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Butterfly Girl

Page 13

by Greenleigh Adams

  “No. That blissful, happy look.” I wanted to bask in her contentment so I could maintain that comforting warmth shooting through every vein in my body. Those soothing thoughts struck my brain with an idea. “Hey, since we didn’t make it to the beach, why don’t we go to the pool? My gym has a great outdoor pool. We could go there for a while before getting ready for dinner at my parents’ house.”

  And just like that, her smile evaporated. “Cam, I can’t swim.”

  “You can’t swim?” I had repeated her because I really couldn’t believe it.

  “I never learned how.” Not only had her happiness taken a hasty exit, but embarrassment had also entered the room.

  I didn’t want her to feel ashamed. I guess I didn’t hide my shock very well. “So we took you in a canoe, and you can’t swim?” Guilt sank into my stomach. How could I have been so presumptuous?

  “I wore a life vest. And besides, I trusted that if something happened, none of you would have let me drown.”

  Bile crept up my throat, and I had to swallow it back down. Guilt did not taste good. I couldn’t even remember a time when I didn’t know how to swim. Being in water was so essential to Louis, Charlie, and me that our lives would’ve been completely different if we didn’t have regular access to the lake. Diving into the water, fishing, and canoeing were where we had most of my memories during childhood. Everything the three of us did seemed to revolve around water. “Are you interested in learning how? I could teach you.”

  “I think I’m a little too old to learn now.” A cynical laugh leaked out of her, and I already missed the sound of her happy giggling.

  “It would just be another first that I could be there for.” I reached for her hand that was curled into her chest and pried it away to be held by me linking our thumbs in our signature hand-holding grasp.

  After a long exhale, she nodded. “Okay. But maybe not today? I really feel like I want to rest for a little while.”

  “I can stay with you while you rest.” I still wasn’t one hundred percent sure she was okay after running into her father, so I wanted to stay close by if she needed me.

  “I’m really just going to take a nap.” Her eyelids began to look heavy on her. “Just tell me what time to be ready for dinner. You’re going to pick me up, right?”

  “Yes. Of course.” I was reluctant to leave her alone, but I certainly didn’t want to impose when she made it very clear that she still wanted to see me later. “I can go if you want to rest.” I began to sit upright, while her head remained on her pillow. “I may go to the gym and then run home to get ready before coming back over. What time is it okay for me to come back?”

  “Anytime this afternoon is fine with me.” Fatigue trickled throughout her speech.

  “Okay, but you don’t like for me to show up unannounced, so maybe you should give me a time to come over?” After the comment left my mouth, the most unexpected thing happened. She sat up next to me and gently pecked my lips with hers. It was over quickly, but the softness from her touch left a tingling on my mouth.

  “Just let me sleep for a couple of hours, and then show up whenever you like.” A wave of emotion began to roll through me. I had never felt this way about anyone ever in my life. I couldn’t wait to see her, to hold her, to be with her again, and I hadn’t even left her side yet. She already held a piece of my heart in her hand. I just needed to learn how to capture a piece of hers.

  After my much-needed workout, I decided to text my mom and give her a heads-up about a few things prior to dinner.

  Cam: Please DON’T ask anything about Lex’s parents today.

  Mommarita: Okay. I won’t.

  Cam: I’m serious Mommarita. I don’t want you to upset my girlfriend.

  Mommarita: Your girlfriend? I thought you said you were just friends getting to know each other.

  Cam: Yeah, well things have changed.

  Mommarita: [the cast of Friends jumping up and down with excitement GIF] I was certain you would win her over.

  Cam: Don’t get ahead of yourself.

  Mommarita: Okay. I won’t. [smiley face, smiley face]

  I really hoped my mom wouldn’t screw things up for me with Lex. Sure, she would welcome her with open arms, but I just hoped she didn’t push my new girlfriend too hard. I had never brought a girl home before. I was twenty-three and should’ve had many opportunities to introduce a love interest to my mother before, but I had absolutely no interest in love prior to Alexis. The only girls who ever came to my parents’ house were the few who were bold enough to sneak into my bedroom when I was in high school.

  It was natural for Louis to be at their house. He was like my brother for my whole childhood, so it was an easy transition for Charlie. She’d had a few relationships that lasted for more than a few months in high school and college, but she didn’t bring anyone home, either. Having Louis come along for a family dinner now wasn’t any big deal because he was a regular previously. No one made a big deal over the fact that my twin brought her boyfriend home.

  However, when I decided to bring over a significant other, I imagined there would be an ovation and celebration. Claudette, on the other hand, invited boys over for family dinners all the time. I swear she would meet someone and have him over that evening to meet our parents. She had never been serious about anyone, but she wanted to fall in love. Nonetheless, the overwhelming need for her to have my parents’ approval was disturbing. It was almost like she brought every guy over right away to see how our parents would react to him. I had no idea if she ever fell in love or not. She moved away a few years ago, so family dinners with her present essentially stopped for a long period of time.

  Unfortunately, I must admit that I didn’t really feel like I knew my oldest sibling very well anymore. We were never close. Charlie was my favorite sister for sure, but I at least used to have interactions with Claudette. Now, I barely spoke to her. Louis left my life for five years, and I didn’t realize how much that sucked until I had him back home again. Therefore, since Claudette recently moved back, I decided to make more of an effort to get to know her again. It was a little weird that she’d asked Travis to come to dinner and told Mom he was my friend. I guess she wasn’t worried about what kind of impression he would make with my parents. Or maybe she didn’t want to admit she liked him in case my parents didn’t.

  I loved my parents, but I certainly couldn’t care less if they liked Lex or not. She was my girlfriend, and they would have to accept that regardless. Who am I kidding? My mom would absolutely love her. She’d freak out and talk to Lex about wedding planning. I was in so much trouble.

  I tried my best to warn Lex that she may be hugged. She doesn’t particularly like to be held. I hoped to change that, but for now, I would do my best to warn her that my mom could come off a little strong in the smothering embraces department. I was right to warn her.

  My mom greeted us at the door. No one else had arrived yet, so all attention was on us. My mom kissed me on the cheek and gave me a quick squeeze. My dad pulled me into a brief man-hug, but still managed to give me a peck on my forehead. What can I say? We were a touchy-feely kind of family.

  My dad at least made his hug with Lex short-lived. My mom, however, not only held her longer and tighter than was probably appropriate for meeting someone for the first time, but she actually squealed. My mom screeched and squawked like a kid getting a favorite toy on Christmas morning.

  My mom reminded me of my sisters. Most of the time, she was a badass attorney who reminded me of Claudette. She was no-nonsense, grace, and beauty. But when she squeaked with delight, I could see Charlie in her, for sure. Charlie used to get teased when we were younger about the screeching she would do when she was happy.

  Of course, being around Louis and me most of the time, girly squealing didn’t happen from either of us. But when she scored a goal in field hockey or won a race in track, Charlie screeched louder than any other girl.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs.…”
  My mom visibly cringed, and Lex slapped her hand across her mouth.

  “Just call us Rita and John, sweetheart.” My mom smiled reassuringly at Lex, urging her to uncover her lips.

  Thankfully, Charlie and Louis entered the house at that moment. My dad hugged everyone and kissed each of them on their foreheads. He’d been showing affection to all three of us for so long it didn’t seem weird to any of us, but I wondered what Lex must think about a grown man kissing the foreheads of grown children, both male and female.

  My dad stood the same height as me, and I was fortunate enough to inherit his hazel eyes. It was definitely my most striking feature. My mom had the same petite build and wavy dirty-blond hair as Claudette, and the same gray eyes as Charlie.

  My dad didn’t just show his affection to the ones he considered his children, but he directed his unconditional to my mom as well. They were extremely affectionate with each other. Truly, it was probably what Claudette was always chasing, and what Charlie and I never thought possible. But now, when I saw my two best friends interact with each other, I believed it was possible for others, too.

  Louis and Charlie were completely at ease with each other. They exchanged inside jokes and adorning glances. It was true that I sometimes acted like I was repulsed at their public displays of affection, but it was really just a cover for my envy. Granted, I’d had my share of affection from females. I had always enjoyed that, but now I was at a point in my life where I wanted something more. I didn’t think having a meaningful relationship was in the cards for me until now.

  I recognized early on that Lex was different from other girls. For one thing, she didn’t go for my usual charm. She was initially quiet and standoffish. I’d had to peel away those outer layers of her timidity, but being able to bring her out of her shell had been a very rewarding experience. Now that I understood why I always had such a magnetic pull toward her, I didn’t plan on ever letting her go.

  “Cameron, go get yourself and Alexis some drinks while your dad and I finish getting the appetizers ready,” my mother said while shooing us with her wildly waving hands.

  “My mom really went all out. We don’t usually have appetizers. It must be because I brought a guest.” I reached for Lex’s hand and ushered her into the kitchen for our beverages.

  While in the kitchen, I heard the front door sweep open and Louis say, “Hey, Claude.” However, I didn’t hear any additional voices. I had assumed Travis was coming with her. My parents’ house was not the open concept design that modern homes had within their first-floor plan. Lex and I were in the kitchen grabbing wine from the fridge with a wall separating our view into the living room and foyer area.

  When I emerged with Lex at my side and a wineglass for her and a bottle of beer for me, I saw that what I had suspected was true. “Where’s Travis?” I asked my oldest sibling.

  She darted a death stare in my direction. “I assume he’ll be here soon.” Her expression transformed into a scowl, and I wasn’t sure why. “What time did you tell him to be here?”

  I always had a pretty good idea of what went through Charlie’s head. She was my twin, after all, but for some reason, I now had an idea of what was going through Claudette’s. Maybe I was just getting better at reading women in general. What I didn’t understand was that if this was my big sister’s plan, why didn’t she inform me beforehand so I could at least act like I had a clue?

  “I told him to just come over after golf.” She better show some gratitude, at least. Even I was impressed at how quickly I came up with that recovery. I still wasn’t sure what was going on between my sister and Travis, but I also knew if she was going to confide in a sibling, it wouldn’t be me. It would be Charlie. “Maybe I should text him.”

  “No.” Claudette almost grabbed my phone out of my pocket before I could even reach for it. “If he’s at the golf course, he won’t be able to respond. I’m sure he’ll be here soon.”

  Claudette’s panic-ridden voice concerned me, so I turned to face my girlfriend. “Hey, Lex, will it be okay with you if I leave you with Louis and Charlie for just a minute? I need to talk with Claude.” I needed to get to the bottom of this. She flashed me a sweet smile, and I released her hand so she could join Charlie and Louis. Then I motioned my head toward Claudette in the direction of the kitchen.

  “What the hell is going on, Claude?” I whispered once behind the kitchen wall to avoid our parents overhearing our conversation. They were tucked away in the formal dining room presumably setting out appetizers.

  “I didn’t tell Mom and Dad that I had invited Travis.” She glared at me with burning, reproachful eyes. What the hell have I done?

  “Okay, so what’s the plan?” Even though she appeared madder than hell, I still wanted to find out what she expected to happen.

  “I told Mom that Travis was your friend. I had no idea you were going to invite a girl over.” She spoke softly also, but she over-enunciated her words. Basically, her voice was a screaming whisper.

  “Her name is Alexis, and you’ve met her before. She went to dinner with us.” I wore a perplexed expression because what did having Alexis over have anything to do with Travis?

  “I know what her name is, you idiot. I meant that you have never brought a girl home, so why would I assume you were bringing any girl?” Her eyebrows were furrowed, and although we hadn’t always gotten along, I had never been a bad brother to her. I had no idea what all the hostility was about.

  “What difference does it make if I bring someone over or not?”

  She really needed to be more direct. What happened to the no-nonsense approach she usually had?

  “Now that Charlie is with Louis and you are with Alexis, it’s going to look like I’m with Travis.” At this point, she had her jaw clenched so tightly that her whispers practically shot through the tiny spaces between her teeth.

  “So?” It wasn’t like she hadn’t brought a hundred boys over for family dinners before.

  “So? Travis will think I planned this whole thing so I could get paired with him.” Her blue eyes began to glass over, as if tears caused them to shine. I really, really hoped she didn’t cry.

  “First of all, I don’t think Travis will suspect that you manipulated him into coming to dinner as a love interest. And secondly, why didn’t you at least text or call me to give me a heads-up?”

  Her facial features were turned downward, and the usually flawless skin across her face was splattered with red splotches. I was not used to seeing her upset, but I moved toward her and rubbed her shoulders in response to whatever was unfolding between us. I was not the type to be comfortable around an emotional woman, but I felt like I needed to reassure her somehow.

  “I get that I’m not your favorite sibling, but I’ll always have your back.”

  Holy crap. I saw a smile creep across her face. She actually smiled because of something I said. “Cammy, you have never seemed interested in helping me, hanging out with me, or even learning anything about me.”

  “Probably because you call me Cammy.” We both exchanged a few, brief laughs. “Listen, I can play along with whatever charade you’re up for, but really, next time, you need to tell me about it.”

  “I guess it’s not too late for you to be my favorite sibling.” Wow. She was an easy sell.

  “You have no loyalty. But I love you anyway.” I hugged her but had to murmur under my breath, “Sorry, Claude. The title of my favorite sibling will always belong to Lean Bean.”

  “Oh, I know.” She abruptly pulled out of my embrace and shot me a cold look. “You, Charlie, and Louis have always had each other. I don’t have that close-knit group of people. And now with Charlie and Alexis becoming friends, my own sister won’t have any time for me. I always counted on being the female presence in Char’s life. She never had female friends before, but she had me. Now that she has a girlfriend, where does that leave me?”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Who did she run to when she and Louis had their
blow-out fight? It certainly wasn’t me! She wanted her sister. And what do you mean, you don’t have a close-knit group of people? You’ve always had plenty of friends. I figured you were all still close.” It was beginning to sound like Claudette was having a quarter-life crisis. Maybe she and I actually did have a few similarities after all.

  “Well, you figured wrong! They’re all busy getting married. Sure, I’ve been a bridesmaid a dozen times, but I’m not getting married anytime soon. Some of them are already talking about babies! I don’t have anything in common with them anymore.” She heaved a deep sigh and grabbed the back of her neck. “Travis has been a good friend to me. He’s going through some stuff, and although my drama isn’t nearly at the same magnitude, he understands me.” She reached for my hand. “So can you just play along? I don’t want to put any pressure on Travis, and I definitely don’t want Mom and Dad to think he’s my boyfriend. They’ll never in a million years believe that I’m only friends with a man, so it would just be easier if we tell them that you and Charlie are friends with him.”

  “All right. It’s fine, really.” I changed the way she held my hand into a handshake just as our mother rounded the corner to witness our very weird agreement.

  “John, you’ve got to see this,” my mom said while taking a platter to the sink.

  My dad appeared in the open doorway that separated the kitchen from the dining area. “What’s that?”

  “Our oldest and our youngest look like they’re getting along. Should we be worried?” My mother arched an eyebrow in our direction.

  “It definitely looks like a conspiracy.” My father chuckled and swatted my mother on her behind. She flinched and laughed back at him. Claude and I exchanged glances and then simultaneously made upchucking noises.

  Dinner went well. Once Travis finally showed up, I effectively convinced my parents that he was my friend…and of course, Charlie’s, too. It was true that we were all friends, but the whole situation was bizarre. It felt normal to have Louis at my parents’ house, but with him as Charlie’s boyfriend and not our childhood pal was definitely different. Bringing a girl to my parents’ house felt odd too, but at the same time, I couldn’t imagine having anyone else as my girlfriend other than Lex. That was really peculiar. First of all, calling anyone my girlfriend should be strange enough, but feeling like Lex was the only woman who would ever have that title should feel weird, right?


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