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TouchStone for ever (The Story of Us Trilogy)

Page 26

by Sydney Jamesson

  Feeling in need of some sunshine I forgo the sightseeing tour even though I know there is much to be seen and experienced. Ayden comes to this part of the world so often I can come with him any time. Having left Jake to handle things we vacated our hotel room and make the midday dash to Hong Kong International airport.

  By my watch we’re three hours into our seven and a half hour flight to Cairns, Australia, home of the Great Barrier Reef and our next honeymoon destination. Our estimated arrival time is 8 p.m. giving us time enough to transfer via helicopter to Bederra Island.

  Feeling very proud of himself, Ayden is skimming through pages on his iPad, showing me where we’re going. I’m close to tears: it’s paradise found.

  He’s sitting across from me in one of the plush leather chairs on the mini-jet. He’s dressed down for the occasion in dark blue jeans; his sky blue shirt complements his skin tone and does wonders for his eyes.

  If the Heaven’s Gate Mountain was the crown in a fine array of priceless experiences, the Great Barrier Reef is set to be another jewel in that crown. As we approach for landing all I see is a blanket of midnight blue illuminated by the dazzling light of the moon. It’s stunning.

  A brief 30-minute helicopter ride later, we reach our destination. This tropical island beach resort is a cross between Shangri-La and a scene from Robinson Crusoe. I struggle to find the words to describe this overwhelming feeling of escapism.

  Who does this?

  “So what do you think? Do you like what you’ve seen so far?” Ayden asks, taking hold of my hand and giving it a gentle tug.

  “No,” I answer, casting my eyes to the heavens and closing them to take in the fragrance of wild flowers and pure sea air. ”I love it.”

  “That’s the response I was aiming for.” He offers me the widest smile; I can’t help but mirror it and continue on my merry way to our villa.

  Unpacking takes no time at all. Ayden sits out on the deck wearing khaki cut-offs and a body-hugging V-neck T-shirt in pale green. I’ve slipped into a pair of denim shorts and a pink crop top. Out on the horizon a lonesome ship catches my eye, but only momentarily; I return to him, drawn to his captivating presence and, from behind, throw my arms around his neck.

  He reaches up to me and takes a handful of hair. “Come and sit here next to me.”

  I circle the sofa and sit on his left side, our thighs touching, his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in close.

  Giddy with excitement I speak first. “I can’t wait to see what it’s like in daylight, can you?”

  “I’m afraid you will have to wait, unless …”

  Knowing what’s coming next I rest my palm on his pectoral muscles. “Please, no show- boating tonight. Let’s just have a night with no storms or whistle-stop tours of mountain ranges. There are snacks in the fridge and a selection of drinks. Let me get you something.” I prepare to stand. “What would you like?

  He takes hold of my hand and caresses it with his lips. “Only you, Beth.”

  “You already have me,” I reassure him. Positioning myself across his lap, I pull up my knees so I can fold myself into his body. “We’ll have the best of times here, Ayden.”

  “We will indeed.” With nature behind us, sea in front and the carefree whisper of the evening breeze, we put the pressures of the urban jungle behind us and focus on each other.

  “You want to name this feeling?” I ask, having timed my moment to perfection.

  Before answering he inhales deeply, allowing the air in his lungs to escape in one long, stress-free wheeze. “Contentment.”

  He can’t see my face but he must sense I’m smiling. “Good word. I feel the same way. This is one box I can quite happily tick off thanks to you.”

  He’s shaking his head. “I’m afraid I can’t take the credit for this, Beth. The villa, the transport – everything was already booked. I have simply been following a pre-existing plan.”

  I raise my head from his chest. “This wasn’t your idea?”

  “No. It was arranged over a week ago. I am simply allowing fate to determine the proceedings.” He strokes my hair while speaking.

  “I can’t believe all this was planned.” I push away from him, resting my right hand on his shoulder. “So what’s next on the itinerary?”

  “Now that would be telling, my darling. What kind of adventure would this be if every chapter was laid out for all to see?”

  Having been alerted to this startling news, I press him further. “But I thought you had to get back to ASMI…”

  “Not at all. Everything has been taken care of,” he assures me confidently. “Now that Hong Kong debacle has been resolved, I’m all yours.” He grazes my cheek with his thumb and brushes across my chin with the pad, finding the crevice beneath my mouth. Our eyes are locked together, held fast by an invisible force; with every reassuring word I’m being drawn closer to him. Unable to look away, I close my eyes and fall into his embrace. He wraps his arms around me protectively and I feel the warmth of a heat shield diffusing through my body.

  “We’re all that matters, Beth. Time will stand still and I will be yours …”

  “… for ever!” I exclaim, to his delight.

  “Yes,” he sniggers. “That can be arranged.”

  I hear his subtle declaration but better judgement tells me to move on. Now is not the time to discuss matters of such magnitude. Feeling my movement, he releases his grip.

  I sit bolt upright. “Have you ever been skinny-dipping?”

  He smiles, and it’s a wide toothy grin reminiscent of our Roman holiday. It hits me hard and, somewhere deep down inside I feel the pointed edge of a knife piercing my soul. Concealing my wound, I forge ahead. I’d do anything to see that look again on my husband’s face.

  “No, I can’t say I have.” He licks his lips. “But it sounds like something I might enjoy.”

  I clamber up from his knee. “I’ve never done it before either, so it’ll be a first for us both.”

  “Even better.”

  Hand in hand we stroll down to the water’s edge; the sand still retains some of the day’s heat and cushions our feet as we near the rippling waves, gingerly dipping in toes and ankles. I release my hand and unbutton my shorts, push them down with my panties and toss them up the beach. I pull my crop top up over my head and throw it in the same direction. He stands before me utterly mesmerised.

  “What are you doing?” he asks, looking about him furtively.

  “I’m skinny-dipping.” I turn towards the ocean and begin to take a tentative step into the rippling tide.

  “You are?”

  I glance back at him over my shoulder. “Yes …You said you wanted to.”

  “That’s before I realised what it was!”

  I’m beginning to feel very foolish standing with water up to my shins wearing no more than a smile; a smile that is quickly fading. “Why didn’t you ask me what it was?”

  “Because you assumed I knew.”

  Tiring of the conversation I continue to stride forward until the water is above my knees. “If you’re scared of being seen you can always block out the moon.” I start to giggle, realising how ridiculous that would sound to any normal person. I turn to face him and watch him mumble something inaudible, drag his T-shirt over his head and step out of his cut-offs. “Be careful. You don’t want anyone to see your sexy body,” I call out, laughing as the water tickles my waist.

  He comes marching towards me. “I don’t give a fuck about anyone seeing me. I don’t want some voyeur getting an eye-full of you.” He pulls me to him forcefully. “I don’t want to share you with anyone. Not even your silhouette.” His lips find mine and I wrap my arms around his neck instinctively.

  “No one’s here, Ayden,” I reassure him, tearing my mouth away from his long enough to catch my breath. I feel the hard prod of an erection against my hip and respond by lowering my hand to caress it. It appears to be buoyant, floating into my hand of its own accord; and I find it so amusing it makes me gigg

  “I love that sound, but I haven’t the faintest idea why you’re making it,” he declares, grinning so excitedly I can see the laugher in his eyes reflecting, caught by the moonlight.

  “It’s because I’m in love with you and you make me happy,” I reply not stopping to think through my answer.

  He leans back, taking my words to heart. A smile forms slowly and a moment of intimacy ensues. “I love you more, Beth. Making you happy is my dearest wish.” He slides both hands around my cheeks and into my hair. The dampness of his palms cools my heated skin and I am reminded of the lengths to which my lover will go to keep me safe and satisfied. I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist and, forgetting myself, kiss him with the fervour of a woman craving intimacy and love.

  With long strides, he takes us deeper into the ocean. The water undulates and rises as far as my breasts, then my shoulders, but all I can feel is him: a powerful presence entering me and moving back and forth to the rhythm of a breaking surf.

  I pull away from his suffocating kiss and lean backwards into the inky blackness, staring up at a midnight sky encrusted with stars. Slowly he gyrates his hips and begins to spin me around until the water takes hold of my hair and I am swallowed up by the sea.

  “See, feel and be part of the universe, Beth. Give yourself to me,” he commands, claiming all of creation.

  The authority with which he speaks captures my imagination; his words touch my primeval being and I arch into him, drowning in lust. I cry out until his name becomes lost to the wind. Only his guttural moan remains, sending shock waves ocean-deep, proclaiming our love.

  The endless sea that stretches out before us suddenly surges; waves come crashing over our heads and I am lifted from the foam coughing and spluttering. Once we reach the beach, Ayden lays me down, peeling strands of saturated hair from my face.

  “You're alright, Beth. Clear the sea water from your throat and breathe normally.” He sits back on his thighs and pulls my head across his knees. “You’re going to be alright. It’s not your time.”

  I look up and see the face of the man I love; there are worry lines around his eyes and his brow is furrowed with concern. I try to speak but liquid dribbles from my mouth as I continue to clear my throat of sea water.

  He slips his arms beneath me and lifts me to him in an almighty heave. “Hold tight, let’s get you into bed.”

  Suddenly, feeling bone tired, I rest my head against his chest, becoming aware of the beating of a heart over-dosed on adrenalin. I have no idea what just happened; but, whatever it was, it nearly killed me. If it hadn’t been for his quick thinking and brute strength I don’t know what would have become of me.

  I will remember this night, and I will remember his intrepid rescue with gratitude.


  Mack anxiously waits for the Manager at Taylor and Main Estate Agents to open the door. He taps the glass with impatient knuckles and is greeted by a young blond lady wearing a painted smile and high heels.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting,” she says, flipping round an open sign. “Come in and take a seat by my desk.”

  He follows her to one of two desks by the display of rental properties, imagining Dan Rizler doing the exact same thing not so long ago. As soon as he flashes his badge she goes in search of the Manager, promising to be back “in a flash.”

  To pass the time, Mack eyes the properties on offer, matching monthly rent to square footage and locality. He tears himself away when he hears voices approaching.

  “Detective Inspector Bowker, good morning. I’m Trisha Hargreaves, the Manager. I assume this is about Elise?”

  He nods. “Yes, it is.”

  “Please come into my office.” She outstretches her right arm. “Can I get you a cup of coffee or tea?”

  “No thank you.” He’s not one for coffee mornings.

  The door closes and, away from prying eyes and ears, Mack begins his subtle interrogation. “How long had Elise Richards worked here?”

  Trisha reaches for her folder of ‘Employees,’ only stopping when she comes to the letter R. “Yes, here it is.” She points at the document. “Elise has been working for us in one capacity or another for ten years. She was a valued employee and a friend. I will miss her. In fact, I can’t believe she’s gone. What a terrible way to go, so …”

  Before she gets into her stride, Mack interrupts. “Yes it was.”

  “Have you arrested the man who was driving the car? Was he drunk?”

  Feeling the sting of her questions Mack deflects. “No and no. We’re still investigating. In fact, we believe it may have been a tragic accident.”

  “You can say that again,” she gushes. “We were only having a drink the night before.”

  His lets her ramble on.

  “It was Marie’s 21st birthday.” She points to the door and he assumes she means the blond on reception. “We headed over to the wine bar down the road for a couple of drinks. Usually Elise doesn’t bother, but this time she agreed to come along. She said she could do with a drink.”

  He interjects, “Did she say why or what was wrong?”

  “No, she tended to keep herself to herself and we knew better than to pry. If she got wind that you were showing an interest, she’d clam up. I’m not sure why.” She smiles amicably.

  “Was she seeing someone?”

  “Not seriously. She had been out with one of our customers a couple of times but she wasn’t into him, if you know what I mean. They were just friends.” She shrugs her shoulders.

  “Do you know his name?” Mack has his pen poised.

  “Dan Rizler. She arranged for him to rent the third floor apartment at Elm Gardens. He was having trouble with a flat mate or something and was in a hurry to move in. She handled the paperwork and he bought her a drink. That’s how they became friends.”

  Mack puts down his pen so he might give her his full attention. “How many times did she see him?”

  “Two or three times, I think. She didn’t tell me, but she brought a case to work so she could change clothes; that’s how I knew.”

  Mack prepares to commend her on her vigilance. “That was very observant of you.”

  She flicks her hair back behind her ears and prepares to regale him with more observations. “I like to keep my eyes open.” She smiles and he offers her one in return as encouragement. “I do recall a funny thing that happened while we were having a drink, though.”

  “Funny how?” he asks, giving her the opportunity to enlighten him.

  “Not funny ha-ha, but funny in a strange way.” She holds back, feeling a little embarrassed. “At least I thought so.”

  “Please … I’d love to hear.” He sits back and folds his arms, signalling his interest.

  As if about to tell a story, she leans forward, places her elbows on the table and begins gesturing. “It was about 9 o’clock and we’d had a couple of drinks. The guys from the other branches had come over and there was about eight of us. We were having such a laugh. Even Elise was beginning to thaw. She’d had a couple of glasses of wine and well … you know …”

  Mack nods.

  “We were just messing around when this young guy comes over. He had one of those containers, you know, the ones they use to collect for the homeless or for the RSPCA? He was collecting for the RSPCC. He came over to our table and Mike, from the Kensington office, who’s a bit of a smart arse asked him what he was collecting for.” She laughs at the memory. “The young guy said “for children” and Mike said. “In that case you can bugger off. I won’t be having any …” She continues laughing but noticing Mack’s disapproving look, clears her throat, straightens her blouse and picks up where she left off.

  “Anyway, Elise grabs her bag and says she’s leaving. We all say goodbye, but on the way out I notice she took £20 out of her purse, folded it into a small square like she’s doing origami, and slipped it into the container. I jumped up and went over to her - you know, to say goodbye properly, and I heard the young guy say,
“Thank you. You’re not like them.” And she answered, “No, I’m not. I’m much worse.” With that she left; and that was the last time I saw her.”

  Mack sits in quiet contemplation; he bites his lip and looks her in the eye, hoping to extract every minute detail. “How did she look when she said it?”

  She shrugs her shoulders. “Serious.”

  “Okay.” He flips the cover over his non-existent notes, stands and offers her his hand, checking her name plate on her desk. “Thank you Miss. Hargreaves; you’ve been very helpful.”

  “Is that all? I’m not sure I have, but thank you. Elise was not much of a socialiser but she was reliable and a hard worker. There was talk of her having her own branch in a year or so and she was voted employee of the month twice last year.” She bows her head and taps on her file. “She’ll be missed.”

  Mack makes his way to the door. “I’m sure she will. Goodbye.”

  In the time he’s been inside the noise on the high street has increased to a crescendo of urban sounds. Speed-walking he makes it back to his car in record time and slumps into the driver’s seat feeling stunned by what he’s heard. By her own admission Elise was guilty of many shameful things. Now he strongly suspects that one of them involved sanctioning the kidnapping and rape of Elizabeth Stone, by Mr. Rizler.


  November #6

  “I love thee, I love but thee with a love that shall not die.

  Till the sun grows cold And the stars grow old.”

  William Shakespeare.


  While you’re checking emails, I’m sipping coffee on the deck, trying to find my bearings. You chose this villa for us knowing I would love it, and I do. I’ve been taking photos all morning and here they are. There are a couple of us I set on the timer, but most are pictures of this tropical haven.


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