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Angela's Trial and Tribulations

Page 6

by Mark Andrews

  The new mayor watched approvingly as his protege shamed the young blonde slave. Then, the black stepped back, raised his whip and lashed it down, right across her breasts. She screamed: “Aaaaggghhhhheeeggghhhaaaggghhh!” Her face turned white with the pain and she doubled up, her hands coming down to hug her agonised chest while she hopped around, all attempts to assuage some of the fiery pain that beset her body. The whip was short. The handle was nine inches while the blades were only another twelve but it was what they were made of that had engendered Angela’s agony. They were made of rhinoceros hide which material, when properly cured, makes the most painful whiplashes in the world. Used to full effect, they can tear open the flesh quite easily.

  Jason had not done this but he had made the lash count. He gestured for Angela to return to her place but then selected Jane to come forward. She did so in fear and trembling and looked up in terror into his face as he mauled her lovely young body as he had Angela’s before her. “Bend over, slut-bitch,” he said. “Hands flat on the floor between your feet. Six strokes, if you stay still, twelve if you move or scream.”

  He moved in behind her, raised the cane and slammed it down across her now taut butt cheeks. She grunted but stayed otherwise still and quiet. It had hurt terribly but she somehow absorbed the pain, knowing that he was serious and that if she reacted as he had suggested, she would indeed be facing a doubling of the punishment. He raised it again and laid it on hard once more but not on the same spot. For the last stroke, though, he did, placing the cane right over the first welt, the one that was paining the most. She screamed out immediately, stood up and jumping up and down, rubbed her backside gently.

  “Get down again, slut. You’ve just earned another six...” “But I didn’t scream until the last one,” she pleaded

  “Want to make it another twelve?”

  She bent over again and pushed her hands down flat on the floor. Mayor Brown was ecstatic. This was the way things should have been generations ago. This would teach these upstart women a thing or two. He wasn’t at all worried that his cock was pushing an enormous tent out the front of his pants as he watched his so muscular black house-man cane the beautiful young Thai girl and it hardened even more when he glanced at the welt across the other girl’s breast. He was going to have these slaves in his bed this night, perhaps both of them... And if they didn’t both please him as he expected, he would call on Jason to come up and fuck them while he watched - for Alex Brown derived almost as much pleasure from vicarious sex as from the execution of it himself and in any case, he was secretly bisexual. Watching the magnificent black stud animal rut with these sluts would give him enormous pleasure.

  The new gardener, name of Molly, was also black. She was even more athletic than Angela. Muscular in fact and Alex had chosen her for it. He liked women with muscles. Jason now strode up to her, slapped her face hard and ordered her to step forward. If she thought their common ancestry might stand her in good stead, she was sadly mistaken. He now took the last instrument from his belt and thumbed the switch. “Hands up on back of head, cunt,” he said harshly. “And get them legs open - wide... Wider!”

  Then he moved up and shoved the business end of the prodder into her gaping vagina, grinning as she screamed and thrashed around in the worst agony she had ever felt.

  The new cook, a girl named Emily, had brown hair and eyes and was as slender as the other three but with well-formed body. She was whipped with the rhinoceros hide whip three times across her back.

  Jason stepped back and the mayor addressed them again. “Having demonstrated the methods I intend using to make you work, I will also point out that I will expect the utmost cooperation from you when I require you in my bed or wherever else I shall require you to service me. Punishments such as you have just experienced will be swift for those who fail to please me but there is also another method. Jason, step forward and strip...”

  The huge black grinned and peeled his t-shirt up off his torso, revealing a musculature as splendid as anything Angela, or any of the other girls had ever seen. The mayor ran his hands down the boy’s chest and belly (which didn’t seem to worry him at all) and then he stripped off the so form-fitting trousers, which was all he had on apart from his sneakers which he had earlier discarded. Now the girls gasped as they beheld the enormous snake dangling from his groin - which was as naked of hair as theirs. There had of course been a bulge at the front of his pants but it had concealed very well the sheer enormity of his cock.

  He placed his hands up behind his head, flexed his biceps and began a slow undulation of his hips that caused his cock to swing out and back. The mayor again ran his hands down the boy’s flesh, cupped his huge testicles and fondled his cock, none of which appeared to faze the young athlete, not even when his cock responded to stand erect, a good twelve inches of thick, iron-hard man-meat.

  Once it was fully erect, Alex stepped back, although to Angela, it seemed he was reluctant to do so. “Another punishment open to me is to give you to Jason. He delights in fucking and he can do it for hours, non-stop. No matter how nymphomaniac you might be, Jason will wear you out and you will be screaming for release, long before he is finished with you... I will of course supervise the punishment.”

  This news had all of them sobbing in despair and Alex gloated. So did Jason who had continued to thrust his enormous pecker out at them in triumph. He knew his master would give them to him anyway as a reward for letting his boss fuck his asshole which he had done ever since the man had found him as an orphan and brought him home then had him trained to be a paragon of physical beauty and a sexual athlete.

  Alex had married only for political convenience. He rarely made love to his wife and when he did, it was brutal and cursory and only to underline to her that she was subservient to him in every way. He fucked any woman who caught his fancy. He was well known as a lusty and vigorous man and his (male only) constituents thought him a real man amongst men. Male sex was restricted to Jason for political safety... His wife did as she was told or he punished her by having the huge young black fuck her until she screamed for him to stop. He even made her watch as he fucked the black boy’s ass. She was no Amanda Swift and she knuckled under in fear of her powerful husband. But his physical beauty and ingenuous smile hid all this from the public. He was the consummate politician.

  The four girls laid into their work with a will but even that was not enough for Jason. He liked to beat defenceless girls and so every time he came upon them, they might expect a feel and fondle of their breasts and vagina and perhaps a finger or two up their anuses, but if they didn’t respond with a giggle and a kiss, out would come the cane or whip or prodder and a scream would be heard all over the house.

  Mrs Brown cringed and cowered in her room; the other girls squared the shoulders and worked harder. This did not apply to Angela so much of course since she was out driving the new mayor around the city. She had to work much harder now for Mayor Brown was not as conscientious about his paperwork as James had been and he far preferred to be out and about, showing himself to the city and looking over new works and projects.

  But she had another reason to loathe her new master. With the new rules had come a tightening of discipline in all areas and pony-girls had not escaped the legislators’ eyes. Instead of her wrists being buckled into the leather gauntlets that were stapled to the ends of the two poles, there was now another method of affixing the ponies to the gigs. The two poles had all been replaced by a single one at the centre. This terminated in a most peculiar looking apparatus that made little sense until you saw it attached to the girl.

  At the connection point there was a large knuckle joint which was attached to a four foot long iron pipe whose top end had a collar attached. At the bottom end was a J- shaped piece that could slide up and down inside the bottom of the pipe and could be locked in place. At the top of the shorter end of the J-piece was a realistic-looking dildo of very l
arge proportions. At the centre of the iron tube, near the knuckle joint, was a belt.

  When Angela first saw this arrangement, she was puzzled. She couldn’t for the life of her imagine how she was going to be harnessed into such a weird set of pipes and leathers. It was Jason who fitted her into it and she screamed in outrage at the indignity of the thing.

  He made her stand in position in front of the pole then lifted up the iron tube and buckled the collar around her neck. Then he growled at her to spread her legs wide and, undoing the insert’s holding screw, dropped it down so the dildo was at the level of her buttocks. He ordered her to part them and then forced the horrible thing right inside, making sure at least nine inches were inserted before again tightening the screw and locking it with a tiny padlock. She had screamed as her anus was so rudely violated but when he produced the prodder and aimed it at her naked vagina, she quickly subsided. Of the two, the pain in her backside was infinitely more acceptable. Not that it didn’t hurt, and hurt badly, but she knew the agony of a high-voltage shock to the soft inner membranes of her vagina was far, far worse.

  Last, he buckled the belt around her waist and secured it, and her neck collar, with more of the tiny padlocks. She was now attached to the gig permanently until someone came along with a key.

  Her arms were free and she was grateful for that at least. She would be able to use them to balance herself as she ran. She wasn’t prepared for the awful pain in her anus as she moved though. The collar and the waist belt absorbed most of the load but the dildo still moved alarmingly as she moved and she moaned as the pains stabbed and shot through her body.

  “Hurt does it, slut?” sneered Jason copping a good feel of her breasts and sex as he led her around to the front door. “Good, I’ll warrant you’ll be in real agony when you come home tonight - and then the master may well allow me to fuck your arse, how would that be?” He laughed uproariously as he left her at the front door to wait for the mayor.

  Alex was far harder on her as a pony than James had been. He was always ordering her to get a move on or speed it up. She tried her best but human beings were not designed as ponies and there was a limit to how fast she could go and for how long. He took delight in whipping her for he had acquired one of those long coach whips that normally sat in the holder beside his seat. When she seemed exhausted, he took it out and lashed it forward, right up and down her now very muscular back and buttocks. It usually worked, the pain reminding her of her duty.

  The pain in her anus abated slowly that first day as it accommodated itself to the large intruder and from then on it was nothing more than a painful irritation rather than an agony. But as an item of humiliation it was second to none. Everyone could see the flesh-coloured dildo half poking out of her anus and it was well-known how far in it was inserted. And so for the next few weeks, as she learned to accommodate herself to this new indignity, she blushed all the time whilst they were on the road, which was most of the time.

  Her body again adjusted, her thigh muscles and her chest and belly developing nearly as much as the muscular Molly, whose body Angela much admired. Jane admired it too and since Molly was more agreeable to female to female sex, she and Jane often made it together in the semi-privacy of their attic room. She couldn’t of course when Alex called for either of them to his bed but since he only required them about once a week each, there was plenty of opportunity to indulge their pleasure. Angela watched silently and covertly. True to her nature, she wasn’t critical and wished them well but hoped Alex would never find out. His wrath if he discovered two of his slavegirls were engaging in lesbian activity might be quite spectacular, she thought.

  Chapter 5

  She found her days were again full of shame and humiliation however. James had tried to ease her burden in this regard; Alex made it as hard as possible. He encouraged casual passers-by to come up and look over his pony-girl when he arrived at a destination. He made her park the gig in a conspicuous position and then smiled at the men who gathered to see the mayor and his slave girl harnessed to his gig in this new and so horrible manner. “Come closer, gentlemen. Look her over. She is being punished, after all. Feel her flesh if you have a mind. Don’t spare her feelings... Yes, sir, be my guest, investigate her sexual organs fully...”

  She stood there, her face a violent shade of puce as the men eagerly crowded in on her, their hands seeking her breasts, her belly and her vagina as well as stroking her muscular thighs and parting her buttocks to look more closely at the large dildo that went up between them. Everyone knew at least six to nine inches of it went right on up into her rectum and would be causing her a grave discomfort at the very least. This was obvious from the way she twitched her buttocks, trying to ease the pain.

  Not that many of her audience were sympathetic. Not by a long shot! Public resentment against women in general had been whipped up by the government and municipal authorities who now perceived a very lucrative form of income for their coffers. It was projected that a good slave girl with at least five years’ slavery facing her would bring around a hundred thousand and if her term was longer, much more. A lifer, if she was young and attractive, might well bring in a quarter of a million.

  The remarks were just as humiliating as the hands. They ranged from suggestions as to how the speaker would like to have the girl sexually, to ways of punishing her and they were as innovative as they were shameful.

  “Pity she’s got the dildo up her arse. I’ve got a much bigger plug right here and I’d keep it moving much better than that dildo...”

  “The harness should include a breast clamp. I’ve seen them on a prisoner and they really hurt...”

  “The dildo should have included a cunt-plug as well. That way she’d be having constant orgasms as she trots around...”

  These and similar ‘suggestions’ were her constant bane as she stood and waited for the mayor to return. Once more she tried to ignore them and to rise above them but it wasn’t easy.

  Sex with James had been pleasant. She hadn’t asked for it, except when she spoke to Amanda suggesting she be treated as Jane was since she was no different and she was well aware she had no say in when and how it would be performed but he was considerate and he never forced her to do things that were repugnant to her. Alex was the exact opposite. He delighted in finding out what they didn’t like - and then making the four girls perform those very acts with him, or with Jason.

  He found that Angela felt that any sexual act except what is commonly known as the ‘missionary position’, with the woman lying flat on her back while the man mounts her, was semi-indecent so he forced her to perform with him in every other way.

  Their first encounter left her feeling totally dirty. A thing. A piece of flesh to be used and abused and nothing more... “You may undress me, slave ...” She did, keeping her eyes averted from his. She hated this man but she didn’t want him to see it in her eyes.

  “Now get down on your knees. First you are going to suck me until I come - and you will swallow down every last drop or face a whipping.”

  She sobbed once but quickly dropped to her knees in front of him then got her head down to take the head of his already rampant cock into her mouth. Ugh, she thought. What a horrible thing to do. For his part, he was pleased. This girl was the pick of the four and he was going to use her unmercifully - at least until he tired of her and then he would sell her on (might even use her to make political capital) - and he would use her every which way he knew.

  She was frightened stiff of that whip and she knew Jason would not be far away and would be only too pleased to wield it in the service of his master. She pursed her lips and worked them up and down over the lip at the crown of his penis. She knew this was the most sensitive part of his organ and hoped he wouldn’t make her take any more of it into her mouth. Alas, she didn’t know him very well.

  “Take it all in, slut. I want to feel my cock right down yo
ur throat.”

  She tried. But this was the first time she had had anything other than food or her toothbrush inside her mouth and certainly not anything as big as this monster weapon. Every time she tried to take more, she gagged. He grabbed her around the head and simply forced it down. She reacted quite involuntarily. She bit down on his cock in her fear of having her airways blocked off. He screamed out in rage and backed off, his cock rapidly wilting now and showing her teeth marks half way down very clearly. “Jason!” he roared. That worthy appeared in seconds. He was never far away from his boss when he was in the house. He was wearing his usual ultra-revealing, very thin white t-shirt and trousers and Angela eyed the bulge at their front apprehensively - as well she might. But she was more concerned at the whip in his hand. It never left there unless he put it away to wield another of his instruments of correction.

  “This bitch bit me,” and he pointed to his well-marked cock.

  Jason didn’t grin although he had to work hard not to. “You want her whipped, boss?”

  “Make it hard. I want to hear her screaming. Do it to her arsehole. Make it bleed.” Jason grinned now. “Sure thing... We can use the new pulley you had installed up there,” and he pointed up to the ceiling where a small hook dangled out of a tiny hole. “Excellent idea.” Alex went over to the wall and pressed a button whereupon the hook descended. It was attached to a stainless steel wire and it dropped down until it was near the floor. Meanwhile, Jason had gone out of the bedroom to return holding a five foot long steel bar with manacles on each end. He pushed Angela down onto the floor and knelt in front of her, buckling first one ankle then the other into the manacles. Her feet were now drawn out impossibly wide and her vagina gaped wide open.


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