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Enlighten (Thornhill Trilogy Book 2)

Page 7

by J. J. Sorel

  I leaned in and whispered, “He’s not making you go to orgies? Or anything as sordid as that.”

  “No way. He’s dead jealous. Even if a guy checks me out, I hear him whisper ‘fucker’ under his breath.”

  My phone went off. Seeing it was a private number, I sent it to voicemail. Then it pinged with a message.

  Hello, I’m ringing about the art teaching job. Chris.

  “Oh, it’s someone about the job for the art classes. Do you mind if I call him, Tabs?”

  Tabitha shrugged. “Go for it. I’ve got to go to the powder room.”

  I watched Tabitha sashay off. She’d definitely lost weight. And I was a little concerned about her new lifestyle. Especially the bit about being on her knees for her master. That really freaked me out.

  “Hi, Chris?’


  “This is Clarissa Moone. I advertised for an art teacher.”

  “Oh yeah, great. Hey, thanks for getting back to me. I’d love to apply. I’m not technically a student, however. Will that be a problem?”

  “We don’t mind as long as you have the skills,” I said.

  “I actually teach at the college here. But I could use the extra work.”

  “Sure. When would you like to meet up? I’d like to see some photos of your work, and I can discuss the program with you.

  “I’m free today, or tomorrow. Whenever you would like.”

  “Tomorrow morning at eleven. How’s that? I’ll text you the details. We’ll meet where the classes are going to be run.”

  “Brilliant. That sounds cool.”

  “See you tomorrow, then.”



  “I can’t tell ye how much this means to ma family,” said Jeb.

  I sat at the table in the old homestead. It felt as if I was in an old Western movie. Time had certainly stood still.

  Jeb’s wife, Marjorie fussed about in the way women did when they were frightened of putting a foot wrong. I felt sorry for her. But I got the feeling she didn’t mind. Both husband and wife had the harshness of the land chiseled into their features. I could see the struggle.

  I would never forget the way their bodies slumped with relief after I’d offered to rent their property for a fee of the like they hadn’t seen even when their land was fertile. A lifetime of tension left their weary faces, ironing out the sag that came from hopelessness.

  When their granddaughter bounced into the kitchen, Marjorie told me in that candid way lonely folk often did that their daughter had left home young and that they’d never seen her again. Her voice cracked, and her eyes shone with indelible sorrow.

  Her tone brightened suddenly. “This is Elly, our pride and joy.”

  The young woman, who was about twenty, smiled flirtatiously. I had a feeling she’d seen a few haystacks. Her large, suggestive smile and the fact that she hung onto every word I uttered told me that she was keen to take me on a tour of the barn. Despite her being very pretty, I was not interested. How could I be? Clarissa was the love of my life.

  “If that works for you and your family, I can get my lawyer to draft up a contract. Once the panels are up, we’re here for the long haul.”

  Jeb nodded thoughtfully. “We have no one but Elly. This will be all hers. It will be her decision whether to stay or sell. One thang is for sure, this land ain’t what it used to be. It’s been in the family for two hundred years. This will be the first generation that the family has been close to starvation. It’s heart breakin’. But nature’s taken a turn for the worst. It hasn’t rained here for years. And the sun’s a scorcher. Perfect, I imagine, for your electricity generation.”

  “It is an ideal location. And we estimate that there’ll be enough power generated to look after the entire county’s energy needs.”

  Jed whistled. “Where have you hailed from, Aidan Thornhill? You’re God’s little helper.”

  I smiled. “I want to put my money to good use. I have plenty of trinkets and toys. What else is money for if you can’t do something good with it?”

  Marjorie kissed me on the cheek. “God will look down favorably on you, son.”

  Although I wasn’t a church going man, I felt blessed by that comment as a thick lump settled in my throat.

  I watched Marjorie at the stove, stirring the pot. A delicious aroma of down-to-earth home cooking hit me. I was hungry. I hadn’t eaten that day.

  “Ya gonna share a meal with us, I hope,” she said.

  “Sure, why not. Only if you’ve got enough,” I said.

  “For you, Aidan Thornhill, there’s aplenty.” She smiled sweetly.

  Elly sat down across the table, resting her chin on her palm. I noticed a few of the buttons to her blouse had come undone. Hmm… I looked everywhere but at her plunging cleavage.

  I summoned up the steamy session I’d had with Clarissa the previous night. Skype was a miracle for horny, absent lovers. She had undone one button at a time. Her large, raspberry nipples went all hard as she tickled them for me, which left me gasping for air.

  After polishing up a plate of hearty stew that I’d eaten with the gusto of someone starved, I finally made my exit. That was, after hugs and kisses from the family. Last in line, lingering longer than she should’ve, Elly pushed hard into my body as I kissed her on the cheek.

  As much as I had enjoyed the hospitality from the down-to-earth family, I was glad to jump in my car and head back to my hotel. It had been a long day. I really needed time to myself.

  While I was riding the elevator, my phone rang. I checked the caller ID. It was Jessica.


  My ex-fiancée would not leave me alone. She’d been leaving messages all week.

  I took the call.

  “Jessica.” I tried not to sound pissed. But I was. I could never forgive her for the drama she had caused on the night of the gala.

  “Finally, you picked up.” Slurring her words, Jessica was drunk. Not unusual for her, given it was evening. She was known to start from midday and continue into the night. She could even drink me under the table.

  “I’ve got a lot on, Jessica. What’s up?”

  I opened the door and plonked myself on the club chair by the balcony. I feasted my eyes on the sky, with its evolving dance of fire splashing over the delicate turquoise.

  “Aidan, I just want to apologize for what happened at the gala. I’d been drinking. And seeing you all amorous with your new little girl got me all heated up.”

  “Right. So, you lied, ruined a great night, and caused a break up.”

  “Oh really?” Instead of sympathy, her voice reflected hope.

  “We’re back together, Jessica.”

  “She’s too sweet and innocent for you, Aidan. You need a woman who’s adventurous and on the dark side.”

  “How do you know what I fucking need? I know that I’m not into women who like to fuck around. And Clarissa’s innocence is one of the many reasons why I’m in love with her.”

  “Oh, please, don’t say that, Aidan. You can’t be in love. I love you. I can’t shake you off. Can’t we meet? I can make it up to you. I’m now a DD cup. I know how much you like your tits nice and big.”

  “You just don’t get it, do you, Jessica? Even if Clarissa was flat chested, I’d still be crazy about her. She’s a class act. She’s a one-off. And I’m the only man she’s ever been with.”

  Jessica laughed. “Uh… she was a virgin when you fucked her. What is it with you men and this obsession with virgins? Is it the tight pussy? Or is it something a little more deluded, like you’ll be the only one?”

  “Something like that and much, much more. Not all sex is a sport. It can be spiritual, you know. And being with Clarissa definitely has made me see that. I never made love until Clarissa.”

  “That’s so fucking hurtful. You used to love fucking me.”

  “I’m not that same man, Jessica. That was the twisted, just-released-from- the-army version of me. I’ve done some work on
myself. I’ve changed for the better.”

  “Oh, God. How boring. I suppose you’ll be taking up the pipe and wearing homemade socks next.” She laughed with a bitter twang.

  “Jessica, it’s over between us. Even if there was no Clarissa, I would not take you back. I’m sure you’ll find someone.”

  “But I want you.” Her petulant shrill pierced through the phone.

  “Don’t call me again, Jessica. It’s over.”

  “Then you’re going to make me resort to getting you another way.”

  Instead of hanging up, which I should have, I held on.

  “You’re threatening me with blackmail?”

  “If it comes to that, then yes. I fucked Bryce, you know. As I feasted on his cock, he told me everything, Aidan.”

  I shuddered. For a woman who’d had the best education that money could buy, she was cruder than a sailor.

  She continued, “I know what happened in Afghanistan and how you shot your best friend. Do you think your little darling will wait for you when you’re locked up in prison for murder?”

  “That’s just Bryce talking bullshit. Now leave me alone.” I threw the phone onto the bed.

  I sat with my head in my hands. After a few minutes of blankness, I lifted my heavy body and headed for the bourbon. I poured half a glass and gulped it down.

  I had just picked up my phone to call my attorney when it buzzed.

  It was Bryce. All the enemies were out for blood. My prickly mood was just right for dealing with him. “Bryce.”

  “Aidan. You’re there, man. You don’t like returning calls, do you?”

  “I’ve been busy. Look, Bryce, I don’t want anything to do with you. You’re fucking lucky that Clarissa didn’t press charges for assault.”

  “I didn’t really do anything. She’s making it up,” said Bryce.

  “That’s not what I saw.”

  “I lifted her off the ground. I thought she’d fallen over. I was just trying to help.”

  “In my book, running your hands all over her body does not add up to helping.”

  “I was drunk.”

  “Bryce, I’m not interested in any of your excuses. Our friendship is over. I don’t want you around me. I’ve given you millions of dollars.”

  “I want more. If you don’t reinstate me as chief of the VHC, then I’ll be out for blood, Aidan. And don’t think I’m playing with you. I mean it. I want my share.”

  “You had your share. You just blew it. And now you want me to bankroll your fucked-up lifestyle. That’s seriously unreasonable, Bryce. I don’t owe you anything.”

  “Oh, yes you do. I saw you shoot Ben.”

  “Fuck you, Bryce. It’s impossible to prove. And you’re a drunk and a drug addict. Somehow, I don’t think the authorities are going to believe you. In any case, I could also denounce you to the authorities for theft.”

  “Theft that you profited from,” he said.

  “I had no idea where that cash came from. Ben could’ve won it at the casino for all I knew. And quite frankly, it’s none of your fucking business.”

  I closed the call, and expelled a long, tight breath.

  After that bleak, sleepless fortnight without Clarissa, I’d promised myself I would never let anything come between us again.

  I would have to tell her everything about my past, I thought, wiping sweat from my brow. I was determined never to be without her again. I’d gone through hell without her. I didn’t even recognize myself. One thing I did learn from that break was how much I needed her.

  Clarissa was like some magic being. She had purified the night, cleansed it of ugly ghosts. It wasn’t just the sex. It was much, much more than that. I couldn’t imagine my life without her. Although we’d only known each other for three months, I knew in my heart and soul that Clarissa was the love of my life.

  I brought up an image of Clarissa on my laptop. It showed her in red lingerie with her hair up. Looking so sassy and sexy, that image always made my cock swell.

  I pressed the call button.

  She picked up straight away. “Aidan,” she responded with that breathy, girlish voice.

  The dark cloud lifted in an instant. “Hey, Princess.”

  “Do you want to Skype?” She asked.

  “Yes, it’s just what I need.”

  “You don’t sound too good, Aidan. Has something happened?”

  “Nothing to worry your beautiful little head over, baby. So, what’s happening in your universe?”

  “I interviewed a teacher for the VHC arts program today.”

  “Oh really? That was quick.”

  “It was. I only placed the notice yesterday. He called, and I met him today at VHC. He showed me his portfolio. He’s definitely a talented artist. And he needs the work. I think he’ll be good.”

  “You weren’t alone, were you?”

  “Aidan, are you jealous?”

  “I’m seriously jealous, Clarissa, to a fault. You know that about me.”

  “But you have to trust me. I’d never let a man near me like that. You must know that.”

  “I do, Princess. It’s the men that worry me. You’re good enough to eat, baby. I can almost hear the growls whenever you sway past men.”

  “As I hear the moans whenever you swagger past women.”

  I laughed. “I don’t swagger.”

  “No, you glide. I’m just looking for the masculine equivalent of swaying.”

  “Women don’t register, baby. You’re the only woman in my heart, my mind and my…”

  “Your what, Aidan?”

  “My cock… I’m permanently hard, Clarissa, because of you.”

  “That makes two of us.”


  Clarissa laughed. “I get all swollen too, you know.”

  “You sure do, you delicious girl.”

  “So, should we Skype?” she asked.

  “Only if you let me watch you play with yourself.”

  “My breasts, you mean?”

  “Your little juicy pussy, as well,” I said. My breathing had heavied. I undid my zipper. Clarissa’s soft voice made my cock lengthen. “Are you there?” I asked.

  “Yes, I’m here. How am I to do that? I want to see you as well.” She let out a shy giggle.

  “Let’s hook up. Let me see your pretty face, and then you can position the laptop so that I can watch you touching yourself.”

  “Give me a few minutes,” she said.

  I removed my jeans, freeing my cock. It was as hard as steel. No woman had ever done this to me. I felt possessed, drugged even.

  I pressed the button on my computer, and there she was: my angel dressed in a white lace negligee barely covering her breasts.

  “Clarissa, you look amazing. I wish I was there so I could rip off that pretty little lacy number with my teeth.”

  She giggled. “I thought I’d dress for the occasion. But it’s not fair.”

  “What’s not, baby?”

  “I expected to see you with your shirt off.”

  I undid the buttons and revealed a bare chest. “How’s that?”

  “Mm… yum, you’re good enough to eat, as well, Aidan. I love having you in my mouth.” Her large eyes twinkled with a misty turned-on sheen.

  “My cock loves your mouth too, darling. Now rub your nipples for me.”

  Her large nipples crinkled and hardened—ripe red, and succulent. I hissed behind my teeth. “Yes, like that. Now fondle and jiggle your tits for me.”

  “Nice one… Clarissa, keep doing it.” I exhaled a jagged breath. “Are you hot and wet?”

  “I am,” she purred.

  “Then show me.”

  I freed myself from my boxers and started to pull at my throbbing cock.

  “How’s this?” Clarissa asked.

  “Yes, perfect. Now open your legs for me, sweetheart.”

  “I can’t see you, Aidan. I want to see it in your hand.”

  “See what, Clarissa?”

  “Your big c

  “God, I love hearing your sexy voice.” I positioned the screen so that she could see my erection, and I slid my hand over it. “How’s that?”

  “It’s beautiful.” She sighed.

  Oh my, she was painfully sexy. Her need for my cock just rocked my universe.

  She started to rub her clit. Her glistening pussy was pink and delectably creamy. My heart leapt from my chest. This was fucking hot. “You look beautiful and delicious. My tongue is dripping wet thinking about you.” I was pulling at my throbbing, hot cock, hard and fast, as I watched her finger tickling her clit. I’d never done anything like this before. I was so turned on I could hardly think straight. “Fuck yourself with your finger, baby.”

  Clarissa started to moan, and as I watched her finger enter that exquisite pink opening that always managed to strangle my cock of reason, I exploded hard.

  With her pretty lips apart, Clarissa groaned as her pussy contracted, all juicy and needy. If that wasn’t enough to make me ooze, draining me of fluid, then seeing her put her finger in her mouth sent me well over the edge. What a drug. What a high.

  After we both composed ourselves, Clarissa sat up. “How was that?” Her voice had that post-orgasmic lilt that I’d come to recognize and love.

  “It was glorious. Thank you. You’ve given me something so special, so personal. Your pussy’s exquisite.”

  Clarissa giggled. “I still don’t get its physical appeal. Whereas your cock is beautiful, it’s so big and velvety, yummy to touch, to suck, to look at, but my vagina, I don’t get that.”

  “Oh, Princess.” I sniffed. “It’s beautiful to look at, trust me. My cock loves you, Clarissa. I love you.”

  Shit. That was new. There was a longer-than-usual pause.

  “And I love you too, Aidan.” Her voice cracked.

  I was equally raw.

  After I took a breath, I said, “I’ll be in New York tomorrow, angel. I need to visit my attorney to draft up contracts for the farms. I’ll be back on Friday, just one more day, beautiful girl.”

  “I can’t wait,” said Clarissa. She pursed her fleshy lips and blew me a kiss.


  Although the day was gray and non-descript, Central Park was alive and filled with its regular clutter of life. Dogs of every shape and breed, roller-bladers, bikes, ambling folk, others rushing ahead. I stood on the balcony watching it all unfold. Their lives seemed so uncomplicated.


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