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Page 25

by Richa Resa

  "I told you that you just have straight away called for food and snacks from our restaurant but you decided not to and cook yourself." Bryan chided me playfully as he pinched my nose and I pouted.

  "You really wouldn't understand what it feels like to cook yourself for someone special dear. Only we woman can understand that." Carmen laughed at my father before handing Neal back to him.

  "Let's get into the kitchen, Val and let them enjoy with this little guy."

  "Behave little guy and no more candy," I warned my baby boy before giving him a kiss.

  "Thanks, mom. I'm so glad you could make it early or I don't know what I would be doing." I told her as we entered into the kitchen leaving behind those three behind. Carmen's step halted outside the kitchen as we came to a stop.

  "What have you done to my kitchen, Val?" She asked me with wide eyes to which I just gave her a sheepish smile. Well, everything was in a mess in her kitchen. Yes, her kitchen. Bryan and Carmen had wanted their own small place and have decided to live in my previous apartment which was far nearer to the restaurant while Neal, Aiden and I still lived here. They would end up here every weekend and we would be having a big family dinner every weekend.

  "Umm, it's just in a bit of chaos and mess." my words came out small and childlike voice. She just shook her head and smiled at me. She took the charge of the kitchen and everything got into order. Mess that I had made just vanished and I could find the recipe book and rolling pin that I had been looking for the past one hour. The vanilla chocolate cake I had decided to make was complete and resting in the fridge. Apple pie was in the oven getting baked. Everything was just going as the way I wanted when Carmen took the charge. I was more like a helper in the kitchen while she worked her magic around. She had been able to make me enough food that could last for another day after feeding everyone.

  I had called everyone tonight. Shay and her boyfriend were coming. He was a nice guy and I adored him. They weren't serious and I knew that. It was hard for him to handle Shay and we all knew it but he was a great company to be with. Ira was coming and the invitation was extended to her husband too if he wanted to come. Laura was flying from Europe with her husband. She was four months into her pregnancy. Her husband was a nice man with a reputation of a ruthless businessman in Europe. It had taken Laura and me a lot of time to solve our issues. We were not close but friends to say. Rose had straightened up, hard to believe isn't it? She has accepted what the fates have written for his son and she wanted to enjoy spending time with her grandchild. However, we were just civil towards each other.

  My secretary, Melanie was coming with her husband. She was a really great friend. I still worked but had the perks of working from home because my boss wasn't letting me go and willing to agree to my demands. Then there was this close friend of Aiden's, Jake who was a diehard flirt and wouldn't leave Shay and me alone. I had the pleasure of meeting him after Neal was born. He was living in Australia for the past few years handling the business there. Everything was good but I bet you all would be wondering about Drew too. Am I right? Hope so. Well Drew had to leave the states and settled down somewhere in Japan. Yeah shocking, Japan. His father sent him there who wasn't quite happy with him. I never got any apology from him. It was impossible to get one. However, he had called me one late night drunk but Aiden picked up the phone and I had learned that Aiden knew every abusive word in the history. He used all of them on Drew. He never told me what he said but I was fine with it. I don't think I myself would have been able to use such dirty words as he used. Last I heard about him was from Ira few months back. She said that he got some journalist pregnant and his father was forcing him to tie the knot with her. Their company couldn't handle another scandal.

  "I think you should get changed, Val. You smell like vegetables." Carmen said to me laughing and I seriously smelled myself. I stink and reeked of spices and boiled vegetables. It wasn't a pleasant smell people.

  "Thanks, you sure you won't need my help for a while because I seriously have got to take a bath," I asked her in hopes that she won't have more work for me. It was mean and bad for me to pray for something like that but handling a toddler while working and preparing for an event wasn't easy. I needed a relaxing bath.

  "Sure honey, I'm mostly done here. The meat is cooking and I will be just taking that pie out and leave it to rest. I myself would be heading to play with my grandson." She told me and I felt a less guilty. I was so thankful for her handling everything like a pro. She shooed me away to my room to take a bath and told me not to worry at all. I entered Aiden's and I room. I had renovated it up to my and Aiden tastes just a few months back with Neal's room. That boy was growing up too fast.

  Was it a bad mother of me if I didn't want him to grow up? I just wanted him to stay this small only. I took my personal time in showering and making myself clean, prim and proper. It took me a great half an hour to do that. Before Neal was born I would have taken an hour but now I had to be quick always. I had to be always prepared to rush out because of Neal. He constantly demanded my attention. I was just going to get out when I heard him arrive. Aiden had come at the right time. This wasn't a surprise party, he knew all about it. Thanks to Shay for opening up her mouth a week back. He already knew and didn't hide that he knew about it. He just told me that he knew and didn't want me to over work myself. It was just going to be a party but I had a very special surprise for him.

  "I'm home," He yelled for everyone to hear. As I walked out of the room to greet him I could hear the sound of laughs, Neal's being the highest. I was pretty sure he was happy to see his dad.

  "I missed you so much, my little boy." He said while blowing raspberries on his stomach.

  "I bet he did too," I said while coming to stand beside him and kissing his cheek. He gave me one of his sexy grins before giving me a peck.

  "Why don't you leave me to him and get refreshed? The guests will be arriving soon and this little guy needs to rest for a bit or he will be sleeping throughout the party." He nodded to me and went inside to get changed and refreshed but not before giving me a sexy wink. We all sat on the sofa with soft drinks each in our hand while Neal was made to lay down on the sofa. We had around another half an hour before guests joined us. I gave Neal his milk while he relaxed. Aiden soon joined us and we were all laughing around over one thing or another. Guest started to arrive. Shay and her boyfriend Greg were the first one to arrive.

  Shay went straight to pick Neal up. I felt like Neal was a magnet and everyone just got attracted to him. No one could leave him alone. I was quite sure that by the time it would be time for cake cutting he would be already sleeping. Then arrived Laura and her husband, Sebastian. I no longer had to worry about Aiden going after Laura or even lusting after her. I could see in his eyes that he only saw her as a friend or as a sister. They talked but not much. Aiden and Sebastian had turned out to be good friends after they were able to cut out their differences. Aiden had to assure Sebastian more than many times that he wasn't in love with Laura. It involved a few punches and me tending both of their wounds. Laura would have gone bat shit on both of them, Sebastian had exaggerated over that fact. The last one to arrive was Ira and Rose. Laura's father didn't come as usual but I think it was for the best. Travis and he in the same place could turn out to be a blunder.

  "Hey mommy," Shay came to me with Neal in his arms while waving one of Neal's hands.

  "Hey baby," I pinched Neal's cheeks before taking his from Shay. He laughed as Shay made a pouting face and that noise was what I lived for. For me, he was the most intelligent and beautiful baby.

  "Are you sure about this, Val?" She asked in a low tone. I frowned at her question. "I meant about your big surprise to him. You really want to do this. What about me? I would be left alone you know and it would be so sad." She feigned being sad and hurt but I knew she was happy about the decision I had made.

  "Well, you can either join the club or find a new one. Anyway, you will be my friend always and nothing is going
to change much. I think so." I said doubtfully.

  "I can see my lonely future." She laughed while saying that.

  "Aww. You getting a bit lonely baby. Don't worry I'm always here to hear you." Jake cut in our conversation and Shay gave him the shut the hell up eyes. If her boyfriend hadn't been here he would have surely done something that involved touching her just to annoy her. He lusted after my friend and I could see it well but Shay didn't give even a minute of her time to him.

  "Yeah, and I will kick you in your dick and leave you there to cry." He laughed at this but Shay didn't.

  "You are risking the life of your future babies just for fun, Shay. So sad," Shay's mouth dropped open and Jake winked at her before going to talk to her boyfriend like they were best friends. I laughed at this so hard that it gained everyone's attention. Even Neal laughed hearing me laugh.

  "What's going on?" Aiden asked to me with a beer in one of his hand while other reached to ruffle Neal's hair. He looked so sexy in that blue shirt and dark jeans that I couldn't stop staring at him. He looked devilishly handsome tonight.

  "I'm going to fucking kill him when no one sees," Shay muttered under her breath before storming off towards him and her boyfriend.

  "Let me guess, Jake was flirting with, Shay again," I nodded to him and he just shook his head.

  "That guy is never going to change." He said looking at him as I looked at him. Neal trying to go to his father's arms had me look away from him.

  "Hey, this little guy wants you," I told him while taking the beer bottle away from his hand. Neal always wants to taste whatever the adults are eating. I saw him play with our son and it really felt good to see that. I couldn't get my eyes of both of them.

  "Val, we should bring out the cake for cutting," Carmen said bringing my attention away from them. Then we were off to the kitchen bringing the cake out and setting the table with all the hard-worked food that had been cooked. It was a lot of it for all. I had to make too many rounds in and out of the kitchen. At last when everything was set we gathered around the cake to cut it.

  Neal was in Shay's arms looking at the cake with wide eyes. I could see him wanting it too much. If it wouldn't have been Shay holding him he would have had his fingers all over in the cake maybe even his face too. Aiden cut the cake and I got the first bite then Neal and then the rest of the crowd. However, the last one to get it was Jake and it didn't sit well with him. Generally speaking, he didn't like that. So, he literally, I mean really guys literally, took a handful of cake like a caveman and rubbed it on Aiden's face. Next thing I know was Aiden doing the same and Jake running around the house trying to escape Aiden.

  Shay had let Neal down from his arms because he was becoming fussy. We all were so busy in watching Aiden and Jake that none of us kept an eye on Neal. It was only when Rose yelled we had our attention towards Neal. There was a huge chunk of cake now resting on Rose's legs. Jake's yelp for help made us all turn towards Aiden and Jake. Jake was on the floor while Aiden rubbed cake all over his face, hair, and neck. When I turned around this time to see Neal. He had his face down in the cake trying to eat. Neal got a cake facial on his own.

  I laughed seeing him like this and picked him up. He was now licking cake out of his hand and face. Half of my cake was literally gone and the rest was cut out and given to eat. I went inside and cleaned off Neal's face and somewhere in that I had got dirty myself. My dress was ruined and I had bits of cake all over me. I was just getting into the bathroom when Aiden was walking out of there. He smiled and side stepped letting me in. I got changed and cleaned. I was in a rush to go out that I didn't see Aiden sitting on the bed waiting for me. He captured my hand on my way out and I had a mini heart attack and squealed.

  "Hey, it’s just me," He told while standing up and coming close to me.

  "You just scared me. What you doing here the rest of the people are out there? They will be waiting for us." I rushed out on the last few words.

  "They can wait for a moment. You know I have to do our daily custom right now." He said smiling. He took out a box from his pocket and went down his knee.

  "Are you ready for this, Val?" I nodded trying to seem normal as I always did.

  "Valerie Crawford, would you please marry me and give me the immense pleasure of being your husband." He proposed like he did every day from past two years. You guys must be confused let me explain it to you and give you a recap.

  So, I hope you might remember him asking me to marry him when our baby boy was born. Well, things didn't happen the way Aiden wanted.

  "Please marry me, now," He pleaded with tears in his eyes and getting on his knees while our baby screamed for attention. I was on the verge of saying yes but the cries of the little one pulled me back. The doctor asked that if Aiden wanted to cut off the cord or not and he agreed. He was the first one to have him in his arms. He brought him to me and his question was kind of lost. We were so happy seeing the little one that everything became secondary to us.

  I became so tired that I went to sleep soon enough but I remembered seeing my baby’s eyes before going to sleep. They were just like their fathers sparkling blue. When I woke up I was in a hospital room filled with all friends and family. Everyone was gathered around the baby in the crib. They all were watching him and whispering all around.

  "At last the mommy is awake." Shay kind of yelled from there and earned too many glares after which she tiptoed towards me.

  "Hey, how are you feeling now? Aiden told us you fell asleep so quickly that it got him a lot worried." I looked up and saw him standing in the sea of family and friends. His eyes catching mine and I remembered the question he had asked.

  "Huh, really?" I was amazed at knowing this.

  "Yeah, you were looking down at our baby one moment and sleeping in next. The doctor said that you might have been hell tired because of pushing him and needed rest. It kind of scared me." Aiden told coming towards the bed. The way he looked down at me with so much love in my eyes kind of made me feel guilty. This guy standing right beside me, who was the father of my child was so much in love with him and now even being in sane mind I couldn't bring the word yes to my lips for his question. I just couldn't say yes to marry him. It was damn hard. I had too many insecurities inside of me that held me back.

  "You thought of what you would name him," Carmen asked from near the crib.

  "Aiden and I had decided on Neal for a boy." I smiled while looking at him. He smiled back at me but it was kind of forced. I knew his mind was a million spaces far away stuck on what was the answer to that question.

  "It's a nice one and so perfect for him. You know the word Neal means blue in the Indian language. You both just picked out the perfect name from him." Everyone agreed with her on that. They all were looking down at the small baby adoringly. From the looks of it, I didn't think they were ready to leave any soon. Every second that passed there was this tension building up between Aiden and me.

  "Hey," I motioned for Shay to come near. She looked at me with raised bows before getting close to me.

  "Get down," And she gave me the look what the hell.

  "Can you take all these people out of here for a while? Aiden and I need to talk about something important." I didn't want anyone to know about what was happening between us. It felt too personal to let anyone know about it.

  "Is everything alright," She whispered. I nodded to her and gave her a small smile.

  "Just something serious to talk about no problem otherwise." Shay nodded to me and gave me thumbs up. I could feel Aiden's stare over my face. I just felt him.

  "Hey guys I have something very important to tell all of you that relates to the baby and Val. Would you all come with me?" I could see everyone's brows going up. Carmen looked at me and I gave her the pleading look hoping she would understand and she did.

  "Oh, you want to tell about that to all of them?" Carmen asked Shay. Now everyone's eyes were on her and not Shay.

  "Yeah," Shay just went on with it.

/>   "What is it you want to tell us?" Rose asked with narrowed eyes. I looked at Travis and his eyes caught on mine. The understanding caught on to him and he realized what was going on.

  "It must be something, Rose. Let's go outside and listen and also, I'm in a dire need of some food. Aren't you too Bryan? I bet you would do good with some meat. I'm craving some chicken." He started kind of pushing Rose and Ira out. Bryan just went with the crowd but from the looks of it he understood everything. Travis chatted away and took the whole crowd out. Last to leave was Shay.

  "You owe me for this," she whisper yelled before closing the door leaving me and Aiden alone with our new-born baby.

  "Hey," I smiled at him but it was forced.

  "You are going not going to say yes, right?" He walked towards our baby's crib.

  "Not right now," I told to his back. His eyes were glued to the little bundle of joy wrapped in blankets and sleeping.

  "Then when" He turned his head around and looked at me. The intensity of those eyes stared right into my soul. I had to give him the truth.

  "When I could feel that last drop of insecurity and self-doubt leave me, Aiden. You don't know I feel when that doubt sometimes creeps in, or when you look at me with that dazed off look and even when I'm just staring at myself in the mirror Aiden. It is not right for me to feel like this. I had spent past few months with you and I won't lie they have been great but I had felt these insecurities too. It is at times when I'm alone that I compare myself to her. Think about how the life would had gone if I wasn't pregnant." I couldn't share my worries with anyone, not even Shay. They were silly but made their home inside of me.

  "Don't you dare go there, Val." He snapped.

  "I love you with every part of me. Every pore of me knows I only love you. I wouldn't have married Laura even if hadn't been pregnant. You were always in my heart, you had taken over it and just pushed yourself deep into my soul. It was just me who didn't realize that. You are the only one for me Val. What should I do just to prove it to you? Just tell me. I can't stay away from him too Val. I need to be close to you and him. My soul cries for to be near you, to kiss you, touch you and love you." His steps moving towards me with each and every word until he stood in front of me.


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