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The Adventures of Vela

Page 15

by Albert Wendt

and into my embrace shifted the whole

  weave of her heat and aromatic essences

  The magnificent need to hold her

  beyond Smellessness into Tagaloa’s eternity

  is as real now in my decrepit old age

  as it was then in what I came

  to call ‘The Night of Betrayal by Family’

  We slept and forgot night has an end

  until the blinds were ripped down by

  her relatives and our nakedness

  was exposed to the morning for all to see

  ‘Beast! Beast!’ her father screamed

  (8) Sentence

  As they bound her with sinnet I jumped

  to her defence but they beat me to

  unconsciousness to wake a day later

  to Master Manogipesemalie my generous

  host tongueclucking Now you’re in for it!

  What? I pleaded She’s to be tried for

  a heinous sin he said I was nonplussed

  so he explained that Manogilaumaile’s family

  was defining me a beast and she was

  therefore guilty of bestiality

  I am Samoan! I am human! I protested

  at her trial to the Council’s sniggering

  and Manogitupusili ordering Give him

  the SQ Tests to see if he is! I tried

  desperately but failed every one so

  he declared me smellectually a beast

  with an SQ no better than a mullet’s

  Re-education was the sentence for her

  For me the witnessing of her ordeal

  and then deportation from their country

  (9) Smellwashing

  The Supreme Healer of Sins assigned her treatment

  to his Senior Olfactorologist Manogi-

  lotoalofa Smell-of-Loving-Spirit famous

  for his love of children and developing

  the science of Smellwashing to save sinners

  The Senior Olfactorologist’s home was a lava cave

  in the cliffs at Manui’a Point: spacious

  well-lit well-ventilated laid with valuable

  Tongan mats no signs of threat – in fact

  more comfortable than most Olfact homes

  Three women his wives I assumed fussed

  silently over us when we were introduced

  and sat me against the central post while

  Manogilaumaile took the opposite post

  No sound of the sea penetrated there

  Strange also the absence of smell as

  we awaited the Olfactorologist after

  his wives left us and I suggested

  escape to Manogilaumaile but she just

  shook her tearful head

  She refused to look at me Hands clasped

  in her lap shoulders slumped eyes

  gazing at the mats she was repentance

  and vulnerability – the patient pleading

  to be cured of whatever illness diagnosed

  by the healer using whatever method he chose:

  Like millions our planet over a willing victim

  of a system which had determined that

  she obey even if it demanded her death

  I was too naive then to see that

  and too scared to insist on heroic escape

  or fight the forces threatening

  our love (heroics are for the insanely

  brave and the young who don’t yet

  know the pain of risk that fails)

  The Olfactorologist eased like trusting

  scent into the gap between us Greeted

  us gently inquired about our health whether

  we needed anything Lean lightboned

  slowmoving like the matu’u gentlest of seabirds

  Nothing to fear he said to her Smellwashing

  merely washes out your illness (he’d

  never refer to it as ‘sin’) and replaces

  it with the scent-truths of our Olfact Way

  It’s a purification of nostrils polluted by …

  As he explained he seemed a wise grandfather

  who’d acquired limitless alofa through

  a lifetime of suffering and I tried to wash

  out my fear of him but it flowed

  and threatened to flood my every vein

  Averting his searching eyes Manogilaumaile nodded

  and nodded to his persuasive song and

  with every nod slipped further away

  from me — after all I was only dumb

  beast compared to this wisest of Smellocrats

  That’s all for today he ended to my surprise

  My assistants will feed you then you’re free

  to go anywhere tonight Thank you

  sir Manogilaumaile said He smiled

  at me and emphasised we were free

  Let’s go away I begged after he’d left

  She cringed away He’ll smell us out! she cried

  He’s everywhere don’t you know that?

  He’s taking you away from me I said

  but she refused to budge from his home

  Late that night we crept into each other’s

  arms and in the Olfact Way lovesmelled

  strength into our hearts and promised

  the Olfactorologist wouldn’t succeed in

  erasing our lovesmell bonds

  For a week he just talked to her —

  a song which relaxed and won her trust

  I too slipped into trusting him (I now

  know that’s what prisoners do — they want

  to trust their interrogators)

  And because I was smellectually limited

  I didn’t discern the subtle aromas

  they were daily veining our prison cave with

  while the wily Olfactorologist crooned aromas

  that were altering my beloved’s smellsense

  At night in embrace we persuaded ourselves

  the Olfactorologist’s work was for our good

  And it wasn’t until she withdrew into

  inexplicable laughter and brightly burning

  eyes she confessed the air was sweetly drugged

  Next morning I confronted him with that

  but he dismissed it by asking her if

  anything was wrong The air is beautiful

  give me more of it she murmured in

  her euphoric high and craving

  He instructed her to dance and as

  she floated around the floor she obeyed

  the dance steps he asked of her

  She danced and danced to his song

  until exhausted she collapsed and slept

  Go away! she pushed at me when later

  I woke her so I watched over her till

  the Olfactorologist’s morning return and when

  I tried choking admission of drugs out of

  him his three amazons bound me to my post

  My friend I’m going to explain smellwashing

  to you — who knows your tiny smell-

  intelligence may retain some of it that

  may benefit your people on your

  return to them he said gently

  I’ve taken her into another smellreality

  and while she’s there I’m going to wash

  her clean of her present scent essences —

  her identity — and replace it with another

  that’ll disgust her with you and your bestiality

  He wanted me to observe his every move so

  he told his assistants to bandage my nose

  with crushed leaves (a drug?) that

  on my inhaling fired my brain/eyes

  to avid observation of his mastery

  Into the centre of my head the pungency plunged

  and cut out all sense of guilt fear

  shame and I enjoyed watching myself

  watching the skilled spectacle of Manogi-

  laumaile being transformed into conforming citizen

sp; I can hear his teaching voice even now

  every deadly nuance of it and action of

  his assistants that flowed from it: First

  lie her on her back and into her being

  pour all the good scents of her childhood

  As she swallowed the fragrances she chortled

  with joy as if being reborn stretching out

  in limb in confidence in discovering her

  true level of SQ and smellsense before

  the bitter odours of adulthood hemmed her in

  At his instructions she acted out various

  smell stages of her growing up from infant

  to nine to twelve to being whipped by

  her mother into loud bawling protests

  (I marvelled at his cool wizardry)

  Then as reassuring as the To’elau’s breath

  he asked her to dive into the first amniotic

  sea and the cell in the egg that was the spark

  of all her essences before being/smellthought

  and awareness: I held my breath as she plunged

  While in that dive he placed his mouth over

  her nose and blew his breath essences

  down in pursuit of her into her genesis

  Suddenly she was waves of trembling

  and whimpers as he hunted her

  Don’t be afraid he whispered into

  her depths Her choked cry was that

  of a fish hooked and wrenched up to

  drown in air’s clarity Once that was all

  then her body now without identity relaxed

  into sleep which lasted days/nights of

  his assistants feeding her his prescription

  of aromas for a new personality

  With each scent and mixture he said

  go new memories/associations of a genesis

  in the womb a birth childhood and

  her story up to her waking soon to a person

  free of sin our society will welcome and love

  Fascinated I too watched and awaited

  her rebirth eagerly

  Inadvertently I must’ve fallen asleep and

  in my sleep they undrugged my nostrils

  untied me from the post and I woke

  again to fear and concern for her

  but there was no one in the room

  Manogilaumaile! I called repeatedly

  as I searched the cave’s circling walls

  I wheeled She was sitting in the centre

  her back turned and I rushed over

  and from behind wrapped her in my arms

  Her nails were shell knives that ripped

  into my face chest and arms when

  she swivelled round and cried Rape! Rape!

  And her knee crushed upwards into my

  balls and the pain blew the light out of my skull

  The Olfactorologist must’ve used a drug to

  fish me out of the dark and for a long while

  I didn’t recognise the Council applauding

  around me like celebrating birds or

  why Manogilaumaile wore a laurel of laumaile leaves

  (10) Saved

  Our daughter’s been saved from sin! Manogi-

  tupusili proclaimed to all She’s a new

  person we can all love I crawled to

  her feet and gazed up into her eyes that said

  Who’re you? Why did you attack me beast?

  Next morning they set me adrift beyond

  their reef (My journey home is a tale

  for another day) As I promised I’ll end

  my Olfact story with the Final Test that

  graduated their apprentices into navigators/fishermen

  (11) Final Test

  Full moon night the Masters summoned us

  to their fale and in the dancing firelight

  smellprayed to their atua Then they divided apprentices

  into pairs of complimentary flaws and strengths

  leaving Manogipesemalie the 41st with a special Test

  Out of the rafters they took large baskets

  and after assigning each pair their Test

  showed them items they had to bring back

  For instance Pair One had to find Aotearoa

  to the south and fetch the feathers

  of the flightless kiwi bird and ten karakia

  Pair Two had to navigate the perils of

  the Black Archipelagoes to the north

  and from Malaita bring prowheads of war canoes

  and the incantations that protected them

  Another pair had to bring from Hawaii

  a stone altar and the rituals of sacrifice

  that altar deserved From Rapanui

  the shape of the Moai and its long inward

  gaze which outlives their atua

  And further east still from the southern

  land of the Sun atua the skills of counting

  and building pyramids to launch death

  From the islands of the Yellow Men the magic

  of unpoisoning the balloonfish and the smell

  of frozen water that fell whitely from

  grey skies without sun And so on

  until only the 41st was left

  Of her they demanded the most difficult

  task to discover the continent suspected

  to the northwest but as yet not even smelled

  by the Masters in their many quests: She

  wasn’t to return until she’d found it

  and recorded its scentmap for future voyaging

  (She didn’t question her suicidal Test)

  And all must return with total smell-

  inventories of their assigned lands

  Don’t forget ours is an empire of

  fragrances and scents the Masters exalted them

  Each new scent extends our knowledge of reality

  All Olfact gathered by the sea to launch

  their children on their dangerous quest

  There was weeping and prayers and pleas

  to their atua to bring them home safely

  Manogisili promised them immortality

  Masters Tautai Manogisa and Lolototai blessed

  them last and withdrew In their eyes

  I saw the glitter of tears? regret? loss?

  How long will they take? I asked

  For most a lifetime whispered Lolototai

  I was deported four years later and

  none had returned Today I still see

  them on their frail crafts piercing the horizon’s

  muscled dark and tracing ropes of scent

  across the mysterious stretches of Moana Sa

  questing for meaning to the Final Test

  a few will survive and return to ancient

  Masters who’ll feed rapaciously on

  the fragrances of their heroic deeds to

  gather new strength to live on smell on be

  You think my tale too tall? Vela challenged us

  Really neat Sina praised Mele’s glazed eyes spoke

  of wondrous belief in her adopted grandfather

  (He’d exiled Michael to bed saying he was too young

  for adult Olfactor romances)

  And you? he demanded of me

  Neat really neat I enthused

  Believe It or Not! he echoed his guru Jack Palance

  Soon after his tale of Olfact Vela insisted

  I too turn my travels into verse

  He was an exacting listener

  I had to compose orally to his satisfaction

  and my family’s amusement because whenever I faltered

  he banished me to the study until I had it perfect

  ‘Nightflight’ is my first adventure he applauded

  My kids judged it boring but he conned them

  into accepting it as ‘Your Dad’s Songs of Deng

  Tsiaopeng’s Bourgeois Revolution’



  (1) QF9

  Nightflight QF93 No escape

  from the tunnel locked into

  night’s gravity that stretches

  on and on

  This poem is

  in my hand that records

  as I walk this page


  from Guangzhou where they boast

  they can cook and eat any-

  thing with four legs

  except a table

  I’m fastened

  to my seat among 300 others

  awaiting the prescribed hours

  to end like a sentence

  Nightflight Tonight’s movie

  is Blacklight about love that is

  young in China and worthy

  of the proletariat

  I pay it little attention

  My hand is

  the pen The pen is

  my hand and the footsteps

  of it on the page


  Blacklight Sydney ninelong

  hours ahead I’m suspended

  between past and future tenses

  contemplating neither

  Suspended between

  the Circle the Square

  and the Nine that binds all

  in the Temple of Heaven

  (2) Mao’s Calligraphy

  Nightflight Blacklight I’ve left

  the Emperors behind in

  their luscious tombs under hills

  of cypress

  and tourists

  They’ll wake

  to the Open Door as Mao strides

  out of his mausoleum

  to scrawl protests against the present

  on the walls of Tian’anmen Square

  where everyday in all seasons

  millions shuffle past his crystal coffin

  shuffle without pausing shuffle


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