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Remembering Earth Mission_From the Ancient Ones, Keepers of Galactic Secrets

Page 12

by Sharon Riegie Maynard

  Her sobs were from a Soul depth, rolling through her body like the release of slowly flowing lava. Gerri turned her head into the blanket. Then she added, "Life is harsh and not worth living."

  She lay quietly, and her breathing slowed.

  "Look around you, Geri," urged Pam. "Your angels are there to help her, and she doesn't know it. Call to them and invite them to come closer."

  Pam waited.

  "Oh, yes, I can see them. Shera can see the angels also. They're in beautiful colors of light."

  "Gerri, you as Shera gave yourself messages that set a course for future lifetimes. Those messages have created imprints and anchored patterns. You have been living life from the decisions you made in that lifetime. From this future place, ask the angels what you as Shera was trying to understand from that experience."

  Gerri lay breathing softly, her eyes closed.

  "They say I was trying to understand the impact that the Outsider's crippling and choices from fear had left on our Divine families on Earth mission. I was to understand the impact of duality; of balance and imbalance, of power and powerless. It was critical to know on this planet what thinking creates in individual lives. I had never experienced the manifested forms, actions and emotions that come from imbalance and entrapment. In that situation I did."

  "Gerri, ask the angels if it is necessary for Shera and you to continue experiencing domination and duality and the pain it brings."

  Again, Gerri was quiet.

  "No, now we understand."

  Using the Reality Statement technique, Pam helped Gerri create statements for new patterns and outcomes for Shera. After the young sixteen-year-old was given new understanding and more significant resources, her pain dissolved as if the rape had never happened. Pam continued to work with Gerri until there were an inner shift and a healing completion.

  Gerri lay and dozed for a short time. Pam kept a close watch over her friend, asked questions of the Spiritual healers and angels and declared permission for what they indicated they could do for Gerri.

  Gerri turned, opened her eyes and reached for Pam's hand. Then she took a deep breath.

  "Pam, you have talked about how events in this lifetime have their beginnings eons ago. I trusted you knew because of information you had received and the experiences you had had. But, I didn't fully comprehend how the past fits together in my life. Now, I understand."

  Gerri lay for a time thinking of what she had just been shown. Then, she looked into her friend's eyes.

  Gerri said quietly, "Pam, the Soul as the father in that long-ago time was the same Soul within Dean, the man at the University who raped me."

  "And," she continued, her eyes closed to her outside surroundings, "Rory was the son."

  Gerri paused for a minute as if to gather her strength. Tears trickled out of the corners of her eyes, she continued.

  "As I slept, I could hear Rory say from far back in time, 'I will be there to help you awaken.'

  Gerri breathed, and with a voice quivering with emotion she went on.

  "And finally, finally after all these lifetimes, that is what he has done."

  Both women's eyes filled with tears, the azure blue, and the deep brown.

  Dana, as Pam, had shared enough knowledge with Rory and Gerri for her mission assignment to begin. She smiled as she held Gerri. Then, very quietly, Pam heard Shadow's inner voice. "You now know the basics, my little one. Before long you will be shown the greater picture."

  Later in the quiet of the Center, Pam wrote as Shadow spoke to her.

  "The warning voices are around you, but many do not want to know that the seeds of pain are within them, within all of you. Souls in physical bodysuits have been conditioned to live in denial of their pain, discounting their divinity and authority. They have suffered well, planning for some grand relief after the death of the body. In this way, the Outsider controls them. But, their children will become the message givers. The age-old wounds, domination, usury, and crippling will manifest in the next generations. Will humanity care enough about their children to hear their pain, their children's cries for help and finally look at their part in transforming the complex imprints? Will they open their eyes to see what is at the core of the violence and greed on their planet?"

  Surprise moved Pam back to herself. What did Shadow mean? There was more to understand? How could the pain, the violence, and the chaos get any greater?

  Mission Call - We Need You Here

  Then Pam wrote the words that flowed into her mind, "I have a few words to add as Dana, the High Priestess. Remember that first flow of words from your Spiritual friends: "Our Dearest one...”

  "Those words from the Spiritual worlds opened the door to allow you to communicate with a Higher Power. It became your source of peace and hope as you walked out of pain and into your life. The words of those Spiritual friends have been accurate every step of the way in expanding your life.

  From the beginning, whether there were questions of survival or about the glorious outpouring of love that redirected your life, the words came. When you were discouraged and doubtful, the words came. When you felt confused, the words were there.

  You have experienced the power of personal communication with source. Know it is available for all. Spirit speaks to all of because all aspects of Good; love, generosity, compassion, creativity, is everywhere present. The power of Spiritual connection is a gift to be given to the masses, not to be held back and reserved for the few. We are in this life for a purpose, and the bigger picture must be known. Why don't we ask? Why don't we hear? Why do we live in pain? Why do we doubt and fear?

  Untangling the fabric of your lives takes great courage and commitment. It requires all the skill and support you can bring to the job. Reweaving the threads into new patterns is empowering and challenging.

  There are many who are being asked to remember their promise to participate in a world of wholeness and peace. And yet humanity has been cut off from the very stories that would give them the solid foundations upon which to stand. I share this with you from the highest place of integrity. Just as the information has come through to you, I now invite you to present it to others. It is part of a Spiritual effort to help individuals understand, step out of their costumes of untruth and move back into the Oneness, the Divine that All are.

  Is it only a game? Maybe all of life is a game, and the question is what game will save the Earth and her inhabitants from further distortion, pain, and spiritual death?

  I have an invitation for you to share:

  "My Dearest, Beloved Friends:

  "Join me. Hold my hand. Stop struggling, stop hiding your goodness and power under costumes of lack, shame and guilt.

  "We are one family. Let's play in the Light together and experience our lives from authenticity. It will not be the same until you are there. You are truly Divine, and you always have been Divine.

  "That is what I have always known, and what I am here now to remind you.

  "Come, Be Whole.

  "We need you here!"


  Authors invitation: I would love to send you the Free a downloadable e-book with the TAG processes and Universal Laws that will guide you as you begin your own awakening.

  Here's the link: Remembering the Mission Workbook.

  And a place for comments: What was new? valuable? questions left to be answered?

  I'd love and appreciate an Amazon review from you.

  REMEMBERING MISSION is the first book in a trilogy the Ancient Ones have planned. You can sign up HERE to be on my mailing list for more interactions Also, I'll send you a notice for the next book, THE CRIES OF THE CHILDREN



  Ancient Ones, from Worlds beyond Earth, began life on this planet with a very clear purpose, to restore the Balance and Good. Successive lifetimes of subjugation, survival, conflict, and despair took a great toll on them and the Divine plan receded.

hout Earth time, others from those Worlds beyond Earth came to inspire hope and to restore the vision. Some were heard and most were ignored. The matrix of entrapment expanded.

  This book tells the story of those Ancient Ones, They speak again to restore truths that can bring light to a world held in the darkness of deceit and control, the very agendas they had volunteered to eradicate 600,000 years ago. Although the concepts of domination, violence, greed have been normalized, remembering the mission will awaken you. It will inspire you to stand on new truths, see with new eyes, free your consciousness, and bring forth the Original vision; a World of Balance and Good.

  This book was first published by Divine Directive in June 1995. In light of the growing Outsider presence on the planet, I felt it critical to republish Mission Remembered, the first book in a trilogy. May we remember the mission that we volunteered to serve.




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