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Remembering Earth Mission_From the Ancient Ones, Keepers of Galactic Secrets

Page 11

by Sharon Riegie Maynard

  Rory had listened to Pam's conversations with Gerri, and he had done the assignments for himself. He felt as if these tools that Pam called TAG Matrix may give him a way to move forward in his life and in helping his clients. Rory had decided to ask Pam if she would work with the angels on his patterns. Depending on his experience, he may want to learn from her and include the work in his practice or possibly refer others to her. What that would mean to his professional standing was unknown, and he was willing to continue to scale the mountain that Pam presented.

  Rory, Pam, and Gerri gathered their blankets, books, and food from the car. They walked excitedly in the direction of their spot, a sanctuary in a small valley a little distance from the parking lot. An awesome rocky outcropping stood guard on one side. There were pines, aspens and various grasses covering the hills and the valley floor. Rocks and trees on the northern end cradled a shimmering blue lake.

  They stopped in the shady grove they had claimed as their own. Snuggled among the trees, they went about their preparation. Once they sat in the grove, the magnificent rocky cliff was in full view, but little else.

  Gerri spread her blanket in a place that felt right to her. Pam folded her blanket and put it on top of the food she had carried in. She then arranged her pencils and paper next to Gerri's spot.

  Rory took off his shoes, folded his blanket into a cushion and positioned it close to some boulders. The blanket would cushion his back against the large rocks that served as his backrest.

  When she was ready, Gerri lay down, shifted her body until she was comfortable and then closed her eyes. Pam covered her with a blanket and moved carefully to place stones and crystals around and on her body as if creating a mosaic from some inner vision. With that done, they were ready to begin.

  They each honored the law of Earth. They asked that Gerri's angels guard their work and this spot. They instructed their Spiritual guides that only energy direct from the light of Good be allowed to surround them. They asked that the gold vibration of Christ enclose and protect them. When they were each assured that their requests had been heard and honored, they smiled at each other. Pam moved to place her hands at Gerri's head and the second session began.

  Pam had scarcely begun the work at one end of the valley when Bob finished his hike. He had back-tracked a few times to find a way to the top of this massive rocky mount, but he had had less difficulty then he had expected. Bob climbed over the last huge boulders, took a long, deep breath and stood on the mesa. He inched toward the edge. Looking out, he saw a panorama of mountains and trees that went on as far as the eye could see. Bob was awed. The view was even more magnificent then he had remembered.

  He stepped back, swung the backpack to the ground and took a drink from his water bottle. His hand moved inside the pack to locate the pouch that held his crystal. Cupping it in his hand, he walked around the area to find the right spot. He sensed where it was, stood quietly, and closed his eyes. He breathed his love, his strength for the Web of Life, like colors of the rainbow, into the clear stone. Slowly bringing the vision for Earth to mind, Bob called out.

  "I call to my Mother and Father of all good. I am here to command and re-dedicate energy to the vision of the wholeness of the planet. I call for the consciousness of all of Earth's children: the rocks, the fire, the air, the water, the animals, plants, and birds from all parts of the planet to listen to my requests.”

  "I stand as one who has the right to call for the protection and preservation of my family. My family springs from the Light and from the Earth. This Earth, our family home for thriving and beauty, was created directly from Light of Good. I demand that boundaries be positioned, maintained and strengthened to stop any invasion of any distorted, imbalanced or Outsider forms. I decree that all darkness and density be transmuted, and the beginning cause of the distortion be identified and eliminated.”

  "With authority, I call for all Spiritual friends of integrity to carry out this request."

  He became quiet and waited. Feeling an inner lifting and swelling of his heart, Bob continued. He knew Spiritual friends were with him.

  "I ask that you begin the implementation and completion of this request on this planet."

  Again he paused, and tears flowed down his cheeks.

  "I hold this crystal," Bob continued cupping his crystal in his hands, "and program it with the power to hold this vision. I command that its vibrations broadcast continually.”

  "I command, and these actions are taken now."

  Then he acknowledged those in Spirit. "I give thanks for your presence!"

  With his arms outstretched, Bob stood. Power radiated from his body as he turned slowly in every direction.

  Gradually, he came back to an awareness of his physical environment. Its beauty refreshed him. Bob sat down, brought the crystal to his lips and blessed it. He waited for what to do next.

  While listening for words from his friends in Spirit, Bob scanned the valley below him. The lake was glistening at the far end, groves of quaking aspen shimmered in the breeze, and the birds sang their songs.

  Off to one side, he noticed three people in a grove of trees. As he looked more closely, he realized that they were the same three he had seen two weeks ago.

  Struck by the synchronism of this second encounter, he watched them for a while. Several times, one, a tall woman, moved around a blanket upon which another woman lay. Then, she walked to the woman's head, knelt as if in prayer, arose to sit next to the young man. Bob was touched by the scene and knew that somehow their presence was a part of the sacredness of his vision.

  He brought his thoughts back to his task. Should he place the crystal here, where he had re-confirmed his vision? The answer flashed in his mind, "No, move to the area by your backpack."

  He moved over to the group of rocks where his backpack lay. Digging through the dirt with his fingers, Bob created a deep hole. He very carefully placed the crystal in it, and gently covered the sacred spot with soil, some wildflower seeds and stones from the surrounding area.

  Smiling his satisfaction, he lifted the water bottle to his lips, took a long drink and then watered the seeds.

  As Bob rose to climb down the boulders, Rory left the grove to go back to the car. They had missed some food. As Rory followed the trail through the meadow grasses, he noticed a tall, dark-haired man climbing over the rough boulders at the far side of the outcropping. Rory stopped and watched to make sure the man reached the ground safely. Rory was about 5 feet away when he saw the man's foot touch the earth. He looked up as Bob balanced himself.

  Their eyes met, and the dark haired man raised his arm in a greeting.

  Rory moved closer and called out, "That was quite a climb. You must have been the one I saw at the top most of the day. I wondered how you had gotten up there."

  Bob laughed. He spoke as he walked toward Rory.

  "It must be the goat in me. Actually, it wasn't too difficult, just took a little determination. The sight was mind-boggling, well worth the effort.”

  "I noticed you and your friends," Bob responded. "It's a great place for quiet time."

  "I'm on my way to the car for some food. Would you like to join us?" Rory invited. "We certainly have plenty."

  Bob hesitated and then before he knew it, he was saying, "I'm about ready to leave, but I'd love to visit for a few minutes. Sure."

  Bob asked questions. Rory talked. Bob wondered, what was the attraction? He listened to this man. As a lawyer, Bob was trained to pay attention to words and body language. People's conversations gave clues about themselves. Bob was aware that he was gathering information as he asked questions. This meeting was unusual given the circumstances, and yet he did not feel uncomfortable.

  As they got closer to the grove, the tall woman ran toward them.

  "Rory," Pam called excitedly "We just saw a large bird circle and glide above us. It may have been a hawk or even an eagle. I'm taking it as a blessing."

  Then she turned to the new man with Rory.r />
  "Hi, my name is Pam."

  The next day Bob sat at the desk in his law office. His thoughts were miles away from his professional surroundings.

  He was back on the mountain wearing a T-shirt, jeans and chatting comfortably with Rory. They walked, carrying the food. Pam's face came back to him.

  He could see her in his mind's eye, could see the way she moved, could hear the joy in her voice. There had been stirring in his heart as she greeted him. He looked into her eyes and then he knew.

  She was the one.

  He smiled. He did not know it then, but his life would never be the same.

  Gerri's notes:

  Wow! What an experience. The energy is still running through my body, and I am sleeping more than usual. Pam says that is to be expected for a few days. Sleep will give my body time to readjust to the changes in my vibrational fields.

  I was so blessed to see my angels and feel their work. I have such gratitude for their presence in my life.

  Now I realize that to remember and claim my Divine wholeness is my first step. Asking and hearing how to reconnect with my actual state of health, peace, and happiness will be the next. And, to be at one with my Divinity is the goal. I know that it is my belief in my Divinity, my state of wholeness that will bring me to wellness. I will not stop until I am daily living from that place.

  The Fall

  50,000 years ago -Cro-Magnon

  Adam and Eve wandered into the desolate lands that had been allotted them by the controlling authority. Eve had chosen to walk into this change of plans. It would give her more time to hone her skills of discerning expansive energy from constrictive energy.

  She and Adam set about working to make a shelter and to find food. How very different this was from the ease and beauty of the garden she had designed and called into being.

  But, this was what she had chosen. Once she felt settled, she reached out to her Spiritual teacher. And that is when she discovered it. Her channels were blocked!

  She reached within for her backup system only to realize that it was crippled. Frantically she surveyed the circuitry systems within the earth bodysuit, and one by one found that they had all been shifted, changed or eliminated.

  Those who had enslaved the Galactic families had not only discovered her presence; they had blocked their communications! Were she and Adam trapped in this territory controlled by their enemies? This crippling in the body suit did not bode well. Without the guidance how would they have the means to complete their mission and return home?

  She had thought she would have time to strengthen to accomplish her mission. What had she done? How could she have been so wrong?

  Then, another question arose. What about the other volunteers? How would this affect them?

  It was then that great sorrow at what was lost filled her.


  Greater Capacity to Heal

  Gerri called Pam at the Center.

  "Pam, I'm in real trouble."

  Pam heard the voice on the other end and didn't have to be told more. Her whole body responded.

  "Where are you, Gerri?"

  "I am at the library. I was studying. A couple of teenage boys came in. Pam, I'm so scared."

  "I'll be right there."

  Pam dashed off a note for Rory and dropped it on his desk. She grabbed a small blanket, her paper, and pencil and sprinted out the door. Pam walked hurriedly toward the library.

  She found Gerri huddled on the steps in front of the building. Her back was pressed up against the small retaining wall.

  Pam sat down by Gerri and took her hand.

  "Gerri, I want you to remember that I have been in pain too and I know how hopeless it can feel. You are not alone. I'm here for you.”

  They sat quietly, oblivious to the few patrons moving in and out of the building.

  "Do you feel okay about walking over to the park?" Pam asked.

  "Yes, I'm okay with that. Oh, Pam, I hurt so badly." Gerri's quiet sobs continued.

  "Your pain is coming up because it is time for it to be heard and cleared. Let's sit under the maples. When you are ready, we will work with your angels. They can heal the wound.”

  "I left a note for Rory to hold sacred space for us," Pam added. "He will get it as soon as he gets to the Center. He loves you and will hold protected space. You are not alone."

  Pam lifted Gerri gently to her feet and kept her arm around Gerri's waist as they walked to the park.

  The sun was warm, and the birds were singing. Soft white clouds floated aimlessly across the sky. People were doing park things: children playing games; mothers playing with babies, lovers holding hands. But Gerri was not aware of any of this. She drew strength from Pam and gave herself into her friend's care.

  They found a secluded area under the maples and sat on the grass. Pam held Gerri's hands in her own.

  "Gerri, remember what I told you about my hurts and wounds?"

  Gerri nodded.

  "After the clearings lifted my density, I could see patterns more clearly. Memories began to come back. As injured parts of myself showed up, I discovered thoughts and feelings that were very painful.

  "You are feeling a wounded part of yourself. It is begging to be heard and to be relieved of the hurt. Would you like to tell me what you are feeling? I am here just to listen." Then Pam sat silently.

  Gerri's hands clenched tightly under Pam's. She talked and cried. Pam listened. Time was not a factor as Gerri's emotions emptied and filled and emptied again.

  Then Pam sensed a shift, and she asked, "Are you ready to do the next steps?"

  "Yes I am," responded Gerri.

  "Let me spread the blanket for you. I'll guide you through a simple, relaxation exercise and then I'll ask questions. You give me whatever answers appear in your mind. It will be like telling a story."

  Pam called in her Spiritual friends and the angels that had appeared for Gerri. At her request, they lifted dense vibration from the physical location and protected the space for Gerri. Pam sat with her paper and pencil and began.

  "Gerri, get a sense of how solidly you are supported here on the grass and in the energy arms of Mother. You are held in total safety and with great power. For this time, you can tell your physical body simply to relax into the arms of those in the unseen."

  Pam waited until she sensed a shift in Gerri's energy.

  "There are vibrations around you to nourish and refresh all parts of your physical body. Your body can be at peace in this field of Light.

  "Focus on your breathing. Notice the ease of your breath." Pam continued until she felt a calm moving through Gerri's body.

  "Now, Gerri, there is a part of yourself that is feeling great pain. I'd like to talk to that pain. When it is ready, words will bubble up in your mind. When that happens, let yourself say, 'I am here.'"

  Pam sat quietly and watched Gerri's face and breathing.

  Very soon, "I am here," came from Gerri's lips. It sounded like a young child's voice, scared and full of pain. Tears trickled out of the corner of Gerri's eyes.

  Step by careful step, Pam led Gerri through the feelings to the place the pain resided in her body. Then she asked Gerri's higher consciousness to take her back to the time this pain began.

  Going back as far as was necessary was like floating on a cloud.

  The story Gerri saw, re-experienced and related was surprising. She told the story she saw with short, concise sentences.

  She was young, maybe sixteen years old, wearing much worn clothing. She was happy living with her parents. She and her mother did cleaning and cooking type work to help the family survive, but she felt loved. Gerri said, "I sense this is my first time on the planet in a physical bodysuit."

  She had been sent to the ruler's home to do some work. She didn't like to go because she didn't feel safe there. But, on the other hand, she wanted to go because of the ruler's son. He was quite handsome, and she thought he liked her. She felt something good around him, and that m
ade her smile. Wanting to go and yet reluctant. She looked around and knew that being near his father caused her to be uneasy.

  Pam moved her gently forward in time until the emotions began to change.

  Next, Gerri, who hears her name as Shera, sees herself in the large home of the ruler. The son is watching her from a distance. Gerri knows he is there. Once in a while, she looks up, catches his eye and smiles.

  Suddenly her voice changed.

  "Oh no!" sobs Gerri. "He does not see, but his father is coming. I'm scared, so frightened. I can't say anything to warn him."

  "Lighten the fear, Gerri. Breathe it outside of yourself. You don't need to feel the heaviness of it. You can safely be just the storyteller."

  Gerri's breathing slowed.

  "He's yelling at his son for watching me. I'm his property. He owns everything. He'll show him what it means to be powerful and take whatever one wants. His son is trying to stop him. They're fighting.”

  "Oh, Oh... the father has knocked his son to the ground and kicked him over and over again in the stomach. He's coming for me. I can't run. I can't scream. I feel frozen; I'm so afraid."

  Pam spoke gently and yet firmly, "Gerri, move ahead. Float safely to what is necessary for you to see. Move forward surrounded and protected by your Spiritual friends.”

  "What else is occurring?"

  "His son is pulling himself up. He's screaming and crying. He's coming toward me. Now, his son is holding me, rocking with me."

  The next words Gerri's spoke were dull, emotionless.

  "I have been raped. I feel lifeless; maybe I'm dead."

  "Tell me, what you as Shera decided?" asked Pam.

  Gerri slowly answered Pam's question.

  "Men are cruel and can't be trusted," she began. Pam sat with the quiet while Gerri seemed to think. Then Gerri continued, "Somebody owns me."

  There was another long pause, and when the words came, tears ran down Gerri's cheeks.

  "I can't be with the one I love."


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