Book Read Free

Second Sin

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by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2015 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-361-9

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I want to thank all of my readers for requesting this series, you gave me the incentive to get it done.


  The Pack Claims a Mate, 3

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  “Are you for real? This is supposed to be your idea of wooing me?” Kitty asked, stepping over another branch. They were walking through the forest. She had a giant bag on her shoulders while Guy was several steps ahead of her.

  “What’s the matter, Kitty? Doesn’t this fit in with your plans of mourning one brother?” He didn’t look back but kept on walking.

  They’d been walking for the past three days, and she wasn’t any closer to feeling happy about it. Her feet hurt, and so did her heart. Being claimed by six brothers wasn’t as fun as many would believe. After being used by Tom, and watching him walk away, then Roy do the same, her heart was just hurting every step of the way. She stopped and glared at Guy.

  “Is this just a game to you?” she asked, gripping the handles of her bag. “Tire out the human so she stops her moaning?”

  Guy stopped, turning around to look at her. He moved quickly pressing her up against a tree. “You don’t think we’re suffering?” he asked, grabbing her hands and shoving them above her head.

  Kitty didn’t understand why he was restraining her when she wasn’t actually fighting him. She shook her head, licking her dry lips. “How can you be suffering?”

  “I can’t speak for all my fucking brothers, but let’s get one thing straight. We’re destined to mate to one woman. That woman being you. The next couple of months you’ve got to fall for each of us, spending time and falling in love. You don’t know me, and you’re in love with not one but two of my brothers. While I’ve got you in my arms, with the scent of your pain between us, I know you’re in love with both of them. In order for this claiming to work, you’ve got to fall for all of us.” He pushed his face against her neck, and she listened as he took a deep inhalation. “You smell so good. I can’t wait for us to claim you completely. The moment we do, there’s not going to be any holding back. You’ll be our mate, and know it kills us to walk away from you.”


  “You’re not the only one suffering here. My brothers are suffering. Tom and Roy, they’re in pain because you’re hurting. Stuart, Mark, and Joey, they’re all scared because if they don’t mate properly with you, we all suffer.”

  His hands squeezed a little tighter around her wrists before he finally pulled away. “We want to make this work. You’re our mate, Kitty. Watching you give up part way through the month, isn’t something that’s easy for us.”

  She’d not thought about their pain, only her own. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m doing something different from both of my brothers, and I’m doing it so that you’re not reminded of them. I know the forest will remind you of them because we’re all wolves, but it doesn’t have to be a problem.” He cupped her cheek, running his thumb across her cheek. “You’re so beautiful.”

  In that moment, she felt beautiful to him. “I’ll try to make this better. I’m really sorry.”

  “Don’t be. We’re all trying to adapt to a lot of change. That main change being the fact we’re all going to be mated for life.”

  “Are you sure I’m your true mate? Surely you could find any woman.”

  Guy stared at the ground. “Do you want to keep moving?”

  “If we’re not staying here overnight then yes. The ground is, erm, really alive.”

  She saw it practically moving with creepy crawlies. There was only so much insect life she could stand.

  “Come on.” Guy took her hand, and they started moving back through the forest. She liked his grip, the firmness of his hand within hers. Licking her lips, she took a deep breath changing a glance toward him. Guy was different from Roy and Tom. He wasn’t as large as the other two men, but there was something earthy about him. The way he moved through the forest, she knew he was at home here, rather than in the comfort of the house. “You’re our true mate. We have tried to mate other females, but they were females we had brought home, not one that Tom had picked. He’s our alpha, our oldest brother, and so, he has the higher senses in everything.”

  “Doesn’t that bother you?”

  “When I was younger I thought it was a raw deal. Tom got to pick everything, and I just had to fall in line. The truth is, Tom has all of the responsibility. It’s down to him that we survive, that we thrive as a pack, and that when another pack comes, we can fight to protect what is ours.”

  “Have you ever been in battle?” she asked.

  “No. We train for battle, but most of the packs know not to invade another pack’s land.” He squeezed her hand. “We all work the land, and Stuart, the bookworm, he works the stock markets. We earn enough money that we pay our taxes and we don’t need to venture out.”

  Kitty nodded. “I don’t need money to help me make a decision.”

  “What made you not run from us? A lot of women would be terrified to be around one wolf, let alone a pack of brothers.”

  She didn’t answer straight away as they had to climb over a fallen tree. It was too thick, and it required Guy to jump over first then help her with his hands on her waist. Her shirt slid up, and the warmth of him touched her bare skin. She gasped at the contact, shocked by the power his touch had over her.

  “What is it?” he asked. “Did something stick inside you?” He turned her and began patting and caressing her body. She’d never been more mortified in her life. He took a deep sniff and glanced up at her. “You’re aroused.”

  “You don’t need to be so blunt about it.” Her cheeks were on fire with embarrassment. What was wrong with these men?

  “I like it. You smell so damn hot.” He groaned, running his nose against her neck, and using his mouth to kiss the whole of her body.

  She bit her lip trying to contain her need by crossing her legs.

  “Don’t,” he said, pushing his palm between her thighs.

  Kitty took a deep breath. All of her pain seemed to evaporate at Guy’s touch. She wanted more.


  She was so damned hot between the thighs, it was taking every ounce of Guy’s control not to throw her to the ground and fuck her hard. He’d been fighting the need from the moment it was his turn to claim her. The moment Roy was mated to her, he’d felt the pull to do the same, to claim her, to take her, and cherish her.

  “Tell me to fucking stop,” he said, growling out each word.

  “Why the hell would I tell you that?” she asked, licking those fuckable lips again.

  Every time she licked her goddamned lips, it tested his limits of control. Finally, he held her attention, and she was aroused because of him.

  “If you’re not ready for me to take you, then tell me to stop.” He needed to be inside her, to know what her warm, wet, cunt would feel like wrapped around his cock.

  “I don’t want you to stop, Guy. Please, I want to be with you.” She ran her han
ds up his chest, going to his neck. There was only so much he could handle before he caved in. Wrapping his hands around her waist, he pulled her in close, moaning as her curvy body pressed against his. She was so damn perfect, and she took his breath away every time he got close to her. This was what he’d been waiting for, searching for, a chance to connect to this woman on a basic, hungry level.

  He didn’t have to mate with her, but he could still fuck her.

  If there was one thing Guy knew, it was how to fuck. Tugging his backpack off his shoulders, he turned her around doing the same so that they were both free.

  Taking her down to the forest floor, he followed her down, landing between her spread thighs. She was so damn hot between her legs. Guy tugged out of her hair the band that was holding the strands bound in a ponytail. He ran his fingers through the length, loving the feel of the silky blonde tresses gliding through them. Finally, he gripped her hair tight in his fist before slamming his lips down on hers.

  She moaned, sinking her own fingers into his hair, holding him close. Kitty held him close, rubbing her pussy all over his dick. It didn’t matter that they were covered in clothes. The whole feel of her body wrapped around him was enough to drive him crazy. Pressing his tongue into her mouth, he tasted his mate, the pack mate, and felt at home. His cock pulsed inside his pants, needing out and inside her.

  “Please, Guy, I need you. I need more.” She released a little whimper, which was more than he could bear.

  He pulled away, tugging his shirt off his body. Kitty sat up on the ground, and began to remove her own clothing. He stopped her with a hand on hers. “No, let me do it.”

  Guy took over, lifting her shirt over her head, then flicking the catch on her bra, exposing her beautiful, large tits. She was a dream come true, so lush and ripe. Some men loved women who were slender, but he was a curves man all the way. There was just something about gripping onto a nice pair of thick hips that had his dick aching and hard, ready to fuck.

  “Lie back,” he said. He’d moved them far enough away so she wasn’t touching anything gross or muddy. Guy understood about a woman’s particular taste in the bedroom. Having a spider running over her body while he fucked her wasn’t exactly going to get him the response he wanted.

  She lay back, and he took the time to remove her walking boots, followed by the long walking pants he’d given her.

  Her thighs were lovely, thick, and would take the pounding he was about to give her. He couldn’t wait to get inside her pussy.

  With quick movements, he rid them both of their clothes, going between her spread thighs, to stare at the beauty of her cunt. She was stunning. Kitty had waxed the fine hair off her lips. He didn’t know if she’d done it before Tom and Roy, or after. He really didn’t give a fuck. She was finally his, wet and waiting for him.

  Opening the lips of her sex, he latched onto her clit, sucking her large nub into his mouth. Kitty screamed, sinking her fingers back into his hair. He relished the tug and refused to stop until he had her climaxing on his tongue.

  Back and forth, he caressed over her sweet nub, glancing up in order to watch her come apart. Her eyes kept opening and closing, so he got a glimpse of the shocking blue that stared down at him, filled with lust.

  That’s right, baby. I’m the one licking your clit. I’ m the one giving you pleasure.

  It was all him.

  Moving his finger to her entrance, he circled her hole watching her chest rise and fall, getting more erratic as he waited to penetrate her. He wasn’t ready to fuck her yet. She’d have to do with his finger inside her pretty pussy.

  Only when her gaze landed on him and stayed on him did he reward her by slamming his finger deep inside her cunt.

  She screamed, closing her eyes, and he paused.

  Once she realized he wasn’t moving, her gaze fell back on him.

  Flicking her clit, he waited, tormenting her, and seeing if she’d understood that he was the one who held the power in this moment. He alone could make her come but only if she was a good girl first.

  Chapter Two

  Kitty groaned in frustration as the pleasure began to build only to stop whenever she looked away or closed her eyes. He was doing it on purpose, and it wasn’t fair, not to her at least.

  “You know what I want.”

  She stared down at him, and he sucked her clit back into his mouth, flicking over the bud with his tongue. It was so amazing she didn’t want it to end. Closing her eyes, she tilted her head back, and … he stopped. She’d never known torture like it.

  Opening her eyes, she stared down at him. He did the same, teasing her with his tongue, creating new heights of sensation. She closed her eyes only for him to stop.

  He wants your eyes on him.

  Staring back down at him, Guy started to tease her clit once again. She kept her gaze on him, using every ounce of strength and control that she could muster so she didn’t look away from him. Biting her lip, she tried to stay focused on only him. It was so hard.

  His fingers moved inside her, pumping in and out at first, and getting faster. He added a second finger inside her, making it hard for her to focus on keeping her gaze on him.

  The moment she closed her eyes, he stopped. She forced them open again, watching him. There was a wicked smile on his face, and she couldn’t help but smile right back at him.

  He knew what he was doing, and he loved torturing her.

  Kitty was desperate to come. She needed his cock inside her and his body wrapped around her.

  Instead of looking away, she watched his tongue attack her pussy, sliding up and down her slit. His fingers began to pump within her, teasing her, bringing her to life once again.

  He curved his fingers around, stroking over that magical G-spot. She screamed out. The sound echoed throughout the forest. She didn’t care who heard her. What Guy was doing to her pussy was so damn amazing that she refused to think of who could hear.

  Tom and Roy, they’d fucked her, mated her, and left her. Now was her time with Guy. She couldn’t allow the next months of her claiming to affect her so much. They were doing this to bind her to them for life. She needed to remember that each time they walked away, breaking her heart.

  They were all breaking apart just as much as she was. She did see why the claiming was so important for the pack. It would bind them together forever, bringing them all love, joy, happiness, and everything in between.

  “Yes, Guy,” she said, moaning as he tongued her clit, and she rode his face, loving each new heightened bit of pleasure. She rubbed her pussy onto his face, sinking her fingers back into his hair. Kitty didn’t have to lie down and wait for the pleasure. She was going to take what he offered, and give him back equally as much in return.

  “You like me licking your pussy?”

  “Yes, please, I need it. I need you to let me come.” She didn’t look away. Kitty had learned her lesson, and she wasn’t going to stop him from licking her pussy.

  “Then be a good little girl. Open your thighs. I want to get to this sweet pussy with ease.” He extended his tongue, and she groaned as he moved back and forth. One of his hands had his fingers inside her while the other, opened the lips of her pussy. She saw everything he was doing, and she loved it, not wanting it to stop. “The moment you come on my tongue, I’m going to fuck you so damn hard, you’re going to struggle to walk.”

  “Yes,” she said, moaning.

  It’s what she wanted as well, to be fucked so damn good.

  “Give yourself to me, give yourself to the pack, Kitty, and we’ll treat you like a queen.”

  She was going to. Kitty would mate with his three other brothers, binding herself to him, and loving him for the rest of her life. She would love all six brothers, Tom, Roy, Guy, Stuart, Mark, and Joey. They would all hold a special place in her heart.

  He thrust inside her, fucking her harder than ever before with his fingers. His tongue also kept flicking her clit, and it was just too much. She couldn’t handle the int
ense pleasure coming from his hand and tongue.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said each word, panting it out.

  Her orgasm spiraled closer until finally she hurtled over the edge, screaming out her climax. Kitty’s entire body shook from the pressure of her release. It hadn’t been that long since she last had an orgasm, but Guy did something magical with his fingers, making her forget everything else, and focus only on him.

  “That’s it, baby,” he said, muttering the words against her clit.

  Guy brought her down from her orgasm with a final flick to her clit. When it was all over she lay collapsed on the forest floor, the scent of the earth bringing her far more enjoyment than she ever thought possible.

  There was no way on the planet she would have ever considered being naked in the forest with a man she barely knew, enjoyable. Yet here she was, loving every second of it.

  She stared up at Guy as he moved over her. “Do you want me to get dressed?”

  He looked in pain, and she smiled up at him. “Don’t you dare get dressed. I want this, Guy. Don’t ever be worried about wanting me. I want you. I want you so much it scares me.” She leaned up, pressing her lips to his.

  It was so right, that she pulled him down over her. His hands went out to rest on either side of her head. She slammed her lips up to his, smiling at the shock in his eyes.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked. “Never had a woman take what she wants?”


  Guy had never wanted a woman to just take from him. He’d always been the kind of man to take control, taking what he wanted.

  Kitty grabbed his arms pushing him to the ground. She gave him a smile, kissing his mouth, and biting onto his bottom lip. He growled at the bite of pain. His cock pulsed, and more of his pre-cum erupted out of the tip. She was a fucking beautiful woman. Lying down on the ground, he watched as she straddled his waist, reaching behind her to touch his cock. She rubbed the tip, smearing pre-cum onto her fingers then going to coat his shaft, making it easier for her to touch him.


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