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Page 24

by Richa Resa

  "What happened, Val?" He asked concerned and worried. I closed my eyes and touch my lips. I knew that kiss we just had wasn't a hoax, wasn't a lie. It was the truth, there was love, but the thought of Laura took it all away.

  "Talk to me please Val," he pleaded.

  "Laura," I breathed out and a sigh left his lips. I felt him caressing my face which made me open my eyes and look at him.

  "I love you Val and there is no one left for me than you. I know you have your doubts and insecurities that I can't wash away in days, months or maybe in years but I want you to know this Val. You are the only one for me. There is no one left in the world who could steal me away from you and that I promise till my last breath. I made a mistake. I can't change that but I can hope that you can forgive me for it fully and give me that one more chance I seek. You are the only woman I can love now and if there isn't you in my life there is never going to be anyone." He said looking into my eyes with an intensity that it felt like he was telling these things straight to my soul and heart. I gave him a very small smile and watched his lips turn upwards. I loved him but until I was fully sure I wouldn't give my heart to him.

  "Now I'm going to kiss you one more time and then talk to our baby." He said and then kissed me softly. It wasn't that long but it was filled with love and passion. Unwrapping my legs from his torso he shifted back and pulled my shirt upwards to caress my lower abdomen. Then he put his head near my pelvic bone and then talked to our baby like it could hear him. It was funny but sweet at the same time. He had started to do this more often since last month. He talked and talked and before I knew I was already dozing into sleep. I was so tired from crying.

  Hushed whispers woke me up.

  "We should take a picture,"

  "Yes, we should do that but you need to have a look here too, Carmen," I was still waking up but was quite sure it was Shay who was whispering. I felt Aiden sleeping on my legs with his hand feeling heavy on my belly. Besides it, I realize one more thing which was that I was going to puke. I felt it coming, I knew it was and before I know I was quickly pushing Aiden away and rushing to the bathroom kissing the porcelain seat. I puked and puked then brushed my teeth, gargled with mouthwash to get rid of that vile taste of bile. Being pregnant was not an easy task.

  "You have been caught red handed, Aiden." It was Shay who was talking when I reached back to the living room. Aiden was on the floor rubbing his head. In my run to the bathroom, I might have pushed him a little too hard. Carmen stared at him while Shay busy staring at his share of uneaten food and smoothie.

  "I think we should have clicked the picture of the two together first," Carmen spoke without caring about the food.

  "Carmen she was eating mozzarella sticks and drinking vanilla and a chocolate smoothie. Aiden has been smuggling her unhealthy food." Shay again pointed out and this time Carmen had her attention.

  "Well, it is normal Shay. She would have been craving it and she very well knew that we weren't going to give her that so she asked him. Being a nice guy in love with Val and the baby’s father he caved into Val's charm and got what she asked him for. Ain't I right Aiden." Carmen asked him smiling and he just gave her a smile in reply. She shook her head and muttered the word love under her breath.

  "Val, if you need anything you should let us know dear and you need to take that food in limited quantity. I'm going to monitor how much you are drinking of that." She said coming towards me.

  "And you Aiden are no more going to sneak in here any food without letting me know or else I will let Shay out on you." We expect Shay laughed her hearts out at this while Shay pouted.

  "I hate you all but I just love you all far too much." She said before moving towards me and hugging me. You see why Shay had been my best friend. The doorbell rang drawing us away from our happy moment. Carmen went to open the door while I hugged Shay back while Aiden looked at us smiling.

  "What the hell happened to both of you?" We heard Carmen asking more like yelling. Aiden, Shay and I all moved towards the entrance

  "Umm nothing," both of them said at the same time.

  "Bryan, Travis? What the hell happened?" The stood there at the door with their hands on each other shoulders like they were supporting each other. I could see few bruises forming on each of their faces.

  "What the hell did I say to you about fighting? You both promised that nothing like this would happen." I was pretty sure that they beat the hell out of each other when they promised they wouldn't do anything like this.

  "We were not fighting," Travis said.

  "We were just getting over with our differences." Bryan completed his sentences

  "And now they are over," Travis told.

  "We are now friends," Bryan said and both of them smiled at us. Talk about crazy parents.

  "I'm not going to tend anyone of your wounds I had told both of you before." I had already told them before.

  "And neither am I," Carmen voiced. "Now both of you will have to tend each other’s wounds," she added and we all laughed at this.


  Six Months Later ....................

  "I feel like a whale," I told to Shay, who sat at the end of the sofa while I laid on the couch with the remote for the TV. I was going to be around nine months pregnant in a week and this little buddy was going to come out soon. A lot has changed in last six months. I was no longer living in my apartment. Bryan had bought a new house which was closer to Travis and Aiden's house. The nursery was ready with hues of yellow and blue. Aiden and I had grown close but there had been nothing more than kisses and holding each other. The new house had many rooms and one of them was Aiden’s but he usually slept with me. He didn't go to his apartment often and just stayed here with me. He didn't want to miss any part of the baby and me being pregnant. He had warmed up to my heart but hadn't been able to get that place back in my heart. His relationship with his mother was still rocky but they were at least talking. Whereas, Laura and Aiden had drifted worlds apart.

  Laura had a breakdown and confessed her love for Aiden at my house. It was really sad to see her like that and even worse for Aiden to not to go to her to console her or hold her. He stood beside me and not her while she fell to the floor and begged him. I could have hated her in that moment but I didn't. I just couldn't. It was hard to when she was nothing more than a corpse begging to be loved. I had to put Aiden to go to her but he was hesitant.

  Travis and Aiden both helped her up and took her home. Aiden came back to me as soon as he could while Travis stayed with her. Aiden's mother was living with her and both Aiden and Travis were infuriated at her. They had blamed her for such conditions of Laura's. Now she is well and off to Europe having fun. She called me once before going telling me that she was sorry and wished me well. She had asked me to take care of Aiden. She was sorry that I had stirred up so much trouble in her life and wished that somewhere years later we could try to become friends. It was a heart to heart talk and we both had cried. Next day she left for Europe and was now doing really good, having fun, and dating guys. I was happy for her.

  Carmen and Bryan were going strong and well I could see a wedding happening for them some months down later. Shay was for the very first time dating some guy seriously. It was a miracle and shocking news. I haven't met him yet but she told me they were going slow and steady. Travis was excited about the baby. His aim had become to be the best grandpa. Ira, Laura's mother, had come to see me once a few months back and she was a headstrong woman. I wanted to be like her soft from the inside and loving to all but at the same time have that don't fuck with me personality. However, right now I can't be like her because I was a whale.

  "It is because you are a whale," Shay teased.

  "Really Shay, I feel so big and huge. I can't see my freaking feet." I wriggled my toe but sadly couldn't see a thing with my baby in between. Shay captured a photo and gave her phone to me. I looked at her confused.

  "I captured a picture of your feet for you,
now you can see your feet, baby whale. You know you can't be a mother whale but a baby whale or a baby elephant because mother whale and elephant are too big and you ain't that big." She laughed and I threw a cushion at a laughing her.

  "God, Val I was just joking."

  "Well, it was a bad joke. Help me with sitting up." I ordered her. Not the best thing to do but I didn't like her joke. It was really hard to do small tasks nowadays. This baby made me tired doing small things. As she helped me in sitting up I felt a slight pain in my lower abdomen. These pains were coming and going off. The doctor said they were nothing major to worry about but if the pain increased to come to the hospital asap. As I sat straight I somehow was able to see my feet and I liked that. I rubbed my belly in the hopes that pain would go off.

  "Are you alright?" Shay asked with worry etched over her face. She had been ignoring her work for past few weeks to stay with me as Aiden had some important project having him stay at the office for a while. Travis was at his office and Bryan with Carmen had gone to the restaurant, to check the new supplies that were coming in today. It was only me and Shay and I really didn't want her to worry about me a lot. She was going to develop wrinkles.

  "Yeah, just catching my breath. You know getting up straight is also a tiresome task nowadays. How about you help me stand I feel like going to the bathroom. My bladder is going to blast." I laughed trying to ease her worries as she helped me stand I felt the pain again but decided to ignore it. With a slow pace like that of a snail, I reached to my room and walked into the bathroom. As soon as I sat on the pot I felt water rushing out of me. I thought I just peed and was thankful of reaching bathroom on time until the pain hit me making me shout for Shay. I hadn't peed but my water did just broke. This baby wasn't due for another two weeks. Shay was just coming and everything was going to be fine I said to myself. I peed and washed my hands before letting Shay in.

  "Why did you scream for me?" She asked worriedly.

  "My water just broke," I told her and she looked like me I told her that I was an alien.

  "Are you sure?" She asked. I gave her the look saying are you really asking that. "I mean you didn't misunderstand you peeing to feel like your water broke?" Another painful contraction came and I didn't like it at all.

  "Shay I know what I meant. My water broke before I peed and I have been having painful contractions. So please help me and take me to the hospital before I make you deliver this baby here itself." I kind of shouted at her and that made her realize that this was serious and put her into action. She started moving around the house taking out the bag that I had set up for the hospital while I slowly walked out of the bathroom to the front door of the house. It was hard people and I was getting freaking scared. I had read many books but feeling what was written in those books had me nervous. I could hear Shay calling everyone and I was sure she would forget to call the doctor. I reached for my phone somehow which was in the living room and called her to let her know that my water broke and I was in pain. She told me to reach the hospital as soon as possible, she was going to wait for me there and told me to take deep breaths and bear the pain.

  "Let's go, woman, you are having a baby. We need to rush to the hospital what the hell you are doing standing here. Keep moving." I wanted to shout at her but I could see that she was herself scared and worried. She helped me into her car and drove carefully and I must say too much carefully.

  "Shay, drive a little faster or I will birth the baby in the car," that had her increase the speed.

  "Sorry about that. Look, I'm scared okay I have never seen a woman giving birth. I'm kind of excited and scared both okay. I will get to meet this munchkin at last but I'm scared that you might deliver this baby on the way and I don't want that." Shay spoke and I really understood her but it was hard to hold back the pain and talk. I just nodded to her.

  "I have called Aiden and Bryan. Aiden told me he will call Travis and let Ira know too. They will meet us right at the hospital and you have nothing to worry about. We are all going to be here for you and this baby Val. They all love you and they are going to be there to welcome this baby and you as a new mother." Listening to her last words I cried. They were happy tears. I was so glad to know that things were so good in my life. I was super happy but still in pain with this baby. Thirty minutes later I was induced in the hospital, lying on the bed with my legs wide open dressed in a light blue gown after a shower and having the doctor looking at my cervix. I was having painful contractions some so painful that had me holding my spot.

  "How does it look doctor?" I asked as another contraction hit me and I held onto Aiden's hand in a death grip before it passed away.

  "Well, it looks you are about eight centimetres dilated and eighty percent effaced. It won't be too long before you give birth. Now tell me about the pain you are feeling." the doctor in her mid-forties and so soft spoken that she had become my favourite person right now the last one was starting to be Aiden. He was there when I arrived at the hospital and telling me to breathe in and out, to take it easy and bear the pain. I was in here like this because of him but I couldn't say that. It obviously took two to tango and make a baby.

  "They come and pass. I already told you that I have been feeling them since last week. Right now, they are sharp and going down in a minute or two." I told her fast before another contraction had me holding Aiden's hand tight. I looked at him and that man looked in pain. It must have been because of my tight grip. Well, he needed to suffer a bit of a pain as I was suffering. If we made this baby together we will have to deliver it together and he was all in about not missing any part of the pregnancy.

  "Well, I won't recommend an epidural. You are too far in here and your water break. I think if you are able to just walk around the room to soothe these contractions you should do that. I see you taking deep breaths in and out and that's good, keep on doing that. You might have to start pushing soon." She told me and I started crying because I couldn't take the pain. Aiden and the doctor had me calmed down and with their help, I started to move around in the room. In that one-hour Bryan, Travis, Carmen, Shay, and Ira with Aiden's mother rose had visited me. I couldn't do much but give them a painful smile. Around an hour and a half later I was done. The contractions were too much to handle. I laid on the bed and Aiden called for the doctor. The contractions were coming quickly and pains were too much to handle. The doctor came in and had a look and soon I was being shifted to the birthing rooms. It was time for this baby to be out in my arms. I prayed to the God that everything went well. I thanked him for all the happiness he had given me and prayed for my baby, prayed that it came out fine.

  "Okay Valerie, you are almost fully dilated and this time I want you to push when the next contraction comes." I nodded to her and as the next contraction hit me I held to Aiden's hand like my life depended on him and pushed.

  "You are doing good well, the baby is almost here. I want you to keep on pushing okay." I nodded to her before pushing again with the contractions. Eight to ten pushes later I was ready to give in. I couldn't do it anymore. I could feel Aiden look worried and scared for me. The doctor looked worried too.

  "You can do it, Val. We can do it. I know you are tired baby but just put for a little more. It will be over soon. Please don’t give up Val." He said with tears in his eyes and I wanted to cry and shout at him too but another contraction hit and I screamed while pushing hard.

  "I can see the crown of the baby. You are doing well Valerie, just a few more pushes." the doctor said and I started pushing with all I had.

  "Almost their baby," Aiden said to me and I pushed harder and before I could scream out the baby was out and crying, filling the room with its screaming wails. My water works started involuntarily and Aiden kissed a sweaty and tired me. He kissed me all over the faces.

  "Thank you, Val. Thank you so much for this. Please marry me now," He said with tears in his eyes and getting on his knees while our baby screamed for attention.



  Almost 2 Years later............

  "Granpa!," Neal squealed running towards the door just to be picked up by Travis and hauled up in the air. Every time he did that I could feel my heart in my mouth. It was only when he would catch him I would breathe a sigh of relief.

  "Dad, what did I tell you about doing that to him?" Travis looked almost guilty under that smile of his. Over the past two years, I have decided to call both of them dad. I was so tired of calling them by their names. At first, it was confusing but then they certainly got the hang of whom I was calling.

  "He is fine, Val, and he loves when I do that. Don't you champ?" He asked Neal who only gave me a big smile. That boy was getting spoiled bad. I shook my head and saw Carmen and Bryan coming behind Travis.

  "Neal!" Bryan yelled with excitement and that boy was moving from Travis's arms to Bryan's who kissed him all over his face making him laugh. Carmen and Bryan got married six months after Neal was born. It was really small but great wedding. The best part was there wasn't any nervous bride there but a little tipsy maybe.

  "Did you forget your grandma, Neal," Carmen pouted.

  "Noe," His baby voice said and then he was kissing his grandma's cheeks and smiling big. This little kid got all the love any child could have got and maybe more. I thanked God every day for such a loving family I had got.

  "How are you doing kiddo?" Bryan asked while ruffling my hair as Neal went from his arms to Carmen's.

  "I'm fine dad," I replied tiredly. "I really don't know what had gotten into me when I had decided to plan Aiden's birthday all on my own." Yes, people, it was his birthday and I had decided to be a good person and give him a good party. However, cooking for so many people was being a bitch to me. I was glad that Carmen, Bryan, and Travis had come early as I had asked them to but now I feel I should have called them in the morning itself.


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