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Angela's Trial and Tribulations

Page 7

by Mark Andrews

  The bar had an eyelet in its centre and Jason placed the hook through this then nodded to his master who activated the switch that drew the hook back up. He held it until she was dangling, upside down with her legs spread obscenely wide and her hands were just clear of the floor.

  Jason positioned himself behind her so that he had a clear view of her anus, now exposed by the wide-open buttocks. Alex stood beside him. He didn’t want to miss one second of the punishment. Jason held the crop, which he had exchanged for the rhinoceros-hide whip as being a more effective instrument for the anus but now slammed it down, as hard as he could, right across the ring of the anal rosebud.

  The crop made a ‘thwap’ sound and then there was silence, at least for a few seconds. Then she screamed. It was a blood-curdling, heart-rending cry of pure anguish. Her body thrashed around and her hands went everywhere, trying to assuage the awful hurt.

  Jason and Alex watched with interest. Both had massive hard-ons now and both relished her performance. After she had quietened down, Alex nodded to his black sex- boy who smiled and raised his arm once more. Alex watched as the boy’s biceps muscle contracted to the beautiful tennis-ball shape he so loved and he had to restrain himself not to reach out and feel it for Jason would then have stopped, stripped naked and posed for his master - something he knew Alex delighted in. Instead he turned to Angela’s now red and throbbing anus and wondered if the next stroke would split it open.

  Down it came and again she screamed beautifully. The crop didn’t actually open a wound but it did cause some minor bleeding and Alex called a halt.

  “Since she won’t open her mouth for me, Jason, you may take her and teach her how it’s done. Tomorrow she can stay home. Put her on the mechanical deep-throat machine - and while you’re about it use the double fucker at her rear as well. She may as well learn what real sex is all about ...”

  “Sure thing, Boss. You don’t want to watch her learn to take my cock down her throat?”

  Alex leered back at him. “I would, boy. Unfortunately, I have to go to a dinner. But you make sure she learns good, eh?”

  The boy grinned. “Sure thing.”

  They let her down and Jason undid the manacles from her ankles. As he led her to his room, he gripped her upper arm hard. “You goin’ to learn now, girl. When the master speaks, you jump.”

  She didn’t reply, his hand on her arm was hurting. She said nothing, however. In his room he quickly stripped and once more she stared at his magnificent physique in awe. She knew she was athletic and her body very well-toned, just as Molly’s was but Jason’s body was, well, quite superb. But his cock was Gargantuan and she shuddered as she thought of taking that monster right down her throat.

  He sat in a chair and ordered her to kneel in front of him. “Start slow, girl,” he said gruffly and she stared up at him in surprise. These were the first words he had said to her or the others that even remotely resembled compassion.

  She formed her lips and took the crown of the now hard organ in her mouth then, determined not to earn another of those dreadful strokes to her bottom (the throbbing agony had now abated just a little), she took another three inches inside as well. “Good, now you just have to get it past the back of your mouth. Here, I’ll help but don’t you dare bite down...”

  He took hold of her head in his hands and in one big pull, forced his cock right down her throat, continuing to hold her for a few seconds to make her accept it while he told her she would soon get used to it. Then he let her pull her head back and off it. He let her rest for a minute or so and she stared up at his handsome face in wonder. He was actually being quite nice to her, something he had not done before.

  “All right, girl, time for another go. This time you try to dive right down on it - if it helps at all, you have a very nice mouth and your throat is silky smooth. It a real pleasure to fuck your mouth ...”

  She did as he suggested and, closing her eyes, and her mind to what she was doing, drove her mouth down hard until her lips were at his smooth groin. She worked it back and forth a while and he gurgled in pleasure. Again she stared up at him in awe. So there was another side to this handsome black boy who had so seemed to relish hurting and debasing the four slave girls.

  For another hour he made her practice then he let her kneel back. He looked down at her speculatively. “You did well there, girl an’ I think that’s enough for now. Tomorrow you got to go on the machines but mayhap I kin make it easier for you... We got a choice now. I kin let you go back to your room, or you kin try this thing another way?” He pointed down at his now soft pecker.

  “You want to make love to me?” “Only if you wants?”

  Angela considered things. She thought he was bribing her with the suggestion that he could make things less horrible tomorrow if she agreed but then he had seemed to be genuine, too. Anyway, he wasn’t at all bad looking and those muscles, phew! She made up her mind: “I’d like to, Jason.”

  He grinned and his face lit up. “Great,” he said, lifting her up in his powerful arms and laying her, quite gently, down on his bed. He climbed up onto her and speared his again rigid cock into her body then laid his down on her. She sighed in pleasure as she felt his muscles on her flesh, but also, the huge throbbing weapon inside her was doing wonders to her libido.

  Soon she was thrashing around in near ecstasy. Her lips sought his and her hands went up to feel and fondle and even to pummel his flesh as he brought her to crescendo after crescendo of stupendous sex. He didn’t come. He made sure she was sated fully before allowing himself that pleasure but when it did, it was the best he had ever had.

  They lay side by side afterwards and Angela traced little patterns on his chest and belly, marvelling at his body, but even more at the emotional and physical pleasure he had engendered in her. Her boyfriend Richard had been totally inept here and even James hadn’t been a patch on what she had just experienced.


  “What, girl?” he said gruffly, wondering what he had started. “I couldn’t have believed anything could be so wonderful!”

  He turned to her and smiled again. “I liked it too.” He paused for a moment or two than looked at her seriously. “But you know I got to put you on those machines tomorrow and they not goin’ to be nice?”

  “I know,” she said, contentedly as she snuggled up next to his great body.

  “You got to get back to your room soon, girl. The master, he come back an’ you not there, he be wondering. I’m not supposed to pleasure you, you know!”

  “I know. You were supposed to teach me to do that thing to his penis... Well, you did. You just taught me something else as well...”

  He pulled her over to him and kissed her again. “You know girl, I think I’m falling for you...?”

  “I already have for you, Jason.”

  “It’s a worry, Angela. He doesn’t keep girls all that long. He’ll soon tire of you and then we’ll be apart. Also, we got to be real careful. He treats me well but only because I indulge him in everything. He fucks my arse, you know?”

  “Oh God, does he? Well, I know how bad it is because I’ve had that dildo up mine all day and then you had to beat it...”

  “I’ll try in future not to hurt so much.”

  “No, Jason. If he thinks you are pulling the strokes he might do anything...”

  Jason fell silent. He well knew she was right. Oh well, he hoped things might turn out for them, that was about all he could do, right then.

  “You want another go, girl?” “I thought you’d never ask.”

  That night as she slept in her narrow bed, she hugged herself in glee. She couldn’t possibly have imagined sex could be so wonderful. And she was even more ecstatic that she had fallen in love with Jason. Marvelling that just an hour before she had hated him as the instrument of Alex’ sadism...

  The next
day was bad. Jason made it as easy as he could but Alex had him fit her into the machine before he left and demanded she be kept in it, suffering long sessions with it switched on and ordered that she was only to be released from it when he returned home.

  The machine was quite horrible. Alex had designed it himself and he delighted in it. His victims didn’t, though.

  It consisted of a set of rails on which were placed the two working units and the bench to which the victim was secured. The two working units were at either end and the bench fixed permanently in the middle.

  First Angela was strapped face-down onto the bench. It was built like a form or bench and was a foot wide and two long. Angela’s head extended out over one end of the form and her loins the other. Her two arms were pulled down and her hands were secured to manacles affixed to the bottom of the support at that end and her feet were then pulled forward and each ankle similarly fixed to manacles at the bottom of the other support. This caused her buttocks to open and stretch and both her anus and her vagina were now well exposed and were well clear of the rear end of the form. Her head lolled down over the other end, but not for long.

  Once she was firmly secured by the addition of a belt pulled down tight over the small of her back to stop the slightest movement, they prepared the two machines. These were identical except for the travelling rod which was the ultimate element of the machines. They were set on a small metal platform on wheels that ran on the rails. They comprised a small motor, a gear train that reduced the speed of the motor to just a few revolutions each minute, and a rod attached to the rim of the final gear wheel that allowed the rod to move back and forth like a piston. In the case of the machine at her head, this rod finished in a long thick single dildo; in the case of that at the rear, there were two rods, one on either side of the wheel and at opposite sides of the wheel.

  First Jason fitted the mouth dildo into her. He moved the machine up close, lifted the rod and gently inserted the dildo into her mouth. He moved the gear wheel until the rod was fully retracted, then ordering her to open her mouth, he moved the machine on the rails until the dildo was a good three inches inside her mouth and she could not expel it. He then locked the base’s wheels and switched on the machine. The motor hummed and the gears began to turn, forcing the rod to moved forward and the soft dildo on its end to enter further, moving right down her throat before retracting to its starting position. The gears slowed the movement to about one full revolution every thirty seconds and she found she could breathe quite easily. She also found that while the thing was pretty horrible, she could cope with if she raised her head to straighten her throat to allow it easy passage.

  Next Jason and Alex moved to her rear. Jason slid the unit up close to her bottom and, after rotating the gear wheel until one rod was at its furthest extremity, took it and sliding the unit forward, pushed the dildo into her anus. He then locked the wheels. He rotated the gear again until the other one was full retracted and while he had to bend the soft material of the dildo to get it into her vagina, he managed and then inched the machine even closer before again locking it in place. Neither dildo could now eject from either her vagina or anus until the wheels were unlocked. He switched this unit on too and now as one dildo slowly entered her anus, the other retracted from her vagina.

  Alex stood back and watched in glee as his invention now fucked his slavegirl in three places at once.

  “Make sure she stays on it all day, Jason,” he warned and then, after watching her for another few minutes, he left in his car for the town hall.

  As soon as the car was out of the drive, Jason stopped both motors and removed the mouth dildo. “Bad?” he asked.

  “Not too bad, Jason. But I don’t know how I’d be after a whole day of this!”

  “You won’t have to. You’ll have to take it for some hours or he’ll know. We’ll try a half hour on and an hour off. But this afternoon. You better stay on it for the last two hours, at least. And remember, you got to pretend you in real agony or he smell a rat, okay?”

  She smiled. “Okay and Jason... ?” “Yes, girl?”


  She spent the day on the diabolical machine. After Jason had removed the dildos from her anus and vagina, she found their re-introduction was too bad so asked him to leave them in there but just turn off the motors. She liked him to take the dildo out of her mouth though for it was an intrusion and in any case she wanted to talk to him when he had the time to come up and spend it with her.

  He had to be careful of the other three, though. You didn’t know who to trust these days and while the other slave girls were probably loyal to Angela, you couldn’t take afford to take risks.

  They talked of his childhood and hers and of her training as a librarian and her love of athletics. He was apparently also a good track and field man and Alex had encouraged him in this as it had helped immeasurably to develop and hone his body.

  “How can you bear to have him touch you, Jason?” she asked.

  “You got to understand, Angela. He took me as an orphan and he brought me up in luxury. I wanted for nothing. I got a good enough education and I had the best clothes and food. It seemed it was the least I could do to give him my body in return.”

  “Well what about all the abuse of us women?”

  “Ah, that’s another matter. I think it started out small but it just grew. It wasn’t until I saw you and watched you that something in me snapped and I realised how bad all this was.”

  “You mean you didn’t even know that what you were doing was wrong?”

  “No. All the laws changed. You women became things, sort of, and after that rebellion, you had to be punished. It all seemed right and proper.”

  “Hmmm, well, I suppose I can see how he had you brainwashed. But what are we going to do? You are virtually married to him and I am nothing but his slave for another four years.”

  “I don’t know, Angela. Nothing we can do, I suppose. We can enjoy each other occasionally... I know it won’t be often and when I have to beat you - and the others now, I suppose, it’s going to be hard ...” He shrugged his great shoulders and grinned resignedly at her. “Time you had another session... You ready?”

  She smiled up at him and he replaced the dildo in her mouth and switched on both machines and once more she was being raped in three places at once - and by machines.

  When Alex returned and found her covered in sweat and her face red and strained he smiled. “Excellent work, Jason. Take her off and let’s took her over.” Jason backed off both machines and removed her manacles then helped her up and off the bench. Alex went over her carefully, examining her mouth and then her anus and vagina. “Much better,” he pronounced. “She can sleep tonight but tomorrow I will want her...”

  The next day she found the dildo up her ass much easier to bear and that night when Alex demanded she suck him off, she was able to perform perfectly. So was she when he demanded she lie on his bed with her legs up and spread wide so he could fuck her ass while he lay along her body.

  She even responded to his advances as if she really delighted in them, totally concealing the black rage she felt against him and her hatred of everything he stood for. She mourned that Jason had been so degraded by this man as to see no wrong in what he was made to do in his service and she vowed to herself that one day she would exact revenge against him for everything he had done against womankind. She would not be so foolish as to mount an open rebellion as Amanda Swift and her friends had done at so much cost to them and to womankind in general, but she would act, one day, somehow.

  In the meantime, she had to cope with more abuse.

  Alex found out, somehow, that Molly and Jane had a thing going. His first reaction was to have them punished very severely but Jason persuaded him that it might be more fun to have them come and perform as lesbian lovers while he watched. “Good point, Jason. Get them
down here. They can do it on the floor in front of me, here.”

  Molly and Jane were as frightened of Alex as Angela. When it became apparent Jason knew of their illicit sex they cringed back. He mollified them but he didn’t show them the tenderness he had with Angela. He still had a front to keep up. He made them understand they might escape punishment if they put on a good show and although they entered the drawing room in fear and some trepidation, once they began to make love together and were able to put out of their minds that two men were sitting and watching them, they really performed very well.

  Another week went by with Alex using his girls as he wished and Jason keeping up his new front very well. Alex had a brainwave. “That girl, Angela. She doesn’t like lesbian sex, does she, Jason?”

  No, Boss. I think she thinks it very indecent.”

  “Good. Have the two lesbos down here then go and fetch Angela.”

  Jason’s heart was heavy. He knew what his boss was going to do and he hoped Angela wouldn’t rebel. He hated the idea of punishing her now. Not that he had to that often. Since she was out of the house with Alex most of the time, he had only the other three to worry about and he was less enthusiastic about beating them than he had been. He didn’t let his control over them slip, merely pointed out that as long as they did their work, they might find him less severe in applying the rod or the whip. They were appreciative although they didn’t know why and Angela said nothing.

  Now though, as he brought his lovely young girl down to drawing room he looked very downcast. “Whatever’s the matter, Jason?” she asked worriedly. It might be anything, even the fact she was being sold.

  “I think he wants you to make love with Jane and Molly...”

  “Oh is that all. Hell, I don’t like it. I think it’s a bit disgusting actually, but I’ll do it and he’ll think I love it, if you like.”


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