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Remembering Earth Mission_From the Ancient Ones, Keepers of Galactic Secrets

Page 10

by Sharon Riegie Maynard


  Power in the Unseen

  Pam began spending hours in the common area at the Center. She was usually alone; it was quiet and gave her space to think. Pam listened to the inner teachers, wrote, and called to mind what her Spiritual friends had done for her. She asked questions as to how to put the information into forms that would allow her to work with Gerri.

  As the end of the second week, she went to Dr. James's office. She wanted to run the ideas past him for his feedback. He was not in when she knocked, and so she left a note folded and taped to the door. Pam wrote:

  Dear Dr. James:

  I met a young woman, Gerri Hall, at the library. I think she is the friend that you had mentioned to me.

  We have talked a lot already, and she has asked me to help her with some of the things I know.

  If you have time, I'd like to talk with you. Maybe this evening.

  Thanks, Pam

  Rory came by after work. He found Pam in her room and knocked on her opened door.

  "Hi, I got your note. Is now a good time to talk?"

  "Sure is," Pam answered.

  Pam picked up some papers and followed Rory out the door. They walked down the hall together.

  "I'm guessing that Gerri Hall is the friend you mentioned to me. Am I right?" asked Pam.

  "You're correct," laughed Rory. "I'm a little surprised. Your angels are pretty powerful to have brought you two together so quickly."

  "I know they are," Pam responded, "and look at what I had to go through to be ready to help her," she joked. "I really like Gerri. She's a warm and sensitive person."

  Rory nodded his agreement.

  He had known that his interactions with Pam and Gerri would not be usual. His training was to listen neutrally and yet he was actively pursuing Pam's experience and information. She had climbed her mountain of challenge and pain with concepts outside of his knowledge. One part of himself warned of danger while another was putting of sturdy hiking boots, ready to scale the heights. Her laughter at the magic and his sincere desire for greater capacity to help those who came to him invited him to risk the climb.

  Sitting in his office, Pam began. "Well, even though the immediate goal is to heal Gerri's trauma from the rape, I know that there is an even greater purpose. That is to allow her to re-connect to her inner Divinity, her spiritual energy, and access the love it produces for her place in Earth mission.

  "I know disconnects within her body circuitry must be addressed. However, I was told that it is essential to start with the heaviness caused by her current issues. That means we will look at the events of this life; experiences and patterns from previous lifetimes on Earth as the circuitry is addressed. Then, family tendencies and particular social culture that impact her. Like the rest of humans, her traumatic experiences have strengthened distorted energy vibrations. Those unbalanced energies act as a blanket over our minds and our emotions. Clearing the density will give her more clarity.”

  "One thing I was told as I began my walk out of pain is that our problems do not have their beginnings in our present lives. The trauma from old experiences, even reaching out before Earth, is stored in vibrational parts of ourselves, group psyches, and affects our current lives. We have forgotten those old patterns and lost the knowledge to reach into our complex regions of unconsciousness to heal all that resides there.”

  "When patterns, thoughts, feelings or behaviors from long-ago appear, the situations make no sense in the current life. The manifestations seem to come from nowhere. These ancient wounds are not accessed by physical senses of sight, sound, hearing, touch, and taste. Therefore, we often feel trapped in patterns that we appear powerless to change.”

  "When there is so much accumulated energy from pain, harshness, and hardships, individuals see life through dark glasses, listen with muted ears that cannot hear and the situations escalate. Mistakenly, we see the escalating manifestations of the problems; use control to stop the actions, and find numbing devices to dull our senses. In that state, we are in denial, and the patterns roll on, escalating and out of control.

  "Darkness from these unhealed energy imprints and vibrations surrounds this planet. Our energy is contaminated. That is the environment in which we birth. This toxic energy environment is true for all of us. Our individual field becomes denser as, over time, we experience more and more 'negative' situations. To the degree that we are not taught how to hear, to hear any faint remnants of Spiritual connections, we get lost in external voices, parasitic overlays, and swept away by hidden seeds/patterns. Generally, we are not encouraged to know, to value or to make good choices to strengthen our true identity. Because all energies interweave, one sabotaging event in the present will have many long ago beginning points.”

  "Those healers who worked with me began with my first Earth experience. They moved forward to the present one. They did this for me over a period of four years. During that time, the distorted and entrapping energy in my life force from beyond Earth was addressed. We went very carefully. Last night, they said they could do the same for Gerri. They will work carefully over several months, always with the intention to powerfully transform without a great deal of discomfort.”

  "We will start with the extensive clearing of her energy bodies. After that, they will work with me to help Gerri release trauma from experiences like the rape. During this work, her Divine circuitry connections within the physical bodysuit will be re-established which includes the entire system of evolutionary codes in the DNA. The spiritual communication center will also be cleared, stabilized, and secured."

  Rory was cautious. Although Rory only partially understood what Pam was saying, he was confident in what he saw in Pam. That the patterns and cycles damaging his clients were of long standing, he had no doubt. He had seen that over the years.

  "You know, I understand a very, very small portion of what you are saying don't you?" He laughed. "My concern is that she be safe. Will this be done in ways that will assure her safety? Also, where?"

  "Well, they worked on me while I was in quiet spaces. Often it was at night or sometimes when I was at the park. I was told that the energy field of Mother Earth is dominant in creating safe space.”

  "I would declare a command for protection and call for total love to surround Gerri during their work. Then, I will make requests as they tell me what is needed. Everything will be under the guidance of Gerri's Higher Conscious Self. In my mind, I will watch the energy fields, listen to her Spiritual team for an indication that the work for her various dimensional bodies is complete for that session. It will be very similar to what they did for me."

  "Of course, it is up to Gerri and her parents. However, I would like to be there or have someone with you to watch Gerri's reaction. It's like blazing a new trail, and I'm excited as well as a little hesitant. But, I cannot recommend one way or the other."

  "That's understandable," said Pam. "I'll talk it over with Gerri."

  Pam's notes for the processes to be used for Gerri:

  I will call this work, Triangular Angelic Grids.

  Working with Beings in the unseen, represented by the word Angelic, we intend to transform energy grids by releasing negative imprints, removing parasitic attachments, and correcting Galactic imbalances.

  When free from chaos and Outsider attachments, Sovereignty exists in the field. Sovereignty allows vibrations to self-correct to the Soul's Divine Harmonic frequencies.

  Restored energy vibrations form triangles, the basis of all forms of sacred geometric vortexes and patterns. Healthy energy will always form triangles and Triangles touching triangles cause grids of incredible strength! So, Triangle Angelic Grids, restoring humanity to their Soul's Harmonics.

  According to Universal Law for Earth, requests/declarations from those in physical bodysuits require those in Spirit to respond.

  All TAG work is done under the direction of the individual's Soul and Spiritual teams.

  TAG Healing intentions will consist of a s
eries of requests/declarations.

  Each Matrix creates energy waves that form a sacred geometric field with vibrations unique to the individual's need. This vortex will consist of specific commands. For example, one will be declarations to eliminate the dense energy stored within, around and through all vibrational bodies; spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.

  Another Matrix will contain commands for activating the Divine DNA, correcting the body's circuitry and re-establishing the spiritual communication center

  Creating Statements:

  Gerri will have to be the one to call for new situations for her life. Her requests will allow greater transformation of old patterns and experiences because "As a man thinketh, so is he." Writing the statements in a journal is my suggestion. The affirmation process will be too slow. Let's create a process that adds working with her Spiritual team to the declaration process. Their assistance will cause a shift beyond the conscious mind, into the complexity of our multi-dimensional worlds.

  So, I will have her start with a statement that she creates, a new possibility or goal. There is really no right or wrong way to begin.

  The steps ought to be easy:

  Gerri will describe the qualities and/or values she says that those who work with her from the unseen worlds must have; i.e., wisdom, honesty, commitment, etc.

  Then, she writes the statements something like, “I am safe in communities that value my gifts and insights."

  TAG and Transform: I'll use "TAG and Transform" are code words that give her Spiritual team permission to active identify seeds and remove them when any discomfort appears in Gerri's life. TAG and Transform can be the command to clear energy in a similar way as what I have called a Spiritual healing. Should be fun to play with the shorthand words.

  Note to myself: Speak to Shadow to make sure the requests are complete and ask for whatever additional information is needed. As the Ancient Ones awaken, these processes may be the way for them to quickly move out of their states of mind-control, denial, and density. They can then lead the way for our planetary shift.

  Authors invitation: I have written a downloadable e-book which includes the TAG processes that Pam created for Gerri. I'd be delighted to send it to you. Remembering the Mission Workbook.


  The Journey Begins

  It was a few more days before Pam called Gerri. She was quite excited about how the processes were coming together.

  "Hi, Gerri, this is Pam. How are your studies going?"

  "Well, they seem to be getting easier. I have turned a project into one of my professors. But, I have a lot of apprehension about the legal processes from the rape. Being targeted is unfair and cruel. I know that I am not the only woman who has dealt with it, but I am so angry."

  "Heh, whenever you need me, I'm here," Pam offered.

  "Thanks. I don't know how I could do this without you and Rory. My parents, of course, have been wonderful, but they still have a hard time knowing how to help me. What have you been up to?"

  Pam could hardly contain her excitement. "Well, I'm ready to do some work with you."

  "Really?" Gerri's voice lifted. "When can we start and what will be involved? I mean, how do we do this?"

  Gerri's voice betrayed her anticipation.

  "First, we need some quiet space and time when we will not be disturbed. I'll work with a team of Spiritual Healers. They will examine your energy to locate distorted frequencies, anything that is not in harmony with your basic core frequency. The requests I am putting together are intended to permit those Healers to go after the distorted vibrations. Think of it as clearing from your various energy fields like combing tangles out of hair."

  To help Gerri understand, Pam said, "Remember how you said you felt calmer when I was around, even before you knew me?"


  "Well, several times I used a shortened version of what we will be doing. You could feel how it cleared those uncomfortable feelings and left you in a lighter place?" Pam asked.

  "That's right. Something changed, and I did feel better," Gerri acknowledged.

  "So that is what we'll be doing, but more deeply. My Spiritual team suggests that we do two sessions over the next month and then see what we might address in another two." Then Pam laughed, "Oh, you will have some homework to do,"

  Gerri manufactured a groan.

  “After those first two, I suspect we'll do specific work involving other negative patterns. Probably, the rape incident will be part of those."

  "When can we get started?" Gerri asked feeling very hopeful.

  "I want you to talk it over with your parents. Then all we need is quiet. Of course, privacy, and a comfortable place where you can lie down while we work. I want to have lots of objects from nature around you to provide a steady vibrational force field.

  "Rory would like to be there or have someone with us to make sure you're okay throughout the session."

  "Is it going to be dangerous?" Gerri responded with a little apprehension.

  "Oh, no," laughed Pam. "But he wants you to be supported, and so do I."

  "You know that the places I love best are out in nature. The park is too public; maybe we could go up in one of the mountains, by the pines and lake," Gerri suggested.

  "Oh, that sounds wonderful. Do you know of a place?" Pam was excited.

  "Sure, how would Sunday afternoon work for you?"

  "Be perfect. What time?"

  "Well, if we leave by nine in the morning, we will have the best part of the day to work."

  "Gerri, do you want to ask Rory, or is there someone else?"

  "No. Rory is the one and, yes, I'll ask him," laughed Gerri.

  "Another thing," Pam interjected." I don't want you to drive. For a short time after each session, you may feel like staying in a very detached space. I want you to be free to do that and to be taken care of."

  "Sounds great," Gerri giggled. "Since you don't have a car and I may want to float, Rory is the candidate for the driver.

  "By the way," Gerri added. "I have put my notes from our talk into my computer. I think they are accurate. I'd like you to look them over when you have time."

  "Great! I'd love to do that. See you Sunday."


  Gaia Calls

  The week had been hectic for Bob. At times like this, the mountains were his promise of peace. As he took the sharp curves, he stayed focused on his driving. When the road straightened out, the urgency of re-connecting to the planet floated back in his mind. Once again he became the commander. There was no way he would allow the insanity of humankind to take away the beauty and healing power of these hills, trees, animals, and meadows. His armies were the rocks, the trees, the water, and the air.

  He called to them, "No energy of fear or destruction can remain on the planet! Whatever it takes to negate those vibrations, I command that it be so.”

  "I command that boundaries surround my Mother, the Earth, all of her creations and all of her inhabitants to prevent any invasion. I command her healing now!"

  Maybe it was only a game he was playing, but the words came with such urgency and clarity. There was certainly no harm done in speaking to them.

  He had decided to go to the same spot where he had camped two weekends ago. It had been glorious and very few people found their way up there. It felt like the top of the world. He knew exactly where he wanted to stand to reaffirm the vision.

  It was quite a drive for only a day trip, but Bob had left early. This time being in nature wasn't for his relaxation. Going into the mountains today was for the planet.

  He pulled into a parking place about 10:30 a. m. Imagining the perfect spot to anchor the energy of the vision, Bob gathered his backpack from the back seat and looked through it. It would take a short hike to get there. There was water, a book in case he wanted to read, paper, pen and a crystal wrapped in a square of blue velvet.

  Assured that he had everything, he locked the car and started on his way.

>   Bob had left the parking area when Rory pulled into a parking place a short distance from Bob's car. Gerri and Pam were with him. They had done the first clearing session here and were ready to do the second. The previous one had been a very sacred experience for them. It was like walking a path that was at the same time strange, new and yet familiar.

  The Guides had explained the work to Pam. They had assured her that its purpose was beyond relieving Gerri's pain. As Pam had suspected, it was to give the Ancient Ones a tool to begin removing enough density to allow healing into the complexity that is the Common Life Force. With Sovereignty within their multiple dimensional bodies; integration with their Divine selves; structuring their life to their original plans, the activation of their missions would unfold.

  Gerri had been surprised and blessed with the appearance of wonderful angels during her first session. They had come in glorious rays of color. She felt the energy within her body awaken and shift as they moved their hands over her body.

  Since then, she had kept a journal in which she recorded changes she experienced, like her new sense of connectedness. She also noted any old thinking or life situations that she no longer wanted to experience. With these unwanted patterns, she made new choices with Pam's help using the Reality Statement process. The intentions Pam held for the techniques to turn Gerri's decisions over to her Soul Self and angels was assuring. These Beings, committed to Gerri's greatest good, then had permission to heal patterns that would otherwise sabotage her new choices. The process included instructions to plant the energy imprints necessary for the manifestation. She was already noticing that supportive individuals were coming into her life and ideas were appearing in her mind that were helping her in her school projects as well as for the direction of her life.

  Also, after the first session, Gerri said she had felt a part of her burden lift, and she was excited with life for the first time in more years than she could remember.


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