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by Richa Resa

  “You look giddy. Do we have a new assignment?” I knew her too well.

  "Yep and I’m excited about this one!" She cheered.

  "Is it someone's wedding?" I asked entering my office, closely followed by Mel.

  "Not someone's wedding. It’s Laura Johnson's wedding! The actress! Everyone says she’s beautiful. Apparently, she’s been signed by Dior to promote their new—,"

  "Are you done with her bio, Mel?" I cut her off mid-sentence.

  "Yeah,” she replied.

  "Now, what is on the schedule for today?" I asked, turning on my laptop.

  "We have to look at plans for Evan's Corporation for their annual charity ball and submit them to Ms. Williams. Then we’ve got a meeting with Laura Johnson for her wedding at one, that’s all for today. Ms. Williams gave the Carlton party over to someone else because she wants your concentration on Laura's wedding." I guess this Laura came with a huge bank account.

  "Okay, go and get the files for the charity ball and please, a cup of coffee for me." I requested. She nodded and left my office. A wedding event, I really hated to plan those. All they want is roses, doves, grand ice sculptures. It was all so lovely dovey. This was not my specialty. The day went on with charity ball plans and soon, it was time to meet Laura for the wedding plans.

  "Mel, let's go meet Laura," I ordered her walking out of my office. We were supposed to meet her at one in one of her father's hotel. When we arrived, I sat down in the waiting area while Mel went to reception to inform them that we were here.

  "Valerie, she is ready to meet us in the restaurant. It’s this way," Mel lead me towards the restaurant. We made our way towards a table where two young good-looking women were seated.

  "Good afternoon, Ms. Laura Johnson," Mel greeted the woman dressed in a peach coloured floral dress. She screamed money.

  "Good afternoon, you must be Valerie," came back the instant reply.

  "No, I’m her secretary Mel, this is Miss Valerie," she said stepping sideways for me to come forward.

  "Oh my God!" Were the first words that came out of her mouth as her gaze moved to me. I gave her a questioning look.

  "Oh, sorry, it's just you look so similar to me. We both have dark blonde hair and our facial features are a lot too similar. Except for our eyes and maybe nose too, but we could easily pass as sisters!" Her voice was angelic and she had this sweet childlike personality.

  "Oh,” I said, a bit taken aback. We were similar looking but it wasn’t a big thing or was it?

  "I’m really sorry about that, have a seat," she seemed generous and overly happy. Taking a seat, we ordered some light snacks and tea. The other woman was her secretary. She was quiet and only spoke when required.

  "So, I have heard a lot about your work and from what I can gather you’re one of the best event planners out there. I wanted someone like you to plan everything from my engagement party to my wedding. I have seen your works in some of the events I’ve attended and they are so good."

  "Thank you. As you have chosen me for this work, I can promise you that I will do my best to create your dream wedding." I would work my best and hope she will be happy with it.

  "I just want you to give your best. I mean, it is actually a dream wedding. I was in a coma for three years and I woke up five years ago. I thought my boyfriend at that time might have moved on, but he waited for me and now we’re engaged! So, this means a great deal to me. I want my wedding to be the best. I hope you would be able to make it that grand." A look of sincerity and love was over her face as she told me this.

  "I will, of course," I smiled.

  With that we began to discuss things regarding the wedding, location, date, budget, themes etc. Laura listed everything she wanted and specifically said there was no budget. She would be happy to pay whatever as long as she got her dream wedding. Our meeting came to an end two hours later, and Mel and I went our separate ways. After all that talk, I realized I forgot to ask her about her fiancée.

  Guess I’ll meet him later.

  I was halfway to the apartment when I remembered that I had promised to do something for Aiden. I racked my brain desperately thinking of something special I could do for him, but I had no luck. So, I decided to make him his favourite food.

  "Aiden," I yelled, entering in my house. I thought that he would be there.

  "Aiden," I called him once more, searching the house to find his whereabouts. Maybe he went home to do some work. I thought he would be back by dinner, but he wasn’t. I started preparing the food just in case he did turn up.

  Dinner was almost ready but there was still no sign of Aiden. Frustrated, I decided to call him, only to have his phone go straight to voice mail. I called every fifteen minutes for next two hours but no call was picked. I lost all hope that he would come. Maybe he was trying to make me feel bad for not being about to go on the trip we planned.

  I called him one last time, not expecting an answer, but he picked up and I was glad.

  "Where are you, Aiden?" I snapped at him.

  "I’m sorry, Val. I got kind of busy somewhere and left my phone unattended. I just saw your calls but don't worry I will be late but I will still be there." He gave an explanation.

  "Do you know what time it is Aiden? It’s nine. I have been waiting for you from past two hours. I told there will be a surprise for you and you ditched me. You didn’t even care to text me. I wasted an hour preparing your favourite dinner for you and you’re not here to eat it," I was fucking angry at him for this.

  "I already ate dinner." Did I just hear right? "I’m really sorry, Val. I was with some old friend and we just lost track of time. I’m really sorry about it," he already had dinner while I was busy making it for him. Typical.

  "You know what, Aiden? Don't come at all. I guess I’m not so important to be remembered by you. You know I am busy trying my best to make it up to you for yesterday but maybe it was just not meant to be. Good fucking bye." I ended the call being pissed. I decided to get out of the house to pacify my anger. I didn't want to waste the food I had prepared, so I packed it all away in Tupperware containers and set off to the nearby Orphanage. I always felt sorry for the kids, mainly because they reminded me of myself at their age, a child with a lack of parental love.

  I spent the night playing around board games and reading with the children at the orphanage. It felt good to bring smile to their faces.

  I came home late, just after one am, to find Aiden sleeping outside my door. A small part of my heart melted seeing him there. He surely would have left his key back home like usual and that is why he was sleeping right there on my door. Sometimes he did things that took me by surprise. Walking towards him I nudged him.

  "Aiden, wake up." I cooed.

  He shot up startled and stared at me, shocked. "Valerie, where were you? I’ve been waiting for you for hours," He sounded concerned, not even a hint of anger there.

  "Let's go inside," I went straight to the bedroom and then to change. When I came out I found him sitting on the bed waiting for me.

  "Val, about tonight—," I cut him off.

  "Let's talk about it tomorrow, I’m tired,"

  I told him.

  Lying on the bed I found Aiden still sitting like before. "Come lay next to me, Aiden. I need you." This took him by surprise, but in minutes he was beside me. With that, we cuddled against each other and we slept peacefully in each other's arms.

  Chapter 3


  The sweet smell of pancakes and coffee woke me up. It was a really nice way to wake up. I quickly walked into the bathroom and did my morning routine. After a quick shower and getting dressed up I made my way to the sweet smell. When I reached to it what I got was a wonderful surprise. There stood Aiden shirtless setting breakfast on the table. It looked like he already had a bath. His charcoal hair was still wet making him look sexier than ever.

  Standing in the doorway I admired the view. "You know I could get used to this view every day," I startled him. He rea
lly hated when someone sneaked onto him or did something like this. Letting out a few cursing words he picked up the spoon that fell down from his hand. "You know I hate it, Val, when you do something like this."

  "I know that but it is fun." I winked at him, smiling. Placing the last plate on the table he walked towards me. Cupping my face, he gave me one hell of a kiss. God this man is an amazing kisser. He took his time to explore my mouth and devouring my taste.

  "Good morning, beautiful," he spoke against my lips.

  "Morning to you too. To what do I owe the pleasure to have such a wonderful breakfast and witness your cooking skills," I questioned his intentions teasingly.

  "This is me asking for forgiveness for yesterday and moreover you have the very right to witness everything I do, even when I’m taking a bath," he said, winking.

  "It would be a lovely sight. I would like to have my breakfast for now," I told walking past him. I had literally forgotten about yesterday.

  Sitting down, I quietly ate my pancakes. Aiden could cook really well but I couldn’t just forget about yesterday. However, something bothered me more. It was why I felt so bad when he didn't show up. Aiden and my relationship for me was based on pure lust or say for physical satisfaction. I didn't love him, then why I was feeling frustrated when he didn't show up. Why did it bother me that he didn’t even inform me? Was I falling in love? Was I letting my heart open up for emotions that broke me in the past? What would happen if I opened up and Aiden left me? What if something like yesterday repeats? What would I feel? No, I couldn't let my heart go soft again. I couldn't fall in love. I couldn't open up.

  "Val, are you okay?" he asked drawing me out of my thoughts.

  "Yeah. Thanks for the breakfast. It was delicious," I said giving him a small smile. Finishing my breakfast, I did the dishes without looking at him again.

  "Val, are you still mad at me?" Aiden questioned coming beside me.

  "I’m very sorry, Val. It just slipped my mind like, it did from yours. Please forgive me. I just got busy; met an old friend and I forgot about your surprise." He explained to me. His words took me by surprise, it just slipped my mind like it did yours. Did he really say that? Was this his way to getting back to me?

  "Yeah like it did from mine, Aiden. Was it one of your ways makes me feel guilty for forgetting about our trip and anniversary?" I asked in a raised my voice.

  Aiden looked at me stunned. "I didn't mean it like that, Val. Do you think I would stoop so low? I just really forget okay. I met a friend after a long time and we were so engrossed in talking that I just forget that we had something planned.” His explanation was salt to my wounds.

  "That tells me how important I’m to you," saying that I walked out of the kitchen, creating space between us. In a quick moment, I was turned around by Aiden.

  "Val, I told you I was sorry. Okay. You are important to me. Let's end this here. I’m sorry, I won’t repeat it again," Is he for real?! He forgets about it like it’s no biggie; I forget something, I have to get an earful for it.

  "Then why were you so mad when I forgot about anniversary Aiden? Was it any different from this? It was me trying to make it up to you and it is damn important." "Val, are you trying to pick up an argument? Because I think you sure as hell are!" He snapped.

  "No, Aiden, I’m trying to clear some things between us that are important. Just tell me this one thing: was your friend so damn important that he was able to make you forget about me?" Some emotion passed through his eyes that I couldn't interpret. Blanket of silence fell over us.

  "Yes, she was able to make me forget about you." The words uttered with hi m looking away from me. His words struck me hard, it was a girl! God! Why did that hurt me? Why was I getting so angry and jealous? I wasn't supposed to feel this way. This was not me.

  "Then maybe you should just stay with her!" I pried my arm out of his grasp and walked to my room. Picking up my bag I made my way out of the house for the office. To my surprise, Aiden had already walked out of the house. Was this the end of our relationship? Has he moved on, got someone else? The thought left an ache in my heart. Somewhere deep sown it hurt. Not wanting to think more about it I made my way to the office in tears.


  "Melanie, give this file to Mrs. Williams and inform her about the plans for Laura Johnson's wedding before we present them to Laura today," I ordered.

  "Okay, that will be done, anything else?" She questioned.

  "Yeah, a cup of coffee would be welcomed," I said rubbing my head. What happened today was playing inside my mind again and again?

  "Are you alright, Valerie? That is like the fourth cup of coffee you have asked for in an hour," Was the fight really rubbing on me? I had never shown any emotions that could make her or anyone worry, never had my personal life cause problems in the professional aspect.

  "Yeah, everything's fine. It's just Laura's event is a bit stressful. You should go and give the files to Mrs. Williams if we want to meet Laura for the meeting on time. Please don't forget that cup of coffee." I requested.

  To my pleasure, Melanie had gone away and got me coffee leaving me in my misery. I really didn't need anyone to share about what happens in my personal life besides my friend, Shay. She has been my friend since college. She knew about Drew and how my views changed about things after that. Moreover, she was the reason Aiden and I met. She was the one who took me to the club where I met him. When we started getting closer, I once again told him that I wanted a relationship for purely sexual reasons with no emotions and full commitment towards each other. Much to my dismay, he agreed to it and from that night onwards we got together. With time I told him my story. I let him know of the man that I have loved and how he left me.

  I had told him everything that how I had never thought of falling in love and yet I was here falling again.

  Moreover, I just couldn't get over the fact that he was with a girl last night making him forgot about me. Was she more important than me? When Aiden left without a word it hurt me, disturbed me. Was this the end of us? Are we over now? Can we ever get back together? Would he be asking for more or be suffice with what I can give? Was he bored of me? But the biggest question was: would he stay?

  I was brought out of my world when Melanie informed me that it was time to go and meet Laura. Putting on a business face and closing the gates of my heart I went for the meeting. I couldn’t have personal and professional mingle with each other.

  The meeting with Laura went on smoothly. She seemed happy with my ideas and everything seems perfect to her. Taking some more ideas we reached to an understanding and soon it was time to go to an empty home. I was going to be alone again.

  Waiting outside the hotel I was waiting for a taxi when I caught sight of a familiar face. I stood there stunned looking flabbergasted. What the hell was this person doing here?

  Chapter 4


  I blinked too many times to make sure that what I saw was real; that it was really him. I literally couldn't believe my eyes; there on the footpath lay my father shivering in cold. It was him, I was sure. He might have looked so dishevelled but it was still him. I remembered him. His beard all grown, clothes not in such a good condition. He was laying on a blanket and trying to cover himself with the same. He looked pathetic and homeless but it didn’t faze me because he was the man who destroyed his own family.

  My belief in love had died down because of him. The day my mother took her life because of my father's cheating habit, I started loathing him.

  I had hated my dad since then with every part of me. It was his entire fault. I lost her because of a shitty father and a husband like him.

  Things after her death went downhill for me because of him. Her death resulted in turning my home into a whore house where he and his friends brought women to play with. I was always scared that one of his friends would try to hurt me too. So, I ran from the hell hole when I was eleven for once and all. I was scared and worried when I took th
e decision but he wasn't. He was busy drinking and fucking another woman. Now he laid there on the footpath as a helpless man; no more looking like the man who loved to see the pain in his wife's eyes. In that moment he was a homeless man.

  I would have loved to see him in pain like he did with my mother. I wanted to leave him right there and let him die and suffer for his sins but my heart was not ready for it. Somewhere deep inside that man was still a father to me who had loved and pampered me in the early years of my life. I could never forget the happy times we spent like a family. He would sneak in ice cream from the kitchen and eat it with me that mom protested about, he would play with me even when he was too tired, hold me when I cried for attention, stay with me when I had bad dreams, made stories and tell me till I fell asleep. I could never forget the daughter-father love we shared before the things went downhill.

  I stood there glued to the floor and stared at him. The persistent thought in my mind that popped up was, I couldn't. I couldn't leave my father alone because besides whatever he had done, he was still my father, the ones whose blood I shared.

  For the sake of those happy times I decided to take him to the hospital. It was for the best.

  With the help of police officer passing by I got him up. I looked for a cab and it looked like maybe the luck was in my favour too. I found a cab in seconds. The officer helped in settling him down in the car while my father shivered. He stunk like hadn't had a bath for a very long time, he wreathed of cheap alcohol and was all muddy.

  Thanking the officer, I made way to the nearby hospital. I could feel the stares of those nurses when I told them that he was my father. The doctors examined and kept him in observation for overnight. They told me that he suffers cold and from type two diabetes, besides it, the alcohol has started to damage his liver bad. If he consumed any more of alcohol he will be needed to be hospitalized for a very long time. He couldn't be allowed to take alcohol anymore, even a sip could be harmful.


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