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TouchStone for ever (The Story of Us Trilogy)

Page 27

by Sydney Jamesson

  Listening to Temper Trap, I am singing along experiencing such a Sweet Disposition. I add the collage of photos to the scrapbook page with a couple of captions. Each photo has been lovingly taken, capturing the unique interior, the polished flooring, the luxury furniture and accessories and especially the vaulted ceiling. I include a couple of pictures of Ayden raising a mug of coffee and looking utterly gorgeous as he climbs out of the pool, drenched and glistening.

  I attach several snapshots of the view from the deck, having recorded it through the lens of an Olympus camera, but even it cannot capture the magnificence of this tropical setting. No photo can adequately reproduce the way the sunlight streams through the palm trees; the creaking of a hammock as it rocks to and fro in the warm breeze. It can’t record the sound of birdsong, crickets and the sea as it laps up against the shore. All this and more is Mother Nature’s dawn chorus lovingly christening the start of each new day. What a sight to behold. What an experience to cherish, for ever.

  You’ve made our honeymoon simply wonderful, Ayden. I feel so blessed to have your love. Last night when we made love in the ocean, it was as if the moon and stars came together to create a magical backdrop. I love you more with every passing day. This is just the beginning, baby. We are making memories to last a lifetime.

  Yours, Beth. X

  Hearing Ayden approaching I remove my headphones, save and shut down. We’re going scuba diving today and having not done it before, I’m apprehensive, particularly after last night’s near catastrophe. My highly skilled companion assures me I will be perfectly safe, and I believe him.

  November #7

  "I will have poetry in my life. And adventure. And love. Love, above all....

  Not the artful, postures of love, but love that over-throws life.”

  Shakespeare in Love.”


  Yesterday we went scuba diving and saw coral of every imaginable colour. It’s hard to believe that something so insignificant can become so impressive. A line of surf rose out of the ocean and we began our dive beneath the foam. There are countless species of fish and I swear we saw every one of them. You were right to persuade me to scuba dive, Ayden. You held my hand and we did it together. I’ve never experienced anything like it. The fish were exquisitely beautiful. My favourite were the angel fish, the manta rays, and that sea turtle we saw that seemed to be smiling. (Laughing)

  As you promised, you’re getting me to experience everything, and for that I’m eternally grateful. What adventures we are having! No one could be happier than me right now and here’s the photo evidence to prove it.

  I love you more than life itself.

  Yours, Beth X

  Sunday begins with a leisurely a walk through the rain forest; leaves are weighted down with dew, and the much-needed moisture appears to be rising from the forest floor in a transparent sheet of light. Our guide, Lucas, points out the birds and the butterflies, plants and wildlife and I feel as if I have been transported to another world. All this talk of adventures rings true; all I can do is take hold of Ayden’s hand and look on, awestruck.

  We join some other guests for lunch but Ayden can’t keep his eyes or his hands off of me. He offers me food from his fork, wipes away breadcrumbs from my lips and stops mid-mouthful to stroke my hair. He smiles at me so adoringly it brings tears to my eyes. I feel truly loved.

  There are moments now when I forget who he really is – I’ve become so caught up in this charade. No man could love me more; I doubt even my husband could be more consumed by our love affair.

  November #8

  “All days are nights to see till I see thee,

  And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me.”

  Shakespeare: Sonnet 43.


  Yesterday was the third day of our honeymoon and with every new day comes a new experience. We rose with the sun and watched it cast its spell over the reef, then took a walk through the rainforest. Lunch was spent with the other guests but we were terrible company! As usual, we only had eyes for each other. You insisted I wear a hat and apply plenty of sunscreen. You take such good care of me, baby.

  Later on, you had the owners organise a boat to take us over to our own, private island for a dinner date like no other. The turquoise sea was simply stunning and then there was the sunset. The sky was ablaze with light; nature’s magical medley of colours so bright I wished the day would never end. It was another perfect day, Ayden. Thank you. You make every day so special. You’re the man of my dreams, baby, and I love you more with every passing day. Enjoy the photos I have included.

  Yours, Beth X

  The days have been passing so quickly! I’ve been sending some photos to Charlie so she can share this unforgettable experience with me. Yesterday we had a lazy day on the beach and I snorkelled for the first time. I got to actually cook a meal and we spent the evening curled up on the deck bed, watching the sun go down and sipping champagne; listening to John Legend and getting So High. It was another glorious day in paradise.

  Today is Tuesday, our last day here, I listen to Damien Rice singing Cannonball, while gathering bits and pieces together to pack, anything I won’t need for the next 24 hours. Tomorrow we will take the helicopter to Cairns, and then the company jet home. It would be so tempting to say ‘let’s stay here another couple of days,’ but with each new day Ayden is being torn between business commitments and his desire to please me. Even though I know he would not refuse me, I simply can’t put him in a position where he has to decide. After all, he is Ayden Stone.

  Tonight we are going somewhere special. Ayden won’t say where but I’m going to wear the stunning red dress Jake bought for me in Hong Kong. I may never have a more fitting occasion.

  This week we have been inseparable. I could not have asked for a more attentive husband. The adventure he promised has been delivered tenfold. Accepting his presence was difficult at first, but now telling the two men apart is virtually impossible. Some mornings I wake up and imagine this has not happened; that Ayden has been here all the time. Then, out of the blue, he demonstrates his unearthly powers and we’re right back where we started. I know he suppresses them to appear human and he is at home here surrounded on all sides by the elements. We have basked in sunlight, dived into the ocean, walked through a rain forest, captured the wind in our sails, and he has excelled in everything. While he has circled the globe and Ayden had slept, I have relived the events of our honeymoon in glorious colour through a digital scrapbook. But how long can this continue?

  With each passing day, Ayden of old is fading like an old black and white photograph, so overpowering is his stand-in. He doesn’t merely look the part, he possesses all that is most endearing in my husband; his sense of humour, his memories, his sexual prowess, his undying love for me. Loving him has not been an arduous task.

  I hear voices coming from the next room. Ayden is sitting bare-chested, talking loudly and laughing; that alone reassures me it isn’t a business call. I wander over and place my hand on his shoulder, noticing Jake up close on the screen. They are using Skype to catch up on business and personal news.

  I lean in within camera range and smile happily. “Hello Jake. What’s the weather like in Hong Kong?”

  “Hello beautiful. I wouldn’t know. I’m back in the UK and it’s pretty grim over here. I see your tan’s coming along nicely.” He raises a roguish brow.

  Realising I’m wearing only my bikini I pull back, feeling a twinge of embarrassment or something more pleasurable in response to his words.

  Ayden offers a retort, “Don’t you be worrying yourself with thoughts about my wife’s sun tan, Jake. You can leave that to me, thank you.”

  Jake roars with laugher. “Yes, sir. And what about those awesome dresses?” Jake asks taking no notice. “Are you getting to wear them, Beth?” He winks.

  I sit across Ayden’s knee and pull his arm over me to conceal a little more skin. “Actually I am. There’s photo evidence.”

sp; “Very pleased to hear it. And what about the Reef? Been out on it much or has your husband locked you away for a couple of days?”

  “No he hasn’t. In fact, we’re going out on a catamaran today, but we’ve snorkelled, and scuba-dived, and been swimming in the sea. It’s simply wonderful; the villa, the beach, the entire location couldn’t be more beautiful. It’s the perfect honeymoon destination.”

  “Awesome! I’ll let you get back to the fish then.” He’s about to sign off. “Oh, by the way, I’ve asked Charlie to come with me to some fund-raising event this week. I’m sure she’ll give you the low-down.” He gives me a wink that hints at something wicked.

  I chuckle and roll my eyes. “I’m sure she will. Just be nice Jake; I don’t want to come back to a heartbroken friend.”

  He shakes his head. “Oh ye of little faith.” He sniggers and looks directly into the camera; I feel myself blushing, knowing he’s inspecting my body.

  Ayden has heard enough. “Anything else we can help you with Jake?” he asks dismissively. “Maybe a tour or the villa with Beth? “

  “Nah, I’m not one for tours. I’m more of an outdoorsy kinda guy, but thanks for the offer.”

  Ayden pulls me close. “In that case we’ll let you get back to your grim weather while we go and check out the view. He turns his laptop and points it in the direction of the sea. “Later, Jake.”

  “Awesome! Later you two.”

  Still positioned across his lap I turn to face my handsome husband. “Don’t get jealous and cause a tidal wave, Ayden. He’s only teasing. He knows what you’re like.” I caress his lips with mine.

  “I realise that. But I don’t like the way he looks at you, as if he would lick the sweat from your body if you asked him to,” he says, becoming restless beneath me.

  “That would never happen, Ayden.” I take his face in my hands. “One, because I wouldn’t let him, and two, because I don’t sweat, I perspire… and only when we’re making love.”

  He grins at my reply. “I stand corrected.”

  “You do indeed.” All this talk of perspiration and lovemaking is enough to disturb the peace. The proximity of his body and the way his eyes are flickering with a kind of frenzied excitement does something to me. I lick my lips and mail him my thoughts first class, knowing they’ll reach their destination in seconds.

  “You look at me like that, Beth, and even I won’t be able to hold back,” he says, his face morphing into a sensual smile. “All this sun and sea air has me feeling even more alive.” His right hand tightens around my waist and edges upward; fingertips caress flesh and an exploratory thumb slips beneath the thin triangle of blue material covering my left breast. I move in to kiss him but he leans backwards out of reach.

  “No. You’ll have to settle for my hands, darling. Our lips mustn’t touch. I want to see the way your lips swell and your mouth opens to gasp when I make you come.”


  His words excite me further.

  With eyes still locked, he skilfully unties the bow at my nape, letting my bikini top slide from my breasts and flip over onto my abdomen. In a single movement the remaining bow beneath my shoulder blades is untangled and I am left in no more than bikini bottoms, which are now sodden and uncomfortable.

  A low-throated growl announces his pleasure as he pumps and squeezes each breast in turn, his head dipping to feed and suckle like a new-born. I knot my fingers into his hair and yield to his sexual charisma, feeling the warmth of blossoming arousal, hearing my own moans of pleasure.

  With acrobatic grace he tips me backwards, steadying me with a firm hand against my neck; with nothing to hold onto I let my arms fall to the floor, feeling weightless and secure. A familiar hand moves towards my bikini bottoms and slides under the fabric; it’s warm and reassuring against my moist flesh. He arches his fingers, finding more space, and massages a swollen clitoris with the pad of his hand. “Now tell me, Beth. Was this what you had in mind when you looked at me that way? To have my fingers here?” He moves toward my vagina, now soaked and ready for penetration.

  “Yes,” I pant.

  “Or maybe here?” He inserts two fingers and pushes them inside until his hand is pressed up against me.

  “Y … es,” I answer, breathless with want, aching with need.

  “Then your wish is my command.” Once again he finds my breasts and sucks hard, drawing my nipples deep into his mouth, causing me to whimper and moan.

  “You’re so wet for me, baby,” he pants. “Come onto my fingers so I can watch you give yourself to me.”

  His grip tightens on my neck as he bends his finger into position and strokes me internally; his thumb massages my clitoris in small circles as I writhe into his hand and whimper like a woman experiencing sweet agony.

  “I feel you tightening, you’re close. Look at me.”

  With a single hand he raises my head and our eyes meet. Through my ecstatic haze I see the intensity of his arousal and the pleasure he experiences from my surrender. That triggers my own.

  “That’s it, hard and deep. Feel it, Beth.”

  I do.

  I stretch out my legs, toes clenching, back arching. My entire body spasms and I throw back my head as the raging heat of an orgasm rips through me. My groin throbs with the flames that spread like wildfire through each clenching muscle as he continues to grind away at my insides with expert fingers.

  “That’s my girl.”

  I’m way past screaming and can only offer a kind of animalistic growl so deeply felt it’s barely audible. When I’m able to speak, I call out his name, “Ayden!” and close my eyes to contain my tears. I am lying across his knees utterly sated and delirious with desire; too weak to even raise myself. All I can do is lift my arms and be hoisted into a sitting position. The smile on my face must be priceless.

  “There you are,” he says, smirking. “Are you feeling more like yourself now?”

  “I’m not sure who I am when you do such weird and wonderful things to my body, Ayden,” I reply softly, holding onto his shoulder with my left hand to steady myself.

  “I do?”

  My smile broadens. “Don’t go fishing for compliments not when you have such a smug look on your face. You know exactly what you do to me.” I kiss him chastely.

  “Yes. I do, but as much as I would like to, I can’t take the credit for that. I believe this face and these hands have a universal appeal. And, besides that, you’re a very responsive woman…

  “… with little self-control…”

  He laughs quietly to himself. “I won’t argue with that; but watching you lose control ranks up there with one of the most erotic events I have ever witnessed.”

  I can’t conceal my surprise. “You rank them?”

  He arches a brow. “Not as such, but I do have my favourites, it has to be said.”

  “Do I feature in any of them?” I ask curious to hear more.

  “You feature in all of them, darling,” he declares, caressing my left arm with his fingertips.

  “I do?”

  “Yes. Being inside your body is my idea of heaven on earth, Beth.”

  “Mine too. I miss us not being … together.”

  “My delight comes from experiencing your surrender and your willingness to trust me.”

  “I do. I felt as if I was floating … even flying.”

  “That’s because you were. Angels are meant to fly, my darling, and you are an angel. You are unique in composition: beauty and innocence coalesced, a perfect specimen in form and substance.

  I melt into his arms; our naked bodies amalgamate into one perfect bundle of sensuality. “Thank you, Ayden. You make me feel so special. I will miss you so desperately when you go.”

  “I may go, but I will never leave you, Beth. Your safety is assured.”

  I loop a stray curl around my forefinger and play with his hair. “I have a proposition for you?”

  His face is alight with humour and curiosity. “Do you? I’m intrigued.”
r />   “Alright we have an hour before we have to leave for our trip, and now that I have come down to earth, I propose to make love to you.”

  His mouth twitches as he tries unsuccessfully to suppress a coy smile. “Sounds promising.”

  “We can either make love right here or I will fuck you with my mouth.” I raise my head feigning confidence. “What is it to be?”

  “How long do I have to decide?” he asks playfully.

  “Ten seconds …”

  “Very well.”

  While he strokes his chin pretending to be wrestling with his dilemma, I fold back the fingers of my right hand and then my left, counting the seconds.

  “Time’s up!”

  “Both,” he whispers.

  “Well … I’m not sure,” I answer, shaking my head. “I think you may be taking advantage of my angelic nature.”

  He tips his head to the left, accepting his transgression. “You could be right.”

  Making a big deal out of my magnanimity, I shrug my shoulders. “But, seeing as we’re on our honeymoon and I love you more than life itself then, I suppose, I could …”

  He’s laughing and I’m rocking on his knee. “Said in true angelic fashion.” He pulls my mouth onto his and tangles his hands into my hair. “You are truly adorable, Beth. I can’t wait to be inside you.”

  Those words leave his mouth like a barrage of bullets. I’ve heard them before. When they were first said I was swept away, but know I’m caught in the crossfire. Ayden raises my chin; and I rediscover my smile and camouflage my sadness. This is a battle I cannot win and, resignedly, I fall to my knees.

  We have showered and dressed for our outing and Ayden is drying his hair. I busy myself collecting various travel items for a day spent at sea in the midday sun and quickly slip on a pair of deck shoes. Ayden’s laptop is still where he left it, facing the plate glass window. I saunter over to it and prepare to close the lid. On the screen there is an empty room - an office. When I check to see who is still on the other end of the Skype connection I gasp. It’s Jake.


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