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Page 14

by Richa Resa

  "So, Laura, this was the sad story of my life, that I was living because of you. It sounds bitter, but it is the truth. What was left of my life got ruined just because I looked like you. You don't know how much it kills me, knowing that I was never present. That I never existed for any of my two lovers. I wish for you to have never existed, and I’m sorry for it. It isn't your fault, and you don't deserve my hatred, but my sympathy, because you are the one who is having her heart broken from the truth, that I speak. Please forgive me. Before I go, I need to tell you this last thing. He is cheating on you behind your back but this time he isn't looking for a woman who looks like you. But me. I have proof for it. If you want it just let me know. I hope you can forgive me for doing this to you," I hung up on her, saying what I had to. I couldn't bear to hear her pained voice. I would break down. Wiping away my tears, I pursed my lips trying to control my overflowing emotions. It hurt. It did every time I thought about the betrayal I suffered. I felt lost and burned in flames of agony.

  It kills me from the inside, remembering that there are times I just wish to die, but I survive through those agonizingly cruel thoughts. I survive for the people who care about me. My father, Shay, Carmen. I live for them, I fight every day with my emotions, and stand strong, and face the world where he exists. Where Aiden is.

  I lose myself in work. I couldn't comprehend myself to think about my fucked-up past, anymore. Whatever work I could do in my office, I did. I had asked my boss to give me small events to plan. I just told her I needed to work more, than the air I breathe. She must have been able to see what I was suffering through, because she let me take as many events that I could. Normalcy was with Shay, dad, and Carmen, but when I was on my own, I had this dire need to forget myself. Who I was and am. It was late in the evening when I went home. Dad had found a new hobby, other than watching TV. It was cooking, and it wasn't that bad. He cooked every day, and every meal, he made sure that ate everything that he puts on the plate for me. He put up so much effort in cooking, that I just couldn't say no to him. At times, it feels like he decided to take up this hobby just for me. To make sure, that I will be eating and staying healthy. Though, there is a better chance, that I will become a lot healthier from eating that much.

  "Welcome back home!" Dad cheered, as he opened up the door. He had a spatula in his hand and apron around his neck. My apartment was filled with scents of herbs, and spices. I looked at him, with questioning eyes.

  "I’m trying to cook Indian today. I hope it works out, the way it’s supposed to." My dad informed while rushing back to the kitchen. Dad, and his experiments. I followed him, and saw the kitchen was a mess. Well, it wasn't a mess, but I could barely see the kitchen island. There were too many things spread out.

  "Dad, are you sure we are gonna eat tonight?" I asked, with hesitance. From the looks of it, I wasn't sure if we were going to have anything for dinner tonight.

  "Val, I’m sure that I’m going to pull off cooking this Indian food and have it for dinner. I think you should help me, too. Go and get refreshed, and then give me a hand in the kitchen, kiddo." Dad ordered.

  "Yes, boss!" I said, with a salute, and rushed to my room. Fifteen minutes later, refreshed, and filled with the energy, I moved to the kitchen to help Dad. He was busy stirring the pot, with concentration. Silently, I walked towards him, and stood beside him. I looked inside the pot. He was cooking a lamb curry. The colour was coming out great, and it smelt good, too. Well, I guess we were getting food tonight.

  "It looks good, doesn't it, Val?" He asked, with a smile, to which I frowned. I couldn't get the reaction I wanted. I thought I would be able to sneak up on him and able to get him just a tiny bit scared. Well, I think that only happens with me. Giving a slight shake to my head, I nodded in agreement. The lamb looked like it was cooked. He asked me to set up the table for dinner, while he cleaned the kitchen as much as he could.

  The bell rang, halting my steps, as I took the plates to the table. Putting the plates on the side table, I yelled to Dad, that I was going to look at who it was. I opened the door, to come face to face with a man around my dad's age. He seemed familiar, but I couldn't pinpoint why.


  "Are You Valerie Caulfield, the event planner?" He asked.

  "Yeah, that's me. Who are you?" He knew me, but I didn't know him.

  "I’m Laura's father." He said, with his head held high. Did Laura tell him about what had happened?

  "Hello, umm, " I didn't know what to say.

  "Who is it, Val?" Dad asked coming to the door. He looked at Laura's father. His eyes were fixed on him. It felt like something clicked in his mind.

  "You!" Dad hissed, pointing his finger at Laura's father.

  "Me?" Laura's father asked, frowning.

  "How dare you come here? I’m going to fucking kill you!" That had my eyes go wide. What was wrong with Dad, and how the hell did he know Laura's father.

  "Kill me! Why? What have I done?" He asked, confused. My dad pushed me aside and answered with his fists. What the fuck, was happening?

  Chapter 20


  "What the fucking hell?" Laura's father screamed in pain, and at the same time, trying to escape from Dad's next incoming punch.

  "Shit." Dad yelled, as his set of fists didn't hit him, but the wall. Laura's dad was trying to run away, or save himself, while my father was trying to beat the shit out of him. It was like freaking cats and dogs.

  "Stop!" I screamed, but it was of no fucking use. No way, was I trying to go near those two. I had a very good idea that I would end up on the floor, if I tried to physically put myself in between them. What the hell was dad doing? I saw a flower vase on a table, not too far away from my reach. An idea popped in my mind, and I rushed to get it. Without waiting a second, I took out the flowers, and threw the water it had, over the two oversized dogs.

  "I said stop," It took more than a few seconds, for them to register that I was yelling at them to stop. My dad's fist stopped midway, as he held Laura's father by the collar.

  "What the hell is wrong with you two?" I practically screamed. They stared at me for a couple of minutes, before my father lowered his fist, and pushed away Laura's father.

  "You are asking me that?" Laura's father fumed. "I’m asking that myself. I don't know this man. Never have I seen him in my life, and he starts to beat me, without a freaking reason. Why don't you fucking ask your father, what the matter is, with him?" He held his nose up, to stop the bleeding. Damn.

  "What the hell did you say?" Dad growled, taking a threatening step towards him. I had to pull my dad away with all my force, to put enough distance between them. The point was, neither me nor Laura's dad, knew the reason behind this madman’s behaviour.

  "Dad, we don't treat guests like that," I sternly told him.

  "You need to teach your father some manners," Laura's father just had to butt in.

  "Do you want another?" Dad barked, showing his fist to which Laura's father coward back. I stood there, between them, to stop my father from killing him. He had this boiling anger in his eyes, and the problem was, that only he knew the cause of that. But, how? I was so fucking confused, that I wanted to bang my head on the wall.

  "Can I get something for my nose?" Mr. Johnson asked, in pain.

  "No!" My dad yelled. Shaking my head, I looked towards Laura's father. He surely needed some ice, and something to stop the bleeding. Swelling was beginning to form over his face.

  "Yeah, just come inside," I sighed. "And, dad, you are not going to touch him again, until you explain why the hell did you do that," I asked, pointing towards Mr. Johnson's face. I stared at him, angrily. It felt like he wasn't even hearing me.


  "I heard it," Dad said, with a sigh.

  "Come inside, Mr. Johnson," I made way for him to enter, making sure my dad didn't do anything.

  "You too come inside, dad. We have a very interesting talk ahead." His eyes softened, and there was this a bit of fear in hi
s eyes. Maybe I was just imagining things. What did he have to be afraid of?

  "Come on dad," I smiled, and took his arm to drag him to over to our living room. Mr. Johnson sat on the couch, on the far side of the room, with his head bend back and my dad sat at the other end of the room.

  "I’m going to get some ice for him, okay? Be a good man, and no talking, until I get back," I rushed to the kitchen, and go out two ice packs. One for my dad, too. When I returned, there was pure silence in the living room. My dad sat, with his head bowed. Handing the pack to Mr. Johnson, for which he thanked me, I sat down beside my dad, giving him the other pack, for his knuckles, and a small smile.

  "Dad, why did you attack him? How do you even know each other?" I asked, softly.

  "Know each other? I have never seen this man, ever before in my life." Mr. Johnson butt in. I swear to god, if he did that one more time, I might shut him up myself. I was fucking trying to get answers. I gave Mr. Johnson my ‘shut the hell up’ eyes.

  "He is the man, whom your mother had an affair with." He sighed out, while I looked at him, flabbergasted.

  "I swear to god, that I have never been with anyone, other than my wife for the past twenty-seven years." Mr. Johnson was quick on his feet. The pain, and his bleeding nose were forgotten. He stood there, confused, and in fear.

  "My wife would fucking have me by my balls, if these false words reached her ears. She would just freaking kill me." He cried out.

  "Don't you dare fucking lie!" Dad roared, standing up from his place.

  "Lie? I am not fucking lying. I swear on the life of my daughter, that I had never had an affair with your wife. I married my high school sweetheart, for heaven's sake, and I fucked up once. That was when we broke up, and it happened when I got out of high school. It was twenty-eight years back, and that girl wasn't married, I assure you," He tried to prove his innocence. I sat there zoned out. Laura's father, and my mother. No. fucking. way!

  "Dad, are you sure about this? I mean, it could have been someone else." I really didn't want to be related to Laura, in any way. Looking like her was far enough for me.

  "I’m quite sure, Val. As fucking awkward, and disbelieving as it sounds, I swear it was him. I saw your mother with him. She told this fucking bastard, that you were his daughter the day after I threatened her with a divorce. I had followed her, and I saw him. He had fucking left, in such a rush that he had bumped into me, and the fucker didn't even say sorry. I assure you, that he was the man I saw that day. It was this fucking bastard, who couldn't own up to his mistake." Dad's words were telling me clearly, that he wasn't lying.

  "I haven't met your wife, and I had no other children, other than Laura. I have never been with your wife. No woman had ever told me, that they are expecting my child, besides my wife. God! what should I do, to prove that what I say, is the truth." He cried out, frustrated.

  "Why are you lying, you fucking bastard!?" My dad screamed, stepping towards him. I stood in front of him, to prevent him from breaking Mr. Johnson's jaw. I really didn't want a hot lawsuit coming my way.

  "Okay, cool down, dad." His eyes were fuming in anger and telling him to cool down was like putting ice into fire. It wasn't going to work. My head ached, just from the thoughts of Laura being my sister. I might just kill Mr Johnson, if he was my sperm donor.

  "Dad, what do you want me to do. He is saying that he is not my biological father. Exerting importance, to the fact he hadn't cheated on his wife, and has not been with another woman in the past twenty-eight years. You don't have any proof." I tried to reason with my father. I really couldn't take any more of this.

  "Why can't you just believe me, Val? I know who I saw..." Dad was persistent on what he believed in. Maybe I should just jump from the balcony. This life was too complicated to live.

  "Okay, show him her photo, and let us see his expression. If he knows her, we will find out, and if he doesn't know her, I will say sorry, I promise." Dad whispered in my ear. Frustrated, and tired of this, I agreed to his plan.

  "I will be back in a moment, Mr. Johnson," telling that, I went to get my mom's photo.

  "Hey! don't leave me with him. Your father might kill me!" It felt like he was exaggerating, or maybe not.

  "He won't!" I yelled back, from my room. I tried to be quick, bringing the photo, and it was a relief, to know that my father was not on top of him or beating him. He stood there, glaring at Mr. Johnson.

  "Sit down, Mr. Johnson," I ordered, and he obeyed.

  "Look at this photograph and tell me the truth. Do you know her, or have seen her?" I asked him, presenting my mom's photo to him. He looked at it real hard. Took his time assessing it, and I could tell from his blank expression, and that frown, that he really didn't know her. He looked up at me, and then to the photo, and then again at me. What was the deal with this guy?

  Please don't let him be my father, I prayed.

  "I don't know her," he sighed. I turned, and looked at my father, who shook his head in defeat, while I breathed a sigh in relief.

  "However, I think I understand why your father thinks that I’m the man your mother cheated with." I just wanted to stab him and bury him alive. What the hell does he have to say? He took out his phone and searched for something.

  "I was a bit stunned at seeing you, myself. You really look much like Laura; however, you have different eye colours, and you have a button nose. As I just looked at your mother and you, I realized why you looked like Laura, and I Understood what your father meant." He asked my father to come forward, and when he did, he showed us a photo of him.

  "Why are you showing a photo of yourself?" My dad asked, frustratingly.

  "Look carefully, the eye colour doesn't match mine, and the nose is more like of Valerie's. This isn't me." My dad and I, looked at him, puzzled.

  "This is my twin, Travis. You might not be mine, but his. He had many wild days in his youth, and maybe your mother was a part of it. I can assure you that it is not me, but there is a high possibility that it is him. Laura takes after me, and maybe you take after Travis." I looked at my dad, and his eyes were glued to the photo. I won't lie, I was stunned. Where on one hand, there was relief, while on other, I felt everything was going out of control, and this all was a dream.

  "Does he have any kids?" Dad asked, as I sat on the couch, still reeling in his words.

  "Unfortunately, he doesn't, and can never have them. He had this accident a few years back, and since then he is infertile. He married, but it was for a short period. His ex-wife tried to pass someone else's child as his, but he said that he felt it in his bones, that he wasn't his own. He doesn't have the best reputation. He still has some mistresses, and a taste for his wild days. In other words, you can call him a man whore I guess." How fucking shitty does it feel, to know that your real biological, father is a man whore. I looked at my dad, and I had this happiness inside of me, that at least he wasn't a man whore now. It was true, that what he did was unforgivable, but now things have changed. He was good. Like the father I had in my early childhood. I can't replace him, and I can neither lose him. Not in any way.

  "Please don't tell him about me," I pleaded, with tears glistening in my eyes. I couldn't replace my father. Not with a man, with such a colourful personality. My dad's and Mr. Johnson's eye softened. My dad sat beside me, holding my hands. Really knowing who my real father was, hurt me more, than knowing that the man whom I had considered my father since an early age, wasn't. I didn't want to lose him, and this father-daughter bond that we had revived from the dead.

  "Val, dear," I hugged him, hard, as tears soaked through his shirt. He ran soothing fingers over my head.

  "Val, don't cry, dear" He pleaded.

  "You are my only father. I don't want to change that. Please don't let it change." I cried. My dad promised me again, and again, that I will always be his daughter, but my heart couldn't be sure of it.

  "I won't tell him." Mr. Johnson gently, said making my eyes snap up at him.

  "My brother is
not the nicest man. However, I have no right to butt in between this. If he really neglected you, and moved forward in his life, without looking back, I don't think he deserves you as a child. Or anyone else for that matter. His loss is someone else's gain, I guess. Don't worry about it." He warmly smiled at me.

  "Thank you," I whispered, while holding onto my dad. I didn't want to change things in my life.

  "Valerie, the reason I came here was because I wanted to talk to you about Drew. Laura gave me the phone, while you told her about him. Listening you I talked with Drew about it." My eyes went wide, with shock.

  "He said that you are just trying to frame him, now because he left you.” Fucking asshole Drew I wanted to scream out. I know that you were heartbroken, but I don't think it is a good idea to do something like this, just to take your revenge. I’m sorry for what had happened with you in the past, I even sympathize with you but I ask you to not to spread such rumours. I get it what he did was wrong, but he is a changed man now. I have got my daughter after so long, so please don't ruin her happiness, by false accusations." I wanted to fucking kill this man, and that fucking cocksucker, Drew. Scratch that I want to fucking kill him. Detaching myself from my father, I stood up hastily.

  "I really don't know what lies you were fed by that fucking cunt, Drew. If you don't know the truth, then get the fuck out of here. If you fucking believe in the fact that Drew is innocent, then I think you should let Laura marry a criminal, because in your eyes, a criminal would be a saint, too. It would be much better, if you would leave right now. It was nice meeting you. You had enlightened my day, by letting me know of my origins, but I think you have overstayed your visit. You should go, and it would be better, if you get your facts checked, through a private investigator," I lashed out. He looked at me, with stunned eyes.


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