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Second Sin

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “So, what? You came to put pressure on Guy?” she asked.

  “We came to see how you’re feeling,” Roy said. “At least, I did. I miss you, and I worry about you.”

  He made to move toward her, but she held her hand up warding him off.

  “No, don’t come closer. This is Guy’s month.”

  “I came to see you and to also tell Guy that Mark and Joey will have one month to mate with you,” Tom said.

  Whenever he opened his mouth, he was annoying her. She loved Tom, but he was so cold toward her, she really didn’t know how to handle him right now.

  “You’ve come to tell me that I’ve got to fuck two brothers together, to fulfill the claiming rules?” she asked. The very thought didn’t offend her. She wanted to share six brothers, so two wasn’t a problem to her.


  “What rules state I’ve got to do all of this one on one?” She looked among the three men. “Yes, I spend the moon with one brother, but why can’t I be at the house doing it? Why can’t I spend time with you all but share all of my time with the one brother?” Kitty was getting frustrated with being pulled from one brother to another. It was started to grate on her nerves.

  “There are no rules about it. It works better if you’re alone,” Tom said. “This was how we interpreted the tradition. You’re not breaking any rules, providing you bond to every man within the pack.”

  “Then that stops now.” Turning toward Guy, she closed the distance, running her hands up his chest. “I love you, and we’re going to complete the mating together. We’ll have many days and weeks to do this again. For the next couple of months, I need to be around all of you, to sit and eat dinner with you.”

  “Are you sure?” Guy asked.

  “I’m more than sure. This is barbaric, taking me and leaving me. Providing I mate with each brother I don’t have to be separated. If it doesn’t have to be this way, then I want to change it.” She ran her hands down the front of her shirt and smiled. “I guess we’re trekking through the forest.”

  “You’re not.” Guy gave her his back. “Jump up. I’ll carry you.”

  “I’m heavy.”

  “Don’t care. Jump on and we’ll walk through the forest together. Tom and Roy can carry our tent. This is still my month.”

  She climbed onto his back, laughing as he began walking toward the main house.

  “I love this, being outdoors with you. Promise you’ll always bring me with you,” she said. Kitty hated the outdoors, but with Guy it made sense to her.

  “I promise. You’re not going anywhere without me.” He held onto her legs, and she wrapped her arms around his chest, holding him close. “You really told them.”

  “I’m tired of being the little human stuck between six pigheaded men. I’ve got feelings myself. We’re following a tradition that worked in the past. I want to mate with you all, and I’m not going to be a bitch about it. I can spend time with Stuart, share his bed at night, but still see you, Tom, and Roy, as well as the twins.”

  “Being with Mark and Joey doesn’t scare you?”

  “No, it doesn’t scare me. What scares me is losing you to the wolf.” She kissed the side of his neck, sucking on his flesh. “I can’t lose you, Tom, or Roy. I’ll be close with Stuart and the twins.”

  “Stuart is a bookworm. He concerns me.”


  This was what she loved about Guy. He was honest with her.

  “He’s always into his books. I don’t believe he knows how to handle a woman.”

  “I need to be handled?”

  “No, you need to be loved and cherished. That’s what I do. I care about you, and I love you.”

  He paused at the edge of the clearing. She saw the house shining brightly.

  Outside of the house, Mark and Joey were sparring with each other while Stuart read a book. The scent of a barbeque was heavy in the air.

  “Wow, that smells amazing.”

  The moment she spoke, all three men looked toward her.

  “Guy, you’re breaking tradition,” Stuart said, holding onto his book like it was a lifeline.

  “This is all down to Kitty,” he said.

  “Nice, Guy, throwing me into the fire.” She giggled, kissing him.

  “This is Kitty’s idea,” Tim said.

  She glanced behind her to see Roy and Tom step behind them. Now she had all the brothers in one place. No more pain, only pleasure.


  Kitty was happy. Guy smelled it on her and felt the way her body came alive as she stared around her.

  He eased her to the ground and watched Stuart, who was watching her. His younger brother stared up and down the length of her body. Stuart still held onto the book tightly, but it wasn’t the same.

  “I need you all to learn how to trust me, and right now, you don’t. None of you really do.” She looked at each of them, smiling. Guy was smitten and trusted her with his future. “This is your last chance, and I’m your mate. I can’t handle being used and discarded. Providing I mate with all of you, nothing states that I can’t be around you all. I’m not breaking any rules by being here.” She cupped his cheek. “I’m mated to you. I’m close to you, and I know I can be close to all of you. What’s to stop us from being a family? I’ll share your bed until the claiming, and then I’ll move into Stuart’s bed. I know this has to work. I want it to work. I don’t want to think of having a life without you.”

  “Is this allowed to happen?” Stuart asked.

  Guy lifted Kitty into his arms. “It doesn’t matter if it’s allowed to happen or not. It’s going to. And, there’s nothing in the rules that states she can’t do this.” He moved toward the house. “Now, if you don’t mind I’m going to go and spend some time with our mate.”

  She held onto him as he carried her into their home then upstairs toward his room. He kicked open the door, then slammed it closed with his foot. “We’re all alone once again.”

  “What are you going to do with me?” she asked.

  “First, I’m going to take you for a nice long bath.” He eased her down, glancing around his space. “I’ll go and run us a bath. Have a look around. See if you can see anything you like.”

  She smiled, and he left her alone. His heart was pounding. This was his own personal taste, light colors, and his bedroom overlooked the large forest. There was a balcony that they could sit on to watch the sunset.

  Once the bath was filled with water, he walked back to his bedroom to see her looking through his movie collection.

  “There are a couple of porn movies here.”

  “I’m a guy with needs. With you here, those will end up in the trash,” he said.

  She chuckled. “You’re a horror movie buff?”

  “Nah, I just like watching something different.” He moved up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her in close. “You’re so beautiful. Anyone ever tell you that?” he asked.

  “I love you, too.” She leaned back and kissed him. “I’m pleased I decided to do this, be close to all of you.”

  He kissed her neck. “Your bath awaits.” Guy led her back toward their bathroom. He helped her out of the shirt she’d put on. She was completely naked underneath, which he loved. When he ran his hands up and down her body, she moaned.

  “I love your hands on my body.”

  “Your body was made to be touched.” He leaned, forward sucking her nipple into his mouth. Guy bit on her nipple, flicking the tip to ease out the sting.

  He moved onto the next nipple, and smiled as she moaned. “Time for that bath.”

  She groaned but climbed into the large tub. Guy moved in behind her, holding her close.

  “They were all shocked by me being here.”

  “You’re the first woman we’ve known to put her foot down.”

  “Did you bring another woman to the pack to mate?”

  “No. I did meet a woman, and I dated her for a couple of months. It didn’t mean anything th
ough. I never felt like this with her.”

  “Do you think Stuart, Mark, and Joey are going to like me?”

  He pulled her hair out of the way, kissing her neck. “I think they’re going to love you. They’re not going to be able to hold back.” Guy hadn’t been able to hold back.

  Picking up the sponge, he began to soap her body, cleaning her. In between his movements, she moaned, arching up into his touch.

  “I’m sorry we cut our time together in the forest short.”

  “You promised me a week, baby. I’m going to hold you to it.”

  Guy heightened her pleasure, using every second in the bath to bring her closer to orgasm. Once the water turned cold, he carried her still dripping wet to his bed. He didn’t give her a chance to turn him down. Opening her thighs, he slid between them, and finding her wet heat, he slammed inside her hard.

  “Harder,” she said, begging.

  He took her harder than ever before. The headboard hit the wall with the force of his thrusts. Guy couldn’t be without her, and he meant every word he spoke to Tom. He would beat the shit out of his three younger brothers if they ruined this for him. Kitty had stepped right out of his dreams, and was everything he wanted in a woman. Her curvy figure gave him something to hold onto, and her smile was beautiful. He didn’t want to be without her in his life.

  When she found her release, her pussy tightening around him, Guy followed her with his own release. Throughout it all, he held her tightly against him, never wanting to let go. The full moon was coming, and he was going to have to let her go. If she was around the house, he’d get to see her, make her smile. He didn’t know how Roy and Tom put up with her being away from them. Guy knew he was never going to be as strong as his brothers.

  Chapter Five

  Kitty stared down at Guy’s sleeping form. The last two weeks had gone by so fast, but they’d been the best two weeks of her life. Tonight was the night of the full moon where she’d mate with Guy and he’d leave her.

  Grabbing a pair of jeans and one of Guy’s shirts, she dressed on her way downstairs. She wanted to make him some pancakes. Like every morning, the scent of food always woke him up. Kitty entered the kitchen to find all of the brothers sat drinking and eating. They had cereal in bowls. With tonight being her last time with Guy, she wanted to make it special.

  All five other brothers were nervous around her. They were worried that changing tradition would somehow affect their mating. She didn’t see a problem. Kitty had spent some time looking over the pack rules, which had been kept in a diary and passed down through generations, and there was nothing in them that stated she had to be away from the whole pack during the mating. Providing she mated with each brother, there shouldn’t be a problem.

  “Morning,” she said, moving toward the stove. She’d already explored the kitchen with Guy, and so she found a skillet, placing it on the heat.

  They all said good morning to her at the same time.

  She gave them each a big smile before measuring out ingredients into a bowl.

  “What are you making?” Mark asked.

  Out of the two twins Mark had made the effort to talk to her. Joey looked nervous as hell around her. Stuart would close whichever book he was reading to talk to her.

  “I’m making some pancakes.”

  “You do know what tonight is, right?” Tom asked.

  Glaring at Tom, she nodded. “Yes, Mr. Grumpy. I know what tonight is. You may have shocked me with the shit you pulled, but it’s different now. I’m going to make this day special rather than dreading it.”

  “I’ve got the pack to think about.”

  “You don’t think I worry about the pack? You brought me here, and now I care about you. This means the world to me. I never thought I’d ever settle down happily married. Instead, I’m going to be mated to six men who I’m coming to love. Tom, Roy, I love you, and I love Guy.” She looked at Stuart. “I’m hoping to love you, and then I’m hoping to love you two guys.” She turned toward the twins, smiling. “I’m sorry I can’t handle being fucked and passed on. This is what I can handle. If you can’t handle that, I’ll leave even if it kills me.”

  “We don’t want you to leave,” Joey said. “This is hard for us all.”

  “Then let me make pancakes for Guy, and accept that in hours, I’m going to be mated to another man, and then I’ll be with Stuart.”

  Looking at the bowl in front of her, she finished making the pancakes. She added some butter to a skillet before dolloping out the pancake mix.

  “That smells so good,” Guy said, coming into the kitchen. He wore a pair of jeans and nothing else. She smiled at him, and he didn’t stop until he wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her close. “Morning, beautiful.”


  Turning back to the skillet, she flipped the pancakes. Guy didn’t leave her, instead keeping his arms wrapped around her waist, and kissing her neck.

  “Do you know what tonight is?” he asked.

  “I know, and I don’t care. We’re going to have a nice breakfast, and enjoy the rest of our day.”

  She made lots of pancakes, feeding all of the men, and eating a couple of pancakes drenched in maple syrup as she went, licking the stick sweetness from her fingers when she was done.

  When she finished, she left the dishes to Mark and Joey, joining Guy as he walked out of the house to go and do some planting. They had a little fruit and vegetable patch a few feet from the house.

  “I can’t imagine going to the store every day,” she said, tugging on some gloves.

  “We saved a lot of money, and it gave Tom something to do with his time.” Guy began to pull out the weeds that were starting to grow between the squashes, tomatoes, and herbs.

  Kitty dug in helping him. She loved being in the kitchen, so this was perfect for her.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “I’m nervous as hell, but there’s nothing we can do about it.” She wasn’t going to lie to him. Guy was honest with her. The least she could do was be honest with him. “What about you?”

  “I want to mate with you, but I don’t want to pass you off to Stuart. When it happens tonight, I want you to know it’s going to tear me apart.”

  She smiled, trying to give him as much comfort as she could. “I understand. I understand it a hell of a lot more than you realize.”

  They didn’t speak about what was going to happen for the rest of the day. Pushing her hair out of the way, Kitty simply enjoyed being in his company.

  The day went by so quickly, and Kitty stared at her reflection in the mirror. She brushed out her hair, wearing a sexy negligee to entice Guy. Their time together wasn’t enough.

  When the claiming is over, you’ll have him more.

  Blowing out a breath, she stared at her image. Night had fallen, and the moon was high in the sky. She was already aroused at the thought of being with Guy, but she was also sad.

  “Such a strange position to be in.”

  The sound of her door knocking invaded her thoughts. “This is it,” she said.

  Opening her door, she found Tom waiting for her. “Guy’s waiting.”

  She nodded, about to pass him. Tom stopped her by grabbing her elbow. He didn’t hurt her with his touch.

  “I know you hate me at times, and that it’s hard to like me. I’m like I am because I love you, and I love my brothers. This is hard for me as well.”

  “I get it, Tom. Really, I do. You’ve got to learn that you’re no longer alone. You’re the alpha to your brothers, but you’re also like my husband, my mate. You’ve got to learn to share.” She touched his cheek before walking out toward Guy.


  Staring up at the moon, Guy let out a breath. The scent of Kitty invaded his senses, and he turned toward her. She wore a sexy red negligee that highlighted her curves. His brothers were close by but not too close.

  The moment she cleared the steps, she ran toward him. Holding his arms out, Guy held her
close, and claimed her lips the moment they touched. She sank her fingers into his hair, groaning into his mouth.

  “I love you,” she said, biting down onto his lip.

  Without waiting, Guy took her down to the ground, not given either of them a chance to hold back. He wanted to mate with her, to be inside her. The sooner he did it, the closer they were to being together forever.

  “I love you too, baby, so much.”

  He kissed her long and deep. Stroking his fingers up the inside of her thigh, he teased her slick cunt, thrusting a finger deep inside her. She was already wet, and he wanted to make her dripping before he took her pussy with his dick.

  Kissing her neck, he began to tease her clit, stroking over the swollen nub. She opened her thighs wide. The moon was high in the sky, and his wolf was so close to the surface. Guy wanted to mate with Kitty. For the first time since the last moon, he finally knew without a shadow of a doubt that Kitty was his mate. She was the pack mate, destined to love them and to give them children.

  “Please, Guy, I need you inside me. Don’t make me wait.”

  He didn’t take his time with her orgasm like he had the last couple of weeks. The moment he got her into bed after the end of the claiming he’d have her panting for release for hours until he finally gave her one.

  Moving down her body, he sucked her clit into his mouth. Her taste exploded onto his tongue, and he wanted more. No, he needed more. He needed enough to let him survive two more moons before he got a chance to be with her again.

  Flicking her clit with his tongue, he fucked his fingers inside her, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm.

  She didn’t last, and with the sound of her orgasmic cries ringing in his ears, he aligned his cock to her entrance, sliding deep within the walls of her pussy.

  “You feel so good,” Kitty said, sinking her nails into his arms.

  “I don’t want this to end.” Tears filled his eyes knowing what came next.

  “Oh, Guy.” She cupped his cheek. “I love you, and I trust you. I promise, this is the start of something amazing.” She lifted up, kissing his lips passionately. “There’s nowhere else I’d ever want to be than with you and your brothers. You’re my life.”


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