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Second Sin

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “You’re so hard,” she said. “All of you are so damn hard, and thick.”

  He loved it that she referred to the pack. What he loved the most was the fact it was his waist she was straddling.

  Running his hands up her chest, he cupped her large tits, thumbing the nipples. She arched up into his hands. He pinched her nipples, and she started to gyrate her pussy on his stomach while she worked his cock. She was soaking wet, and when he was about to take over, shoving her to the ground, and mounting her, Kitty moved down his stomach to straddle his cock.

  Guy couldn’t look away as she grabbed his cock, aligned the tip to her entrance, and simply slid down. She was so wet and perfect that he slid inside her with ease. He gripped her hips, loving how she filled his hands.

  There were still a couple of inches to go, but he allowed her to set the pace. She took as much of him as she could handle, holding herself off him with her hands on his chest.

  He caressed her body, loving every inch of her. Her tight pussy squeezed him, making it hard for him to think of anything but blowing inside her.

  “You’re so big,” she said.

  “It’s all for you. Take as much of me as you can. I’m not in a rush for this to be over.”

  Slowly, she slid down the last few inches of his length. She took her time, rocking backward and forward. The moment he hit the hilt inside her she screamed but didn’t try to pull herself off him.

  “Fuck, baby. You’re so tight.”

  “None of you are small men. I don’t know if I can mate and take all six of you.”

  Guy smiled. All of his brothers and himself, would be taking her regularly and daily. There would be no limit to his and his brother’s desires. She would constantly be having to fend them off.

  “You’ll learn to. We won’t force you, baby.” They would just be very persuasive in getting her to want to have sex with them.

  “Why do I get a feeling that won’t hold you back?”

  “I said we wouldn’t force you. I didn’t say we wouldn’t try to get you to want it, too.” He raised his brow at her, smiling. “We can be pretty damn persuasive.”

  Thrusting his hips up, he reminded her exactly how good he could be. Six of them against one, they were going to win every chance they got.

  “You’re not going to play fair with me, are you?”

  “No. Why should we?”

  Kitty took his breath away as she pulled herself up onto the tip of his cock before slamming all the way back down. He groaned, loving every second of her cunt squeezing him.

  “Fuck, baby, that’s it. Ride my cock. Take it deep inside your pussy.”

  With his grip on her hips, he fucked up to her. Guy loved the sight of her tits bouncing with each downward thrust. The sight alone was enough to make him come. It had been so long since he’d found pleasure within a woman that he couldn’t hold back.

  Crying out, he exploded, filling her tight pussy with his cum. Throughout his orgasm, she kept riding until he stilled her by tightening his hold on her hips.

  When it was over, she collapsed over him with his cock still inside her.

  Running his hands down her back, he couldn’t stop touching her.

  “Fuck me, that was amazing.”

  She chuckled. “I really am sorry.”

  “What about?”

  “About being a bitch to you. I didn’t mean it. It’s just hard, and I didn’t think you were going through anything like that.” Kitty rested on her hands that lay on his chest.

  “You’re not a bitch.”

  “I was.”

  “Well, I’m not going to say anything. I’ve just had the best orgasm of my life.” He cupped her ass groaning when her pussy clenched around his cock. “Make that the best fuck of my life.”

  She chuckled. “Do I have to compete with a lot of women?”

  “None of them compare to you.” He pushed some of her blonde hair off her shoulder. “I’m so pleased Tom found you when he did.”

  “Even though it’s going to hurt watching you leave, I’m really glad he brought me home. You guys have saved me, and you don’t even know how.”

  “You’re an only child?”

  “Yes, only child, only everything. The backpack I had when Tom brought me to the house was all I had left in the world.”

  “That’s a nice way to say kidnapped.”

  Tom, the alpha and oldest brother, had kidnapped her from the bus stop, taking her home. He’d been so sure she was their mate, and he’d been right.

  The truth was, they were desperate to mate. If they didn’t mate now, they were going to be cursed to forever walk the earth in their wolf form. Guy loved his human body, and he had fallen in love with this human woman, their mate. “I think we can stay and make camp here.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked, glancing around them.

  “I’ve got one tent. We’re going to be sleeping together. Don’t worry. I’ll keep you warm tonight.”

  Chapter Three

  Kitty took a bite of the sausage that Guy had held over the fire he’d built. He was an outdoorsy kind of person. She hated being outdoors most of the time. It reminded her what dangers lurked outside waiting to kill.

  He’s a werewolf.

  “Why are you afraid?” he asked.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Don’t worry on your own. Share with me. I can be a good listener.”

  Taking a bite out of her sausage, she stared at him. “I was just thinking how dangerous the outside could be. It’s filled with a lot of terrifying things. Then I remembered you were a wolf. The night and being outside scares me.”

  He wrapped his arm around her. “You don’t have to be afraid with me.” Guy glanced behind him, and she looked in the general direction.

  “What is it?” she asked, thinking the worst. Could wolves be killed by axe wielding murderers? The very thought sent a shiver down her spine.

  “Nothing, honestly. You need to stop worrying. I won’t let anything happen to you.” He kissed her temple. They weren’t wearing any clothes, and she sat on one of the thick blankets he’d brought. It wasn’t cold. There wasn’t even a slight breeze, and the fire made it more than comfortable. “I can’t believe I’m sitting outside naked.”

  “You better believe it. When we’re alone like this, I’ll expect you naked.”

  “You’ll want us to do this after the mating?”

  “Better believe it, baby. This isn’t going to stop. All of my brothers will expect you to spend quality time with us. We’re not just going to want you to perform in the bedroom. This mating, it’s for life, and for love.”

  She stared up at him. “I love you, too, Guy.”

  “I didn’t say I loved you,” he said. “I mean, I’m not saying that I don’t love you.”

  Kitty had come to see that Guy was more of an actions man. He didn’t exactly talk much until they were having sex. They’d spent the past couple of days walking without really talking. He’d said more to her through sex at that point.

  “Fine, I love you,” he said.

  “It’s okay to talk about your feelings. I won’t consider you less of a man.” She snuggled up against him, seeing his cock start to lengthen. Taking another bite of her sausage she heard him moan. “I’m sure you don’t want me to bite you.”

  “It’s not your teeth, baby. I’m imagining those lips of yours wrapped around my dick.”

  She licked her fingers before pushing him back on the blanket. “Well, you won’t have to imagine what it’s like for much longer.”

  Gripping the base of his cock, she held the tip to her lips, and flicked the tip, swallowing down his pre-cum.

  “Oh, fuck.” He growled each word out. She stared up the length of his body to find his gaze riveted to where her lips were wrapped around his cock. Kitty took him to the back of her throat, sucking hard.

  Guy arched up, and she saw his hand was fisted at his side. “So fucking good. Fuck. Harder.”

  She s
miled around his shaft. Moving up his length, she licked and sucked on the tip, loving the way she was driving him crazy with her mouth. Guy was helping her to get past the hurt and to see what it meant to actually be mated to not just one brother but to six, an entire pack.

  Bobbing her head to her own beat, she loved the way he clawed at the ground while she continued to suck and lick him.

  “Baby, stop. I’m going to come. If you don’t move I’m going to fill that beautiful mouth with cum.”

  Kitty kept up her pace. She wanted his cum and to taste him.

  “So perfect. So right. Yes, mate.”

  He growled, and his cock jerked, filling her mouth with his seed. She swallowed every single drop, milking him until he tugged on her hair, pulling her away from his cock.

  Resting her cheek against his thigh she took several deep breaths.

  Guy picked her up in his arms, holding her close. “I have no regrets about you being my mate, Kitty. The pack, my pack, we’re the luckiest bunch of bastards alive to finally have you in our lives.”

  She stared into the fire thinking of how lucky she was to have Guy, and his five brothers.

  The hours passed, and after several hours of holding each other and talking, he carried her through to the tent. She wasn’t tired even though they’d been walking for several miles. Rolling over to smile at him, she cupped his cheek, running her thumb along the rough flesh. He’d need to shave at some point.

  “Tell me something about yourself,” she said.

  “I love the outdoors.”

  “No, something I don’t know. Something no one else knows.”

  Guy stared up at the inside of the tent. For several minutes he didn’t speak, and she was about to repeat her question when he turned toward her. “I’ve spent the last couple of years being afraid. Tom wouldn’t venture outside for days, weeks, months on end. I didn’t know if he could even leave the house at times. I didn’t think he suffered with agoraphobia. I truly believe he was afraid of failing the pack. None of the brothers know I was scared that Tom would fail, that we wouldn’t find you, and I wouldn’t be here in this moment, holding you.” He ran his hand across her waist, gripping her flesh. “This is what I was afraid of not happening.”

  “You’ve got me, and I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Even though we’ve got to mate you and leave you.”

  She took a deep breath. “I guess I can look forward to all of you making it up to me.”


  When Kitty was fast asleep, Guy eased her onto the blow up bed, crawling out of the tent. He loved being outdoors. To him being trapped inside a building with four brick walls was unnatural.

  Moving away from the tent and their little campfire, Guy made his way toward the far left of the forest.

  “You need to stop coming around, Tom.”

  “It’s not just me,” Tom said, coming out of the clearing. Roy followed behind him.

  “Where are Stuart, Mark, and Joey?” Guy asked, rubbing the back of his head.

  “They’re back at the house. All three of them are feeling the call. It’s getting closer.” Tom glanced behind him.

  “She’s sleeping. We’re almost half way through the claiming.”

  “We are halfway through,” Tom said.

  “No, I’m the halfway point. There’s six of us.” Guy looked toward Roy. Did they suddenly have a brother he didn’t know about?

  “You better tell him, Tom.” Roy leaned against a tree, looking calm and relaxed. The scent in the air was anything but calm.

  “Mark and Joey are twins. Their wolves answer to each other, and so I was doing my reading, and twins are supposed to mate the woman together, during the same month. I wasn’t aware of this before, but I’m aware of it now.”

  “The twins at the same time?” Guy asked.

  “It’s what it says. They can’t be separated, no matter what. The bond only works with the two of them.”

  “Great, we mated her, and now she’s got to take on the twins, as otherwise it’s all for nothing.”

  “It’s not all for nothing, Guy,” Roy said. “This is for all of us.”

  “I can’t think about this right now. I’ve got a couple weeks left with her, and then I’ve got to pass her onto boring bookworm, Stuart.” Guy let out a sigh. He was really starting to struggle with the whole claiming. The love he felt for Kitty scared him. At any time she could pull away and they’d all be screwed. It wasn’t just their deadline either. Guy loved Kitty. He really did love her.

  “Stuart won’t let us down,” Tom said.

  “It’s easy for you to say. Have you ever seen him with a girl?” Guy asked. Out of all of the brothers, Guy couldn’t even be sure if Stuart was a virgin or not. “Forget it. You need to stop lurking. This is my time with Kitty.”

  “We miss her,” Roy said, showing the real pain he was in fact feeling.

  “You don’t think I know that?” he asked, getting angrier at their words. He knew all about loving someone and being afraid of losing them. Damn, he wasn’t strong like his brothers. He couldn’t mate with Kitty and then walk away.

  You’re going to have to do exactly that.

  “We know you’re going through hell right now. It’s the same as what we’re all going through,” Tom said.

  “What about Kitty? What about her feelings?”

  “Roy and I love her already.”

  “What about Stuart? Will he even get his head out of a book long enough to even mate with her?” Guy was feeling protective of her. He didn’t want Kitty to suffer, and part of him knew that with Stuart, she might.

  She needed to be cared about, loved, taken care of—shit, all of it.

  “He’ll do his part. He’s suffering like the rest of us, feeling the pull of the mating. Give him a chance,” Tom said.

  “If I discover he ignores her for a fucking book, I will beat the shit out of him and then torch every single book he owns.” He stormed off, no longer wanting to be near his brothers. Guy left them behind and found Kitty in his shirt with her arms crossed over her chest. “Baby, what’s the matter?”

  “Why were Roy and Tom close?” she asked, shocking him.

  “How did you know?”

  “I felt you leave. I missed you and followed you. I couldn’t hear what was being said, but it looked important.”

  “It’s not important.”

  “Are you sure? It looked pretty important.” She tucked some hair behind her ear, licking her lips. The sight was enough to have him groaning.

  “It was nothing.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Guy. It’s not fair. I don’t have your super powers, but I’m in this with you. Please, don’t lie to me.”

  He could ignore her, or he could do what Tom and Roy did not. “We’re running out of time to complete the mating.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “Tom came by to warn me—”

  “No, you don’t get to tell her,” Tom said, walking through the clearing.

  Guy stood in front of Kitty, protecting her. “She deserves to know the truth.”

  “No, this is pack business.” Tom was starting to go all alpha on him, about to force his will so that he couldn’t tell Kitty anything.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Kitty asked, moving in front of him.

  They were breaking a shitload of rules.

  “Kitty, go inside the tent,” Tom asked, authority in his voice.

  “No. I’m not your brother, and I’m not part of your fucking pack. You don’t get to bark orders at me as if I’m some kind of dog. I entered into this mating because I believed I was your mate. Now I find out you’re holding shit back.” She held her finger up, pointing at him. “You don’t have the right to hold anything back. If we’re going to be one big happy fucking family, then I need to start being told the damned truth.”


  She turned her back on Tom. “You were saying?” Guy looked over her shoulder. She snapped her f
ingers bringing the attention back to her. “Don’t even think of looking at him for permission. You tell me the truth or I take my stuff and I walk away. I’m not bound by this mating. I can leave at any time right?”

  “Will you even want to leave?” Tom asked.

  She looked back at Tom.

  “Do you want to test me, Tom? Right now with all the secrets, I don’t see what I’m getting out of it besides six big-headed men who need to get their heads out of their asses. Now you will tell me what the fuck is going on or I walk.”

  Kitty looked so damn sexy that Guy’s cock pulsed to life. He wanted her badly, but he wasn’t going to have her until they started telling her the truth.

  Chapter Four

  If Guy, Tom, and Roy didn’t start talking Kitty was going to walk. She was tired of having something expected of her and being the last bloody person to know about it. Their lives were intertwined with her own. She couldn’t be kept in the dark any longer.

  “You’re stressed,” Tom said, clearly about to put her off.

  Without waiting for another answer, Kitty started walking toward the edge of the forest, ready to leave. It would tear her apart to leave the three men she’d come to love so dearly. She knew it wouldn’t take long for her to have the same kind of feelings about Stuart, Mark, and Joey.

  “We’re running out of time to complete the claiming, our mating,” Roy said.

  She stopped, turning around to face him. “Running out of time?”

  “If we don’t claim you now, with my other brothers doing their part, we will lose ourselves to our wolves, and never return to human form.”

  Tom growled, but she didn’t care. Roy had broken rules, and he’d done it for her.

  “This is your last chance to finish the claiming?” she asked. “Am I your last choice?”

  “No, you’re our only choice. We’ve only just found you. It would never have worked with any other female because you’re our fated female. The woman destined to be ours,” Tom said, finally speaking up. “We hadn’t met you, and now we’re running out of time.”


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