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Enlighten (Thornhill Trilogy Book 2)

Page 8

by J. J. Sorel

  My phone buzzed. “Yes, Jane.”

  “Jacob Levison is here.”

  “Send him in.”

  Jacob stepped in, looking very much like a money man with his gray bespoke suit and serious face. He was a very sharp operator who’d made me a lot of money over the years through astute investments.

  “How are you, Jake?”

  “Good, thanks, Aidan.”

  “Can I get you anything, a coffee or something stronger?”

  “No, I’m good.”

  I clapped my hands together. “Right, then… how are things sailing?”

  “Very well indeed. If it wasn’t for the expenditure on the farms, we’d be looking at some pretty impressive profits this year. The investments in biotech have gone through the roof. Especially DNA testing now that it’s available to the public.”

  I nodded. “Once again, your sound advice, Jake. You’ve got a good nose for it.”

  His off-center smile was the most warmth that Jake radiated. I liked him nevertheless. I didn’t need a smiling clown to inspire trust.

  “Genetic tests… what exactly do they do again?” I asked, feeling stupid for not having a handle on where my millions were being invested.

  “A blood test that reveals if one is prone to cancers or life-threatening and treatable diseases. It also tells what drugs one can or cannot tolerate.”

  “Mm… I’m not sure I’d want to know,” I said, leaning back in my seat.

  Jake shifted. “I’ve had it done.”


  He had his long face again. Inscrutable as always. I wasn’t sure if the results were bad or whether that was just him.


  “Not too good, I’m afraid.”

  I sat forward. “What do you mean?”

  “Cancer and heart disease are my two weaknesses, it seems.”

  “Shit. Did you really need to know?” I asked.

  “Yeah, you bet. Now I can get screened and make sure I adopt a lifestyle that is protective. It comes as no surprise. My parents both died of cancer.”

  I nodded slowly. I thought of my own parents. My mother, at the age of sixty had not gone a day without alcohol, weed, or cigarettes, while my father still smoked and probably drank more than he should. So far so good, I thought.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, Jake. But you have a clean lifestyle already, don’t you?”

  “I suppose I do. But there are things one can take that are known to help shrink tumors. I’ve just invested some of your money into them.”

  “Oh, really. Good.” That was my approach: leave it all up to Jake.

  “So, Aidan. The farms. You’re seriously over budget.”

  “I know. But there are so many families out there. My god, Jake. The land is parched. I’m shocked, to be honest. We really need to bring forward these programs, as soon as possible, if we want our future children to inhabit a clean planet and have the same opportunities as we had.”

  “That’s an admirable sentiment, Aidan. But last month was the first month in the history of Thornhill Holdings where you didn’t make a profit.”

  “Right. How much are we worth, Jake? Remind me.”

  “Twenty billion.”

  “And how much did we write off?”

  “One million.”

  “A drop in the ocean, Jake. This is the infrastructure phase. It will bleed money for a while. But once energy is generated, the project will pay for itself.”

  “Yes. But it won’t make a profit.”

  “I don’t need it to, Jake. Just as long as it pays for itself.”

  Jake frowned. “I suppose so. It’s just that I like to see profit at the end of the day.”

  “I know that. And you’re brilliant, Jake. I couldn’t do any of this without you. But you know me. I started with nothing. And twenty billion sounds like a ridiculously high sum of money.”

  Jake nodded slowly. “I’ll find a way to make it go up. I’ve got some ideas. Now, the other thing I want to talk to you about is expenditure on art and collectibles. There’s a fair bit going out to that, specifically, books.”

  “Yes, I’m collecting at the moment. I have an expert in my circle. I’m taking advantage of his knowledge.”

  “You need to upgrade your insurance policies and make sure that the acquisitions are up to date and itemized.”

  “I’ll confirm that with Julian when I get back. I’m also setting up art classes at the VHC.”

  “What about the gala events?”

  “I’ve stopped them.”

  Jake sat up. “But they were cash cows. They covered the costs of running all your charities.”

  “Yes, well. That’s another area that will put a drain on funds for a while. I’m not worried. Particularly with you around, and that magic touch of yours.”

  His mouth twitched to one side. That was as expressive as he got when receiving a pat on the back. “Hm… We also need to re-evaluate your existing collection for insurance purposes. Sotheby’s just sold a Bruegel for fifty million. And that was a still life similar to yours. Then there’s the Kandinksy, and all the rest. I estimate that you’re holding at least two billion in art. Then there’s the rare editions. The Celtic works alone are worth a fortune, Aidan.”

  “Good. I was lucky to score that collection. It’s amazing what a family hungry for funds will part with. Not that I realized its value at the time, mind you. I was just blown away by its beauty.”

  I recalled the son of the late Hollywood director from whom I had purchased the estate. He was pale, with shaky hands, hopelessly addicted to cocaine. I felt sorry for him. I gave him his asking price with no argument, ignoring Jake’s whispers to go lower.

  “I’ll talk to Clarissa about updating the catalogue. There’s one already, but I’ve acquired a few extra works since then.”

  Jake nodded. “Good.”

  I stood up. “If that’s all.”

  I was exhausted. All this talk of money was tiring me. Not my favorite subject. Although I did like acquiring beautiful things. And I loved making Clarissa happy by buying her everything she wanted. Not that she asked for much.

  Jake stood up. “I’ll do what I can to lift our investment portfolio. That way, we can offset any loss from the farms and charities.”

  “It will all be fine, Jake. I’m sure. I’m not worried. If anything, I’m really excited by this latest project.”

  After Jake left, I sent Jane off for the day. After which I went to my bedroom for some time out. It was the first space I’d had all week.

  I was looking forward to returning home. I brought it forward by one day. I needed to see Clarissa badly. Five days without her weighed on me heavily, in spite of our sexy Skype sessions.

  As I entered my room, I noticed a form sitting on the sofa. My muscles tightened into fight mode.

  When I turned on the light, my blood-ready fists unfolded. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I asked.

  True to form, Jessica was holding a drink and lounging about as if she owned the place. She did that. Possessed everything and everyone.

  “I thought I’d drop in for a visit.”

  “How the fuck did you know I was here? And how did you get in?” I went straight to the fridge and grabbed a beer. “I’d offer you a drink, but I can see you’ve already helped yourself.”

  “You’ve forgotten, but I still have the keys to this apartment. I was with you when you bought it, remember?”

  I pushed my hair back. “What the hell do you want, Jessica? I told you earlier that it’s over. I’ve moved on. What is it with you? You have to have what you can’t have.”

  “That’s right, Aidan. You know me well. I don’t take no for an answer. I didn’t like the way we ended the call. I’m not interested in blackmailing you. And I know that Bryce can be making it all up. He’s a sleazy guy.”

  “We can agree on that.” I stood by the window and cast my attention to the never-ending parade of humanity, like an Impressionist painting�
�blurry and rich in color. Night had fallen. The streets of Manhattan were frantic, bumper to bumper. Everyone had to be somewhere. It was as blustery and frantic as my mind.

  “I’ve come to make a pact. Make an offer,” said Jessica, joining me by the balcony window.

  I turned to face her. Jessica had taken off her coat, and she was naked.

  “Oh, Jessica, please,” I grumbled.

  Her tits were larger than ever, gravity defying in the way that only cosmetic surgeons could create. Although I tried not to stare, I noticed she’d removed all her pubic hair.

  All in all, as a product of science, Jessica looked amazing. Being someone who respected nature’s little surprises and what she bestowed, I preferred my women naturally blessed.

  She opened her legs so I could see everything she had to offer. Sweat dripped between my shoulder blades. Not because I was horny. If anything, my cock was limp and cold. The tension was induced by pity.

  “Jessica, I’m not turned on. I don’t need to see your cunt.”

  Slinking toward me, Jessica fell into my arms. “Please, fuck me,” she whispered in my ear. “I need your big cock inside me. No man I’ve fucked has made me burn like you do.”

  I moved away from her, grabbing hold of her coat. “Jessica, put this on. I’m not fucking you. I’m in love with Clarissa.”

  “She can’t sustain you. You’ll tire of her. You need me.” She rubbed her hand over my trouser zipper. “Hm… I feel you growing hard, Aidan.” She dropped to her knees and pulled down my zipper. “Let me eat your cock, darling.”

  I jumped back. “Fuck off, Jessica. Leave me alone.” I grabbed my phone. “I’ll call security.”

  She got up off her knees. The heavy-lidded seductress had turned sour, her green eyes icy, her bee-stung lips glowering. “I won’t forget this, Aidan.” She put her coat on and stormed out.

  I picked up my phone and called security. “This is Thornhill from the penthouse suite. Can you arrange a locksmith as soon as possible? And I want to place a ban on Jessica Mansfield. You should be seeing her coming down now.”

  I fell onto my bed. Something told me that she was about to stir a whole lot of trouble. That spoiled-brat persona didn’t take a knock back sitting down.


  Fathomless and lifeless, Ben’s eyes were sunken pools. Life had been gunned out of him. He writhed in pain. “Just do it, Aidan. Please. Please.”

  A piercing blast of gunfire rang through my body. My cries woke me. The room was black. My heart pounded hard against my ribs. Where was I? I couldn’t remember.

  I exhaled a deep breath and came to my senses. I looked at the clock. It was nine p.m. I’d fallen asleep.

  It was not what I’d intended. I needed to call Clarissa.

  My parched, bitter-tasting mouth had to be seen to first. I grabbed a bottle of Evian and gulped down half a bottle in one go.

  I wondered if I’d actually screamed, or was that the nightmare? As always, Ben looked so real. Was he a ghost visiting me? My hands trembled as I held the phone. I pressed the button for Clarissa. She didn’t pick up, which was unusual, since she always answered. I tried again, but each time, it went to voicemail.

  I ordered some food and turned on the TV. But I felt restless. I tried Clarissa again. Still no pick-up. That really worried me. I tried a different tack.

  “Hey, Greta.”

  “Aidan. How are you?’

  “Mm… been better.”

  “Nothing’s wrong is there?” She sounded concerned.

  “No, I’m fine.” I sighed. “Just had a visit from Jessica. She just won’t go away.”

  “Then you should contact the police and put her up for stalking.”

  “Hmm… maybe. Look, Greta, have you seen Clarissa?”

  “Yeah, earlier. She’s here at the estate. She had dinner with Julian and I. Why?”

  “She’s not picking up her phone. Can you ask her to call me?”

  “I’ll go down to the cottage. What about if she’s asleep?”

  “Then don’t wake her up. I’m returning tomorrow, anyway.”

  “I’ll go now. I’ll text you if she’s asleep. I’m sure she’s okay, Aidan. We only saw her an hour ago.”

  “Yeah, do that, text me, whichever way. You know me, Greta. I’m a worrier.”

  “I know, Aidan. We Thornhills are all wired the same.”

  Five minutes later, I heard a ping. It was from Greta. Clarissa is there. She said she’d call you. X Greta.

  Sure enough, my phone buzzed. I picked up. “Clarissa.”


  Her lifeless tone was remote.

  “What’s up, Princess? Why didn’t you pick up?” My body tensed. The last thing I needed was for Clarissa to turn on me.

  I could just make out her faint breath.

  “Clarissa, you need to tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I received a photo on my phone. It shows you hugging Jessica. She’s naked.” Clarissa’s voice cracked. I could tell she was suppressing tears.

  “Fuck! You’re joking?”

  “No, Aidan. I wish I was.”

  “She came here a few hours ago. She’d let herself in. And when I turned my back to her, she took her coat off and hugged me before I had a chance to stop her. I pushed her away. That is so fucked-up. She must have had a camera set up. That’s fucking dirty.” Fueled by aggression bursting through my veins, I spat the words out.

  “We didn’t do anything, Clarissa. You’ve got to believe me.”

  She didn’t say anything. All I could hear was sniffling.

  “Clarissa, it’s Jessica’s bullshit. Can’t you see what she’s doing? She’s trying to drive us apart. How the fuck did she get your number?”

  “Good question, Aidan. I never gave it to her. But I did have it listed on Thornhill Holdings’ website as an alternative number for enquiries regarding the gala nights.”

  “That explains it. Make sure you remove it, Clarissa. Your privacy is everything. And please do me a favor, change your number.”

  “Yeah, I’ll do that tomorrow. I’m not good at this, Aidan.” She sounded tired and flat.

  “I’m so sorry to have swept you into Jessica’s twisted little world. Can you send me the image now? Don’t hang up. I just want to see it.”

  “Okay. Hold on,” she said.

  I stared down at my phone at the image. I had my back turned to the camera, so my expression was hidden. But my arms were by my sides, clearly detached.

  “Clarissa, can’t you see that I’m not holding her?”

  “I noticed that, too. I don’t know what to think any more, Aidan.” She sighed.

  “Baby, I can’t blame you. This is an assault. I’m definitely going to lay charges on her for stalking. She came into my private space unannounced.”

  “But how do I know you didn’t have sex?”

  “You have to believe me, Clarissa. You have to trust me.”

  “I don’t want to talk at the moment, Aidan. Please give me some space.”

  “Clarissa, please don’t do this. Can’t you see this is what Jessica wants?”

  “I’ve gotta go, Aidan.”

  The phone went dead.

  “Fuck!!!” I punched the wall. A horrible crack appeared.

  Tossing and turning, I didn’t sleep that night. Frightened that bloodied Ben would make another appearance, I stared at the ceiling instead.

  The following morning, I’d lost count of all the calls I’d made to Clarissa.

  I decided to leave New York after my meeting with Brad, my attorney. Even though we had much more to discuss, it could wait. I wasn’t in a fit state to concentrate on the correct wording for contracts.


  It was late afternoon when I headed toward the entrance of my palace. I wiped my overheated brow.

  After I let myself in, craving a swim, I sprinted upstairs to grab my shorts and towel.

  There was nobody about. Greta and Julian must have
been out, which suited me, given that I wasn’t in the mood to interact with anybody. Except for Clarissa.

  I changed, collected my towel, and headed straight to Clarissa’s cottage.

  She wasn’t there. I hoped that she would be at the beach. Considering how hot it was, I couldn’t imagine her in the garden.

  Like me, she was more into swimming in the sea than in the pool, despite jumping in with me on a few occasions in the evenings. We’d fucked in there one crazed midnight, when the night was as hot as we were for each other.

  Rocket ran up to me. I bent down and rubbed his back. “Hey, there, buddy.” He jumped up and licked my hand. “You want to come for a swim?” His slobbering tongue hanging, Rocket barked in the affirmative. I laughed. Trust my dog to brighten the day. His large, happy-to-see-me brown eyes were so comforting. Even if I fucked up big time, my trusty canine would still love me.

  As I stepped onto my private little paradise, I noticed one lone body on a towel ahead. My heart skipped a beat. It was Clarissa.

  The sand was so hot that I covered my bare feet in flip-flops to avoid hopping all the way.

  Clarissa was sitting on her towel, reading. She wore a red bikini that barely covered her. My cock twitched. Fuck, it had a mind of its own. One glimpse of those mouth-watering tits, and I went all gaga. I preferred Clarissa’s one-piece. I didn’t like the idea of someone seeing that much of her. Although this was a private bay, at times people did wander in. I didn’t mind. But I would if Clarissa was there looking like that.

  Her hair was out. She’d been for a swim. I loved the way her long black hair hugged her curves, leading the eyes over her magnificent form. All the way to that ass that was so soft and peach like that it was enough to make a grown man sigh. Just as I was doing that moment.

  Rocket raced over to her. Clarissa set her book down and patted him. Her eyes lifted to me.

  “Hey,” I said. Her barely-there bikini made her delectable tits spill out everywhere. It was torture. My cock was so hard, I’m sure it was noticeable.


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