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Hell and Damnation [Werewolves and Wizards of West End 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Jane Jamison

  All over me.

  She licked her lips.

  I can just imagine how they’d feel.

  She hopped off the bed, tossing her clothes aside before digging into her overnight bag. At last finding the small vibrator, she got back on top of the bed, turned the vibrator on, and felt the “egg” come to life in her hand.

  Her hand skimmed over her breast as she put the toy to work. Already wet, she pushed the tip of the egg against her clit then worked it back and forth.

  Harder, she thought, imagining Martin between her legs. She slid the button to a higher level. A moan slipped out.

  That’s right, Travis. Suck on my tit.

  His lips were against her skin. His teeth torturing her nub. His hand played with her other nipple, and she arched to welcome his thumb as it massaged her hard nub.

  Suck on me, Martin. Suck hard. Ooh, yeah, baby. Use your teeth.

  She turned the vibrator up to the next highest speed.

  Where are you, Rogan?

  There he was. Somehow he’d managed to turn her onto her side.

  Aw, there you are. Do you like it dark, Rogan?

  His growl was his answer as she imagined him slicking his tongue in the crease between her butt cheeks. Cool air flowed over her skin from the open window letting in the ocean breeze. Heat flamed in her abdomen as she worked the vibrator back and forth. Her hips moved up and down as she imagined Rogan worked his fingers into her asshole.

  She moaned, not caring if anyone heard her. Rubbing her nipple hard, she squeezed and pinched until each pinch came along with an added sting of pain.

  Eat me up, Martin.

  He lifted his head to give her a wicked smile then went back to work, his fingers entering her pussy, his mouth flattened against her pussy. The hum of the vibrator’s motor sang on.

  Martin sucked at her.

  Rogan pressed his huge, curved cock into her tight hole.

  Travis put his cock to her mouth, and she took him in as far as she could.

  Moaning, the fantasy went on, two fingers in her mouth, sucking on them harder and harder, her tongue whipping around Travis’s imaginary cock.

  Suddenly, the climax was on her just as she could see Martin in her mind’s eye positioning his body between her legs and shoving his cock deep inside her pussy.

  Fuck me, my men. Fuck me until I scream.

  Her imaginary lovers took her, their cocks claiming her. She moaned and squirmed as the orgasm built its way to a head. At last, she exploded, the fantasy men dissolving as her release took all thought away. She cried out as her body shuddered, her clit throbbed, and she grabbed her breast and squeezed.

  When at last she let the vibrator fall to the side, she once again stared at the white ceiling. Slowly she put a hand over her heart. “One way or another, I’m going to have you guys. One way or another.”

  * * * *

  Martin wasn’t one to let his nerves get the best of him. But watching as Travis administered the spell over Rogan was enough to get him fidgeting.

  “Will you fucking get on with it?” Rogan lay on top of his bed with Travis next to him, the materials needed for the spell on the night table.

  “Do you want me to do this right or do it fast?” Travis seemed calm enough.

  Seemed was the operative word. Yet Martin knew Travis well enough to see through the calm exterior. His wizard friend was afraid the spell wasn’t going to work.

  “You’re a fucking wizard, not a witch. I still don’t understand why you can’t say some magic words and do your wizard thing.”

  Martin held back a chuckle. Rogan was pushing Travis and not in a good way.

  “Say some magic words? I’m not freaking Criss Angel. I’m not performing some stupid magic trick. Now shut the hell up and let me concentrate.”

  Rogan glanced at Martin. The look he gave him said as much as any words would have. “He has to concentrate” meant Travis was into new, uncharted territory.

  Martin knew any smile or word of support wouldn’t be appreciated. Instead, he remained silent and did his best not to appear worried.

  “Just don’t go turning me into a pumpkin or something.” Rogan let out a low growl but didn’t move as Travis placed items on top of his chest. “What’s this crap?”

  “Shut up.” Travis dragged in a ragged breath and let it out, long and slow. “These things represent good fortune. The cat and the crow are the best good luck totems I could find.”

  “Seriously?” Rogan lifted his head to get a better view of the tiny sculptures. “Looks like toys.”

  “Will you please let me work without any more interference?”

  “Fine. Whatever. Just don’t screw this up.”

  The growl in Rogan’s voice had gone deeper, meaner, signaling his inner wolf fighting to rise and take over. “Hurry, Travis.”

  Martin earned a pointed look from Travis, who went back to setting up other items around Rogan. Once he was finally finished, Travis stepped back, checked to make certain everything was all right, then nodded.

  “Stay still. And quiet,” ordered Travis.

  For once, Rogan obeyed his friend. Martin pushed away from the wall and planted his feet apart. Other than to lend moral support, he wasn’t doing any good by being there. But after trying to stay away, he’d given up and come to witness what would, hopefully, cure his friend.

  Travis closed his eyes and began to say a chant. Martin couldn’t hear the words, but he doubted he’d know them even if could. Instead, he focused on Travis, sending him good vibes as though that could help. Still, it couldn’t hurt, either, and made him feel as though he was actually doing something.

  Rogan remained quiet and motionless. His gaze stayed fixed on the ceiling, the only movement the quick tightening of his jaws.

  A minute later, in what seemed like more time, Travis opened his eyes. He squinted at Rogan, obviously unhappy, then closed his eyes again. He started saying the chant again, but this time his voice held an edge of tension.

  Shit. He’s trying again. It didn’t work the first time.

  Martin drew in a hard breath. They were running out of time. The shifts were coming faster and faster. One day soon, Rogan would shift into his wolf form and not be able to shift back.

  Come on, Travis. Make it work.

  Travis stopped and opened his eyes. “Don’t, Rogan, Fight it. I need more time.”

  Rogan fought against the shift, but it was clear he was losing. Fur skimmed over his face and around his neck. The sound of bone cracking to reform split the air. Ears lengthened as his body transformed, clothes vanishing to be replaced with more fur.

  “No, Rogan. Stay put.” Travis tried to keep the shifting man on top of his bed, but it was useless. As a werewolf, Rogan was stronger than his friends. Travis had no chance of keeping him there.

  In less than a couple of minutes, Rogan the man had vanished. Rogan the wolf snarled at Travis, snapped his powerful jaws, then bounded off the bed and out the door.

  Martin started to chase after him, but Travis’s shout stopped him. “Let him go.”

  “But you said you needed more time.” Yet he knew time might already have run out.

  “It doesn’t matter now that he’s already changed.”

  Martin looked into the hallway, but Rogan was gone. “Will he change back?”

  “I hope so but there’s no way for me to know.” Travis sat on the edge of the bed and stared at his hands. “I failed again. Fuck. I don’t know what the hell I can do now.”

  “You have to try again.”

  “If I have time. With the shifts happening more often, I don’t think we have much time left.” His shoulders slumped. “I’m failing my best friend.”

  Martin had never seen Travis so despondent. “Get a grip, man. You’re not failing him. You’re fighting for him. At least you’re doing something. All I can do is stand around and twiddle my thumbs.”

  “Yeah, that’s true.” Travis lifted his head, a smirk on his face.
/>   Martin took the joke good-naturedly, but he had to get his two cents in. “Fuck you.” He turned toward the door before stopping to look back. “And, just so you know, I’m your fucking best friend.”

  He left hearing Travis’s laughter. But what now? He wouldn’t be able to track Rogan down. Once Rogan was in his wolf’s body, then he could travel miles in a short time. The only thing he could do was to leave Travis alone to figure out why the spell hadn’t worked and to wait for Rogan to return home—provided he ever did.

  He could, however, do something more pleasant and think about Lilli. After leaving her confused by Rogan uninviting her to the ranch, they needed to make it up to her. But how? Rogan’s unexpected shifting could cause major problems. What if he shifted again while she was visiting them? What if he shifted again once they’d gotten her in their bed?

  They’d finally found a woman they were all interested in, one they could see as their mate, and they had to keep her at a safe distance.

  Should he and Travis be with her without Rogan? Was that what the future would bring? Although it would tear Rogan’s heart out, Martin knew their friend would want them to be happy.

  No way. It’s one for all and all for one.

  Either they’d all have Lilli as their mate or none of them would.

  Damn it. This is fucked up.

  Chapter Six

  Lilli waited, phone always close by, for the men to call and ask her to visit the ranch. But first one day passed without a phone call, and then another. Most of the time she’d spent in her room, looking up information about ménage relationships. The more information she found, the more intrigued she was. After all, three men for her and her alone? What woman wouldn’t love a relationship situation like that?

  But did they want more than an island fling? Had she read their intentions wrong? Had she thought they were more interested than they actually were? She couldn’t believe so. She wasn’t the type to think every man wanted her for their own. If anything, she’d misread men the other way and hadn’t noticed when they were interested.

  There has to be something else going on. But what?

  She reclined in the Adirondack chair on the patio of the hotel. Her view of the ocean was amazing, but she found she couldn’t devote much pleasure to it. Instead, her mind whirled with unanswered questions. Questions she wasn’t sure would be answered before she had to leave.

  After extending her stay yet another day, she was quickly running out of vacation time, not to mention her boss was running out of patience. Her “short notice vacation” had put him in a bind, having to hire another courier for jobs he’d already assigned to her. But, as much as she hated causing trouble for him, she had to stay on, even if for only a few days longer.

  What else could be holding the men back from contacting her?

  Was it Rogan? From the first moment she’d met him, she’d picked up a vibe that shouted, “something’s off.” She had, of course, ignored her feeling since she didn’t know him well. But when he’d disappeared into the bathroom on the boat, supposedly because he’d gotten seasick, the feeling had grown stronger.

  She couldn’t prove it, and there was no reason to do so, but she didn’t believe for one moment that he’d been seasick. He hadn’t looked like someone who’d spent several minutes hovered over a toilet. Hadn’t, in fact, looked even remotely ill. If anything, he’d appeared to be healthy and virile, just upset about whatever had gone down.

  “Ms. Anderson?”

  Lilli put her hand up to shade her eyes from the bright sun. Had they misplaced her phone number? Maybe they’d called the hotel to give her a message? “Yes?” she said all too-eagerly.

  “Would you like a drink or something to eat?” asked Darla.

  “Oh.” Her disappointment echoed in her ears. “No, I’m good.”

  “Are you sure? I could have the restaurant fix you a snack plate.”

  “No, but thanks.”

  “Okay. Let me know if you change your mind.” Darla pivoted to head back inside the hotel.



  “I don’t suppose there have been any phone calls for me, have there? Or messages?”

  “No. Were you expecting a call?”

  Yes. “No. Just checking.”

  Darla smiled, turned, then abruptly turned back. “I know it’s none of my business, but are you waiting to hear from someone in particular? Maybe someone special? Or maybe even three special someones?”

  Lilli sat up. “What are you talking about?” As if she didn’t know.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “But you did so, please, tell me what’s going on.”

  Darla took the chair next to hers. “Like I said, I don’t mean to butt into your business, but this is a small town and it doesn’t take long for people to talk.”

  “What are they saying?” She wasn’t sure she wanted to know, yet how could she not ask?

  “Nothing bad. Some of the locals have noticed you and three guys we know hanging out together. Like on the whale watching boat. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  Darla started to get up, but Lilli grabbed her hand, keeping her where she was. “What are people saying?”

  Darla swallowed and slipped her hand out of Lilli’s. “It’s all good. They think the three of you look good together. Like you’ve been with each other for a while and are really comfortable together.”


  “Yeah, that’s what they’re saying. Trudy is one of the helpers on the whaling boat, and she told everyone you four were getting really chummy. At least, until Rogan had a problem.”

  She twisted, putting her legs over the side of the chair. “A problem? Do you mean the fact that he got seasick?”

  “Seasick?” Darla blinked, giving Lilli one of those “oh, shit” looks. “Right. He got seasick.” She stood, making sure Lilli couldn’t snag her hand again. “Anyway, if you’re worried about them not contacting you, then I’d call them. From what everyone says, they’re really into you.”

  They’re really into me?

  Sweeter words had never been spoken.

  Was Darla right? Should she call them?

  “Why the hell not?” Snatching up her phone, she stood and lifted it higher. Cell phone reception on the island was spotty at times. As she studied the number of bars growing, she cast her gaze to the side. Down the slope of hillside running toward the ocean was a huge wolf.

  “What the hell?” Forgetting about the call, she stared at the wolf. Did it have a white spot on its forehead like the one she’d seen at the ranch? She zoomed in with her phone’s camera, hoping to get a better look. “Oh my God. It’s the same wolf.”

  “There’s a wolf?”

  She spun around to find a man standing behind her. He carried his laptop and, judging from his shorts and T-shirt, was a tourist. She quickly lowered her hand. “I’m sorry?”

  “You said you saw a wolf.”

  “I did?”

  Before she could stop him, he leaned over the edge and stared down the hill. “Wow. It really is a wolf. And he’s a big one, too. But he’s alone. No pack that I can see. Not even a mate.”

  “Um, maybe he’s a lone wolf.” She tried to take his attention off the animal. Something about the wolf had her wanting to protect it. As though she knew the animal personally. “We’d better go inside to be safe.”

  “Nah, he’s just sitting there watching us. I don’t think he’s going to run up the hill and attack us.” He laughed. “Unless, of course, he’s a werewolf.”

  “A werewolf?” Was he serious? Surely, he didn’t believe the silly stories about the island.

  “Yeah. A werewolf. The island’s supposed to be full of them. Werewolves and vampires and witches. The whole supernatural thing.”

  “But those are just stories. Wild tales for the locals to tell to the tourists.”

  “Maybe.” He grew thoughtful. “But come to think of it, I
was sitting on my balcony the other night”—he turned to point to one of the rooms on the top floor of the hotel—“and I saw a truly amazing sight.”

  She couldn’t help herself. She had to ask. “What was it?”

  He laughed again, making light of what he’d say next. “I thought I saw a man change into a wolf.”

  “You did?” She should’ve laughed but found she couldn’t. Somehow, his story felt all too plausible.

  “Of course it had to be a dream, right? I must’ve dozed off.” He glanced over the edge of the hill again. “Damn. It’s gone. I guess he heard us talking about him.”

  She looked, too, and saw nothing. “Yeah. I guess.” Now was her chance to get away. Wolf or no wolf, she would see the men today. “Anyway, I’ve got to be going. Have a nice day.”

  “You, too.” Yet, instead of looking at her as he spoke, he peered down the hill again, his expression full of confusion.

  She hurried through the lobby of the hotel and out to the scooter. Should she call them first? But what if they told her not to come? Instead, she opted to show up unannounced with some treats.

  The diner was up and running as usual. Miranda waved to her then gestured to a table, but Lilli passed it by and went to the counter.

  “Hey, girl. How are you doing? I heard you went whale watching.”

  Wow. Did the entire town find out about my time with the men?

  “I did, and it was a lot of fun.” She didn’t want to get into a discussion with Miranda, especially about Rogan’s “problem,” so she hurried on. “Do you have any of those cookies and pastries you had the other day?”

  “Sure do. I was just about to bring them out to the case. Would you like one? Or both?”

  “Definitely. Except I’d like to get eight cookies and eight pastries, please. Packed for take-out.”

  Miranda’s eyes gleamed. “Oh, really? Are you planning on eating all of those by yourself?”

  “Hardly.” She didn’t expand. Miranda knew what she was planning.

  “Okay, then. I’ll get those ready in a flash. Max, will you ring her up, please?”


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