Book Read Free

Cardinal's Sins

Page 1

by Mackenzie Wiliams


  Copyright© 2018 Mackenzie Williams

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-756-6

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Audrey Bobak


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  To my husband for his willingness to help me out when life gets crazy.


  Unpunished, 2

  Mackenzie Williams

  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  “Tessa? How do you take your coffee?” Levi’s voice came from the kitchen.

  Tessa wandered into the room with a goofy grin on her face. She stopped just inside the doorway, taking in the man standing at the counter. Levi wore only light-gray sweatpants. The tattoos running down his arms were striking as his muscles tensed with his movements.

  He turned his head to the side. When he caught a glimpse of her, he slowly twisted his body to partially face her. His gorgeous face lifted into a crooked smirk.

  “What’s that look for?” His tone was sexy as hell.

  Tessa stepped farther into the room, her goofy smile growing. She rubbed her hands together, letting her gaze run over his chiseled back and side.

  “Nothing. I just think it’s funny that this is the first time I’ve had coffee with you.”

  Levi turned his full attention on her, setting down the empty mug he’d been holding. He cocked his head to the side, and Tessa strolled toward him. His eyes danced as he watched her. Tessa was wearing one of his t-shirts. Truthfully, her legs were a little cold, but she wasn’t going to let that influence how she wanted her newly found man to see her this morning.

  Levi leaned back against the counter, resting his hands on the edge. His eyes narrowed as his grin got cockier. Simply looking at him, butterflies bounced around in her stomach. He gave off the aura of a man who wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  “Well, we’ve been a little busy since we met. You know, with the kidnapping and such.”

  Tessa giggled, staring down at the floor for a moment before making eye contact again. She timidly twisted her hips, nervous energy running through her. Suddenly, a thought had her smile falling off.

  That’s the only reason we met. His job to kidnap me. Now that’s over.

  Levi was an intense man with an intense life. He worked for a crime boss and lived in a mansion. Tessa knew little else about him. What if he got bored of this simple relationship? What if he really was a bad guy inside?

  A shiver went down her legs, and she took a small step back from him. Levi obviously sensed the sudden shift in her mood. He took his hands off the counter and closed the gap between them. He wrapped an arm around her waist, stalling her retreat. Levi tucked some of her long hair behind her ear, reading her expression.

  Those butterflies in her stomach faded as worry gripped her mind. She stared off to the side of him. I’m an idiot. Some handsome, bad-guy model isn’t going to want me as a girlfriend. I was a notch on his headboard, a headboard that has probably seen its fair share of timid girls roll through his doors.

  “Did you call your friend?”

  Tessa absentmindedly nodded, not answering fully.

  “Tessa.” Levi gripped her chin, turning her head to face him. “You’re over-thinking again, aren’t you?”

  She blinked several times, trying to dry up the tears that were attempting to form. “No, it’s just…” She didn’t have anything else to say out loud.

  “Tessa?” He narrowed his eyes on her, concern written on his face.

  “It’s … I’m boring.” She didn’t have a great way to explain her feelings further.

  He released her chin, wrapping his arm around her side. His expression made her feel like he completely understood where she was going with her comment.

  “Love, I can’t stand here and promise you anything other than I’m not the guy who’s going to lie to you. You’re special. I didn’t just bring you home for a good fuck. I don’t like letting people into my home. Whether you know it or not, you simply being here should say a lot about my intentions.”

  Tessa searched his face. He seemed sincere, but how could she know for sure? She’d only known him a short time. There’s really nothing I can do but continue to get to know him. If he breaks my heart … that’s that.

  “I’m sorry. This is just … fast and—”

  “Scary.” Levi cut her off.

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  He took a deep breath through his nose, squeezing her a bit tighter. “Well, there’s only one thing I can do right now.”

  Instant panic flared in her gut. Damn it! Did I piss him off? Does he think I don’t want to be here?

  Tessa took a shallow breath. “What?”

  “Take you back upstairs and try and impress on you how much I want you.”

  Her skin heated as she watched his eyes dance with sin. Levi bent down and kissed her neck, sending shivers through her. Tessa’s eyes fluttered shut as her clit began to tingle more with each new kiss he left on her neck.

  A small question then entered her mind and wouldn’t leave her alone. How long does he expect to watch me? Will it then be over? She’d been there almost twenty-four hours.

  A soft moan fell off her lips, and Levi pulled back from her. She opened her eyes to find he wore a naughty smirk. Tessa just couldn’t stop herself.

  “Levi? How long until you are confident this thing has blown over? I mean—” She looked down at his chest. “How long do you need to watch me?”

  He stretched his arms out, still holding onto her but now leaning back farther from her. Tessa finally returned eye contact, and Levi cocked his head to the side.

  “I don’t need to watch you any longer. Do you want to go?”

  The panic was back, causing a pain in her gut. “No. I’m … I’m worried.”

  “Worried about what? Sam? My boss?”

  Tessa slowly shook her head. Truthfully, maybe she was a little afraid of those things. Her mind was such a mess, it was hard for her to clearly sort through her feelings.

  “Maybe.” Tears started to wet her eyes as she watched his expression change.

  The sinful stare was gone, and he furrowed his brow at her. All she wanted to do now was to make him happy. Tessa had the intense urge to give him whatever he wanted. Levi had, after all, saved her. Why was she ruining this with her worry?

  “I’ll be straight with you, love. As long as Sam got his money for the job, he shouldn’t be a problem.”

  Tessa sniffled as a tear rolled down her face. “But you hurt him.”

  “He’s used to it.” Levi’s lips curled into a grin. “Plus, getting my half of the money too should shut him up. My boss got what he wanted so he also shouldn’t be a problem. I just wanted to give it a day or so to make sure. But, love, you’re free to go whenever you want.”

  “Wait, today’s Thursday, right?” Tessa’s gaze darted around the room as real life bounced into her mind again.

  “Yes.” Levi softly took hold of her chin, stalling her panicked eye movements. “You’re worried about work?”

  A few tears ran down her face. “Things have been a blur. I’m supposed to work this afternoon.” That thought weighed heavily on her, making her chest hurt with anxiety.

; “Tessa, you’re safe now, but that doesn’t mean the stress is gone. Contact work and tell them you’re taking a brief vacation, or just call in sick.”

  She didn’t need much convincing. A short mental holiday would be perfect. And if she got to spend it with Levi, even better.

  “I think I will. That’s just what I need.” Tessa wiped her wet cheek with the back of her hand.

  “Good, you can call them after coffee, but maybe I know a few stress-relieving tricks first.” He winked at her and leaned in to kiss her lips.

  As his warm lips worked over hers, she could already feel her stress level dropping. Even if this was short-term bliss, she needed it. After a few more seconds, he released her chin and leaned back from her.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  Levi removed his arms from around her and grabbed her hand. “Sorry, love.”

  He walked toward the kitchen entrance, pulling her along behind him. Shit. He’s annoyed?

  “Sorry what?”

  Levi slowed a bit and turned to face her. “Sorry your coffee’s going to get cold.”

  His lips rose up into a crooked smile. Tessa’s heart sped up as he turned and led her toward the stairs. As they started up, he spoke to her over his shoulder.

  “Time for your first lesson in over-thinking.”

  Chapter Two

  “Sit down.” Levi let go of her hand and pointed at the corner of the bed.

  Tessa stood there for a moment and watched him head to his dresser. He opened the top drawer but paused before taking anything out. He turned to look at her, nodding at the bed. She exhaled and turned her back to him to sit down.

  She nervously fidgeted with her fingers as she listened to Levi shut his drawer and return to her.

  “Levi, I’m not sure I’ve thanked you for getting me out of that hotel.”

  “Sshh, Tessa.” He stood off to her left side.

  Before she could turn to look up at him, Levi lowered a black piece of cloth in front of her face. He slowly brought it to her eyes and then proceeded to tie it behind her head. She inhaled a deep breath, taking in the blackness of the blindfold.

  “Love, you’re going to let go. At least for the time you’re in here with me. I’m in charge. You have no reason to think or overanalyze. You just need to feel and react.”

  Tessa’s clit began to throb at his commanding but reassuring tone. Levi placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. This simple gesture was like him claiming her all over again. She was his, at least in this moment.

  “What are you here for, Tessa?”

  She took a shaky breath, not sure of what to say. Tessa played with her fingers, thinking.

  Levi let go of her shoulder and seized a handful of her long hair. He slowly pulled on it, tilting her head back. Not roughly, but also unforgiving. Tessa whimpered and her nipples reacted by hardening.

  “Stop thinking. What are you here for?” His tone was even and calm.

  “You.” The word flew out before she could stop it.

  “I’ll accept that answer.”

  She could practically see his grin in her mind. Levi let go of her hair and she inhaled, straightening her neck. Anxiety tightened her chest as she felt him step away from her. Was this man always so intense, and if so, could she handle him?

  Tessa’s breathing became ragged as she tried to listen for him. Was he undressing? For the most part, he was quiet, but after a minute or so, she heard him return to her. Levi gripped the bottom of the t-shirt she wore. He gradually pulled it up, and she raised her arms to allow him to remove it.

  The dark cloth around her head barely moved as her hair fell back down onto her shoulders. Tessa ran her hands down her thighs, waiting. She was stifling the urge to pull the blindfold up. She desperately wanted to see Levi’s handsome face and stunning body. Was that part of this game?

  “Do you know how beautiful you are?” Levi’s words seemed to rain down on her.

  She shivered as his warm hands touched her knees. He was leaning over her, his breath lightly blowing on her neck.

  “Well, do you know how handsome you are?” She wasn’t sure why it seemed so important to tell him that, but it did.

  Maybe Levi was well aware of how hot he was. Maybe he didn’t care about things like that. In time, hopefully she’d get to know him better to judge such things.

  One of his hands stayed on her knee as he moved the other one. Tessa gasped as she felt his hand on her panties. Levi lightly ran his fingers over her pussy lips. Her clit tingled as her pussy wet further with his touches.

  “I’ve been told that before, but I like hearing it from you.”

  She couldn’t tell how much humor was in his tone. Levi’s light rubbing of her pussy through the thin fabric was making it hard to concentrate on things like humor. Tessa inhaled with a slight tremble as he pressed harder on her engorged clit. Her panties were becoming wet.

  “Now, let’s use these bodies the way they’re meant to be used.” Levi leaned his face closer to hers.

  Tessa’s breathing was shallow as he grazed his lips across her cheek. The anticipation made her pussy muscles clench. She swallowed, flexing her hands against the side of her legs. Levi moved his lips closer to her ear and then lightly sucked her lobe into his mouth.

  After a few seconds, he released her ear to whisper, “I want you here. Don’t forget that.”

  She took a shaky breath, her fingers gripping her thighs.

  “Now, love. Do you remember that safeword? Just in case.” He licked the side of her neck.

  A shiver ran down her back as she answered him. “Cardinal. Like the sins.”

  Levi pressed his smile against her cheek before leaving a quick kiss.

  “That’s my girl.”

  Chapter Three

  Levi stepped back from her, and she took a deep breath. Tessa was dying to remove the blindfold. She wanted to see his expression, and she needed to see what he was doing. She listened carefully as he stood in front of her.

  Tessa inhaled sharply as he took hold of her breast. Levi massaged it while he released an approving groan. After a few moments, he brought his second hand up to her other breast. Instead of massaging it, he squeezed it harshly while stalling his first hand on her other breast.

  Levi slowly pushed her backward so she was lying on her back on the bed. He squeezed both tits one more time before letting them go, causing her to whimper. His hands ran down her stomach until they reached her underwear. Tessa exhaled and her fingers twitched on the bed.

  “I’m done with these. In fact, I don’t think you’ll need these the rest of the day.”

  Her heart raced, and she held her breath as Levi gripped the sides of her panties. He roughly pulled them to the side and then she heard a ripping sound. Levi pulled harshly on them again, and the thin underwear tore away from her body.

  Tessa’s breath rushed from her at the violent nature of his actions. Levi pulled one more time and the panties were gone. She timidly raised her hands to her chest, and she felt Levi climb onto the bed next to her head.

  “All right, now be a good girl for me.” Levi took hold of her neck, lifting her head and turning it.

  Even without her vision, Tessa was aware of what he meant. Levi pressed the head of his cock to her lips, and she reacted as he wanted her to and opened her mouth. She was at an awkward angle so she had to strain her stomach muscles to give him what he wanted.

  Tessa exhaled a rough breath over his cock as he slid it farther into her mouth. She reached out and tried to grip his thigh, but it was too far up near her head. Instead, she grabbed the blanket, pulling on it as he started to thrust in and out of her mouth.

  Tessa’s stomach muscles were already starting to burn as she held her neck up. She desperately wished she could look up at his stunning face. That thought then had an odd fantasy floating through her mind. As Levi fucked her mouth, she envisioned him sharing her.

  Her mind briefly played out the scenario of Levi slipping his cock in
to her mouth repeatedly before moving to the side to let a friend, obviously a friend just as attractive, slowly slide his cock into her mouth a few times before taking her back.

  God, Tessa. She silently scolded herself, although not fully disturbed by it. Levi had awoken more naughtiness in her than she knew she had.

  Just then, it was as if Levi wanted her out of her own mind and back to the present. He slid his hand from the back of her neck to the back of her head. Levi then pushed his dick into her mouth, farther than he had to this point.

  Tessa whimpered around his cock as her gag reflex threatened her. She pulled on the sheet harder as he pulled his cock back but quickly shoved it in again. His hard dick was near the back of her throat and this time, she did gag a little.

  Tears instantly wet her eyes under the blindfold as she worked hard to suppress her gagging. Tessa moaned as loudly as she could with his dick in her mouth, pulling even harder on the sheets under both of them.

  Is he trying to make me say my safeword?

  Again, it was as if Levi could read her mind. Maybe he was simply great at reading her body language. Tessa coughed lightly, and he unhurriedly slipped his cock out of her mouth. Her breathing was wild and her muscles in pain.

  Levi slowly laid her head back down on the bed, but she could sense him stroking his cock over her face.

  “Levi, please let me see you,” she said through rushed breaths.

  “Is that what you want, love?”

  She lifted a hand to her heaving chest. “Yes.”

  “Then, no.”


  Levi wore a twisted smirk as he looked down on Tessa, his dick in his hand. Her breathing was finally starting to even out, her fingers still tightly holding the sheet. All right, love. Time to rid you of more breath.

  Levi crawled back from her, letting go of his dick. He quickly but gracefully grabbed her thighs, turning her so her legs were now on the bed. Tessa had to hold her neck up so it didn’t fall of the edge of the bed.


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