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Page 13

by Richa Resa

  "Wow, you look just like her." He whispered, shocked. I shrugged, with my dazzling smile

  "I have done my work well enough." Damn, he had pretty eyes and a cocky smile. Now I can relate to why Shay boasted so much about his looks. "There will be no traces of you ever being here. Jane had left the back door open. You both have twenty minutes, to be exact, for any cab to reach here. Do your best." He said, winking at me. Brushing past me, he walked out of there but not before giving me one of his sexy smiles. I made a run for the back door while stepping out of my heels. Really, I loved my heels, they were hot and sexy, too, but I don't have a thing for getting injured while running in them. Getting to the back door, I was met with a snarky remark.

  "Took you long enough, bitch," Shay remarked.

  "Hey, he was hot." I grinned.

  "Told you so. Now let's get to work. We have twenty minutes to be out of here, to be exact," She said, picking up her bag, and walking towards the garage. His garage was a sight to be blown off. Two good, expensive as fuck cars were there. It was a shame, that it was all going to end up in flames when I was done with it. Shay got to her work. She was manually putting and activating the circuits she asked Johnny to hide. The circuits will do something that I had no fucking clue about, however many times she’s said it. It will create a short circuit, which would be able to create fire. Did I tell you, that she had already broken the safety box and switches? I followed Shay and handed her a thing or two. The last room we needed to put the circuit in, was his own room. The place where his most prized possessions were.

  "Wow, this is a fucking world on its own," Shay remarked, with wide eyes. Pushing her inside, I believed her words to every fucking letter. This was the most beautiful room in all the mansion. The walls different shades of grey, black and white. The room was wide enough to fit my whole apartment. His room screamed money.

  "Get moving, fat ass," Shay yelled, as she got to work. As she got to work, I walked towards the closet. I wanted to scream like hell, from what all I saw. He had a fucking closet that could be big enough for a wealthy woman. Branded suits took up one side, white shirts, and pants on the other. There were shoes, many shoes. As I walked further the scenery changed from suits to more casual clothes, and even then, they screamed style and money. There were ties and drawers at the back of the closet. One small touch and the drawers opened automatically. They were filled with diamond, and platinum cufflinks, and expensive watches, that was probably more money than half my annual salary. “Wow, I thought nothing could be any better. Sad it all will be burned down." Shay scared the hell out of me by sneaking up on me. I jumped up. I know fucking dumb, but I was scared, and lost, too. Lost in the world of rich. I bet Drew wasted all his money on all of these things.

  "Really, Val? Scared up like that? Stop being a child." She chided.

  "Hey, I was... just lost. He really spent a lot of money here." I replied

  "Yeah and when this all turns to trash, the look on his face will be worth more than all of this." She grinned, like a cherished cat. "Look up for a plug, will you? We have just got five minutes left, and these things will start to blow up in fifteen minutes." I nodded to her and found two. Pointing them out to her, Shay plugged in the last of her circuits. All good things come to an end, and this was the end for Drew.

  "Let's get moving. I wanna enjoy the show from afar. Sad you won't be able to, but I will record it for you." Shay will be in her car, not too far away, while I have to get in a taxi and get away from there. If I stayed, it would raise questions, and I had a higher chance ending up in jail. I nodded to her, and we both walked out of his room. Now we had to get out fast. Shay got out first and closed the back door. I freshened up my makeup and looked around the house. Something caught my eyes, it was a small packet with my name on it, over the kitchen slab. I was scared thinking that Drew knows, but it wasn't him. It was from sexy Johnny and sweet Jane.

  These are some humiliating things about our boss. We know you will put it to good use.

  There were some non-disclosure contracts between Drew and some fucking woman he dated not so far back. They were about him fucking them, and them not telling about it to anyone. There were also photos, and many intimate ones too. There were three USBs. As I picked them up, I saw a note under it.

  This is the deed he did with them. He is a bastard and recorded them. Please take all the notes with you, if things don't burn down fully, or not at all. This will be worth destroying him personally. Wish you luck.


  What a fucking bastard Drew is, but I wanted to thank Jane and Johnny for this. I took everything and put it inside my bag. I will show these to Shay later on. I hope our plan works, too. They have really helped me. If this didn't work out, then what they gave me, would really destroy him. This house was so damn expensive to be ruined, but hell with it. That cocksucker deserved that. The intercom ringed.

  "Yes? " I asked, pushing the button.

  "Madam, your cab is here." The guard on the door spoke.

  "Okay, I’m coming down," I spoke calmly, and in Laura's voice. The time came for me to get out of this hell. Ten minutes later, the circuits will start to blow things up.

  Goodbye, fucking Drew and his fucking money.

  I hopped in the cab, without a second glance at the guard. I gave the driver the address, and looked back at the mansion, in the side view mirror.

  "I’m out, Shay," I told her, as I called.

  "Good, now I'm just waiting for the show," Shay said, happily, before hanging up on me.

  This one was for fucking with me, Drew. Now all that was left to do was, let Laura know the truth. I haven't discussed this with Shay, but it had to be done. The truth of her fiancé, and her best friend need to be out. It was definitely better to let the cat out of the bag.

  Chapter 19


  "Let me sleep." I groaned, pulling the pillow over my head. Goddamn, it, who sets alarm for so early in the morning. The sun hasn't even come up yet. The sound halted, and I breathed, in relief. Well, the relief was momentary, as the sound began to hurt my ears again. With sleepy eyes, I looked for the shitty clock, only to see my phone vibrating, and lighting up. It was then; I realized that it was my goddamn phone that was ringing. Grabbing a hold of it, I looked at the time on it. It was two in the fucking morning. There was just a number lighting the screen. Who the fuck was it?

  "Hello," I said, sleepily.

  "You fucking bitch!!!" A manly voice shouted, menacingly. It felt like my eardrum just burst due to it. That voice was fucking loud enough to have me jolt awake, but not entirely.

  "Who is this?" I queried, with immense annoyance.

  "This is me, you fucking Bitch! Just because I didn't choose you, and showed a trash like you, your place, you decided to burn down my fucking mansion." In a blink of an eye, the last remnants of sleep left me. I had waited for him all day to call. I had been anticipating the bastard to barge in my office, and when none of that happened, I had breathed a sigh of relief. I had my walls up all day, to face this fucking Bitch!

  "I’m going--"

  "Shut up, you fucking cocksucker" I cut him off. This was my time to play innocent and get angry. I had too much of this asshole in my life.

  "I don't know what the fuck you are talking about, and to hell with what happened to you. I don't fuck care, you hear me. I don't. Fucking. Care! Trash! You calling me trash, while you’re the actual dog shit, here. Didn't choose me?" I shouted like a maniac. Tightly gripping my phone, I got up from my bed and paced in my room.

  "Don't you-" He shouted, but I cut him off

  "Shut the hell up, and hear me, you asshole. I didn't choose you. Hear me! I didn't choose you, you fucker. Don't you remember me crushing your disgusting dick, or destroying your office? I fucking loathe you, and that was me not fucking choosing you, so get that clear. You disturbed me early in the fucking morning, blaming me for some fucking shit, that I didn't do. You made a fucking mistake, you prick. Be ready for what
is coming your way, now. I’m going to destroy you, now. I’m going to go to Laura, and I'm going to dump the fucking truth about the man you and that asshole, Aiden, really are, on her. You messed with the wrong woman, you asshole!!"

  "Don't you dare go to her, I’m telling you--”

  "What the hell would you do, Drew? Now, I will do everything to ruin you, and I fucking dare you to come stop me. I even recorded you harassing me, so if you try to come near me, I'm going straight to the cops. Just wait and watch what I’m going to do!! And, don't you dare call me again, you fucker!" I shouted and hung up. I breathed in deeply and calmed myself down. That fucker really riled me up, even though I destroyed his filthy mansion.

  Dropping the phone on the bed, I sat down. With my head down, I think about what I said to him, making sure I didn't drop a hint that I really did what he was accusing me of.

  "Did you really record him harassing you?" Someone asked and I screamed while jumping up. My dad was standing there, by my door, and he even got scared of my screaming.

  "What happened?" He asked, worriedly.

  "Dad," I whined, "Why did you have to sneak up on me?" To which he gave me a hard stare. Okay, I know it wasn't his fault, but I was so fucking spooked.

  "Sorry, and it was a lie. I needed to have him shut up, and fear me, so I lied." I took back my place on my bed.

  "Did you enjoy the day, doing what you wanted to?" He asked, making me shift for him to sit beside me.

  "Yeah, it was great. Though, I was worried about him calling me." At one point in time, I thought he would be banging on my door, and that scared me. Lying on the phone was far easier, than having to do it face to face.

  "Well, everything is done with now. Nothing can be changed, and it is now all in the past. Now, go on and sleep, because when you wake up, it will be a new day." He smiled, and patted my head, before getting up.

  "Hey, dad, why are you awake, by the way?" It was three in the morning.

  "Well, when my daughter is shouting words, that would make anyone feel like shit, I think, as a father, it is my concern to know what has got my daughter in such a foul mood. Now, sleep, you have work to go to tomorrow. Don't want you to be late, and grumpy." Waving me a bye, he closed the door to my room, and went away. Laying down, I hoped for a better day, when I wake up.


  6 hours later......

  "Did you really say that?" Shay asked, with astonishment.


  "Well, I am proud of my girl!" She shouted, through the phone, and I really think I might lose my hearing, with people always shouting on the phone.

  "Hey, don't make me go deaf." I drawled.

  "Yeah, yeah. Well, I can't tell you how happy that makes me. So, did you go through the packet, you told me about?" The packet, damn, it was like a fucking bomb. I read it in the morning, today, with my coffee, and it just made me loathe coffee.

  "They were like some fucking business contracts, made to please Drew and his sick obsession with me. He was going to decide what to dress them and what he wanted them to eat. Some fucking kinky shit was involved, too. He is a sick bastard, I’ll say. I didn’t look at the USBs but I had called Johnny and asked him about them. He said that they had a recording of what he did with those women. Drew fucking recorded them, without their consent. I just want to send that fucker to jail." I gritted my teeth, in anger.

  "I would have done the same. I feel good about destroying that house, now." There was a knock on my door. Melanie's head peeks inside.

  "Laura cancelled for today. She said she has some emergency and said to move forward without her. She also added, that she trusts you with what you are doing, and if it is anything important, to just call her." Her words just ruined my day. Okay not her words, but Laura’s. I just nodded and gave her a fake smile. She was out of my office with that.

  "Laura. just. cancelled." I just wanted to bang something, and it was not men.

  "Damn, I thought this would end today, with you telling her the truth." Shay reminded me.

  "I know, God I was looking forward to seeing her today, and giving her that damn packet. I wanted to open that fucking packet in front of her and tell her everything little by little. God, now I have to either call her, and dump everything on her, or just try to catch her somewhere. I really can't prepare for her engagement and wedding right now! Ughh!!!!" I was so fucking frustrated. I really couldn't do it. Plan her wedding, no way. I couldn't do it right now, even on my death bed.

  "Calm down, Val," And letting her words sink, I took in deep breaths.

  "You know, I’m going to call her, and try to convince her to meet me. If that fucking doesn't happen, I’m letting the cat out of the bag through the phone. I really can't let this charade go on for long." She deserves to know about the man she was in love with, the real man behind the fucking mask.

  "I’m with you on this, Val. At least you wouldn't have to see her heartbroken after she you tell her the truth. I know what I’m saying is so fucking wrong, but I have seen you go through so much pain, Val, and seeing her in pain would hurt you. It would be better if you tell her everything over the phone. I may not have felt that pain, but I have seen you as a victim of it. It is scary and painful. It would be better if you just don't see her and tell her about it over phone." She knew it better than me.

  Shay had seen me at my worst, and if it scares her, then it was enough for me to understand how bad it is. Even with two messy heartbreaks, I was the damaged good, while the other party walked without a glance at me. It hurts and that like a bitch. I had no one, but Shay, but I hope Laura has more than one person to hold her, and she was stronger than me.

  "I will talk to you later. I think I should talk with, Laura, and get it over with. The longer I try to delay it, the more the time Drew gets for filling lies in to her mind." Shay understood and wished me luck. I stared at Laura's number for the longest, before having enough courage to call her. Four rings later, she was there on the other end of the line.

  "Valerie, hi, I’m really sorry that I had to cancel our meeting." She spoke in a hurry.

  “Oh, it's alright, no problem. I wanted to talk to you about something important. Basically, I just want you to hear what I’m saying. It is something very important from the point of view for you, and your wedding."

  "Yeah, I’m listening. Just say what you want," She uttered.

  "I wanted to talk to you about something related to your past. Around the time you came out of your coma," This was hard.

  "Uhh," She gave me the signal to keep going on.

  "I knew Drew since that time," As I spoke there, was some disturbance on another line, with yelling going on, before it got back to being normal again. I just wanted to let it out and get it out of my chest. Not wanting to know what happened, I continued.

  "I’ve known Drew since then. We were in a relationship back then. He was my first, and everything. I had built the dreams of forever with him. It wasn't a one-sided relationship, Laura; We were both into each other at least I thought so until now. Then, one day, he vanishes from my life. Flies so far away from me, that I can't find him anywhere. All he left behind, was a note. A note telling me, he was breaking up with me, and not to look for him anymore but I did. I looked for him everywhere, only to end up with nothing. I loved him with my whole heart, and him taking off, left me broken, and with nothing. Years later, I met a man. He is your best friend, Aiden. We started a relationship as fuck buddies, but eventually, as time passed, it grew into something more," Tears trickled from the corner of my eyes, thinking about him, and how he hurt me.

  "You see, I fell in love with him, and we were in a relationship. The one filled with love, and hot nights. Then, one day, I saw my past lover, Drew whom I hate the most, in the same city as me. A glimpse of him had my blood boiling. Could you think of what I would have felt? I saw him in my office beside you as your fiancé. I was stunned, and shocked. Not because I was seeing him again, but because when you walked o
ut of the office to attend a call, he was busy proving to me that he was still affected by me and lusted for me. He was looking for an affair, behind your back. I was fuming, so I crushed his balls. I hope you remember that day. You might have seen traces of anger, or pain over his face. I wanted to kill him. For me nothing more worse than that could happen to me," I paused, trying to keep my emotions in check. I had silent tears streaming down my face.

  "Well, it was just the beginning. Drew called me to his office, and like an idiot, I went. Not in hopes to get him back, because he blackmailed me, saying that he would lie to you, that I made a move on him. If what he was saying ever went public, my career would be destroyed, so I went. I came face to face with very heart-breaking truth. Your fiancé never loved me. I was just a replacement for you, meant to warm his bed, until you were back to reality just because I looked like you."

  "It was enough for him to approach me, make me fall in love, and use me." My words and emotions had me choking. "I gave him my virginity and thought it would last forever. It was all a hoax. Just he pretending it was you instead of me. It was the bitter truth, that I had to swallow, but the worst came afterward. Your best friend, he didn't love me, either" I sobbed. I just couldn't stop with the tears that came. My soul was tearing apart as I told her about what I had gone through.

  "He was never able to love me. He came shouting in Drew's office that day, shouting that he was going to get you back. I demanded him later, that if he ever saw me, or was it always you. Then, I got the blow I could never have imagined. He got attracted to me only because I looked like you. Every time he made love to me, it wasn't to me, it was to you. You were the one he kissed, made love to, and was lusting for. I thought it was me, Laura. Worst part is he still doesn't love me. I asked him who he would choose, and I could see in his eyes, that it was going to be you. He always loved you, both of them did, and like a fool, I thought it was me both the times. I was an idiot to not to be able to see it." I wiped away my tears, frantically.


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