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Page 10

by Richa Resa

  That's when I saw those eyes; those blue eyes that entranced me at first. They were right there staring at me. There was something in those eyes that made me want to reach out to him. There was sadness, unhappiness but also a fire. There was a fire that burnt the anger that he had. He was sitting right there and that's when I understood what the nagging feeling was. I was being watched. He was right there looking at me, taking me in and drowning himself in alcohol. He took his glass and gulped down his drink but I knew he was looking at me. It was only him and me but this time I wasn't going to let him walk over me. He would pay for it even if it's me who would be torn to shred in the end. It was time for Aiden to pay and with this knowledge I looked back in those blue orbs. This time it would be his heart that would get hurt not mine.

  Aiden would be the first one who would pay.

  Drew was going to pay too and he won't know what hit him. His misery would be unattached but for Aiden, I was going to make sure he was the one to be left in pieces even if it takes me to end up more broken than before.

  It was time for the cold dish of revenge to be served but on my terms................

  Chapter 14


  I didn't look away, I held onto his stare. The guy behind me nipped my ear trying to gain my attention, but all my attention was on the blue-eyed guy who tore me apart. I grind against the guy behind me; raising my hand I reached for his hair giving him the permission to seduce me. My back to his front, my hips swaying to the beats and eyes on the man with the blue orbs. The mixed emotions of jealousy and sadness looming over his face made me feel better.

  The guy behind me trailed soft kisses from my ear down my neck. His hand roamed over my abdomen, just beneath my breasts. I enjoyed every second of it not because of his hands and lips, but because of the anger fuming in the eyes of Aiden. I wanted more, I wanted to hurt him more.

  "Water," I said huskily to the guy stepping away from the guy. The guy nodded in agreement understanding me. I was thirsty but no amount of water could fulfil mine desire for revenge. I walked right next to him, our eyes never breaking contact. I liked that look in his eyes, jealousy burning with sadness freezing him. He did this to himself. I made sure to stand close to where he sat on the bar stool.

  "Water." I asked the bartender for it. "On second thought I would like tequila shots too." The bartender nodded and came back with water and Tequila shot. I could feel Aiden’s stare burning my side but I didn’t dare look. Unscrewing the water bottle, I gulped the water before facing him. I stared at him as I downed the tequila.

  "Three more!" I shouted putting the dollars down on the table for him. I drank each of them staring at him, daring him to say something. Few days before my heart would have torn apart seeing him but no more. Moving towards him I whispered in his ear. He became still.

  "Do I still make your heart skip a beat?" I asked. I nibbled at his ear, giving him a tender kiss. His body was in shock. I kissed him more with one of my hand in his curls, his body surrendered to my touch. I wanted that, the control over him.

  "Valerie, I-" I hushed him with my finger on his lips. His eyes filled with sorrow and regret. Giving my head a shake, I stopped him from further saying anything else. Slowly my finger left his lips and my lips touched his. His mouth opened to take in my taste. I sucked on his bottom lip, the taste and smell of scotch attacking my senses. He kissed me like I was the water to his fire, his hands in my hair bringing me closer. It became more passionate and heated every second. Yet I remained unemotional to what he made me feel. My feelings were all locked up beside revenge. I bit his lower lips just enough for him to let me go. His eyes were dazed with lust; there was another emotion that I ignored to see. Love, it was nothing and for him it meant nothing.

  "Let's go." I whispered to him. I walked with a sway to my hips towards the dark hallway. I was tempting him, seducing him, and alluring him in my game of revenge upon him. There was a room at the end of the hallway. How did I know it? Aiden took me there; this club belonged to his friend that was what he told me. Couples surrounded the hallway kissing each other, coping a feel of their partner. With a seductress glance, I looked behind to see Aiden still in my tow. He wanted me and I wanted him to want me, but our reasons were different. He was lusting after me and wanted to dive in that pool of lust and sex but I, on the other hand, wanted to drag him in the ocean of my revenge scheme. I wanted him to pay for the pain of my broken heart.

  I stood right before the door before turning around and looked at him. He was dazed in the feeling of lust and the love I showered upon him earlier but never again I would let him have a part of my heart. Just when he was within arm’s reach, I tugged on his tie. Did I mention he wore the same one that I bought him? Rather than capturing his lips, I trailed a path of soft kisses over his neck. His hands snaked around my waist and tugged me towards him so that no space was left between us. His hands roamed over my body and his lips planted soft kisses and sucked on my collarbone. We stood there for minutes but this was not what I wanted, I needed more.

  My hand reached down and rubbed down his crotch, instantly was rewarded with a bulge forming in his pants. He groaned while kissing me.

  "Let's go inside." I whispered. He groaned and nibbled on my earlobe. He fished inside his pocket for keys and unlocked the room hastily. I could feel his heartbeat spike with lust consuming him. With a click room opened. He pushed me inside and we both stumbled inside. He kicked off the door with his foot while his hands and lips were all over me.

  "I need you." He pleaded while his voice thick with lust. I knew what he meant, I knew all he wanted was to be inside me, all over me, to possess me as he did previously. This was it I wanted him begging to plead before I could strike my move. My hand rubbed his bulge making it grow hard to the point where he wanted a release. He groaned while sucking on my neck.

  "Fuck, I need you!!" He said ripping himself away from me and coming at me like a predator. His lips smacked onto mine while his hands lifted my dress enough to have his access to my panties. I kissed him back, I played the game. My hands indulged into unbuttoning his pants and freeing his cock. His fingers rubbed over my panties while his kiss became more fierce and passionate. I escaped from his passionate kiss and kissed him just near his ear. My hand wrapped around his hard-on, sliding up and down, teasing him while groans left his lips. The pressure of his fingers increased over my clit, he was just on the verge of sliding my panties to touch my wet folds and that is when I strike out.

  "Did Laura made you beg like this, Aiden?" I whispered in his ears. I felt him go stiff.

  "Is it Laura you are imagining now, holding your dick, kissing you, your hands in her wet folds?" I kept on going on.

  "Was it always her whom, you saw when you came inside of me? Is it her sweet face you are imagining right now? Is it the taste of her lips you taste on my lips? Tell me Aiden how does it feel to be looking at me and thinking of her? Does it make you sad that I’m not her but just someone like her, like your sweet and innocent, Laura?" I taunted and that was it what took him to snap. He pushed himself away from hastily. His eyes filled with shock and bewilderment. I could see pain, anger, and shock marking over his face. My words cut him like a razor like he did with my heart. His mouth opened and closed in shock. That was when I saw sadness took over his face and water welling in his eyes.

  "No!" He shrieked.

  "Fucking no!" He said again.

  "It was you, it has all been fucking you!" He snapped. "Yes, I picked you up because you looked like her!"

  "At least you admitted it!" I retorted back.

  "You always loved her. You always did. It was always her and it was never ever me, Aiden. You were looking for her replacement, someone who looked just like her." I said coldly. "And don't make the mistake of saying that you don't love her, Aiden, your words that day in the office told me how deep your love goes for her. So, you can't deny a damn thing." I added while straightening my clothes and my hair. My words have him stand dumb.
I started at him, somewhere deep inside I felt the need to stop this but the pain and endless tears I shed gave me the strength to keep stand straight, it was fuel to my revenge.

  "I meant the word I said that day, Val, but it was not in the way you think it off. I love you Val and I would fucking do everything to prove it!" He said in a raised tone. He seemed sincere in his words, but I didn't believe the shit that came out of his mouth. My eyes conveyed the same to him. I sauntered towards him standing just before him. Grabbing on his cock that was no harder I squeezed it to the point it hurt him.

  "I don't care about that, Aiden. I promise you I won't but right here I vow to break you like you break me. I would come back again and again until you beg me to stop the torture, beg me to leave you alone and plead me to end the pain and revenge upon you." I squeezed him hard before letting him go. That was when I saw a lone tear escaped his eye. His face masked with pain and sadness. I would have melted if my heart wasn't so cold if I wouldn't have faced the pain of his betrayal. Moving past him I walked away.

  "I will keep on loving you, Val," He said with his voice filled with pain and sincerity,

  I didn't look back, I couldn't. If I dared to have a look at him I knew that I would start to melt. I shut the door and walked away. I won't fell into that trap again. I won't. He hurt me, he betrayed me and he used me. He tore me apart and this was all his doing. But it was me who was going to make him regret of all the wrongs he did, I would hurt him at all costs.

  I should have let it go and have been stronger to ignore them or forget them. But I was weak, I was pathetic and that is why I wanted revenge. I wasn't strong enough to let go and forgive and I had no regrets in saying it....

  This was the beginning and the end was not coming so soon....

  Everyone will pay..............

  It was time for Drew.... And I knew what would destroy him the most......

  Chapter 15


  My head was pounding with excruciating pain. It felt as if someone had smashed my head over a wall, multiple times. I tried hard to open my eyes, but the brightness around me, felt like a hammer to my head. I groaned in pain, and tumbled over the sheets, smacking right into something. I touched it, and I felt skin. I searched my brain about any memories of bringing or being with anyone. The only memory that flashed my mind, was of Aiden. Well, there was that one hot guy dancing with me, but I don't think I bought him home. I was drunk to the level where I hiccupped, well, both Shay and I... Shay! Where is she?

  "Get off me, you fat ass," The body, next to me, groaned.

  "And, why in the hell is your room so fucking bright?" She kind of yelled, while rolling away from me.

  I’m an idiot... Of course! Who would be beside me in bed, aside from Shay?

  And, I was asking the same question she was. Why was it so bright in here?

  "Because, it is freaking noon, you two," My father's voice boomed in my ears. I immediately sat up, with my eyes wide. Shay doing the same, herself. Did he say noon? My eyes then squinted, due to the amount of sunlight pouring in. I peeked over to the clock on the side table, only coming to know he was right. Slowly, I looked up at my dad, and if you thought he would be in an anyway good mood, you were highly mistaken. He was fuming with anger, that I had only seen when I was younger.

  "What in the holy hell, were you both thinking last night? Getting drunk to the point you had to be brought up from downstairs like little two-year-olds. That was so reckless of you both. It was four in the morning when you returned, and when I called, that Aiden guy picked it up. He informed me, that you both were pretty wasted, and that he was bringing you both home. He asked me to come down and help in getting you two up the stairs. I didn’t freaking know if I should I have hit him, or thanked him from the moon and back, for bringing you both back home safe! Do you have any idea what it is like to be in that position!?" Dad yelled, his last words drained away the after effects of the alcohol, instantly. I looked at Shay, and she looked at me, we were both looking at each other, with wide eyes. Aiden. Saving. Me. Even after the shit I pulled at him. Was it some kind of joke, or did he really lo...?

  No! No! No! No! No! I was not even going to fucking go there.

  "Well, are you gonna say something?" He asked.

  "Ahhh..." Shay groaned, with one eye open. "Can I get coffee? Pleaseee,” I looked at her like she had lost her mind. Well, we both already had lost our minds with getting drunk.

  "Val," My dad called, for my attention.

  "Umm.... I’m..sorry, and blame that idiot for it. He broke my heart." Well, that softened his eyes a little, cutting me some slack.

  "Val, I don't know what happened, however, I didn't find a single thing that made me repulse him. If I wouldn't have known he had hurt you, I would have considered him to be the perfect guy for you. I really feel like something is missing out of the picture, though." He explained. I wanted to argue, but my fucking headache, and the fact that my father looked pretty serious, stopped me. I nodded, and silence filled the room.

  "Can I get that coffee now, please?" Shay broke the bubble of silence, making me and my dad look at her like she was crazy. Shaking my head, we both laughed, making Shay give us a dirty look.

  "I hate you all," And, saying that, she hit her head on the pillow, and was out like a light.

  "Now, I will make coffee," Dad said, walking out.


  A few Days later...

  "I can hear your mind thinking from this side of the table, Val," Shay announced. "What are you thinking about, that’s consuming your time with your bestie?" She asked curiously.

  "And, don't you dare say nothing, because your office is so boring and silent, that all I can hear is the wheels churning in your mind." To this, I rolled my eyes. Now, as she pointed it out, I truly felt like my office was too boring, and quite silent. Well, I guess it has always been like this. Too much working might have concealed this fact from me.

  "I was thinking about how to break into someone's house... more like mansion," I stated truly, and yes, my mind was running in havoc on the idea of making Drew pay. I would bring out his true facade right in front of Laura, but before that, I needed for him to have a little taste of hell, that he called upon himself, by using me. I wanted to make him suffer a bit. Telling Laura, and to have his engagement broken, would be the ultimate price, but I wanted him to turn a bit crazy before that. All the months in my relationship with him, I had discovered one of the most important details about him... That he loved the pricey watches, clothes, and other accessories he bought. A scratch on his car, was able to infuriate him so much, that he would have hit the poor kid if I hadn't been there, previously when we were together. So, if by chance, his car got totally wrecked, it would be ultimately worth it.

  "Hmm, in which area is this house slash mansion?" Shay queried. If there would have been someone else, they might have freaked out, and yelled at me, but Shay was Shay. She and I are a different level of crazy.

  "Berkley’s," I answered, while playing with my food.

  "I guess little Drew has a storm coming to knock on his door." she smirked. "I might get you in, but I can't be fully sure. You will have to wait a bit for it. On the scale of one to ten, how crazy are you thinking?" She asked.

  "Seven," I replied, after a long pause. She looked at her watch with a smile on her face.

  "Hmm, Well, I think I should go and look for a nice way to be in and out of there. Lunch is almost over. I will call you later and tell you about my level of craziness." She spoke, getting out of the chair, and soon she was out blowing me kisses.

  Tapping my nails over the desk, I thought about Aiden's intention. Dad said that maybe I was missing something, but the guy himself claimed to love other women. So, how could have I missed anything? Aiden had stared at me for so long, before approaching me in the club the first time. Thinking back, it felt like he must have been comparing me with Laura. It had been one year into our relationship, and I never saw him f
lirting with other women. Was it because he was already thinking deep about me being Laura? Or, did the guy really only have eyes for me? The pain in his eyes when I accused him of using me... that was real, him, making sure that I reached home after getting myself crazy ass drunk. What was all this?

  What did he want to gain from all this? What did he want to prove? I was losing my mind in the whirlwind of these thoughts. It was supposed to be so goddamn easy at first. A relationship based on pure, physical aspect, was how it all started, but then a year later, he had to fall in the love with me. He had to make me drown in his love. Paint me, with the colours that painted his own fucking world, with love. He made me fall way too hard. But, then, my fucking past had to come crawling up from the coffin I locked it in. It came twisted, filled with promises to hurt me. A truth got revealed, that affected my past and present. Now, I have turned into this cold bitch, and I don't have any fucking regrets over it. A knock drew me out of my train of thoughts.

  "Hey, do you want to have a look over the progress of Laura's engagement? There is still more than a month to it, but if you want to know how it is progressing." Melanie asked me. That name Laura really made my anger shoot to the stars. I wanted to puke hearing that name. I know it wasn't her fucking fault or was it? Goddamn it! Why can't I understand anything? I need a grip over reality. On what was true and get clarity. There was only one person who could give me that.

  "Yes, I would like to see it, but there is no rush. I shall see it later. I have something important to attend. Do me a favour, and if the boss asks, tell her I am in a meeting with anyone that won't raise suspicion. I will be back in a while. Please, I just need a small break." I requested her. She looked at me as If I had grown a second head.

  "Please," I pleaded, only to get her to look at me more weirdly. Okay, I did understand that I was a bitch at times, but I can't be that bad to have her look at me like that.


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