was no way she could do that at the party, with all partygoers striving to get his attention, being male or female.

  Starting her car, she raced home to grab the present she had for him for Christmas. She didn’t get a chance to give it to him on that day. Changing her clothing to what she had picked out for this night, she drove to Skylar’s house. Chantal knew he’d be there, but would wait until he left to go home. She pulled her coat tighter around her, hiding what she had on underneath. She had picked a red lace long nightgown out of Skylar’s order for the shop she had received last month. It had Spaghetti straps at the back down to her ass, a large slit up her left leg, and it tied up at her breasts, with a large teardrop shape that showed off her cleavage. The outfit was completely see-through, except for the material covering her nipples. She felt a little silly wearing it with nothing under it.

  She checked her watch, 11:39 p.m. She had tried several times to be with Dom, on New Year’s Eve, or any other party, but it never worked out. She went to every party that he was at, but he managed to leave before midnight every time, alone. She had never seen him bring a girl to any of the parties, but he never left with one either. That was good for her, but he never dated, that she knew of, or from what anyone else told her about him.

  Dom came out of Skylar’s house five minutes later. Jumping in his car, he drove up the road. Starting her car, she quickly followed; careful not to lose sight of him, and hoping he was heading to his house. After driving for ten minutes, she slowed down when they were getting close to his driveway and watched as he pulled up. She drove past as he walked to his front door. Doing a U-turn, she went back and parked across the road. After fifteen minutes, she fixed her hair and reached for his present, then got out and walked around back where she knew he never locked the door.

  Opening the door softly, she made her way in. She stopped to listen for where he was in the house. She could hear him talking in one of the rooms up ahead. Undoing her jacket, she placed it over the dining chair as she moved towards the noise, still holding her bag. She walked past one room, then another, and came to the last room. As she placed her hand on the handle to open it, she heard Dom talking. Maybe he was on the phone, as she couldn’t hear anyone replying to him. Slowly pushing the door open, she stood there shocked at the image displayed in front of her.

  There was a girl tied to the bed, face down, and spread eagled. Her hips were raised with pillows. Dom was standing at the end of the bed with a whip in his hand, wearing only jeans and nothing else. Dom raised his arm and flicked his wrist and the whip came down with a loud crack as it hit the girl’s ass. The girl moaned. Chantal gasped, covering her mouth with her hand and dropping the bag. Dom spun around at the sound of the bag hitting the ground.

  “Chantal,” he said.

  Shaking her head, she turned and ran out the door.

  “Chantal,” Dom yelled again.

  She ran down the hallway, towards the kitchen. She needed to get out of here, but was pulled up short when Dom grabbed her around her waist, and up against his chest. Breathing heavily, Dom asked her, “What are you doing here?”

  She couldn’t say anything. What kind of sick shit was he into? Chantal started to feel sick after what she saw. Thrashing in his arms, she screamed, “Let me go!”

  “Why are you here, Chantal?” he asked, again. Dom removed his arm from around her waist, but held onto her arm. When she turned around, he saw what she was wearing. “What the hell are you wearing?” he growled.

  “I came to drop off your Christmas present. I didn’t get a chance to give it to you that day because you left before I got there,” she whispered.

  “What is that you’re wearing?” he growled again. Why was he growling at her? She should be the one doing it to him, after what she saw in his room.

  “What was going on in there? Who is that girl?” she whispered. She really didn’t want to know what was happening, but something in her head wanted her to know.

  Dom started pulling her towards the door. “You shouldn’t be here,” he told her.

  Chantal stopped. “What’s going on, Dom?” she asked him.

  Shaking his head, he pulled her to the door, opened it, and started to push her out. “I came to give you your present, and other things,” she said.

  Dom pulled up short. “What other things?”

  Chantal stood tall, and flashed her hand over her body. “Me,” she whispered.

  Dom groaned. Why was she doing this now? Any other time he would have jumped at the opportunity, but he couldn’t. What he was into would make her run far, far away from him.

  “Dom,” the girl from the room called.

  He shook his head. “I need to go, Chantal.” As he started to close the door, she placed her hand on it to stop him.

  “I came here to spend New Year’s Eve with you,” she said. She looked at her watch. She only had five minutes left before midnight came around. As she looked up at him, he was frowning at her. “Are you with that girl?” she whispered.

  “Chantal, I like you as a friend, but nothing is going to happen past that, okay? Do you understand? You can’t give me what I want.”

  “What does that even mean?”

  “This between us,” he said, moving his hand between them. “Stays this way. Nothing more. You’re not my type,” he told her.

  What the hell did that mean? Her mouth went dry and she could feel tears starting to run down her face. Chantal pushed past him and went to grab her jacket.

  Dom grabbed her arm, “What are you doing?”

  “I’m grabbing my coat, Dom. Then I’ll be out of here and your life,” she sobbed. Pulling it on, she stomped to the door.

  “I don’t want you out of my life, Chan,” he said.

  “Too bad. You made it pretty clear you don’t want me, and that’s fine with me; I’m sorry I wasted your time and mine.” Chantal stormed off, out the door, and towards her car. Unlocking it, she got in and closed the door.

  Dom tapped on the window. “That’s not what I meant,” he growled.

  “It doesn’t matter anymore. Dom, I’m sick and tired of wasting my time on you, trying to get your attention, or anything out of you. Don’t worry, I won’t bother you again. Good-bye, Dominic.” She had never used his full name before, but she was pissed as hell now. She started the car, reversed out, and screeched off, heading nowhere in particular.

  Why did she think that Dom would ever sleep with her? God, she was stupid, pining over him for the last five years. What a waste! She had thrown herself at him several times, but he never did anything about it. Shaking her head, she decided she needed to move on and think of herself from now on, not what her heart wanted. Wiping the tears from her cheeks, she turned off his street, and drove towards the one person who could help her get over Dominic Grayson.

  To know more about the series I am writing head over to Facebook. I keep all my fans up to date, on what is happening, come over and say hi, I don’t bite. Also can checkout Goodreads. Once you have read Sweet Temptation, please go over to either Amazon or Goodreads and leave a review. Thank
you to all my fans that follow me, love you all.

  Thank you to the unlikely poet, for the beautiful poem at the beginning, love, love your work, and thank you for the second one.




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