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Page 22

by Richa Resa

  "Maybe his love for Laura pushed to find someone who looked just like her. This is still no excuse for what he did Valerie. There never will be. My son had done wrong and a part of it is my fault too. I'm also your culprit. I should have never pushed Aiden in Laura's direction. I should have some boundaries. Ira and I tried to play matchmaker, but it didn't happen and somewhere you got tangled up in our mess getting hurt. I'm really sorry Valerie. I have really no idea why I came here but I just wanted to say sorry for what Aiden had done." I could see the disappointment in her eyes, sadness over her face, and the pain she carried. Turning towards Laura she looked at her as tears streamed down her eyes.

  "I don't blame you, Laura. It's all Ira's and my fault. We were just so high on always being right and turning our friendship more. You aren't to be blamed for Aiden's mistake." I could see love in Rose's eyes for Laura. She loved her like a daughter and it was a beautiful thing to see. She had wanted to see Aiden and Laura together, loved her like own because she has always intended her to be the part of her family. If Drew wasn't in the picture Rose would have had the perfect family she wanted. She could still have it. Just the thought made me want to cry out. Aiden and Laura can still have something if it wasn't for me. Aiden and Laura would become the perfect couple like expected. Aiden loved her and maybe he can love her again. Aiden's promise that he loved me and only me swam in my mind. But would he stick to his promise forever?

  Shay looked at me and it felt like she knew where my thoughts were going. Her hand held mine and sadness surrounded me. Carmen went to the kitchen and returned with tea for all of us. Shay eyed the tea and looked at Carmen like she had grounded her. Carmen looked at me and smiled while giving me a pat on the shoulder. A smile that told me to hold tight.

  "Isn't it a big coincidence Valerie that the girl my son used to replace Laura was none other than her own cousin? Fate really has twisted ways to make the family meet. Who knew that Travis had a daughter in the same city planning her niece's wedding, his godson's girlfriend? Maybe it was how all fate planned for Aiden," She said with a forced smile.

  "Fate plays an important role in our life but it's our actions that make on who they are. Everything can't be blamed on fate. " Carmen spoke. "Your son might have replaced Laura in his life with Valerie but Val hasn't. Aiden has broken her trust, heart, and love but yet Val hasn't gone on a spree to find men looking like him. He did wrong to, Val. I have seen the tears she shed because of Aiden's betrayal. She never wanted to fall in love with him but he made her fall, but he wasn't there to catch her heart. It fell and broke but yet Val gives him a chance to be near his child. It was her decision to make not fates." There was anger in her voice but it was hidden by the polite way she spoke. I have never seen this side of Carmen.

  "You are pregnant?" The question would have sounded better if it came from Rose's lips but it came from Laura's. Rose was just looking at me with her mouth open and teary eyes. It felt like the world stopped and I could hear the sound of everyone's breathing in the room. Aiden didn't tell his mother about this. The question Why was forming in my head and it was growing bigger and bigger.

  "He didn't tell you?" Shay asked dazzled.

  "Umm, I haven't talked to him since two....... Months ago. I was planning,... on going to his house after meeting you for the sole purpose of ... scolding him. I didn't have any idea about my ... grandchild." I could feel an underlying hesitancy and sadness in her voice. Her eyes turned to Laura.

  "Did.. you know?" She asked and all Laura did was shake her head in denial. "I haven't talked to him since the past few weeks. I was planning on talking to him soon." Sadness loomed in the room around them making me so uncomfortable.

  "So when are you planning .. to.. get ..." Rose stopped her sentence midway and her eyes were set on Laura as the next word slipped her lips. "Married?" I really understood it now. Rose wanted to put Aiden and Laura back together and it felt like Laura wanted that too. I on the other side had become a home wrecker. The thought pained me.

  "Never," The words left my lips to have their eyes glued to me instantly with a mixture of relief and just seconds later confusion took over. They were really making me feel unwelcome and unloved. I should just ask them to get out of here.

  "What do you mean by that?" Rose questioned.

  "It means Aiden and I aren't getting married."

  "This is absurd." She said in disbelief. "How will you raise the kid all alone? It isn't fair on Aiden."

  "There is something called single parenting. I won't be alone, Aiden will be always present for his kid and please don't talk about it being unfair on Aiden. What he did to me wasn't fair too?" My words filled with rage and anger towards her. After taking a minute and taking in deep breaths she talked again.

  "What will be child's surname? Where will he live? With Aiden or you? Who will be providing for the child? I mean how come would you raise a child like that without marriage? This will confuse the child and he will have to suffer because of it. People and his or her friends will make fun of the child. How could you be so cruel? How could you even be a mother being a single parent is far away for me to even think?" Her words flared anger inside me. How dare she fucking question me and my choices for my child? She just pushed me too much and too far. I was done, hell with the no cursing rule.

  "I assure you I would be a better mother than you. Not some woman who would play fucking matchmaker for small children and push them together. Aiden and I had come to a common ground and he is fine with it. It is mine and your son's choice how we raise our kid. It's our choice to make and if anyone dares to make fun of my kid I wouldn't be a quiet mother. I would be with my child and stand beside him and fight this world with help of your son. There are many single parents and their children grow into good kids. Hell, there are even divorced parents raising their kids and you speaking such words is questioning every and each one of those parents and their parenting skills. Just seconds ago, I could see the relief in your and Laura's eyes that I wasn't marrying Aiden ever. I could see it in your eyes. I think I know it well what you were going to do, play the mighty matchmaker once again, going to push Aiden in Laura's direction and me being pregnant ruined that for you. Tell me if I'm wrong and don't dare lie to yourself." Rose's enraged eyes looked at me but she didn't say a word. I looked at Laura and her eyes weren't looking at me but down at the floor.

  "You know Laura, I wanted to blame you so much for things that happened with me but I didn't. However, right now I don't know what to think of you. You pushed Aiden away and you knew better how much Aiden loved me. You were here to say sorry but I felt like somewhere you wanted Aiden back again. Just because the man you choose wasn't your prince charming you were deciding somewhere to go back to your other option." Laura couldn't look me in the eyes.

  "That is what isn't fair on Aiden, Rose. He doesn't deserve to be the backup option. Maybe I won't be able to love him again, but I would want someone who would put him first to be in his life because I know what it feels to be a backup plan and it is the worst feeling ever! Something you ever won't understand." None of them could meet my eyes and utter a word. Carmen pat me on the shoulder and wiped away my tears that I even didn't know were there. A sharp knock on the door and incessant ringing of the bell drew our eyes towards the door. Shay rushed to open it. I hoped it wasn't dad because if he heard me shouting he wouldn't care Rose and Laura being females. He would just give them a piece of his mind. Shay walked inside but the figure behind her wasn't the person whom I expected to see. His eyes met mine and the worry and concern in them made me want to take a step back.

  "What the fucking hell you are doing here Rose?" His voice boomed inside the house.

  "Travis," The fearsome expression in her eyes was something to look at.

  "Aiden and I warned you to not come here but you can't ever understand anything. You and Ira have done enough damage to my daughter's and Aiden's life. I had promised myself that I would give her space and time. Goddamnit even Aiden knew he pushe
d too far by trying to make me meet Val without her knowledge and now he is laying low because he knows his mistake. You are just going to ruin everything for us and I could hear Val shouting. She is freaking pregnant! I don't want you to or Laura to cause trouble for her and my grandchild. Now get up and get yourself and Laura out of here." Okay, I really wanted to take a step back now and run just to hide somewhere. I mean Rose was getting a piece of mind from my dad though he wasn't the one I was expecting to see. He was angry but at the same time caring towards me.

  "Travis, this is no way to you to speak to me like this. I wa--"

  "I will speak to you in any way I like if it involves my daughter, my grandchild, and Aiden. They have gone through too many things and I don't want you here causing any more troubles just for the sake of your happiness. Aiden loves you but let me tell you he wouldn't let you once again rule his life. He would be fucking mad at you just for coming here uninvited when Val had such a difficult day because of us. He will be fuming as much as I fucking am. Get your things and leave right this second before I drag you out of here myself!" Rose looked at him in disbelief but rather than retorting back decided to collect her things.

  "Let's get going Laura." Laura stood up and followed Rose out without saying anything.

  "I never expected you to go behind my back, Laura. It's disappointing." Travis words were sharp and I could see tears in her eyes at this. Only when they left Travis looked at me. Eyes same as mine staring at me with a mixture of adoration and worry. We stood there silently staring at each other.

  "I'm sorry on their.. behalf. I just want you to know that Aiden and I aren't going to trouble you for a while. We both will make sure that no one from our side causes any more trouble for you. I'm once again sorry, please don't .... make their mistakes affect your thinking about Aiden and" His eyes were glistening with unshed tears. I didn't say a word to him. "I should... get going."

  "How did you know they were here?" I asked from his retreating back.

  "Laura's mother Ira told.. me. She was worried that Rose might say something wrong and hurt you. I'm sorry if they said something wrong or hurtful. Don't take it to heart, please. Rose just want things to go her way but I will handle her from interfering in.. your life again." He wanted me to say something I could see it in his eyes.

  "Good night, take care of.. your and's health." He gave a pained smile before walking out. The worry and concern he held tugged the daughter side inside of me. As he walked out I could see my father standing outside the door watching all the commotion. He didn't say a word to Travis and let him walk out of there. Coming inside he smiled at me and pulled me into a hug.

  "It's going to be alright kiddo," He said before kissing my forehead.

  "I guess his father's side really kicked in years later." He said but his voice seemed distant. Carmen was looking at him and as he stepped back I could see water in his eyes.

  "I would go and change. It has been a long day." He just walked away from there. I looked at Carmen ready to burst in tears. It wasn't how I planned my day. I had to forcefully meet my biological dad, Aiden was trying to mess my personal life, Aiden's mother didn't like me more like she hated me, Laura wanted Aiden back, and my dad was in pain because of me. I just couldn't have an easy life. Carmen put her palm on my cheeks and wiped away my tears.

  "Val, don't worry. It's going to be alright. Your dad is just tired and a bit scared. Just wait for a while and then go and talk to him. I know it has been a hard and complicated day but when life gives you lemon make their lemonade and sell it." A small laugh left my lips and it alleviated a little of the worry and emotions I was suffering from.

  Carmen went to the kitchen to cook us dinner, might I add a healthy one. Shay decided to stay for the night that means she was sleeping with me and I will have to tie her hands and legs to the bed so she won't dare beat and kick me in her sleep. She decided to help Carmen and clean up the house. I had the best people in life but still, life wanted me to sell lemonades. It had been more than half and hour and dad was still cooped up in his room. I needed to talk to him.

  Knocking on his door I waited for him to say something but he just didn't.

  "Dad," I called out still no response. I just twisted the knob and opened the door. I looked around to find him out on the balcony, facing the sky. I just went in and stood beside him.

  "You know Val, my mom and dad were the best parents I ever could have asked for. Always loving and caring, never let me go sad and they never fought, not in front of me. I wanted to be like them showering my child with all the love and happiness I could give. I got that chance but I just flushed it down the toilet. You may have not been mine but you knew me as your only father. When I came to know you weren't mine, I withdrew from you, from my little girl. I still remember the day when I found you as usual by the door to greet me with that dazzling smile but I let you down. Didn't smile at you, neither picked you up and just moved inside the house. You followed me for days with that smile of yours waiting for daddy to pick you up and make you laugh. You waited for me to be there to play with you but I just retreated in myself and hated you. You weren't mine was only I could think about then. I felt betrayed and drowning in that feeling I lost the precious gift that God gave me." His words made me cry, made me think about my childhood and it hurt to go back there, in the memories where I was with my family and still so alone and unwanted. His eyes were set on the sky.

  "You were one of the gifts that God gave me, a princess who called me dad, who looked up to me and loved me with her heart. I just kicked it all away. I brought women into the house and shouted at you to leave me alone. I stopped caring about you and your feelings. The worst part is I used you Val, I wanted to hurt your mother so I hurt you by making you cry with my anger and mean words. You might not even remember them but I do. I wanted you to tell your mother that I brought women to the house just to hurt her badly. You always spoke the truth, never lied. I hurt you as a means of hurting her and that is the biggest thing I will regret my entire life." It’s only when he is done speaking he looks at me.

  "I have been the worst father Val, after what I did you shouldn’t have helped me. It would have been better if you had left me to-"

  "Please don't dad. Please don't say that. You are the only father I have known and it's true that you have been a shitty dad, but I would never want to see you die. I do have some memories from my childhood. Before the truth we were a happy family, you were the best dad. I can't blame you for what happened. Mom hid the truth from you and this all happened. I can’t blame you, dad neither mom, because if I blame mom then I wouldn't be here. I can't think of changing anything bad because if I do then my existence would vanish, I would have to give my life up. You might think that I have given you another chance dad but for me I've given myself a new life, given myself a chance to have a father, to get the love of a parent and it is enough for me. So, I don't want to change the past, I'm content with where I'm in life with you and all. If you even get the crazy idea that I will leave you then get it out of your mind. You are not getting rid of me until you die, dad. I'm not losing you ever again." I just embraced him in a hug as tears rolled down my cheeks. He pats my head and laughed.

  "I never want to get rid of you, kid. I don't want to give you up again." I knew it from his voice that he was crying too.

  "So, don't worry about things and stop thinking about the past. Let's look towards the future dad." I said backing away and looked at him. Big fat tears rolled down his eyes and he quickly wiped them away.

  "Thanks for giving me another chance, Val."

  "The pleasure is all mine, dad. I get homemade meals and Carmen stays more at the house now. I live with a family rather than walls now." We both laughed at this.

  "Val, would you give Travis a chance like you gave me one?" He asked but this time I didn't see any hesitance and fear in his eyes.

  "I don't know dad. Travis, I don't know him. He is like another planet I don't know about. I could
see in his eyes that he wants to have the father-daughter relationship with me. Aiden tried to set up a meeting between us today and I didn't know. It backfired on Aiden and so he’s not coming for the next two days. I wasn't rude to Travis. Okay, I was a bit harsh, but I told him that he needed to stop asking for help from others to me. He needed to stop being a coward. When he came to know I was pregnant I saw happiness and love in his eyes dad. Laura’s dad said he wasn't a good man but he didn't seem like that. I don't know what to do about him really. He came here because he came to know Aiden's mother was there. He was there to protect me but I don't know if I would give him a chance." He let my words soak in and I waited for him to say something.

  "Val, I want you to give him a chance. I want you to get to know him because I saw in his eyes that he was sorry. He really wants to make things right and he did really stand up for you. You were able to give me a chance and see how good it turned out to be. Maybe he would also turn out to be a good person."

  "You don't mind?" He looked at me and smiled.

  "No, I don't because I know I will always have a special space in your life that no one can take. I would always be your dad and you will always be my princess kid."

  "Aww, I want a dad like you too," Shay spoke from the door and I really gave her a stinky eye. Really this was private moment Shay I wanted to yell but I didn't. I know about her relationship with her dad.

  "Don't worry you can think of me as your dad to Shay." Dad and Shay laughed at it.

  "Thank you, Bryan, that was kind of you. I came here to tell you that food is ready and Carmen is calling you Bryan. She is mad." The expression on dad's face made me want to laugh so hard but I had to control it.


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